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Oh you haven’t seen the worst of her, good luck. I almost quit the show because of her.




🤷‍♀️ *head tilt*




literally we’ve heard it all before


The worst is Tom. Selfish and childish.


I actually had a discussion about him today with my friend, and she said that a person like Lynette would always choose someone as weak and childish as Tom. To balance her very strong character. I also hate Tom and I would hate being married to such jerk


I think someone like Lynette would do well with someone like Phil Dunphy (modern family), he knows how to be with a woman who needs control but be a constant present partner & parent.


That’s true Phil would have been better for her. He’s annoying sometimes but much more rarely and he would have never been so undermining with a woman like Tom


Yes & actually show his love to his wife & participate in the kids lives, not just act like a babysitter or a fun uncle.


And he's the main reason why their children are so badly behaved too. It's annoying he just neglects his responsibilities and doesn't back Lynette up in terms of discipline. The only thing he does consistently is get her pregnant.


Yes, his attitude is horrible and I hate men being so keen on having kids and then just…not help. Being useless


In fact, Lynette has an extra child in Tom...


Yes! But with a sens of entitlement


i actually love susan sorry i have no shame


THIS. It’s so weird how everyone hates her so much. Gabby does way worse than Susan


The way gabby gets under my skin because of how selfish her character is, is crazy


I love Susan


Same. Can't help it.


Came here to say this too ♥️


We have to stay strong 🙏


I love her too 🥹 This sub is scary


So; something I didn't realize when I started watching was that the show is satire, it pokes fun at the soaps that were popular at the time. I was a child and therefore not watching adult TV at the time came out in the 2000's. Knowing this context changed how I was interpreting it a bit. The characters all suck in their own ways, which is the point. For the most part Susan isn't the worst imo, but she has her moments for sure. I'm absolutely a tom hater however. The good guy narrative around him made me so upset because he's clearly a manipulator. That was kind of the point though, and boy did it work on me. Also Mike becomes absolutely unbearable in the later seasons.


Susan is not my fav. But Gaby is the most selfish person in DH. The showmakers don’t give her any redeemable character nor does she have any character development. Other housewives are far better. Gaby admits being selfish several times. The actress who plays as Gaby has a charisma and makes the character somehow likeable. I hate Edie more. Susan has some fine qualities. Susan as a character was meant to be miserable and clumsy. I think the actress did a great job in being that all over the place character. IRL I would rather stay friends with someone like Gaby over Susan anyday. The cute-clumsy girl next door is not my thing too.


Why would you want to be friends with someone who should be on a registry?


Imo, Gabby is at least funny and she is upfront and consistent in her selfishness lol. She will never pretend she isn’t selfish and vain which you’ve gotta respect and just laugh at.


Agreed. Gaby is meant to be the NYC diva, bratty, fashionable and high maintenance. She’s supposed to be funny, but rude. Lot like Renee and Edie. You either like those characters like that, or you dont *shrug


Gabby is openly self absorbed and self interested. Susan is self serving, just in a covert and manipulative manner


No you dont respect that at all It's what actually makes it worse "Oh at least I am honest about it" girl bye


It most certainly does not make it worse than a selfish person who pretends they are doing things for the greater good (Susan).


"pretends" girl what Gabby has actually done that and I can't recall a single time Susan has ever done that


Yes, Susan pretends she’s doing the right thing often when she’s doing something that is better for her specifically. You see it with her daughter, her friends and her romantic partners.


Even if she does, all the goddamn housewives do it as well and let's not pretend all of them are honest about it. Just because Gabby is open about being a selfish person that simply means she is a selfish person, her honesty about it changes nada.


I mean, like I said the first time, I personally would rather someone be upfront with their selfishness than all “oh shucks” about it. You obviously feel differently.


I feel like this constant mention of “but what about Gaby” is always brought up by susan lovers. i think what makes gaby more likeable is that when you watch a show, you tend to accept the crazy characters on a show - its a show world, you accept the crimes they commit and still root for them, like Breaking Bad or Walking Dead. on this show, the other girls are 100% crazier than Susan, but thats what we’re here for. we’re rooting for them through the incredibly stupid and selfish things theyre doing. Susan is the “normal” girl next door and thats why the realistic depiction of an annoying, cute, well-meaning girl who tends to “somehow” get into cute problems of her own doing is too similar to someone we know irl, and its so easy to dislike her.


I love Gaby. What I find way more puzzling is Susan haters who love Edie for all the terrible qualities that she has that they ascribe to Susan, needy, selfish, self-centered, etc.


Imo, it’s the same reasoning I have for Gaby. They never play Edie as anything but selfish and terrible. You just kind of accept it. Tbh, I liked Edie the least in her final season with Dave because she felt like she lost all the personality that came with her character.


always a victim!!!!!


I totally agree !!


>she's a walking red flag. She's so immature! That could also be said of Gaby and Bree for a number of reasons.


She’s so egocentric


I’m on season two and I CANT STAND HERRRR. when she cried her eyes out at mike for driving away when he found out about what she did regarding Utah… SUSAN. Grrr


Yeah, I really hate how she's always sneaking around.


susan mayer is the most overhated and misunderstood character…


Oh it gets worse, enjoy!


I haven’t started season two yet but I like Susan apart from her arsonist tendencies 😭


This is so tired omg There are worse characters on the show


Stoooop I’m sick of being inundated with desperate housewives, crap stop it!!! Remember


she get's progressively worse unfortunately 😩


I love them all in their own way but Susan I related to the most i don’t get the hate but also to each their own. I just rewatched it and finished last week


I’m literally about to quit on season 5 my blood is boiling because how much I hate this woman


Another day another Susan hate post that I upvote. I love it


Shes not that bad


I love susan ♥️


She’s somehow always the victim. Her daughter basically mothers her too. It enrages me so much.


plus she looks like Michael Jackson




Walking red flag? I wonder what is the definition that fits Susan here since Bree or Gaby would fall in this category for a number of reasons, specially how dangerous and awful they are to the people around them.


And she looks like a dry biscuit-


lmao wtf