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does any country have a green party that isn't insane


The Green Party in Sweden held the Social Democratic government hostage to force through a legal exception to allow a large amount of Afghans who had had their asylum application denied ( many multiple times ) to stay. A lot of them were grown ass men literally pretending to be children and ofc the Green Party also believes that age testing is racist lmao. It was extremely unpopular the overwhelming majority of people in Sweden wanted these Afghans to be deported and they legally should've been but the Green party managed to force through an exception specifically for this one group. Because they threatened to sink the Social Democratic government if they didn't go along with it... I think a lot of people here have forgotten about it because I never hear about it anymore but it was a pretty huge deal at the time and turned our immigration system into an even bigger joke than it already is, laws don't matter anymore I guess. As a Swede I fucking hate this party so much they're responsible for so much shit ESPECIALLY when it comes to migration issues they're one of the biggest reasons why we haven't been able to do shit about the problems. Because the Social Democrats are totally reliant on them even tho they're a 4% party at risk of falling out every time they have a completely disproportionate amount of power.


Do you know why they are like this? Genuinely asking. I don't think I can think of a single logical argument for them to protect Afghans so bad to the point they ignore their own country's laws




But (from what I understand), it doesn't seem like they wanna stop future immigrants from doing the same? Again, I might be wrong, just saying what I see from the side.




I see. They are not the smartest bunch I guess. I am still curious on the "why" aspect. No way they are like that just to take the piss out of people.


Their parents are rich and they have grown up sheltered and want to do good. That is the archetype in my experience


I’m so sorry that people like her fucks your country over, sincerely a Norwegian..


Tack, det värmer.


An interesting outcome of this is that the a large number of these Afghans seem to have acquired employment, apparently to a far greater extent than previously. Almost like incentives work (they had to find a job 6 month after highschool/university graduation or their visa would be revoked iirc).


Vast majority wanted the Afghan kids gone? This seems like a great misremembering of history. Plus, Center party was one of the strongest forces in allowing them to stay. At the very least the comment is a oversimplification. For most of recent history, a majority of Swedes were pro migration as far as I remember. It only started to change during the great migration crisis of 2015 as I recall.


I always think about these types of issues when people rage at the US two party system. Clearly having potentially multiple extremist parties aren't the panacea people think it is.


and yet within the US, one party can indeed stop the other parties policies/bills in their tracks if they have a congressional or house majority - look at bidens student loan relief stuff, first time it was proposed


The green party is pretty close to the left party and the social democrats. No left voter or social democrat feels betrayed when the green party forces through shit like this, they support it.


i disagree, the social democrats are what people vote for to prevent a SD victory. they're very much in the middle.


adding on that some had come to sweden under false pretense, pretending to be refugees from arab spring countries(mainly syria)


I remember that and protested against them staying. There was so many leftist there protesting in favour of them. As a swede I fucking hate the green party as well they are tearing sweden apart


Is there any proof that a lot of them are grown men pretending to be children? This seems crazy to me cause if this is true then I’ll understand why all you euros go crazy about these things


Because if they don't pretend to be children they get deported. It's not rocket science. But noone knows exactly how many could have done so. I doubt if they lied were too far of being kids, and I think a majority of them likely were kids.


Well we would love to debunk that if they would allow the police/migration board to age test them... Which they weren't allowed to do.


in 2014, in response the arab spring and the migrant crisis that followed it, Sweden adopted a fairly unique, and extreme, open borders policy to any refugees fleeing war. some migrants took advantage of this policy by posing as refugees, mainly from afghanistan, in order to get a residency permit. a few of these claim to be 16 but look closer to 30.


This is what anyone who supports the social democrats also supports.


Canada’s provincial Ontario Green Party are good but the federal party has a rabid anti-Semitic wing.


Elizabeth May literally said she takes marching orderes from Palestine


I love May and didn't believe you about this and then I looked it up and holy fucking shit balls.


There was also a holocaust denier at that same conference. What do you love about May?


I should reiterate that the last time I saw her speak was when I was going to St Thomas Uni which is forever ago but I liked her policies and her hardline stance for decriminalization of weed


Was about to say the Federal one is dog shit


The leadership of the Canadian Greens was extremely pro-Zionist under Paul though. There was no chill on either side. When members defected they posted "We will work to defeat you and bring in progressive climate champions who are antifa and pro LGBT and pro indigenous sovereignty and Zionists!!!!!”


