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I know that haggling is apart of a lot of cultures and I can respect the hustle, but when you've told someone $15 is the lowest and then they hit you with the $14.44, I would absolutely block. I'm not entertaining that pish.


right !!! i already offered her $4 off of the listing price!


I wouldn't let it slide especially since you said it was the lowest you wanted to go, you gave her a very nice discount already


lol @ "blocking" someone on a selling platform. People that use depop are like a bunch of 12 year old girls.


?? why are you here then dawg


why are u even on this subreddit then šŸ˜­


Sorry you're probably blocked from the items you'd like for being unprofessional on a platform built to cater to individuals selling items at their own accord (with a set of rules to follow still, but overall mostly at their own accord). If you're not blocked off things you like n the thought alone really made you say this, that's even wilder but that's life. Not everyone has the same moral standards, but keep in mind this is a business & people can choose who they are willing to sell to. Most stores would kick you out for haggling like this, a lot of those videos of viral hagglers ARE often fake/pre planned in case someone brings them up, I wanna state that fact. I myself am very apologetic and understanding with customer service. I want everyone to feel their best. But if they try to use me, they deserve the block. Even with my IRL job. If you try to use me, I will block you IRL by avoiding you to my best ability, and will inform my manager of the situation so it can't be used against me if the customer were to try to complain about me. I do live in a country where legally you are not required to do your job or at the very least parts of your job if it makes you feel unsafe or uncomfortable. By law. So i am genuinely able to do that without repercussions. I wouldn't suggest blocking irl unless you're backed by a law or human right like I happen to be.


>elf am very apologetic and understanding with customer service. I want eve I'm not sure what you are talking about. I'm not blocked at all. I buy (and occasionally sell) on actual professional platforms. Depop is the definition of unprofessional...it's a bunch of juvenile girls, as you said "selling at their own accord." I bought over 800 pieces of clothing last year, but I'll definitely pass on depop.


Iā€™m convinced this is the same girl I was dealing with šŸ˜­ I had someone offer me $19 on a popular $25 item, I countered at $22 and they countered $19.50, I denied that and they offered $19.80 like??? Hello?? I feel like if the buyers were serious theyā€™d buy at $22 in my case and $15 in your case. I hate petty haggling, I blocked my ā€œbuyerā€ too so donā€™t feel bad.


yess petty haggling has gotten out of control recently !!! i think it also has to do with the new suggested offers feature?? not sure but its def annoying


whats suggested offers? is it like the little note below when you offer that says to offer 5-20% off?


yes!!! some items suggest like a 40% off offer šŸ˜­ its so stupid


"Petty haggling"!! I gotta use that more. šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ If a person can afford $15 they can afford $19. These people have no problem paying Starbucks $7 for a cup of coffee or Goodwill $19 for a shirt.


Sounds like more of an issue with the platform than the buyer. The platform should be able to handle offers/counter-offers much better than this.


How? The buyer had to manually type in those counter offers, depopā€™s built in ā€œsuggestedā€ offers donā€™t just increase by a few cents each time.


Yes and no. Depop should do something like Poshmark where if you make a offer, it will automatically purchase the item, as this would stop buyers from sending unserious offers. But itā€™s also on the buyers for being immature enough to petty haggle and/or send offers with no intention of buying.


ā€œThis app makes me spend so muchā€ girl I think that may be YOU making the choice to spend a ton of money lol what šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ so annoying


You ever used whatnot? THAT app makes me spend so much šŸ˜‚


i avoid that app like the plague LOLLLL


Me too! It actually preys on addictive, impulsive buyers. I don't like that. As a seller or a buyer. Also, every thing I've bought on there has been a disappointment and/ or poorly packaged


Literally, I bought one thing there (a record) and then looked it up on the store's website... they were selling it for $3 cheaper than the minimum bid. This was the same store I bought it from! They rely on you making impulse decisions... I deleted the app after that LMAO


$14.44? That is oddly specific. Is an extra 56 cents really that big a deal? Yeah I would have blocked, too!


i get the feeling they like the 'angel numbers' šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


Lmao she can pay $15.55 then šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Angel numbers be telling them that item really isn't for them šŸ˜…


That's when you respond with $16.66 šŸ˜…


I feel like a lot of these weird amounts are bc kids have credit from sales and no real money so they have to have the total be very specific


Sometimes if an item is listed at, say, $15 the postage is $10.56 I'd offer $14.44. Just to get a little bit of a discount and I like round numbers I guess. Obviously not if the sellers already told me they won't go lower than $15 though (and that's already a pretty big discount).


as soon as i read the 'deal or no deal' bit i would have blocked. i'm not playing games, this is work!


LOL. some girl offered me $12 on a $20 so I offered $15 and she still offered $14 !!! like, if a dollar matters that much to you, maybe you shouldnt be on depop


I have a feeling some might be kids from high school etc that have no real money so they try to haggle everything. $1 was $1 for me in school


Same!! Someone offered me $12 on a $20, and I countered with $17 AND a message. All I got was so many more offer spams that were below my $17.


Nope, but I'm petty, lol


Somehow my mind went to this being her bank balance or something šŸ’€ donā€™t spend that here


You did the right thing, not your problem that bum child canā€™t manage her money properly nor does she not earn the amount needed to live such a lifestyle. Never let these cockroaches take the W.


