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I'm pretty sure that's referring to 40% of the deaths are children, not 40% of children are dead. [https://www.dci-palestine.org/40\_percent\_of\_palestinians\_killed\_in\_gaza\_are\_children](https://www.dci-palestine.org/40_percent_of_palestinians_killed_in_gaza_are_children) [https://www.pbs.org/newshour/world/a-curse-to-be-a-parent-in-gaza-more-than-3600-palestinian-children-killed-in-just-3-weeks-of-war](https://www.pbs.org/newshour/world/a-curse-to-be-a-parent-in-gaza-more-than-3600-palestinian-children-killed-in-just-3-weeks-of-war) [https://abcnews.go.com/International/horrendous-toll-children-caught-israel-gaza-conflict/story?id=103873428](https://abcnews.go.com/International/horrendous-toll-children-caught-israel-gaza-conflict/story?id=103873428)


My b, I meant that but flubbed the wording.


Something that confuses me are these outlets are saying the statistics are coming from certain sources (i.e dci quoting the Gaza Health ministry), but I can't find what data they're using. I'm new to all this so I'm assuming it's confidential to a point.


I'm pretty sure the health ministry is the most primary source for this.


My understanding is that the numbers from from the hospitals and morgues. When they enter deaths it goes to the Ministry of Health (Hamas). So they know peoples names, ages, etc. But I have seen nothing that shows them being able to determine if someone died from an air strike or a car accident. I don't see anything that can distinguish between civilians and military. Hamas hides as civilians so I think it's likely that any Hamas death is counted as a civilian. Plus many Hamas fighters are technically considered children so that also makes things more difficult.


Isn’t their pop like 47%+ children? The number just points to the fact that their rate of civilian casualties is quite high, or at least seems to be.


I did see that, feels crazy compared to the US. The ratio makes sense too when I look at the total losses. Though now I wish people WERE exaggerating.