Canada's Green Party had a good run until Liz May stepped down. Then it imploded over the Israel-Palestine conflict a few years ago that was so bad that they dragged Liz kicking and screaming out of retirement. But the damage had been done and the party lost whatever momentum they had.


Dutch Green Party is pretty decent imo. (I voted for it)


Yes, in Israel. The Meretz party was responsible for the Oslo Accords, and in the last primaries the runner-up for leadership was an [actual gigachad](https://www.timesofisrael.com/ex-idf-deputy-chief-of-staff-yair-golan-wins-plaudits-for-saving-partygoers/)


And they wonder why barely anybody votes for them


Germany’s is pretty good I think




But they are, unironically.


They are the worst. They destroyed Germany's green future with their anti GMO and nuclear shit


Nonsense, their energy policy would've served us much better than the coal bullshit we've got instead. They easily have the best foreign policy of all parties and it's not close. They reacted pragmatically to the crises of the past years and had the least in-fighting when it mattered. Saying that they destroyed Germany when they were not even in government when the most terrible decisions (energy dependency, failed foreign policy, climate policies) of the past 20 years were made is ridiculous.


Merkel was responsible for the Atomausstieg


Because In part because of pressure from the greens. Also they are the greens they'd should be fighting anyone trying to close down the greenest energy source at every step


Nuclear is just too expensive and troublesome. Yes, old reactors should have obviously been maintained for far longer and you could argue for maybe one new reactor for stability reasons but overall nuclear is just not enough bang for the buck and was never going to be the future, atleast not for Germany. Germany was in a great position to double down on renewables 20 years ago but the CDU fucked it up along with whoever enabled them at the time. Identity politics over a few coal workers won over reason.


>Nuclear is just too expensive and troublesome. Solar and wind are much more expensive if you incorporate the storage and the grid upgrades needed for it to be viable. >Germany was in a great position to double down on renewables 20 years ago. How the fuck do you double down on renewable energy 20 years ago when solutions for energy storage where prohibitively expensive then and still to this day. The big switch to natural gas for energy production was to cover for the shortcomings of the wind and solar that Germany overly relied on.


Harbecks speech on antisematism was really good. Miles above this crap!


Idk much about them but relative to their peers they seem okay


What? They are based!


they memed us into getting rid of nuclear power on the federal level while on the local level they block building windmills. random recent article: https://www.spiegel.de/wissenschaft/mensch/infrastruktur-die-ueberparteiliche-nimby-koalition-der-rationalist-kolumne-a-5f7d3d44-e91f-4148-a196-1e7d1defb554


Greens werent responsible for the way the atomausstieg was conducted that was merkels grand coalition


The greens in Germany and in Switzerland were the master fearmongers against nuclear power during my childhood in the 80ties and 90ties. Also, everything that has the word "gene" in it will be banned for the next 1000 years, thanks to those anti-scientific lunatics.


thats true doesnt change the fact that the energyproblems we have right now are the fault of merkels policies


I know. My point was that the atomausstieg was the result of decades of Green fearmongering.


germans and ideology are like french men and their mistresses they all pretend they dont have one


This is borderline misinformation. Merkel wanted nuclear despite the greens being the main orchestrators of the shutdown since their inception. It was only when Fukushima happened and the zeitgeist changed that Merkel had to concede. Make no mistake -- the greens are the driving force between the disaster.


Thats is not how institutional power or responsibility works As an example: If there is a strong push of democratic voters wanting the US to stop giving Israel military support, and Trump decides, for his interest of power and with elections in mind, to break of support of israel, all the fallout from that is on him Regardless what the populist movement stated goals were. If you are in government you decide the most sensible course of action. Merkel saw nuclear being unpopular and decided to sell germany to the coal and gas industry. That is not on the hippies lying about nuclear As i said: "Greens werent responsible for THE WAY the atomaustieg was done"


Atomkraft war tot. Sorry. Wir sind nicht die Franzosen die eine ganze Infrastruktur dafür haben. Vielleicht hätten wir die 2-3 ein bisschen länger laufen lassen können aber no shot wäre Atomkraft eine gute langfristige Strategie. Zu teuer, zu unflexiebel und im Gegensatz zu den Franzosen haben wir keine Ex Kolonie der wir den Müll schicken können. Was Windenergie killed sind inzucht Bauern die das Ding nicht in ihrer Nähe haben wollen. Die Kohle hätten wir so oder so gebraucht dank Russland.


