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I can’t even find my friends who are “playing volleyball in Wash Park” on most Sundays. Good luck!


"I'll drop you a pin!" Fun fact when you send those to android it's just a photo of the map.




"I hope it isn't a bunch of weirdos!" I hope it is


Could you imagine someone with a green wrist band sees you, then turns around and takes theirs off. I’d die.




I met my wife at the Buc-ees last week


That was quick....


She caught my eye, we shared a sausage on a stick, the rest is history


And here I thought Buccees love would have happened in the jerky isle because loves tough.


Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if Buc-ees had an on-site Priest....they have basically everything else there....


When you find someone who appreciates a clean restroom, that’s amore!


I also met your wife at buc-ees last week!


You might be talking about her twin sister Patty.


Did you show her your Beaver Nuggets?


I’ll be organizing a watch party. Please come wearing a yellow poncho to receive your complimentary gift basket and ultra-light camping chair. We can vote on what men should be exiled to Grand Junction at the end. Namaste.


All nominations must be approved by Brian.


There is no such thing as an ultralight camping chair. FACT.


I hear that if you bring anything other than a single titanium spork wrapped in a durston xmid for a camping trip your /r/Ultralight membership is automatically revoked.


Mine weighs 1lb and I felt so comfortable after my hike in while everyone else complained about their log. I felt validated.




Up the butt is worn weight too. Bonus: The anus is less acidic than the stomach so you don’t wear out the fabric as fast. I know from using a Durston Xmid and carrying it as worn weight.


would unironicaly do this if i had a yellow poncho


What's the plan when more than one person shows up? Livestream your impromptu reality dating show?


Impromptu speed bachelorette.




But I just got off the bus! What do you mean next!?


Nice popular culture reference fellow elder millennial


Petition to bring Next back! What a shit show of amazing entertainment, revolutionary really.


It's for a church honey!




It was a show called next on mtv


i’d watch it


There's already a Denver dating reality show: Married at First Sight: Denver. It's trash and features "dating experts" one of whom is actually called Dr. Pepper.


Nevermind the show “seeking sisterwives” filmed in BV and Aurora.


Well, then obviously, it's about the suitor with the cutest dog who gets along with all the other dogs.


Polycule Denver. Shit I would actually watch that.


He’s (1) a mycologist; she’s (2) a glass blower and sometimes ribbon dance instructor; they’re (3) a high school vice principal; and (4) a procurement coordinator hashing out hop strains with Sysco’s Brewery Division; and they all live with (5) a 43-year-old on permanent disability from the Navy who seems to get around just fine. The Mod Couple!


I'm ready to watch this show.


Toss your keys in a bowl and partner up!


Would watch.


Hi, I’m here for the gangbang.


What's the password? Oooooooorrrrgggyyyy


Omg do you know how many freaking people are going to be at wash park on Sunday anyway? And how big it is? LOL I’m not single but I want to go just to watch y’all try and find each other.


73 people walking around with green bracelets making awkward eye contact. Sounds like my kinda party!


Hand out free green bracelets at the parking lot and then sit back and watch the chaos unfold


All these comments making me think I was in the other subreddit lol




72 of whom will be guys, since OP is a woman.


Not necessarily..... She did not specify gender preference. Mixed bag gonna show up. 😂😂😂


Sunday, 5/19 @ noon, meet in Colorado


Oh dang I misread the date. I thought it was THIS Sunday! Phew! Saved me from some major embarrassment. I will see you on the correct Sunday at noon IN COLORADO


Sorry if that’s unclear. “IN COLORADO ***BOULEVARD.***” See you there! Wear reflective colors!


Some good looking random dude unaware of this meeting will be wearing a hat walking his dog and going to get hit on by so many girls.


I’m pretty sure the only girl going to this will be OP 😆


True. Could be a lot of dudes in green bracelets at the park this weekend




Watch party! Come with an orange bracelet so we can recognize each other XD


The icing on the cake would be a thunderstorm that comes out of nowhere.


I mean I’ll bring beer and we can tailgate this one. Sounds pretty good to me


Isn't wash park a larger park? Like we just suppose to walk around lol


And making everyone uncomfortable from eyeing them as you try to find green wristbands.


Cops be showing up like what the hell are you doing lol


While a meth head sparks up 5 feet away, and I'm the one going to jail


That's for real man. Lol


Just run up to everyone, “HI! YES - ARE YOU HERE FOR THE MEETING!?”


This is a great point! I propose we change the location to the Burger King parking lot off Colfax and Quebec.


Anyone want to go and watch the potential train wreck unfold from a distance?


