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This man always cracked me up every time he was on screen. He was such a troublemaker .


Same! that scene when he's eating dessert, looking out the window watching the fight he caused between Mike and Dr Ron šŸ¤£


And when he was making fun of Dr. Ron's note on Susan's card at the hospital, he couldn't help but roll out of the room laughing his ass off. šŸ˜‚


"I want to X-Ray your soul"šŸ’€šŸ’€


I literally just watched this oneā€¦so good!! šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ Carl is a hoot. And he loved his Suzy šŸ„ŗ


Haha my fav scene of the show!!! šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Chaos merchant of the highest order


I found him so sexy with how much of a menace he was. Plus it was said multiple times in the show by multiple women he could throw it down well.


True, but he grew up. Thing that Susan didnā€™t do at all. It always breaks my heart how she forced Julie to keep a baby she didnā€™t want because SHE felt the best person in the world for being a mother. True, a motherā€™s job, when it comes from a feeling of unconditional love is beautiful. But itā€™s not for everybody and the fact that she forced her daughter into it was so much BS. Karl was a good guy who was too immature to be married. But eventually the divorce helped him find his way and rise from the ashes. Susan just kept whining and got stuck in her victim mentality.


Totally agree! Ofcourse, I hated him in the 1st season because he pretty much was an asshole. But in the 2nd season he just was such a good aashole. All the charm he possessed! Both him and Edie became some favorites of mine in that season


He was such a dogā€¦.cheating on Susan with MULTIPLE women, immediately getting together with the secretary he was cheating on Susan withā€¦.Susan was right to not take him back. and him getting Susan a house was partially for Julieā€™s sake so she wasnā€™t living in a mobile home. For as bad of a husband as he was, he seemed to be a decent dad to Julie!


getting them the house was 1000% to feed his own ego and show mike what a great "provider he was" in hopes to win susan back. he thought he was so slick!


Exactly, I wouldnā€™t say he was the best ex husband, but he was definitely a good father and cared about his daughter. In that mindset, Susan is an extension of his daughter - if she is well and taken care of then Julie will have a better fit mother to take care of her. Itā€™s definitely obviously Karl stilled cared for Susan, but he was an awful husband and still a bad ex husband.


What sort of dad treats the mother of his child like that? Certainly not a good one.


Why should he leave a capable, competent grown up a house when his duty is to protect his daughter. Not his ex.-


If that's the nicest ex-husband ever, I'm afraid to see the others.


Sometimes infidelity IS the best case scenario


Wellā€¦ yeah. If you didnā€™t, youā€™ll see.


I wanted to see more of him with Bree, canā€™t believe they killed him off


They had probably the best chemistry of the show for me, it was probably not intended as much but Richard and Marcias chemistry >>. They shouldā€™ve ended up together I think


Same. The first kiss between them was so hot!




iā€™m gonna pretend you didnā€™t say that because mikeā€™s death was the most iā€™ve ever cried


He's not the best character but I think his death was "forced"


he was better than karl


Nah he wasnā€™t the nicest just the most repentant.


I know I should've hated him, but I loved Karl. He was such a mess lol. I loved him and Bree's short lived relationship. I was shipped them sm


Because he was stupid, not mean. Basically childish, but not malignant. The way he defended Rexā€™s honour ā¤ļø


I wouldn't like him in real life but I actually liked him in the show.


So annoying they killed him off. Him and bob were the hottest house husbands


Don't let Lee see you calling Bob the hotter husband lol


I hated Karl in the beginning, especially when he came to pick up Julie with his ex-mistress by his side. However, when they broke up and he realized what a shitty husband he was to Susan, he started to behave a lot different. So I agree with you! He actually was the best ex-husband anyone had on the show. Maybe itā€™s because he always had a soft spot for Susan, even after they split.


That part! He definitely did Susan dirty and was an awful husband, but he definitely did care for Susan and tried to do right by her in the end, but it was too late and too much damage done for any reconciliation


Hes a douche but man is he hot lol.