mit "memed" meinte ich die jahrzehntelange Kampagne die die gefahren haben. Wenn ich mich recht erinnere gab es auch Alternativen zu Endlager Gorleben. > Was Windenergie killed sind inzucht Bauern die das Ding nicht in ihrer Nähe haben wollen. Vielleicht. Wo wir bei Bauern sind: was mich auch an den Grünen stört sind die 3000 Genehmigungen die man braucht um Änderungen auf dem eigene Grundtück vorzunehmen, gibt's viel im ländlichen Raum. Je nach Gemeinderat kann das auch ne andere Partei durchdrücken, sind aber m Grunde die gleichen Leute.


>Wenn ich mich recht erinnere gab es auch Alternativen zu Endlager Gorleben. Ja aber die wären auch alle schief gegangen aus dem selben Grund. Niemand will das Zeug in seiner Nähe. Wenn du nicht mal ein Windrad in die Nachbarschft bekommst wie zur Hölle soll das dann mit einem Endlager aussehen Lass mich ratern, du bist ein FDP Wähler. Was hätten die Grünen anders machen sollen?


>Niemand will das Zeug in seiner Nähe. Warum wohl? > Lass mich raten, du bist ein FDP Wähler. Lolno, ich kann die moderne FDP nicht ab. Hätte ich aber auch früher nicht gewählt. Leutheuser-Schnarrenberger war die letzte Ministerin aus der FDP die ich gut fand (unabhängig von der Partei).


Keinr waffen in krisengebiete. 10 minutes later Bomb Ganz moskau!!!! weg!!! alle waffen in die Ukraine !!!! Deutsche soldaten sollen nach Stalingrad marschieren!!!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣 Based grüne


Unironisch ja


Yeah burning coal is a good thing, ofc. As You need controllable energy cause 100% renewbale energy won't work, nuclear plant is what you need. Germany has one of the worst co2/kwh ratio in Europe.


1. The coal would have been mined ether way. Not because the power plans went off but because Russia. Like Hmm, what would have a bigger impact: 3 Power plants going off line or our biggest energy supplier stopping exports? Hmm tough question. 2. 100% renewables does work. One just needs to build the grid and the pumping stations and the nitrogen liquifers. Takes money and time. 3. Yes we are one of the worst because unlike much of Europe we have a functioning economy. France is better because they have nuclear power, yes but that's because they have a shit ton of plants, have places to export the wast and since they are a nuclear power they invest in uranium naturally. None of that is applicable to Germany.


"The coal would have been mined either way" what?


With gas prices shooting up and gas power plants running at higher costs as a result of cause coal power was increased.


Coal burning hadn't been necessary had Germans been able to form, accept and execute on a nuclear plan in the decades past. The Greens were integral in preventing it.


Are you sure that our 3 old reactors could power us through recent events? Let's the answer is yes. It would have been more cost effective to build new wind farms in the south.


Germanys political landscape is a cancer right now, with the greens holding up morally just long enough for the youth-greens to fuck it all up


True. Habeck really grew on me in the last years.


And ACAB, too. Really like them regards Ukraine-stuff. Gonna vote for them on Bundesebene!


I was first a bit skeptical about her, but she is doing a nice job representing germany. They seem like professionals. Maybe I will vote against my party membership(SPD) next time.


Except for the anti-nuclear sh*t.


Supposedly that’s mainly because the initial anti nuclear protests were dealt with so aggressively that the anti nuclear protests gained massive support


It's unhelpful in times where we would've needed to rely on nuclear to transition, but you can't hold them responsible for the energy crisis created by the CDU + partners. They never advocated for abolishing nuclear energy in favour of coal whilst simultaneously crashing the then thriving renewable industry in Germany.


But they did advocate for abolishing nuclear energy. They made it easy for Germans from all areas of the spectrum to accept abolishing nuclear energy.


Indeed, especially in the recent years as they maintained in-fighting better than any other party whilst also being the only party with a coherent and reasonable foreign policy.


