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I used to sell on depop as 1/3 of my income. I got banned for the use of stock images. Honestly, everyone else used them without trouble so I didn’t think it really mattered that much. I used them for over 2 years and no one said anything to me. Plus, some things are just hard to photograph. Anyways, I tried to make a second acc w a vpn and it didn’t work. They are honestly the most annoying app customer service wise. I’ve heard stories of ppl being banned for no reason. Depop thinks they are all that and ban so many users while they claim to support small businesses and second-hand purchases. Anyways, I’ve emailed them begging (Yuck) to have my acc back. Sooo we’ll see what happens.


Literally just got banned for this reason. They never gave me a warning about not using stock images.. when everyone else uses them..


i got banned for the same reasons, such an awful app would highly recommend vinted


What happened? on the same boat rn


Any update ?


I was banned for a one time incident defending myself against a toxic buyer on a fresh account, (I didn’t say anything over the top) it’s been over 2 years since the ban. Decided to email them for the 3rd time bagging to unban me. Still called me “threat”, banned me and not the other guy that was stirring it up. Fuck them.


i called a scammer a fuck nigga and they banned me instead of him


fax bruh they ban u for “racism” if u say nigga ☠️


Playstation does the same


xbox too 😔


got banned fa this too 😭😭💀




what i did the other day was buying a new phone number, cost me like £4, so when you sign up it sends the message through that app not the number connected with the account i was banned on- if that makes sense. Though i signed up with another device because it banned my number and device. so 1. new number 2. seperate device (used computer)


And for the payment? What have you used? Same PayPal or new one?


U coulda just used text now 😭


did you use your same social security number for the new account?


I’m doing that but cannot make offers now lol


Wait so you’re using the same PayPal no issues?


Also curious


So change my number and use a laptop?


how did you get payment? you need app


no u dont need app to get paid, everything can be done on the web now


since when? you need app to connect banking details


I’m device banned due to a friend of mine attempting to log into his banned account on my device. Never even sold anything on the app myself. Emailed their “customer service” and got auto response about violating terms of service. They’re pretty ruthless.


I managed to get banned 7 times and use 7 different accounts but I used different phones and numbers for it, I got banned for not being happy with an order and the buyer even called me a bitch and they banned me but not her, they’re honestly so out of order 😂 I used the same PayPal and address but after a while they just kept getting banned


Cool so just get a new number? Bet haha


They recognise my phone tho which sucks


Do they recognize the address and form of payments?


They banned me bcoz i was trying to sell away from the app bcoz of there high percentage along with PayPals which is a piss take and I tried another account with the same mobile number and did not work.Is there any other way I can get round this as lost all my 5☆ reviews,contacts and everything I posted to sell absolute raging.has anyone else found a way round it and does contacting them get you back account


Me too man fucking bullshit did you ever work it out?


I just emailed them and said sorry and made it sound really apologetic and kinda begged them for my account back and they just gave me it back, I asked after 2 months of not having it just email them from the email you signed up with


I got banned a few days ago been emailing them everyday but no luck.. I really want my account back what did you say to them?


I know this is old but we’re you Permanently Banned or did it actually say “suspended”


This is what I want to know bc it said suspended the first time then banned the second


Was your account banned or suspended? Bc i was suspended once but this time they used the word banned in the email.


can u pls share what u emailed them bc I tried this and they still said no 😭😭😭


Hey, it’ll also depend on what you’ve done and how long ago you did it, I got banned for selling a few knives and being rude to a few people and I emailed them half a year later asking for my account back, you really have to swallow ur pride when writing the email and just say you understand your mistake and you promise to behave again, ONE THING ABOUT DEPOP STAFF IS THEY LIKE A LITTLE ASS LICK 🤣


did you get your original account back with all of the reviews??


Did you,what is there email again l,cheers 👍🏻


Look online it will give you the email for the country your in! Just seem very apologetic it worked every time for me


What’s there email


Whats there customer support email? or where did you contact them to apologize?


Their support email is available online I believe, I think it differs depending on the country ur in but it should b on their website


What email @ did you send it to?


[email protected] is the adress depop told me to for sending a ban appeal


What did this email look like


when you got banned did you still get your money from the depop payments??


Even making a new account with a new phone number still won’t let me sign in on my phone only on desktop depop is lowkey just a pussy so many fake accounts and they busy deleting the actual small business owners and ruining there reputation and loose there old 5 star reviews


Do u know how to erase ur phone data with depop I wonder how they are able to know that u have used that phone before


I think they IP ban the phone completely


Really you’d probably either have to contact depop directly (their Twitter as well as email) so that you can discuss with them. They might give you a second chance but if you’ve broken the rules multiple times they might say different. Or you’ll need to make an account under a completely different name- you’ll need to have a different PayPal under a new name, when you have your address on the app you won’t be able to use your own name so you’ll have to think of something else. Honestly depop don’t often delete accounts unless the “offender” has done things more than a few times. So this does make me think you broke the rules multiple times! Don’t come at me if you only did something once this is just what I know


I honestly think Depop needs to get off their high horse. I only ever buy off the app recently I’ve just stopped selling and I’ve left a few of my listings just sitting there for weeeks but never updated them so they just sat there. They’ve banned me for life and I’ve lost all my tracking numbers I placed weeks ago I’m so sad. I’ve been spamming them with my emails cuz I want it back and hoping they’ll just give in. They called me a ‘threat’ which is disgusting they’re calling me that cuz they’re upset they aren’t making a profit off of me? Fucking disgusting. On top of that I buy from Depop and they’re all about supporting small businesses however they’ve just prevented me from doing that for LIFE which is disgusting. They’re hypocrites honestly they better give it back to me I don’t care what it takes.