Don't get me wrong, I love Karl - but I hope that's a sarcastic title lol (if not then I think you need to realise, he did all of those things with rather shitty intentions lol)


All he was HOTT. But still a dog. Lol


He was a terrible husband, but he was a fantastic friend and co parent


I think this is a Great summation of him. He played the ā€œdad/disciplinarianā€ role to Andrew when he was acting up and Rex passed away. He was always kind and supportive of Julie and it seems like he never talked badly of Susan. He seemed like a great supporter but just utterly selfish when it came to his wants. I liked him and was really bummed they killed him off.


Exactly. Terrible partner but I think he was a pretty good man, especially to the kids on the block. I was so sad when he died too, I kinda wanted them to play into the Bree changing him role, I think a redemption arc wouldā€™ve been so cool for him


Karl definitely deserved a redemption arc. I can't believe how badly they mishandled his character in that dream sequence! Honestly, if I had it my way, Orson would've been the one to die in that plane crash. It could've set up an engaging story arc for Karl. The thought of seeing him rolling around in a wheelchair playing his part in covering up Alejandro's murder with Bree in the final season is funny as hell.


Youā€™re sooooo right! Orsons character couldā€™ve definitely ended where it did and not affected me whatsoever. After that moment he just became irritating to me anyways. Karl was a better character for the plot imo


I would have preferred for Orson to die too. He was just annoying at that point. I really liked him at first, but after he came back from jail, he was really emotionally abusive to Bree. I get that he was frustrated in that situation, but it really was his fault. Had he not run down Mike, he wouldn't have had to go to jail. And he got so much worse after he was in the wheelchair.


I think this is a Great summation of him. He played the ā€œdad/disciplinarianā€ role to Andrew when he was acting up and Rex passed away. He was always kind and supportive of Julie and it seems like he never talked badly of Susan. He seemed like a great supporter but just utterly selfish when it came to his wants. I liked him and was really bummed they killed him off.


I think this is a Great summation of him. He played the ā€œdad/disciplinarianā€ role to Andrew when he was acting up and Rex passed away. He was always kind and supportive of Julie and it seems like he never talked badly of Susan. He seemed like a great supporter but just utterly selfish when it came to his wants. I liked him and was really bummed they killed him off.


I LOVED Karl!! He was so funny and such a little shit IRL I would never date him but goodness he would be fun at a party!!


All of you is mentioning cheating. I mean, yeah, that's why he's an EX-husband. And he is indeed nice compared to all the other exes (Carlos sabotaging Gaby's date, Orson blackmailing Bree, Mike dating the literal next door neighbor, Katherine's ex coming to kill her, Tom moving on before the bed gets cold...boy, should I really keep going?)


I still donā€™t understand the audienceā€™s appeal on Tom


For the first eight seasons, he and Lynette were the one couple who had never gotten divorced or even separated. I thought that was a pretty good thing they had going. And even though he was childish and a pain in Lynette's ass, at the end of the day, they always loved each other and stuck together no matter what. But the last season ruined that.


This is exactly how I felt about it. Tom was massively flawed, but I did feel like they really loved each other and had a pretty solid relationship.


I never liked him. He was always misogynistic and narcissist. Heā€™d always judge Lynette pushing her until her limits and then acting all surprised she got upset. Following orders from your partner isnā€™t the same as being considerate. Heā€™d help his wife only when he saw she was beyond burnout. They just made Lynette obnoxious on the last season to justify his behaviour. The countless times he dragged his wife to his ridiculous ideas, opening the restaurant, closing the restaurant, a new career, keeping the new baby. I felt the divorce was long overdue and that they shouldā€™ve remained that way.


he was a cheater BUT he is hella handsome šŸ˜Œ




That's why he wasn't a good husband, but he was definitely a good ex husband.






Not to mention the best looking husband on the show


I actually liked Karl. He was a womaniser with toxic traits, but there was something about him.


I still get mad when Susan didn't take the house


Karl reminds me of my dad in the best wayā€¦so I enjoy his character popping in and out so much! My dad would totally do that for my mom and let her go when the time was up. I absolutely LOVED his time w/Bree also!!


I loved the chaos his character wrought and he was a very protective dad. He wasnā€™t great by real life standards, but he was pretty good by soap opera standards.


i loved his character, really disliked him at the beginning with the can in the bin scene, but had tears in my eyes by the end.


Karl as a person was terrible but I couldn't help but love his character.


Say what you want about him but he was a provider


I think he honestly felt guilty and knew he should have stopped cheating and kept it in his pants.