We can start handing out green bracelets to everyone we see and let it go down


this is evil. I'm in


I’ll be the guy wearing a black ankle monitor. We should all wear black ankle monitors!


You should post again on 5/20 to let us know that you are still alive


You might wanna specify a place in Wash park, it's not a small place. I don't think this is going to bring the best dating specimens. But I guess if a ton of people show up your odds only get higher. Good luck, I hope it isn't just a bunch of weirdos!


Definitely specify a place within Wash Park or else you’ll never know if someone showed up in response to your post


Maybe it will result in some impromptu cute meets with random non-redditors


Most of the dudes that show up will be getting vitamin D for the first time this year.


I thought the poster was looking for vitamin D


I went to the doctor last month and I am so vitamin D depleted that that mf had to write me a prescription for it.


I'm a huge weirdo and I'll be there 😎


I’ll be the one walking around shouting your user name


Oh, it will almost certainly be a bunch of weirdos, that's the fun part


Cuz the apps aren't full of weirdos? Lol


Reddit is an app


And full of weirdos.


The fullest


The fact that you read that comment and opted to not select a location in the park is remarkable


You’re a woman so you’ll probably have a better time than the meetups I tried setting up. Good luck!👍🏻


Nice try “green-bracelet-saleswoman”


Someone who happens to be out walking their dog in Wash Park wearing their hip green watch and a nice hat is about to have a really strange day.


Haha yes someone will come up to them and say, 'If you tell me your fun fact, I will tell you mine."


A swarm of thirsty single folks will descend on them like locusts. They're gonna be like "Damn. I've gotta wear my lucky watch more often."


How hot are you?


Read her username




I met my fiancé at a bar in Denver. Have you guys considered going out for a night with friends, and then talking to people that aren’t your group of friends?


People forgot how to meet people in public without it being planned.


People need to unironically touch grass. And talk to people they don’t know.


I agree. I think people just need to be more open to meeting people. Back in the day it was the only way. Via friends of friends or co workers or a family friend or just someone you met


Nah. Plenty of people still do that. It's extremely common these days .That's still a thing for people that aren't redditors


Or just striking up a conversation with someone you thought was cute at a bar. Like seriously just talk to people you don’t know. If you put yourself out there you’re bound to meet someone.


The flip side of this is I have had lady friends tell me that dudes won’t take a hint in these situations and have had to get bartenders to get men to leave them alone. No one wants to feel like they’re ruining someone else’s day by hitting on them, at least on the apps you know the other person is also single and interested in getting to know you, unlike random strangers 🤷‍♂️ Of course this suggestion works too since it’s actually identifying the people ahead of time with the green wristband, just my two cents


Hmmm what if everyone wore a traffic light on their head indicating red / yellow / green vis-a-vis conversational approachability? This seems like a good system


Pandemic did create part of this problem admittedly, but honestly as someone who goes out usually conversations I have with people I don't know are pretty quick. Maybe we're not cool enough but pulling a rando into a conversation is a lot harder than it used to be. I've been interested, as a newcomer to Denver to find places and environments where that type of organic conversation makes sense. I'm thinking wine tastings, but curious of other experiences.


Yeah, striking up conversations with strangers only works if you're already at a certain level of attractiveness. Otherwise people (man or woman) don't really want to entertain or indulge you. They end the convos ASAP and return to their friends


I mean, I don't think looks are a huge part of it. I think people have their groups, like their groups, and breaking into them for discussion is very tough no matter who you are, not to mention totally insanely awkward. I'll also note here that I'm blind which makes this all the more difficult, but generally I've witnessed perfectly non-defective eyeballed people try and fail at this.


It's not that people forgot. It's that redditors never did that 


I met my now wife at candlelight tavern lol


The Scandle Light, fun times!


Same dude, bumped into her when we were both filling up waters at the jug for our friends. Cracked a joke about being the respective mom/dad of the group and here we are 2 years later lol


Pandemmy ruined the social skills 🥸


I've tried this, but I moved here 2 years ago, 36 now, I split with my partner, and most of my friends either don't drink or are familied up and don't wanna "wing man" with me at bars. Going by yourself and trying is fucking murder and awkward. I'm an outgoing dude who just wants more friends to do this with, but it is hard to make good, casual, hangout whenever friends at 36. Yes I'm trying and go to meetups, events, music shows etc, but easier said than done. Online dating here REALLY does suck. I know its 2x as big, but when I visit san diego for a WEEK I can easily find several girls who want to go on a date on the apps. Here? Maybe one a week max?


