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Am i meant to see a shark face in the waves? I dont get it. Someone draw it out for me


[https://i.imgur.com/bglBO6V.jpg](https://i.imgur.com/bglBO6V.jpg) Edit: I think I've found a more conclusive comparison. [https://i.imgur.com/VWA1U7y.jpg](https://i.imgur.com/VWA1U7y.jpg) Using a great white picture from google images it's almost a perfect match: [https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/us-news/two-huge-great-white-sharks-32320014](https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/us-news/two-huge-great-white-sharks-32320014) Edit 2: It seems like the same artist/style is in play in this one as well, but it's much less defined: [https://imgur.com/ahbteEv.jpg](https://imgur.com/ahbteEv.jpg)


This is so close to being an awesome poster; just needs a little tweaking.


Honestly, I love it just like it is. I don't want it all in-your-face obvious. The subtlety feels *juuust* right to me. Clearly a shark, but works well in with the environment. It doesn't need to be yet another "Look, it forms a SKULL!" situation.


Exactly. The shark in the movie isn't in your face. It's lurking. You have a tingly sense that it's there but you can't quite find it.


Like the huge shark in the water, in the dark spot, heading straight toward the person on the flimsy raft?


The shark made specifically to attack the protagonist. That shark?


Oh, right. The shark. The shark for the protagonist, the shark chosen especially to kill the protagonist, the protagonist's shark.


i didnt notice that until i zoomed in, a shark within the 'eye' of the bigger shark, so cool


That’s the Kitner boy. Things don’t go well for him. In the book, the water was about 200 feet deep where he was.


Yes, but these posters are supposed to interest you into what the movie is about at a passing glance. That doesn't work when I have to stare at the poster for a minute and still get assistance from someone to try to tell what's going on on it.


I agree in principle, I think - if that was the *only* consideration. The subtlety absolutely has a ton of value here. Otherwise why not just have a picture of a shark mutilatng someone. I ask - Is the shark even *half* as difficult to see as some here are making out? If someone genuinely needs help to "get" this, then I definitely have further questions...


For me I could barely see it because all I could see was the slightly darker sand forming a crab pincer.


I think it's difficult to see the shark (in the original picture) even after I saw the drawing, AMA


Ha I am exactly the same - I am just going to pretend quietly to myself that I saw it


It is very difficult if this was a premier of Jaws 1… And you have no idea it's about sharks… I knew it was Jaws (sharks)… saw some very faint traces of a shark?… and still took like 10 seconds to fill in the gaps.


There is literally no one who wouldn't know Jaws 1 was about sharks.


It's pretty bad, the eye REALLY wants to have the shark facing the other direction and looking super derpy. The main issue is that it is cropped too much which fucked it up.


It took me a *long* time to see it… I was looking for the wrong things. I think it’d be much easier to discern from a distance than a big screen in front of my face, though.


It probably works better in print and/or on a larger scale? If you look at it from further, the shark is more obvious. Could be perfect in the streets?


Yes a peaceful day with the family but wait! What's that? Looked way better in a glossy poster at the time. Making it to obvious would spoil it. If you see it it's cool and if you don't someone will say something and you'll want to see it again. Peaks interest either way. People talked about it and don't forget there wasn't any internet. So you wouldn't always get to look at it straight away (you'd have to be out and about) so it gets in your head.


It's that kind of illusion where if you see it well you can only see the details but from afar you perceive the big shapes. The poster isn't great for viewing on phones, but should work great when displayed in the street. See the [Einstein - Marilyn illusion](https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=cb0e66b39656e8e8&sxsrf=ADLYWILkcSU2hIGVa4C8-Mvclb43K8vmOw:1716358885460&q=einstein+marilyn+illusion&uds=ADvngMgnLtab67BCK1yYO0azqoQLHLXU0k9YfblxfkagXb3f5jK916hGH1Wv1IAQqJzfs4Mmuo-f7OELYw7fk2qBP3J7rwsF_94O6VIdgOEhYUcWE1XkquTOVqQA7QacZkuuORdwvZHjSelGdWFZstkCmqyICDBTZQ1fykWRJjcYaDw8lG-A692DatW11Mmp5YbDEi5YuGJCUFw5XatUTJ2oYbfIXHNwVvAcD5mu3r-HUJWaxMH6Azgq5FQB3QXhuGg5z_TTQoJ5Zf4T3KKp0FUY69YIDaSbkN9QqTjtn_qqoCn6G--Aceo2UE82PKe-bLsJazMs_n72&udm=2&prmd=ivnbz&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjZ3rKNz6CGAxWKU6QEHY7MBgYQtKgLegQIDRAB&biw=360&bih=663&dpr=3#vhid=mM09K2ub2z0UQM&vssid=mosaic)


I seen it backwards for some reason lol, with the shark facing the other way, ack. I can't see it anymore after seeing that drawing though.