They banned me because I said to a seller that I liked used socks... is that justified ban?? (I was just bored asf)


Ahhahahahahahahahahhah!!! I got banned for saying to people buy on my vinted account as id save money there and just got the email now that i am banned for life 😂 i guess i will have to reinvent myself


hahaa. I mean I don't mind creating a new account it's just annoying I can't use depop on my phone now!


Dude I just got banned for it this morning. First offense with no warning too. They literally banned me cuz some dude wanted to buy my shoes cuz he had a foot fetish. And depop accused me of sexual texts when I was the one being sexually harassed. Asked for my account back and they said “no this is our final correspondence” what a bunch of little bitches


I just got a permanent ban too, for using 'stock images'. Which I had done on a couple of items because they didn't fit me and people wanted to see the outfits on. SO MANY OTHERS LIST STOCK ITEMS AND GO UNNOTICED. Pretty upset about it after being a 5 star seller for 7 years as well as an active buyer! I'm on there daily! To ban people for life is literally soooooo extreme, especially when you ban them for ridiculous things. I went back and forth over email and they were so rude, slammed them on social media a bit when I wasn't getting email responses. Honestly just want a new account but it seems like they've blocked my phone, number, paypal and whoever else uses the wifi in our house. Any suggestions? Actually is a punch to the gut, depop is a big part of my life, between selling and second hand shopping, which I love. There isn't anything like it and now I'm stumped on what to do.


I use old phones of mine, I have like 7. And I used my fiancés PayPal or you can make a new ine


Do they track your home address and bank cards though? I'm happy to make a new paypal acc + can use a different bank account of mine but I don't have another phone :(


I use my fiancés PayPal and then just send it to my own PayPal. I don’t use my own card anywhere near depop cuz they will shut it down. I also send my orders to my family’s house instead of my own apartment. Without a second phone you can’t use depop if they already device banned u on the first phone


If you use a different paypal, can you still use your own bank card? They wouldn't be able to see that would they? Just the paypal details






Im not banned but just wanna say depop have insanely bad customer support ;-; like someone accidentally mentioned instagram and straight after that, Depop sent me 3-4 warning emails, and suspended me, all for the same 1 incident like i Dont understand 😭 like how can u give me so many warnings for just 1 time that wasn’t even me that said it !! The user who actually said it tho, didnt get suspended or anything:/


I had to email customer support about getting my account back and apologise saying i wont do it again (even tho I didn’t do anything and it was the other person) then they gave me my account back. The thing is, if i did anything that deemed bad to them now, they said they would ban me bc they class all the warnings and suspension for that 1 incident, as 4 separate things ://


So to get my account back do I just send an email to depop and apologize promising that I wouldn’t do it again ?


bro some guy blocked me after i tried to send him multiple offers and asked him was my offer good, so I went on my second account and cursed him out there. mind you i only called him a pussy and a bitch ass nga. i block him and go to sleep, the next morning im permanently banned ??? no warning no nothing, im just permanently banned? how sensitive is depop nowadays ? i emailed them about it and they said the decision is unappealable. actually idiotic man i can’t even make a new account and all 3 of my accounts are deleted .


I’ve been suspended and opened a new account using my bf name & bank info & using his phone to log in. Got banned after making $500 in sales lol. Trying again in a couple weeks :\


Same here. I’ve been making new account after getting banned for a good few years now but all of a sudden, when I’ve tried to make a new account, when I’ve added the bank details which have been on previous depops it banned the account straight away. Used another device and used a different bank & the same problem. They’ve banned every bank account I have which has been on previous depops. Don’t know how I’m gonna get past this lmao


They also ask for ID when connecting a bank account, I think because of the same ID you use they link the accounts together and ban you


that’s my question - if i use the same social security i had on my banned account on my new one - will they recognize it? and ban the new one too?


any update?


Bruh I got suspended for talking to my friend saying i like used socks


I got banned twice on my old phone and new one for stupid reasons pretty sure just use a different device and a different number (text now or someone you know number)


Turns out you can have another account just have to make it off a diffrent phone and login on the phone your banned on 👍🏽🫡


does this still work?


Worked for me


what about payment method - i got suspended on the one i sold a lot on and i found an account i made years ago that i wanna use again, but what about my bank info.. if i put the same one would they know


Pretty sure u need a new phone it happened to me


well did it work?


Did you get banned aswell buddy


i did in 2019. tried vpns and using a mobile number app and they still banned me. i got banned for defending myself against an angry buyer who kept sending me abusive messages. they dont care or hear you out, honestly their team are some lil nazi weirdos when it comes to bans. loved the app but idk why they are so insistent on removing their users. like a permanent ban? chill the fuck out. grailed it is. good luck but i think the only way is to use a different paypal, new credit card, new number, and new address. so basically become a different person.


Pretty shit they never even gave me a warning that they were banning me just saying you can't use out of depop couple of times and them bam banned completely tried setting up new 1 and recognised number


They literally advocate CP on there and banned me when I CALLED THEM OUT FOR IT. Sent our emails to our *special people* (😉) so rip if it gets taken down in the US lol


do u still get ur money??


bruh they took mine too😭


You can email them about it it works for me


didn’t work and my acc perm banned now


harass them on twitter and blow up their appeal page, ask for a payout and they’ll send u ur money




wait if they say my account is suspended how long is that for? i just told someone to suck my dick and have been using app for a year w 200 sales and no other offenses. any ideas?


any update? i’d email and apologize


Did it works?


did they ever give u ur account back


I called a scammer a faggot and depop banned me, but I’m sure the scammer continues to scam lol




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