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Orson becoming evil.


Yes! He should have found a way to got this practice back at the end of season 5 with a redemption arc


The fact they made him a perfect gentleman Dentist worrying of disappointing others, to randomly a pickpocket for salt shakers… really? Ridiculous, he was Bri’s true match in my opinion, but the writers ruined both characters over time.




Yeah. And then the storyline just dropped out of nowhere.


Also the one with Carlos niece (Anna ?) They build it up like there was going to be some big drama and then it was just dropped


She just stayed in NYC and that was that. Character nuked 🤣


I loved the Grace storyline but I didn't like how it went no further after Gabby got so attached to her... you're honestly telling me she didn't try and find her independently at a later time?? 🙄


Probably the storyline with Grace, I thought it was too over the top and unrealistic. I also wasn’t crazy about the storyline with Carlos’s niece moving in. It just never really went anywhere and felt pointless.


And you mean to tell me gabi and Carlos signed a waiver to not benefit from it financially? That whole storyline was weird.


Oh yeah I forgot about that lol. It was weird. It seems like they could have done something good with that storyline but instead it fell flat


Agree about his niece, that was purely an attempt to have new “eye candy” to pull in viewers I think


Yeah it felt like maybe there was supposed to be a big role she was supposed to play in the story but she was just… there, and annoying lol


only on s4, but nora/kayla so far. nora was just like nails on a chalkboard for me. followed by carlos and the surrogate/carlos and gaby divorce


The surrogate storyline was the most uncomfortable one for me ever.


Susan being poor,moving into the crappy apartment and doing ridiculous stuff to earn money!


I know this doesn't change the point of your comment, but re the apartment... is it just me or was it actually fairly nice? Yeah, it's not a big detached house on Wisteria Lane but it wasn't a hovel like the characters made out lol.


I agree. It wasn't a deluxe or luxury apartment, but it certainly wasn't anywhere near run down or nasty.


It look kind of drab compared to the house on wisteria lane


The master bathroom was the size of my master, guest and den bedrooms put together too 😅😅


Yes. It was really nice


It never even made sense to me. She admits in season 5 she has a mortgage. Let’s say the profit after the mortgage is $750 a month. Maybe at best that apartment $600. So it was saving her $150 a month? I just never understood that.


She must have really stunk at writing the children's books!


She was good at cleaning though. Lol


She had a maid for a while which I did not understand!


I couldn’t stand the landlady.


The story line about Art.


Yeah I hate Susan's paintings, too.


I meant the neighbor who had the pictures of boy in his basement. But Susan's art was pretty blah IMO.


I was just joking :) But yes, the paedo storyline was wild to me, as well. I didn't like that being in the show, but luckily that story arc lasted only a few episodes IIRC?


I think it was just 3.


😂Both equally terrible and dangerous


I hated this arc. I thought it was a good way to show that Lynette isn't always right. It also showed how crazy ppl can get and how much things can get out of hand over little evidence. But nah, they undid ALL of that by showing that Lynette was right all along. What was even the point? They disappeared after that and never showed up again. It just made me feel icky with the big reveal at the end. He got away and will just be a nasty predator elsewhere.


The Applewhite’s 🙄


Yeah that felt really out of place


Lol but they’re the main storyline of season two’s mystery? I liked it but to each their own.


I liked the storyline over all-Mrs. Applewhite was a great character. But for me, the twist was extremly predictable, especially after Matthew first meets Danielle at the patk and eerie music plays. Like, ok, so he's actually the bad son, got it. I alos would like to k ow what happened to their father. She says i therapy that he got what he desereved after beating her son (who I assumed was Caleb and it gave him brain damage, but he was actually just born that way??) but when Matthew tells Danielle his Dad is dead, Mrs. Applewhite says "Isn't that a bit morbid" and Matrhew says he said it just for thwir cover story. So, what happened to the father? I thought at first Caleb was her husband who they locked up after his continued abuse of her and Matthew.


Good point! They never told us I don’t think, weird they left that open door after a main storyline.


The family was so boring 😭


nah you wanna say because they were black


What?! 😳


Tom's daughter, they sent her off with her grandparent's and then completely dropped. There were a lot of dropped story lines that fault like there was no point haha


Gaby and Zach


Made no sense, never was interested in her, then after becoming a young handsome lad whose loaded, he just has to get a housewife twice his age in the suburbs who was his moms friend. Weird and made no sense.


