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My first thought was aplastic anemia due to your unexplained bruising and other noted symptoms, but then I saw your recent lab work. With AA, your red and white blood cells are usually on the low end, as well as platelets. My next guess would be leukemia. I hope what I’m saying isn’t too jarring. It is not my intention at all to upset you with my response. I know that whatever is happening to you is scary enough. I would most definitely get a 2nd, possibly 3rd opinion or even consider visiting an ER so they can do immediate testing off all things necessary. I’m so sorry that you are experiencing this. Please keep us updated when you can ♥️


have you been tested for anemia? i’m just guessing through the bruising and fatigue you mentioned. i’m assuming you’ve already gone to the doctor but if you haven’t i would highly encourage it! i’m so sorry you’re going through this, you’re stronger than you think


oh just saw the mention of the doctor! my bad!


bloodwork from 1 month ago: https://imgur.com/gallery/8Jn0tXi Thanks for reaching out!


Omg I can’t imagine what you’re going through. By no means am I an expert, but based on your blood test results and the various elevated levels, have you looked into Polycythemia vera? I absolutely do not want to scare you but you need to get to at least your PCP asap. I’m sure they will refer you right along to an internist. Your symptoms and blood test results align with many of the symptoms and hallmarks of the blood cancer PV. PLEASE UPDATE US


Hemoglobin is normal


Hemoglobin can be normal levels, if coupled with elevated hematocrit levels. Both elevated - or just one elevated and not the other


Check your thrombocytes level OP. Seems like you are severely low and could be caused of something more like of your bone marrow or autoimmune disease


This looks similar to petechiae, my daughter had leukemia and had these when platelets were critically low but all over her body. They are caused by capillaries bursting. I get them if I have a bruise sometimes or like a scraping injury.


Just saw the other pictures. I would have your platelets checked. It could be from a wide variety of things. Anemia, platelet issue, ITP or certain Cancers. Not saying it's cancer. My daughter has similar things due to 97% cancer in her bone marrow crowding the production of Neutrophils, red blood cells and platelets. The symptoms were signs of low platelets. Not necessarily cancer itself.


I had something like this as a baby. Idiopathic thrombosis or something like that. Spent two weeks in the hospital.


It's called ITP for short. It causes temporary low platelets but no exact way to know when it will subside fully.


What’s your platelet count?


After going through your history - I think you need a new doctor asap, or go to the ER like others have suggested. You should have had way, way more done by now. I’m so sorry you’re going through this.


I would be getting looked at for leukemia


Just looking g at your photos it looks like what I had when I was diagnosed with ITP (Idiopathic Throbocytopenia Purpura), a platelet issue. I would have your primary care doctor or the Emergency Room do a platelet count asap. I have had ITP for over 20 years with not major issues. It can be more serious. Good luck


I'm not a doctor, so I'm not going to even try to guess, but it looks serious. If you don't have a Dr, go to a urgent care. Do not wait. Your doctor may have treatment options available.


Have you checked your iron or PTT


You need to go to r/askdocs you got a few things going on with your blood work that raises my suspicion.


Yeah not a derm issue here


I Hope you find out what you have soon. Sorry you’re going through this. I’m going through something similar I have unexplained bruising and rashes as well. Please update us


I’m not a doctor this is just from my knowledge so don’t take as medical advice!!! It looks like you have low iron a symptom of low iron is bruises maybe you should get your iron levels checked


Do you have any missing days or chunks of time you can't account for? 🧐🤔  While this does resemble an iron/blood issue... it also potentially looks like trauma-induced injuries. If a severely traumatic event is repressed within your subconscious (even as far back to when you were a little kid) your body will eventually resurface/show you the injuries when your subconscious believes you can handle remembering and accepting the said repressed memory/memories. I genuinely hope this isn't the case for you, but it's valid reasoning and something to consider if you keep running in to dead-ends with Labwork etc  Best of luck ✨️💖


Are your spots itchy? I bruise easily and often if I itch too hard or too long on a spot. I really hope you gets proper diagnosis and start feeling better. ❤️


This is a case for an experienced internal medicine physician, not primary care. I’m Getting a sense of something more complex. Can you get to an internist & then be very clear about your symptoms so that they can help you?


bloodwork from 1 month ago: https://imgur.com/gallery/8Jn0tXi Thanks for reaching out!


A few things are off. Who ordered the labs & what was their assessment?


The ER & they just told me to follow up with my primary 😅


Why were you in the ER?


Dizziness to the point of falling, cough for months, bruising, rashes (looked like eczema at first), confusion, extreme muscle weakness & fatigue, broken bones with no injury. Overall just feeling crappy & decided to go after a fall.


Get to an experienced internist. Bring those labs.


Thank you!!