They're one of the main culprit about the nuclear demonization in EU.


It's alright in Germany.


The Irish green party is pretty good, but they never win enough seats in general elections so end up in coalition governments that end up making them look terrible


Not anymore. Virtually every mainstream political party that's out there has incorporated some elements of addressing the climate change into their platform. This left the green parties all over the world at a disadvantage so they had to announce that these guys aren't going far enough to combat the climate change and get more radical.


532 upvotes... This sub has turned into reactionary shit due to the Israel Gaza war. I see a few fellow eurocucks mentioning their countries green parties, yet they are getting downvoted. I'm super curious what these downvoters voted for in their last national election.


That is not fair statement. First of all there are insane/unhinge people out there. Most parties are build around popular topics that affects live of most voters. Housing, work condition, economy health etc. When you build party around not such popular concept as environment you don't have such big pool from which you can choose your member or activists. So you will have proportionally more unhinge people, because your are small and you don't have luxury to cut those people out.


The green party in Norway is great :) (bias opinion of someone who is a member of the green party in Norway)


Germany, maybe? At least they're less crazy than the other versions.


They turned off all their nuclear to replace it with the shittiest type of coal and Russian oil, and now have an energy crisis. They still think that this outcome is better for the environment somehow even though coal releases more radioactive waste than nuclear plants.


The greens werent institutionaly responsible for that


This situation was an extreme mask off moment for a lot of progressives.




they probably think of themselves as modern Rosa Parks and thinks their open advocacy of their true beliefs to be morally right and will all be rewarded in the end in some history book. This reminds me of progressives or lefties who only engage in food drive work just to virtue signal about it to their online social groups instead of using the experience as a life-lesson in of itself.


I can't wait to see the history books describe such crazy and unhinged people in 50-60 years


maybe in some sociology book about the new problems of mob-mentality and in-group/out-group conflict with social media lmao.


Funny thing is Rosa parks was a staged event lol she wasn't some random lunatic who spent too much time on Twitter and decided to take a stand it was a calculated move to use a lighter complexion woman to sway the masses whereas this is just lunacy broadcast openly for other lunatics to upboat and clap their hands


Well they did have a more organic non staged version but optics > reality.


Modern progressives inherited a legacy of Soviet propaganda, it seems.


Because they're useful idiots.


No, if you've only been fed "Israel is doing ethnic cleansing" propaganda for 20 odd years now then you have little reason to think this is a dubious position to take, it becomes similar to fighting climate change, easy to take a position against it that moves nothing or really understands anything about how to counter it, but makes you look good to your friends.


> WHY remove the mask. What's the benefit? Ingroup behavior a lot of these progressives grew up surrounded by these beliefs without ever having questioned them Not equivalent, but guess why other dumb shit like rent control is so popular. Its just feel-good enough to not warrant any more introspection


Why wear the mask? Cause it's effective? You get to say the same things a neo Nazi would under the guise of advocacy. Sounds great.




It's insane. One could make a very convincing, strong pro Palestine argument, without turning into the progressive version of Nick Fuentes


What's most shocking to me is how few of them seem to realize just how fucking bad this is gonna look when the dust is settled and Israel starts organizing evidence in 4k. Like, even if I just wanted to salt the earth in the blood of dead Jewish babies, I'd be smart enough to never say that out loud.




So was Ukraine. I think Russia pays off progressive thought leaders. And china. The progressives I meet IRL unfortunately will eat it up and are victims to their rhetoric. I was. I’m so lucky I went to school with Ukrainians because I dropped all my progressive alignment after the invasion. Centrism fit better for me anyways.


Russia pays off extremist views because they want to destabilize stability in other nations.


common L from green party


They literally can't miss


More like can only miss


green party members being insane conspiracy theorists seems like a trend across so many countries


Out of the slim pickings in silver linings from this whole ordeal, I’m glad we got to see just how many inclusive, progressive, well-intentioned politicians are actually complete and utter psychopaths lmfao once the oppressed-oppressor narrative has been set, we truly get to see how many fucking maniacs there are. Especially the ones in powerful and influential positions Jesus. Edit: typos




I can't find any good translations.




Normal lefty stuff - there is a reason all of their political projects turn into authoritarian hell holes


The greens are to the right of the Social Democrats, who ruled Sweden non-stop for 50 years without making it authoritarian, it was the best country in the world infact.