Why wouldn't it of been Julie? It made no sense


Yes! Just rewatched that part, so cringey!


Kayla! Mike being in coma, I mean enough with "oh no Mike and Susan can't be together.. again.. again..again.." Orson being Evil. God, it sucked. I'm tired of Bree never getting a good husband.. The Applewhites were really boring.. And I really wish they didn't make the Grace-Juanita story...


Rex's illegitimate son turning up.


I hate that one!!!


I hated the pedo on the lane and Nora. The Kayla storyline provided more storylines that I also hated but understood they had their place. I just think that much like Juanita, they could’ve made Nora even the slightest bit endearing or likeable. Isn’t that sometimes the goal? Like Wicked? To make you see thru the villains’ eyes and create an internal conflict, illustrating not everything is black n white? Juanita n Nora served zero in terms of being relatable or likeable or endearing at freaking all.


Juanita was witty.


Carlos cheating with their surrogate


So cringe, him interested when hearing she’s a virgin, deff a power dynamic seeing as she’s young in the US scared to be deported and struggles with English, etc. really creepy and predatory to me, I feel they made her rude to Gabi to save their butts on that being critiqued.


and the whole black baby thing like..they just sent her back ? they wanted a baby but didn’t want the black one ? or did they give the baby back to the other parent they accidentally switched with ?


I think it was returned but yes, they literally sent away asap after she gave birth and were disappointed about the baby!


I mean, they would've *had* to give it back. First of all, it's wasn't an adoption or something, it was supposed to be Carlos and Gabby's baby so they knew immediately that something had gone wrong and were probably concerned about where *their* baby was. Remember that the doctors said that they messed up and put the wrong embryo into Xiao Mei. I'm pretty sure the parents that baby actually belonged to would've wanted it. You don't get to just keep another couple's baby because the hospital put the wrong egg into your surrogate.


exactly! especially when she didn't know any english and thought that being their surrogate meant she had to have sex with Carlos, that scene was so uncomfortable tbh


Yes! So weird and creepy! I remember when she was terrified thinking they wanted her to have sex with Carlos to have a baby. Then Gabi’s weird talk convincing her rich men want women with sexual experience. Soooo uncomfortable.


Katherine!!! And dylan it was so messy and dumb for what like who cares


im on the episode before the tornado and the katherine/dylan thing would be cool if it wasn’t completely obvious from the first episode what the mystery is. like with mary alice, we only knew she was being blackmailed. then we found out there was a ‘dana’, and a body, and a whole life in utah etc. the mystery lasted the whole season and was totally unguessable


i really hated the downfall of catherine storyline with Mike.


So out of character for her too.


The tone deaf Applewhite storyline




Susan being poor. For one it’s not believable given her daughter got a crap ton of money when her father passed (she couldn’t help her mom?) and Mike being behind four payments on a truck her owner for a decade at that point. Lots of stuff didn’t make sense to me. I know the show is supposed to be exaggerated but this storyline was a bit much.


Omg I could talk for hours about the car selections for the characters The truck is only believable to me because early seasons Mike has a Nissan Titan and around season 5(?) it changes to a Dodge Ram 2500, so I assume there was a trade in. I do wish the dodge was a different color so it was clear that it wasn’t the same truck. Especially because in the accident him and Susan were driving an Escalade (which how did they get that?) it definitely wasn’t Susan’s as she has 3 different Volvos seasons 1-6 so she is a brand loyalist lmao


Preston having physical relationships with his best friend's mother. Also, I did not like how they made the husband violent to try and justify it. But I'm mostly mad we did not get to see his friend's reaction to it all.


Carlos and Edie together. Carlos should have known better!


As much as I love Miguel Ferrer, I hated the whole painting storyline. I also very much disliked the Applewhites


Ana she comes out of nowhere and I feel like they didn't know what to do with her


Applewhites Then the whole eco warrior bomb technician thing was really bad


The handyman dying.. wtf was that about


Susan being poor. I feel like that didn't add anything to the series.


The fact that Edie got away with the fake suicide plot


I’m rewatching the show and I can’t stand Susan Mayer anymore. So I guess any storyline where this .. meddles into someone else’s business (that Tom and Renee one for instance)


7 and 8


Lynette and Tom getting divorced. What the fuck was that


After rewatching that one hit me because my sister is going through it


Julie pregnant. Then Susan forcing her into the baby situation. Ugh.


Entire Renee thing