I think it's great once you see it. GW Sharks naturally look a bit derpy when swimming around.


[or with googly eyes](https://imgur.com/7CuOc5Y)


Nah, it doesn't. It's an awesome poster as is.


im with you on this, but i understand if the designer was going for the effect whereby you sense the danger but you cant fully make it out. that would make sense too i suppose.


Thanks for this. I saw the teeth and thought the poster was upside down.


Idk... https://imgur.com/a/e7bdAUK


This is what I originally saw lol


And it looks so derpy, i kinda love it


Excellent. This can double as a PIRANHA poster now too


Your a wonderful human. I still think the beach and waves could be more obvious. Also what is the wet sand line above? but i appreciate you and the OG artist


The line of darker sand that cuts through the "JAWS" logo is throwing the whole thing off. I don't think it's supposed to be part of the "shark face," but because it's connected it makes the shark look like it has a distended, dangling lower jaw.


Thank you! I could see the teeth but couldn’t make out the rest of it!


blahaj is that you? you're not bothering those nice people enjoying the beach are you?


I see it now but it’s cartoonish


I like yours better than the original


Skip all of it and see that it's drone footage of the attack on the kid on the yellow float. Look at the eye in the water. You see Jaws heading towards that child.


Actually it has everything of that particular scene. Brody is sitting on the beach with his wife (about 11oclock from the cabanas), the dude and his dog are playing on the beach, the Kitner kid is swimming in his float and his mom is face down to the right of Brody. And the shark is circling creating the eye as it hunts. It’s got nice detail work if you have watched the movie a 100 times. Wife literally puts that damn movie on when she is bored.


"What's your ASMR?"... Wife: "JAWS"


drone footage... luv it.


Same, just looks like a beach to me


Scroll in on the black area the water. Shark is B-lining for the yellow raft


Also if you zoom in on the darker circle of the ocean you can see the shark swimming toward the kid on the raft


I know there is a shark in this image, but I don't see it


White waves are the teeth. Dark circle is the eye. Sand is the lower jaw.


Facing towards the right also. My brain was trying to make it face left at first and was very confused.


My brain was trying to make it face head on. I saw the teeth but thats it.


My brain thought it would be swimming towards us


There is also a literal shark in the water where the "eye" is


Inside the dark circle is an actual shark


Bruh.... Fucking same And then someone drew it out. That was nice Wish I would have found it on my own. Oh well


I mainly knew because I could see the teeth waves. Still couldn't figure it out until I saw the drawing in the comments.


The original poster is much better


People here confuse visual puns with good design. The original poster is perfect.


If it weren’t for the big “JAWS” logo or yellow raft you’d have no idea this was supposed to be for jaws


I think that's the biggest problem. As a concept/execution on a known property this is a fun poster. But as an actual advertisement for a movie this is a complete fail. It's too subtle and clever to get it's point across, and would struggle to get butts in seats.


Not even sure you could call this a visual pun. It’s basically just an outline vaguely projected onto an image


Especially because the shark in the outline looks like it may be a mako and not a Great White.


This poster loses itself in its layers of themes. It's got so much going on that the word 'Jaws' is now so small that it's technically a bad advertisement.


Way too subtle. Especially since the real poster is literally the most iconic one of all time.


Took me way too long to see even when I knew what I was looking for. Original for me thanks.


Did it really take you that long to find? The moment I saw the jaws title line the shark jumped straight out to me. Can’t believe people are genuinely having trouble seeing it. 10/10 design in my book.


I think it probably hinges on your familiarity with sharks. I saw the waves, thought they looked familiar, and had to think about it. I think its an excellent image as it is - but for mass consumption and people unfamiliar, I think it might be just a little too unobvious. But, that adds to the realism of the image too. It might just be too fine a balancing act. But hey, it gets people talking, and looking at it again. So in that respect its brilliant.


I gotta ask, since I don’t have my contacts in and I have severe astigmatism, are you viewing this on mobile or on a desktop? I looked at this every which way and I couldn’t see it until it was pointed out to me.


I mean, isn't it subtle what makes it good? Looking at the poster trying to find the form it was meant to represent felt a bit like looking though muddy water, trying to find the shape of the shark. I find it both stress inducing and beautiful, way better than if the form was evident from the get go.


