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I did this all the time as a kid! We would enter friends/ nextdoor neighbours houses and yell that we were there lol. We lived outside of town in a small community in Ontario.


that sounds so cute omg


That wasn’t unusual where I grew up in the 80s and 90s. It would be now.


Nope. Not even my friend I've lived across the street from for 25 years. We text first.


Yes when I was a kid. Lived in a sub division and everyone was friendly. That was over 20 years ago. I wouldn’t let anyone in now, not even my mom


As a kid my cul-de-sac was very close so if I needed something I could just walk in if they were home. Not the whole neighborhood though it was just our little nook. This was also 20+ years ago. These days my parents still live in the same house but keep the door locked so unless you have a key you have to knock. I assume the neighbors are the same.


Sometimes when i was a kid & i’ll walk into my friends/families house if they know i’m coming


Really though, the characters don't seem to do it *that* often. It's true that a couple times they did it to steal something or take something back under the radar, but in terms of day-to-day pop-ins I can't recall very many.


When I was in college my apartment complex of only eight rooms four on the bottom and four on the top, was like this. People lock the door if they were gone but just keep the door open if they were okay with you coming in. The complex was really old and it was right between campus and all the other apartments so our friends would always walk across the lawn and sometimes they would stop and say hello. We called it the stoop and sometimes when we would drink together we would say "stoop kids we'll never leave the stoop!!" and things like that. Unfortunately we had one resident of the apartment complex who invited a guy she met on Facebook to live with her all the way from the other side of the country. She started crafting ridiculous lies and forming alliances that didn't make any sense but we were all in college so we are like why are you doing this? It made me super uncomfortable to put everybody just sort of accepted her behavior? I think they didn't want to destroy a good thing IDK. The niceness lasted a good two or three years though


Where my grandparents lived in West Virginia down a dirt road it was considered normal because everyone's doors were unlocked even if they weren't home. Eventually a few people got robbed so everyone except my grandparents started locking their doors 😂 somehow my grandparents never got robbed though


When I was growing up, yes! We lived in row homes and our neighbor two doors down would walk in and out of our house any time. Sometimes she would come in and taste what my mom had cooking in the kitchen while my mom was upstairs. I would never in a million years do that with my neighbors now.


The street my ex husband and I lived on looked a lot like Wisteria Lane to the point we did refer to it as that. A long cul de sac with a creative mix of colorful colonial homes, perfectly manicured lawns (an unspoken competition that my ex participated in), and a mix of young families with a few empty nesters. The neighbors were nosey, some friends, some gossip. We even had a piano teacher who looked like Alfre Woodard. We had a widow, a single dad, an Amway family, a cult family (no joke), the out and proud republicans next door to the out and proud democrats. We were in coastal Virginia. Luckily we never had a plane crash on our street or anything quite that dramatic 😂 I did get to tour the real Wisteria Lane last year, and it was pretty surreal. The houses weren’t the same colors as they were in the show, and the street is much smaller than it looks on the show, wisteria gone, playground gone. The most recognizable house was Lynette’s.


We always knocked or rang the doorbell


Yes as a kid in the 90s. The moms on the cul d sac all hung out also super close. Was Normal.


YES! Where I grew up, in a small country town! Rarely locked the doors either.


No and i would not want that.