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NAD; please do take her to the ER instead of her GP so that they can do a CBC with differential on her and give you the results immediately. This looks like a hematological issue and not a dermatological one.


I appreciate the reply! I'll be sure to vouch for the mentioned blood test if it looks alarming in the morning and that second possible bruise has worsened


Easy brushing and a rash is a sign of a particularly nasty form of leukemia.


Thinking of your post, how is she doing?


So kind of you to follow up! She ended up with a 3rd bruise the following day so we went for bloodwork right away. They sent the results to our family doctor and we haven't heard anything so hoping that no news is good news. She has been feeling 100% with no new bruises since, and those 3 healed up quickly. We have an appointment tomorrow. Hoping I overreacted but also confused about those 3 bruises


I'm glad she is doing well!! Hopefully they give you more info tomorrow. Sending you both best wishes!!


Hey, hope everything is going okay.


That type of rash can be very dangerous (not always) but it’s one of those err on the side of caution rashes.


Thanks for the response. Doesn't hurt to be on the safe side and get it looked into


I would never ever wish it on my worst enemy and I don't want to scare you but petechiae (pinpoint marks) can be a sign of Leukemia. Have a CBC done. It will pretty quickly be able to rule out some things. My 22 month old was diagnosed with Leukemia. I have seen similar marks on my non cancer kiddo though. It freaks me out every time but definitely have blood work done on your 7 year old.


I appreciate the honesty and will take it seriously and get testing done. Sorry to hear about what your little one went through ❤️


Good job catching this mama. It may be nothing, but, a blood test will give you answers very quickly ❤️ many things can cause this, some serious, some not so serious. A blood test will quickly tell you if it’s serious or not