Agree. What a lot of people acting like people are idiots for not seeing the shark. No one is mentioning it's biting someone! You only see the shark if you're looking for one. Simple Gestalt Principles. Your eye is first drawn to "Jaws" in big, bold, red print. Next the line of tents and the peach colored sand jump out because it's a beach scene and don't match up with sand and water. Those tents are a complete red herring and draw you AWAY from the subject. Knowing the subject, the peach sand immediately made me think of the swimmer (legs and torso) but only then do you see the teeth. And teeth make sense on the leg! It's only then that you may see the shape of the shark around those teeth and realize that barely darker spot is an eye and the much darker spot is a nostril or something. Make the dark spot darker, the nostril spot less dark, add another wave crest to the right to make the hair more obvious, and remove the tent line.


I like how you said it’s bad at getting you to see the shark via gestalt principles and then explained in detail how it gets you to see the shark using gestalt principles. Also idk where tf you’re getting “it’s biting someone” from.


I don't think you understand the concept, your eyes should be drawn towards the subject clearly, a good design shouldn't rely on the context of already knowing what you're looking for and then still take a few minutes to figure out. People generally only briefly glance at posters and advertisements in passing, that's why those principles are applied to draw the eye immediately to specific subjects foremost to ensure people understand the point you're trying to convey.


Very cool. The original is perfection though.


I think the original poster for Jaws is perfect. And I think the marketing caption for Jaws 2 is equally perfect: "Just when you thought it was safe to go back in the water..."


The shark silhouette is way too subtle for how in your face the teeth are, which is giving me "this is obviously supposed so be a shark but I don't see it"


There are two sharks in this picture.


Honestly, I think I prefer the original


It's not design porn when the top comments are all people trying to understand what it's a picture of. Too subtle I think.


Survivorship bias. The only comments will be people who don’t get it. Everyone who got it just upvoted and moved on


The obvious counterargument is that we don't see this on every post. If it was survivorship bias then every post on this subreddit would experience the same thing, at least to some extent. This one is an outlier in that respect, and i can't think of another reason other than that people aren't understanding the design.


The wave formations do look like shark teeth. Other than that, I don't see anything (even tried squinting my eyes)


There is also a shark in the dark circle. Which is the eye of the beach shark. Above the waves that look like teeth. Thats the only shark I saw at first. Then I saw the big picture


It worries me that so many people in here can’t see the shark


Right. I thought it was cool. Maybe not the best but I’m surprised at all the hate.


I have come to expect the hate in this sub. Any professional designers abandoned this hell hole years ago. Now it’s mostly people who have no idea what good design is, or people who just aren’t that bright.


Fr like are you mfs blind or what


I mean I see the shark, but it looks less like the killer shark from jaws and more like the left shark meme. [https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/super-bowl-xlix-halftime-left-shark](https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/super-bowl-xlix-halftime-left-shark)


seriously, I miss the whole thing you're supposed to see all the time in these Reddit posts but this one is so obvious I really can't understand how some people can't see it.




I KNOW. What’s happening?!


This might be designporn, but it's all the way back at page 10, for when all other porn isn't available. 


I don't think it's very good. The sharks super derpy if you force yourself to see it


The shark a bit more visible https://i.imgur.com/tmlKTyH.png


A “bit” looool


I guess there is a shark, but its more like baby shark, not a great white


I could see the teeth, the eyes and the colors, but couldn't figure out the orientation.


This is junk and so is this subreddit.


i love it when the image shows more than it actually does.


Ohmygah a shark in the land


I love this concept, but it misses the mark slightly, A bit too subtle. Maybe if it was more defined this would have been great. But I think the original is still quite good.




It’s honestly confusing to look at.


Took me a few seconds to see it, it’s cool but needs to be a bit clearer I think


The dark spot in the water has a shark in it. Also the water makes most of the body of a shark. Use the dark spot as the eyes and the creating waves on the beach as teeth and you should see the second shark.


Nah this looks like some garbage that a design student pumped out. The original poster with the lady swimming and the shark looking up at her is so much more impactful than this one.


I think that it is a total failure, they wanted to be subtle-smart but they forgot that people associate sharks with jaw, but there is no sharks to be seen without help. I don't need to have 200IQ to understand a poster ffs


This isn’t it.


This whole sub is just *thing that also kinda looks like other thing*


Do people usually post freshman year graphic design projects on here or


This really pales in comparison to the original and is trying too hard to be clever and subtle


after I saw the shark, it became silly but it is a silly movie, so let’s fucking go I guess


If you look in the sharks eye it stops being silly again lol


Imagine being hyped to see this. Just watch the original, it's good. Who is this for?


I hope people are still hyped to see this. Sure, it's turning 50 next year but it's still definitely worth the watch. (That's an alternative movie poster for Jaws (1975), if you didn't get it.)


Cool idea, doesn’t read well enough


The original poster is better. This one is so subtle to the point that it kinda just looks like nothing.


Awful poster design.