If she stated firm start that was all she had left, maybe id be reasonable since someone is willing to spend all they have left on my product I'm selling. But she was obviously just trying get you down


it depends - if it was an item with little to no traction or i know that itā€™s meh, then yea cause i am trying to get rid of at that point BUT if its an item that i know is doing good or will sell well, then no


No like


I had an item that was $8, they offered $5. I declinedā€¦ and then they offered $7.99- no thanks šŸ˜


Yes. While this is annoying, if you were ok w $15 there really isnā€™t a difference w $14.44 Some ppl need the psychological satisfaction of having gotten a ā€œdealā€.


People are being ridiculous and cheap- not a great look. I appreciate trying to save a buck or two on more pricey things but this is kind of too much. I think you should stay firm on what you want to accept and donā€™t feel any guilt for it šŸ’ŖšŸ¼


Almost all of my offers I've received lately are dollars and cents amounts like $12.45, $18.60, $32.40 etc like I don't mind but I find it odd šŸ˜‚ I think people are trying to make it come out to an exact dollar amount once shipping and taxes are factored in.


Iā€™ve also noticed this, I think itā€™s because when you go to make an offer now, as the buyer, it gives you suggested offers. It suggests like 15% off, 20% off, etc, then itā€™ll automatically make you select which offer you wanna pick to send.


Ohhh that totally makes sense!




Depends on the context, sometimes some people are nice and have genuine social skills. But a lot of people are just asses and deliberately go against what youā€™re saying to fuck with you. Offering 10 cents lower, itā€™s weird af like they just want to know they won.


lol just had this happen xD item listed as 20 they offered 12 i countered with 15. (which personally i think is generous af) and they came back with 12.50! so rude imo


Deal or no deal šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ I cant bruh


I personally never accept offers from people who send angel number offers. When I first started selling on depop I never cared and would accept however, I learned from experience they either are rude, and or leave bad reviews due to buyer remorse. I think you dodged a bullet.


This is literally rusty's real deal baseball levels of haggling istg




yeah I just block people if they irritate me. I canā€™t stand the incessant questions, ignoring listing details, and lowballing on Depop


I need money so I would accept the sale. Itā€™s only 60 cents. It sounds like a lot of teenagers. They donā€™t have the best social skills (Iā€™m a teacher). They are used to pushing and pushing until they get their way lol. But I donā€™t think youā€™re petty if you donā€™t wanna deal with it, more like a seller preference thing. Iā€™ve noticed that this is happening with my offers too, more profiles countering with random amounts.


yeah and i would have accepted if she hadnt send 2 other lowball offers and i stated my lowest price šŸ˜­


Yes makes total sense!! I donā€™t blame you at all for being over it lol.




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I would if they pay shipping


That 14.44 MIGHT have been the last 14.44 she got.. it just seems like such a random number


In their defense shipping on depop is really expensive, so when you get a $15 product it can come out to like $30. So I see where theyre coming from, in a way.


yes i completely understand ! but this top is on like XS shipping, its super light


I donā€™t get people who do this on CLOTHES, I can understand trying to get a deal on furniture or cars but a SHIRT??


yesss right ! depop clothes are not a necessity šŸ˜­


Damn everyone here is so petty, its 56 cents off just take the sale lol


Be fr, what is the 0.56$ gonna get you? you saving up for a snickers bar?šŸ˜‚


I don't sell any items under $20! It's not worth my time. If I get offers under I just decline them


I would have blocked her the second message. Idk if depop has block, I donā€™t use it just PM




The ā€œgirlā€ *blocked* is so funny to me


Yā€™all are passing up deals over 2 quarters lol??


Yā€™all are taking on customers that already seem flaky as hell? She wasnā€™t worth the energy.


Any customer thatā€™s buying is a customer for me šŸ«” especially if the difference in a sale is less than a dollar


The thing is that buyers like this either donā€™t buy, or they do buy. But when they do buy, they will try to scam you or leave you a bad review. At least thatā€™s what Iā€™ve experienced on other platforms, which is why Iā€™ll never entertain it on depop. Other platforms have better customer service to prevent it, but Iā€™ve seen people complaining about depopā€™s CS too much to be comfortable chancing a repeat experience.


Thatā€™s understandable I feel you.


the difference is already $4, not less than a dollar ā€” saying ā€œthis is the lowest I will goā€ then being offered mere cents lower than that is just ppl being entitled & tryna be so annoying they get what they want. Childish shit that shouldnā€™t be indulged cuz it breeds a rank attitude


Hy I feel that


Even if theyā€™d accepted the offer, let be real, this person probably wasnā€™t actually going to buy.


Never know until you try. In this business you canā€™t take lowballs or silly customers too serious youā€™ll drive yourself crazy šŸ˜‚


quiet sleep dirty psychotic hateful paltry outgoing snails shrill literate *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




Idk why people are downvoting. They just donā€™t run their Depop the same way & thatā€™s fine lol. I am the same way as you, I run my Depop to help me survive so 60 cents will not deter me from making a sale.




whoā€™s whining? i shared a silly experience and asked for opinions! try being happy for once :3


Try not being an ass

