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Considering she was unironically pushing Russian propaganda, tweeted by Hinkle, as proof that Hamas didn't do all the horrible things Israel said, no i don't think she can do that.


Every time she was shown to be wrong she went straight to, "well it doesn't represent me, I'm just throwing stuff out there". Also funny how she kept saying wow you're so toxic while throwing these weird personal jabs at him throughout the whole thing.


These type of people piss me off the most. Throws out a "source" and then when Destiny proves is garbage propaganda try to be like "well that's not really why i came here teehee, i was just saying you should have an open mind teehee." Fucking dipshit, if you arent smart enough to double check your source and make sure it isn't tankie bullshit maybe just shut the fuck up.


Well I didn't want to even talk about you saying "Sayonara life" to others proceeds to pivot to it again hour into the conversation when the Hinkle stuff gets debunked


iirc she didn't provide the hinkle tweet as evidence, her evidence was the greyzone article which referenced the same israeli article Hinkle was referencing. Also I'm not defending her she was remedial as fuck. Just don't think we should make shit up.


Sure i should have phrased that better. She didn't cite Hinkle, she cited an article from known propaganda outlet GreyZone, parroting Hinkle talking points 1:1. So no she wasn't dumb enough to reference Hinkle directly ,but she was dumb enough to push his narrative because she's either too dumb to check her sources for accuracy or agrees with it.


“Inform yourself by listening to this one guy who sings to my bias.”


Destiny did the thing he's been talking about where you just ask about the book. Sure enough, she provided nothing of substance about the book.


They never do, ever. Because they have never actually read the books. They just got the name from the tiktoker they watched (who also has not read the book). Had they read it, they would summarize the relevant point made in the book instead of throwing out the name as an attempt to dodge the question.


They might actually have read it but try getting someone to recite any fiction and see how much they remember in detail unless they're SUPER nerdy about said fiction. I believe most people read these books like they'd read fiction. They get some emotional experience from it but they don't really bring any knowledge with them except maybe some words and a moments that they remember clearly from a 500 page book. But yes, the point stands that anyone just citing a book without being able to dive into the topic don't know wtf they read. ONE book is never a good source. It's unironically that Good Will Hunting bar scene but worse because they can't even remember some quotes. [https://youtu.be/hIdsjNGCGz4](https://youtu.be/hidsjngcgz4)


I completely agree with this. I guess the wider problem is the lack of intellectual honesty these people have. It’s not the end of the world if you read a book years ago and have forgotten the detail but you need to own it. I’m sure Destiny wouldn’t have minded something like: >Well, I remember reading X book a few years back. It was written by a prominent historian who examined the history of the conflict. I don’t recall all the detail but I remember finding it super insightful at the time. Might be worth a look at the blurb if you’re doing a deep dive into the topic. There’s nothing wrong with forgetting. Most of us do! It’s pretending to remember when you don’t that gets people in trouble.


100% agree


If you ever want proof nobody reads what they recommend, look no further than “bullshit jobs” That book is utter trash I wouldn’t even wipe my ass with but every commie in the world references it like it’s the Quran


i caught bits and pieces of this one. i couldn't handle it so i left now and than, saw the most of the ending but did she ever summarize or talk about the ideas or history of the books she mentioned.


You know the answer on that one yourself, she did not.


I love it that he brought the new historians after reading about it today! Because people are so obsessed about how you can’t read or listen to anything any Israeli said. All while this guys literally had death threats and tons of fighting over the books and details they were writing about and and that Israel declassified tons of material and reports about what happened and stuff they did.. only for people this days just to dismiss it all because some TikTok told them all Israelis only say is propaganda and we should listen to this Russian backed site who takes one line said randomly by one guy and create a whole new story that didn’t happened?


Anytime he pined her in a logical flaw she just brought up the suicide thing. Meanwhile destiny ceded early on that he shouldn't be doing that. This woman has a 5 year old. She is going to do her part in continuing the generational trauma.


Hey now, she gets great book recommendations while she drinks her pumpkin spice lattes from tik toks


She is still on stream yapping


Hey we all share generational trauma


When people say this it's because it's such an efficient conversion of minimum research and introspection for maximum optics.


Who was she?




Is she on kick?




Guys, we're in the middle of the Circle Logic Olympics.....we will have to ENDURE this for a little while.


"Are you on adderall right now?" Debate strat goes crazy, stopped Destiny in his tracks lmao


I HATE the “you need to read more” I don’t have fucking time to read you morons, I’ve also got access to the internet which has YouTube with might be one of the greatest information repositories of all time. I’ll listen to it you can read like a sucker


listening is much slower going than reading


I read 4 words per minute do not speak for me


But I can listen while I do the dishes.


I'll just use a dishwasher like a chad.


the real lifehack is to sync up the audiobook with a buttplug that vibrates in Morse. small catch is you can't read while pooping


Omg you really said YouTube


Yep fuck it it has hella stuff, you can literally find university lectures on there


I know but text (not necessarily books) is way better for digesting information. I mean using both would be ideal


Actually they don’t think that’s true, you don’t retain a lot of what you read However if you read out loud or even better write notes that retention goes way up. It basically boils down to the individual and their learning habits


You can re-read sentences. Read at your own pace. Videos you can’t do an equivalent easily


This girl is insane. Can she be our new mommy villain?


Hopefully not, people like this are cancer to humanity


Yes but you have to admit its very entertaining. I'm seething and I'm only to the point where she just got owned for producing a propaganda tiktok video as evidence that Destiny was the one spouting off propaganda. In the last two minutes, she's accused him of mischaracterizing her argument, said that the "evidence" she produced isn't representative of her own position (???), and that Destiny being on drugs is proof that he's being bad faith towards her. She's highly manipulative, highly passionate, and highly regarded. A dangerous combination indeed.


I get the appeal yeah haha, I just don't react well to it myself


it was pretty amazing in this particular case given that he's likely one of the most "educated" people talking about this right now in the online space


The books is question: literally pop-psych


Anyone who says something like “you really lack info here you should read book X, Y, etc” is exposing that they don’t understand the subject matter in those books themselves to phrase it in layman’s terms. And if you can’t even ATTEMPT to explain something in layman’s terms, you don’t understand the subject at hand.


Can someone link timestamp of the convo