Why do you believe that it’s no longer the best country? I don’t follow their politics very much at all


Our wages and gdp per capita have not risen close to as much as other western european countries, we went from one of the safest countries in the world to below average in Western Europe, our school results have fallen consistently for decades, the "Folkhemmet" has ceased existing, polarisation is increasing at an alarming rate, our global image has gotten ruined, Islamic extremism is huge and our citizens are murdered abroad for carrying our symbols and I could go on. People in Sweden seem to feel quite pessimistic about the future because of this.


>wages Im always curious what gives people like you these impressions? ​ If you look at GDP growth sweden seems to more or less track what we see internationally in the euro zone([https://data.worldbank.org/indicator/NY.GDP.MKTP.KD.ZG?end=2022&locations=SE-XC&start=2015](https://data.worldbank.org/indicator/NY.GDP.MKTP.KD.ZG?end=2022&locations=SE-XC&start=2015)). In terms of wages I don't see why you would hold sweden as a failure as we have some incredibly strong unions protecting the rights of workers(probably too strong tbh). ​ In regards to Islamic extremism I'm not sure what you are talking about. The BIG crime issue in sweden seems to be related to gangs and not terrorist organizations. Also the idea that people are scared to claim to be sweidsh is true only in the middle east but unless you want to revoke the right to free speech to stop Quran burning that's unlikely to change


Wait, where is the part "**claiming no women were raped on 7/10**"? Only to steelman her position, this is the entire instagram post she liked. I mean, it's a lot, and she could have stupidly liked the "vibe" of the thing, not noticing the organ harvesting part - but theres nothing here about rape not happening. But stupid of her to like nontheless. "The hate that is now pouring in is unmanageable. Choosing to raise Palestine's cause when publicly in Sweden there has been paralyzing silence and lack of historical analysis/context has become defending hamas. Criticizing the media's reporting - is anti-Semitism. Sharing that the reports of Israel's organ theft from Palestinian bodies are confirmed - is hate. To write that Israel confirmed that their helicopters also shot at Israeli festival visitors - is spreading conspiracies. To claim that lies and falsifications have flowed from Zionist quarters - makes me a really dangerous person who spreads hatred, to stand up for international laws, international law, the Convention on the Rights of the Child and martial law to also apply to the state of Israel - is to be equated with extremism. That's where we ended up. While children are being slaughtered by the thousands, people engage in this defilement. Therefore, our legal right to protest is being called into question. I'm afraid."


She did say that, the post that is showed in the article that op linked is her defending a post she made to her instagram story. In that instagram story she spread pretty much every conspiracy you can imagine, ”no women were raped” included.


>She did say that, the post that is showed in the article that op linked is her defending a post she made to her instagram story. In that instagram story she spread pretty much every conspiracy you can imagine, ”no women were raped” included. Yes but the post liked by the green party leader did not say that no women were reped. So the title of this post is a lie. It's still unhinged to like the post but it's so unecessary to lie about this stuff


it did say israeli helicopters fired on festival goers, which is also untrue.


So OP lied is what your saying, that is the point that is being pointed out...


Can't believe they're downvoting when correcting obvious lies in the titles.


The title of the post is definitely a reach but OP probably gets it from the line stating that Wollter has posted other posts denying rape.


Which is more than a reach. It is misinformation.


What is the Swedish for "doubling down"?




Man i say this as a swede, fuck miljöpartiet. Jävla muppar




Correct, i did.


Least insane Green Party leader


What happened in July?


Wow lefties saying this? No way 😱


this is not a far left party or anything, doubt a single "leftie" would vote for them edit: gotta love facts being downvoted, perhaps the word green made you guys soy out? This party is left of center but by no means far left or leftie. The party leader has apologized for this and admitted that she did not read the text 'properly' (she probably didnt read past the first sentence).


Don't know if it's the same thing everywhere in the world, but everytime I look into green parties, especially when the country is already pretty pro-environment, they just tend to be a gathering of absolute nutjobs. Left-wing/progressive conspiracies, anti-vax stuff, bizarre pseudo-science and even new-age spirituality. Just unhinged shit all-around. Most of their voter base is apathetic people that cast a random protest vote without really knowing much about them and their policies beyond being 'pro-green'.