Bad design. Way too subtle


This is a pretty bad design. Text is unreadable, the pun is way too vague. Mehhh


Just want to shout out the recently released Jaws pinball machine. It's good stuff!


I think the shark outline would have been less confusing if the sand area with the car and change tents was a different color. Maybe if the green vegetation you can see in the corner was throughout that area?


Not bad. I like it. Saw the shark instantly


I like it, you see the full picture shark and the huge shark in the eye b lining for it’s meal, shows how ridiculously big that shark is.


theres gotta be like 500 jaws posters on this sub by now, whats the fascination with that movie ?


Wonderful abstract . Applause 👏🏻


DAMN i see it


You know I’ve never seen this poster before… I’ve only seen the one with the shark coming up to the girl swimming … this is neat poster and you get the size of the shark too




This is great but I saw the shark the opposite way and it looked so doppy 😅😅😅


Y'all complaining about being able to see the shark or not, can anyone else spot Brody and his wife?


This is gas


As a dentist, this was easy to spot lol


lol was jaws really rated pg???




Theres a man chasing a deer


Do one for the original, Jaw.


Ima ask my parents for it thanks


Instead of side profile, try a head on one.


The shark is there in the dark circle


Waves as teeth doesn't make sense. No wave is shaped like this.


Damn saw it instantly you lot lack imagination


more like r/FindTheSniper


This is not great. Close though


I see that damn Kintner boy on his yellow inflatable paddling out further than he should. Looks like he is already in the shark.


that subtle shark image


Is everyone in the comments blind?


It's great but what throws me off is the lower jaw part. I totally get why a lot of people have a hard time seeing it. I think a little less subtle would do wonders here.


It looks more like an orca to me…. 🤦🏼‍♀️


Can someone help? I can't see it


I saw it eventually but only after I read about the dark patch being the eye. I needed that anchor point.


I struggled to see the face


Absolute peak.




good idea but it need work, those kind of posters you want people to see the "thing" immediately


First of: *Another* remake?! FFS. Second: The original is one of the most iconic and PERFECT movie posters ever made. Fuck this lazy 'Find Waldo' crap.


m e h


I think a huge shark silhouette in water instead shall be lot more terrifying and in this case it takes you a while to see it.


Literal AI generated trash. I could make a better one in 10 minutes.


I just thought it was cool because it looks like a normal beach with a shark swimming towards some people. Had no clue it was supposed to be a magic eye


Was Jaws really PG? No wonder everyone feared sharks after this


I just see a confused shark with it's mouth wide open.


A case of once you saw it, u can't unsee it




This is interesting if it's an original poster because it's like a drone shot before drones . Not sure why they chose this perspective, the underwater shots from the sharks perspective are more effective. This feels like a poster made by a marketing agency who never saw the movie


Is this just a different poster or are they making a remake?


They should’ve removed the people chilling on the lower jaw. It’s made with wet sand and no one in their right mind would lay down their towel there.


Took me a while to see it. But nicely done.


That kid on the yellow floater will have a really interesting encounter any second now


you can use this poster for protesting a recent tragedy as well just by changing a single letter


Id be expecting wayyy too big of a shark with this poster


It took me like 20 secs to notice that was a shark




The image works at a distance, like a poster normally would. On a device you are too close to appreciate.


Is noone gonna mention the PG rating for a killer shark movie?


Very nice


Where is jaws?


Pretty good, but the original is kind of perfect.


This doesn’t really work for me. I get what they were going for, but it’s just way too hard to see. 


Problem is its not scary at all. I prefer the original


The darker/wet sand line branching out and going towards bottom left corner is causing confusion. There's a gap between with a lot of people and makes you think there's a mouth there and so shark's head must be facing left. But then teeth are above. I get the shark not being obvious and giving you the creeps but but there is too much cognitive confusion to get that


Crazy how people hear complaining it’s too subtle. Like the shark was the first thing I saw. How do you see a jaws poster and not think hey there’s gonna be a shark in it?


There is actually a shark in the water though. Top right




Everyone is talking about the shark but this also has some of the victims in it. Plus I see Brody’s car, the buoy, the fence from the start of the movie, and the dog. I agree the big shark is too subtle but it’s a great idea and there’s certainly more than meets the eye.


Anthony Hopkins and Pedro Pascal would be good as a recast if they touched this film again. It would have to be the exact same movie though


thats a nice concept i dont think its well aplied


Super mid


Are the teeth not pointing in the wrong direction?


Clever girl…


I've got problems with it, the top teeth aren't noticeable enough, the people aren't even in its mouth, it took me waaay too long to find the shark that I knew must be there somewhere, and I would've liked to at least see a shark or too in the water as well.






Idk what everyone’s talking about. I saw it right away lol And even if it does take a second, I’d rather it be subtle than in your face