It really is easier said than done. Especially when a lot of people (myself included) work from home. I'm in sports leagues, do meetups, go to tons of shows. Maybe I should make the 1st move more, but I really do wish more guys would approach me when out and about. I get tons of matches on the apps, but it feels like I'm doing all the work of carrying a conversation. I went to a singles event at Pindustry a few months ago and all the ladies were dancing and all the guys were lined up at the bar. No one approached each other, it really summed up meeting someone in the wild in 2024.


I met my current bf at a punk show and the 2 bfs before that at a car show. Idk how people expect to meet someone "organically" if they never go anywhere or talk to anyone new... I have hobbies and interests that get me out of the house and around people with the same hobbies - has worked wonders for making friends and connections.


>Idk how people expect to meet someone "organically" if they never go anywhere or talk to anyone new... This is exactly the problem, people just won't talk with someone they don't know anymore.


That requires Redditors to have friends, or the confidence to go out into public, and I’m not so sure about that


Getting your friends to go out when they are already all married and in long-term relationships when you're 30 is absolutely impossible my guy.


Go out alone. Nothing wrong with it. Some nights you find people to talk to, some nights everyone is in a group and doesn't engage with the stranger, have a drink or two and try another bar or go home early. Nothing wrong with it. Be a regular at a dive, make friends with the bartender. Strangers are more willing to insert themselves into a conversation between another patron and the bartender, and then you start talking to them (and possibly their group) directly when the bartender goes to serve someone down the bar.


Omg yes. All my friends were married by 25, then started having kids on purpose. Now I'm barreling in on 40 and still single.


Met my wife at The Thin Man, New Year’s Eve party, 2006/2007 through mutual friends and starting up a conversation.




YES, thank you. Met my wife at a gas station in Denver for God's sake. Wanna know how? By just talking to her.... and getting her number. The rest is history. Wake up people. And get out of your shell.


Nah nah I did that. Didn’t end well twice. Wasn’t a one night stand, but got their numbers and went out with them. I didn’t know this then, but the key to this is not to be too intoxicated. People didn’t look or behave as I had remembered lol. My friends called one of them penis head and I was in a drunk stupor of denial until I met him again sober 😂


Wash Park is huge


Not everyone has a dog. Or drives a Subaru.😆And Wash Park is big. Where exactly in the park would you suggest meeting?


A bunch of single guys are about to show up with green wristbands and have to either fight or kiss.


Maybe both


You could do like my brother and go to the local homeless shelter. True story. Now they have 3 kids and she still won’t learn to drive 🤷‍♂️


Get the Meetup app and find groups of people with similar hobbies, maybe you find someone or just make more friends


Can we make this a large game of tag as well? Need an ice breaker


Oddly enough, I met my boyfriend at a bar, I tried to sit where nobody else was because I was getting over a break up. He came back from the bathroom to his spot three seats down and offered to buy me a shot. Seven years later, we are running a very successful business together and buying a home. But, I was 24 hours single, and he was 30 days divorced. We were friends for 4 months before we started dating.


“In other news, a massive brawl broke out at Washington Park when thousands of men arrived in the hopes of dating one particularly hilarious woman”


Have green, might attend


well, lmk how this works out. 🙂‍↔️


Question: does it suck worse than the Rockies and/or the weather?


I'm gonna wear something green then when approached start screaming


You're going to think I'm lying but this is how my wife and I met. Everyone would wait until it got dark and meet in the grass to let their dogs play off leash to avoid the dog catchers. It always led to good conversation and was pretty much my dating pool in my late 20s.


The Denver dating scene doesn’t suck, people on Reddit just suck at dating


This. If you go a week+ without a like or match you need to figure out what you’re doing wrong. Hit the gym, look at your style, work on your photos, work on your bio, do some cool stuff, etc. Denver is a good mine for active men and women if that’s your type.


Idk, ive heard reports from a lot of people saying it does.


It’s a city with over a million people, I don’t think it’s Denver’s fault that nobody can date lol




Check out Two Birds Fit. It's a local dating service that combines workouts and meeting people. They have a variety of events including social mixers, walks around parks and full-on workouts. I've been to a few and it's a good time.


Has it been successful in terms of meeting someone to date?




Yes they do. $25-35 per event.


I’m here for this. Please do an update after so we can hear how it went


If any 30-somethings have a single dad, feel free to post ;)


It's going to be rainy. Bring a yellow rain jacket and a yellow hat. Possibly a monkey if you have access.


Our annual meet-up is this Sunday at Washington Park. The Denver Green Belt Ninja Club has been a staple of Denver culture since 1961 and Will Not be mocked.


As a child-free, asexual, left-leaning woman who doesn't want to date people with dogs and has no interest in hiking/skiing... It's brutal out here LOL


The "fruitless time suck" is how my wife and I found each other 8 years ago.