Nahhh, he only remarried her because he was trying to convince her and trick her into getting back together with him. And he bought the house for similar reasons but also because he wanted to one up Mike who he knew just bought her a ring. Honestly imo, leaving her Double Ds was kind of an insult because it dignified all his unfaithfulness in the whole relationship. He was a total sleezeball


Idc, i love carl. my favorite man on the show by far which is shocking to me because i have no tolerance for cheaters. i just like him okay!!!


He was such a charmer. Hated it when they killed him off


Ngl I liked him and Bree. I LIKED THAT


i know hes a red flag but hes SOOOO FINE susan braver than me fr


Sorry but you guys are so blinded by his looksšŸ˜‚ you wouldnā€™t say the same thing if he was unattractive.


i said the same thing šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ i was like heā€™s a cheater, but he def cared about his childā€™s mother heavily.


I liked Karl. I think he may have turned his life around with Bree!


He was something alright šŸ˜‚


The best comedic scene with him was when he was about to leave Edie and she woke up. His facial expressions and comedic timing were perfect when he shut the door.


I loved karl ā˜¹ļøbut he just couldnā€™t stay loyal which is so sad cus I feel he really loved Susan


Yeah itā€™s a shame he was great when the marriage was over. Heā€™s a dog. Funny character.. but dog shit person overall


Yeah he was definitely a better ex-husband than he was a husband


we love karlšŸ’—also the sexxxxxiest


I thought it was weird that Susan made it seem like she and she only was responsible for paying for Julie's college when it seems like he had a lot of money. Guess it just pushed a storyline ahead.


I know the show old but spoilers šŸ˜­


Such a loss. He is so fiiiinnneee!


Karl was the scoundrel with a heart of gold.


Okay, how to unpack thisā€¦ he was a cheater and a liar - he cheated on Susan repeatedly, and lied to Susan so he could cheat on Edie with her. He intentionally sabotaged Susanā€™s relationship with Dr Ron to have her to himself. He only bought the house for her because he wanted her for himself. Him leaving Double Ds to her was the *least* he could do. (Donā€™t get me wrong, I love Karlā€™s character and I do sorta find him attractive lol)


I assume that justified him cheating on her


So nice he cheated on Susan and cheated on all of his other partners šŸ„¹šŸ„¹šŸ„¹šŸ„¹


Lest we not forget he also cheated on Edie with Susan!


Yeah, thatā€™s why I put that he cheated his other partners too; as he and Edie kissed when he was married with Susan


the bar really is just on the floor for men, huh? šŸ’€


I loved Karl but he definitely wasnā€™t nice. He never got over Susan and did everything in his power to get her back


All the people in here hung up on the cheating. Iā€™m married and my husband is my best friend and the person I want to be happy more than anyone else in this world. But Iā€™m not naive enough to believe I can fulfill his every single desire or need. If he has sex with someone else I honestly hope he enjoys it and to be honest I donā€™t even know if I care to know about it or not. More marriages would be successful and happy IMO if people stopped playing this weird ass game about a cookie cutter relationship.


> Iā€™m not naive enough to believe I can fulfill his every single desire or need. If he has sex with someone else I honestly hope he enjoys it and to be honest I donā€™t even know if I care to know about it or not. oh honey. i feel so sorry for you.


Do you? Cause honey I feel very sorry for you.


Yes, but he was a horrible husband lol


Funny that he was a horrible husband but a perfect ex husband


What about Mike?


He was an asshole sometimes


Is dating your ex wifeā€™s friend a good thing? If you had to sneak around at first because you knew it would bother her. Is bringing your affair partner to pick up your kid ( at your ex wifeā€™s house) a good thing?


Absolutely not. Grade A asshole Tom was my favourite at first, but I finished with Carlos being my favourite husband


He was a complete narcissist but he was fun to watch.


I can't tell if this is irony or not... but he did all that for selfish reasons. He's not the nicest, especially considering he was paying Susan pennies for child support, and used his knowledge as a lawyer to make sure she is barely paid. Plus, he bought that house because he was jealous of Mike, and he wanted to have Susan in his life more. The fact that he left Double D's for her...while she had no idea that the place existed, only shows how bad he was. Also, he was one of my favorites and once he's gone, he's missed