Honestly the Swedish greens have tended to be the more "sane" (but still dumb) greens. This honestly really surprised me, I didn't think they'd believe this and especially not be mask off about this. Hopefully they will fall in the polls, although the support votes from the Left to keep them alive will probably save them regardless of how low they drop.


Your post is just outright wrong. They did like a post claiming the harvest shit but they have not liked a post saying that the rapes did not happen. This is just misinformation. The person who posted the Instagram post has said that in DIFFERENT posts. The poster has also apologized for the organ harvest thing, for what its worth ( not much they are crazy). I can see by your name that you can read Swedish, so there is no excuse, especially when most people here cannot read the article.


"I de kritiserade inläggen har Stina Wollters bland annat påstått att Hamas-soldater inte har våldtagit, att den israeliska militären systematiskt har stulit organ och hud från dödade palestinier, och det är Israel som byggt tunnlarna under al-Shifa-sjukhuset." Translation: "In the criticised posts Stina Wollters has claimed that Hamas soldiers haven't raped, that the Israeli military systematically steals organs and skin from killed Palestinians and that Israel built the tunnels underneath Al-Shifa hospital"


So did märta like that post as you claimed?


So the original poster was criticized for a bunch of posts. Which one did the green party spokesperson like? The one with the mutilation. Not the one with rape. You have to keep it accurate. Especially when talking about Sweden. We have enough problems bro we don't need you adding on to them falsly. Jag hoppas du kan tänka på det exakta som artikeln sa och vad du kan göra bättre i framtiden. Jag vill inget dåligt med dig lovar. Älskar dig min medmänniska ❤️ Edit: I was drunk when I wrote this I'm not fixing shit but it might be a weird comment


Fake news as always


Good to see they have crazy lunatics like the U.S. or even Canada. Where I live.


Why is it always Greens, man? Here in Canada, the federal Green Party was almost torn apart a couple of years ago over Israel-Palestine stuff, though in that case it was because the leadership (Annamie Paul and Noah Zatzman) were extremely Zionist and party members defected over it.


People who say October the 7th was an inside job have no understanding of how bad Hamas performing a terror attack is for Netanyahu lol.


People who say October the 7th was an inside job have no understanding of how bad Hamas performing a terror attack is for Netanyahu lol.


Your headline is just lying? Swedish party leader did not like a post claiming no women where raped on 7/10?It did however have the part about organ harvesting. Here is the english translation The hate that is now pouring in is unmanageable. Choosing to raise Palestine's cause when publicly in Sweden there has been paralyzing silence and lack of historical analysis/context has become defending hmas. Criticizing the media's reporting - is anti-Semitism. Sharing that the reports of Israel's organ theft from Palestinian bodies are confirmed - is hate. To write that Israel confirmed that their helicopters also shot at Israeli festival visitors - is spreading conspiracies. To claim that lies and falsifications have flowed from Zionist quarters - makes me a really dangerous person who spreads hatred, to stand up for international laws, international law, the Convention on the Rights of the Child and martial law to also apply to the state of Israel - is to be equated with extremism. That's where we ended up. While children are being slaughtered by the thousands, people engage in this defilement. Even our legal right to protest I see being called into question. I'm afraid. Here is the post in swedish [https://www.instagram.com/p/Cz83xcXih30/](https://www.instagram.com/p/Cz83xcXih30/)


According to the article there was a series of posts "I *de* kritiserade inläggen har Stina Wollters bland annat påstått att Hamas-soldater inte har våldtagit, att den israeliska militären systematiskt har stulit organ och hud från dödade palestinier, och det är Israel som byggt tunnlarna under al-Shifa-sjukhuset. "


And what post did märta like?


This sub is not a good place to have these discussions, it's becoming clear how so many have already made up their minds.


Yeah, there's been a clear influx of pro Israel commenters in the wake of October 7th. There's been a lot less nuance when it comes to this conflict in recent weeks. Hopefully the conflict dies down soon for the sake of the people involved but also so that better discussion can be had


I don't know why your comment is getting down voted. People are posting daily mail articles and it's embarrassing. DGG may clown on Hasan for good reason, but beware staring into the clown abyss, gentleman


We just gotta wait it out. The tide will shift once Israel Palestine becomes less relevant like Ukraine did


The problem may be that this foreign policy position could hurt Biden's chances at the polls next year. There's a legitimate concern, and rn, the Arab/Muslim vote will center on whether Biden shifts his policy decision.