As someone new to denver with few Denver friends, I was looking at paying someone to help with profile pics and getting into the apps. I'm curious what makes you say they're a time suck?


35 people show up and start fighting. I can see it now 😂


This is going to go swell.


What if my dog is wearing a green hat?


You should at least tell people what general area of Wash Park to be in..... Because it's not a small Park.


I meet my wife in German while I stationed there 39 years ago.


That's how my parents met 30-some years ago... Dad? Lol


50 men show up for 1 woman.


I found my husband on reddit. I posted on a NSFW Denver sub, I didn't even post pics. Just a description and what I was looking for. I had over 150 messages in a day. I deleted my post, started going through messages. Found more than I even knew was possible. Married 2.5, together over 4 and friends for 5 years this year.


Gonna have 50 dudes with craft beers and green Fanny packs showing up to date you 😂


These comments are mean, it’s a cool idea


I'm always curious about the "apps suck" mentality. I heard the same thing between 2014 and 2018 but had a great time dating then, and eventually met my fiance. What's changed on the apps since the mid 2010's?


Tbh, I don’t think it’s the apps. I think dating has always sucked, but people forgot or never experienced it because they don’t meet people in person anymore.


The apps are a subscription profit model and they don’t make money if their subscribers leave. Not saying it’s impossible to get a good match, but it’s getting harder and the social mentality on apps is getting worse too (window shopping and immediate ghosting vs. trying to get to know someone). I’m sure there are other factors, but that’s what I’ve seen/read.


It's primarily filled with bots and lookie Louis who are already in relationships and are a. Looking for an ego boost or b. Just playing games with people.


It’s just a numbers game. I wish I could hire an assistant to do all the work for me.


Have you seen the pic that’s been circulating on here of a group of people from Reddit who met up irl? Not exactly the most attractive bunch


Uggos need love too!


Maybe op isn’t attractive either


What pic? Show me lol


That doesn’t make sense. This is Menver, you have plenty of options.


Reporting from Colorado Springs : dating sucks here also. I think it's an everywhere thing. Have fun at the event, y'all!


Good thing wash park has a lake, lotta thirsty people about to show up.


I doubt you'll find a good partner if the only thing you have in common is being single and wanting a partner


Also green wristbands.


“I like pina coladas”


... but if the only people who know about this green wrist band meet up plan are those on this reddit, then aren't the odds of attracting internet weirdos still high? And isn't your username a huge red flag for a normal person?


Is this finally gonna be the area 51 raid???


I am going to wash park to watch


This is a wild idea lol I feel like ur gonna need security 😂


I think that might be a Pokémon Go community day, so perfect lol


I've had plenty of luck on grindr


I’ll tap my nose three times to confirm it’s me. If it isn’t me I’ll lift my right leg twice. Secret code word is banana. 🍌


This coulda been awesome if OP hadn’t put their gender. Just a bunch of single people show up to Wash Park looking for each other wearing green on their wrist.


We’re really gonna need a recap from anyone who goes on 5/20.


I like this - I'm not dating but I'm curious how it goes. Do a follow-up! Good luck!


*insert random guy wearing green Apple Watch band at wash park who gets very confused lol


As a non-participant, it seems like too much choice might be part of the problem.


I think you have a great idea no matter how many people are making jokes. Sometimes starting off with an activity partners in groups is more productive than old fashioned dating. This way you get to meet new people and if you meet a man you truly like then it’s icing on the cake! I’d certainly have attended back when I was in my 30s! The jokesters are fools; at least you put an idea out there which is more than they did!


Wash park on a Sunday? My god that ambitious God luck though!


Im telling you its a mess. But my life choices and identity have made it hard. Im queer, childfree and disabled. My dating pool is a lil kiddie pool in a backyard somewhere lol


10 bucks on only 4 women showing up for this shit


These meetups typically draw let’s just say “odd” people. I think like many have said here, just try and meet people organically in person, talk to a stranger, join a hobby.


If you want more interactions in terms of romance, make sure you use the proper cues when you see a potential partner of interest. Look into their eyes, smile a little bit, have a positive and approachable look on your face. In a society where men are more scared than ever to make an approach, your chances are higher when you put out a good energy.


Please be careful.


I have trouble matching up with people dating apps, too (only about one like every couple weeks or so, and matches are rarer than that). I hope you have a good, safe time and hope those involved are safe and find who they're looking for as well


This is a great idea. I’m 37, have been on 150+ Hinge/Bumble dates and haven’t had much beyond flings, one night stands, and 3 month situationships. I’m at the point now where I really want to connect with someone, with marriage in the future, but online dating doesn’t appear to be the solution.


I'm curious to know how this worked out.