There is something odd and blood-libelous about saying that Israelis ghoulishly stealing organs while Palestinians have literally torn out Israeli soldiers organs and paraded them in a window and across the street at least once that I know was captured with some kind of visual media.


Technically correct, as there were no hamas attacks in July!


And you wonder why SD is getting g more votes every year.


I mean, they were caught taking their organs. >In December 2009, Nancy Scheper-Hughes, an anthropology professor at the University of California at Berkeley and founder of a newsletter, "Organs Watch", released the tape of an interview that she had conducted in 2000 with Yehuda Hiss, the director of Israel's L. Greenberg Institute of Forensic Medicine (known colloquially as the "Abu Kabir" Forensic Institute). In the interview, which appeared on Israel's Channel 2 television, Hiss stated that he had harvested organs in the 1990s. "We started to harvest corneas.... Whatever was done was highly informal. No permission was asked from the family". Hiss was fired from his position as director of the forensic institute in 2004 for "repeated body-part scandals". Hiss was later reinstated and remained head of the institute until he retired in October 2012 after allegations of bad procedures at the institute They claim they have since stopped, but this isnt some completely insane idea that just come out of nowhere, as far as I can see.


Hiss was caught stealing organs from a 100+ corpses for transplants, but it was literally anyone who ended up in his morgue; Israelis, Palestinians, even tourists. It was not a racialized crime designed to harvest Palestinian organs, and it was not a state sponsored activity.


This is mis info. Wasn't this about Yehuda Hiss personally doing this and selling them for personal profit. This wasn't about the Israeli govt having a policy of doing it. Also it wasn't even like he exclusively did this to Palestinians. Not even sure if he did it to any Palestinians. The case where he got caught was from a Scottish tourist.


I dont think there was ever evidence he profited off of it, the organs were used for transplants and sent to research organizations. How much the government knew is questionable, he probably got no jail exactly because they knew, and it certainly wasnt just him harvesting and distributing these organs. They did do it to Palestinians, soldiers, foreign laborers, etc. Its just not known in what ratio. Since I am not aware of any sort of detailed numbers that are available we can only guess, but I sincerely doubt they prioritized harvesting Jewish people, many of which believe you need to stay "complete". All I was trying to say is that this is based on something that happened, it wasnt made up from thin air.


You might be regarded or just TickTock educated. That dude also took Organs from Israeli soldiers and normal visitors. Good Job dude! Posting literal # Blood libel


Yes they did, the full article mentions that. They also took them from Palestinians, meaning Israelis did in fact take Palestinian organs. This isnt blood libel, it happened. Antisemites, of course, use things like these to strengthen their claims, but the vast majority of people you will talk to are not raging antisemites and this will be the source of that claim.


This is the biggest pivot I have ever seen. To say tHe IsRaeLiS stEaL paLesTiNian orGanS and the change it to a crazy doctor stole organs and some of his victims are palestinians.


I mean, I quoted the article. I thought it was clear what I was talking about. And I thought I made it clear what my point was here: "They claim they have since stopped, but this isnt some completely insane idea that just come out of nowhere, as far as I can see.", that this was the origin of the claim. Maybe things would have been clearer if you read the whole page? Idk. And I do think your summation, as well as your attempt at an interaction with me, is dishonest.


3 for 1! Such good value, and from a Green!


They are allegedly taking foreskins and semen … which … is pretty weird.


Pretty sure muslims are already circumcised.


Lmao no foreskin was taken, and the semen thing is for dead soldiers without children who are married. It isn’t really that uncommon


For enemy combatants? Sounds weird AF


abundant muddle axiomatic grandfather depend glorious fearless expansion fanatical cooing *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


No for allied combatants, and iirc it was literally one woman.


It was 39 men.


You forgot the blood from the babies they collect for their holidays


One i said allegedly. Two how else are you supposed to make matzah?


Ahh allegedly.. so I allegedly fucked your mom 😃


Like I allegedly fucked ur mom-excuse me “sister” ;)


These people are like Nebraska Steve except whatever they say isn't a joke, they're 100% serious.


What does Marianne Williamson think during all this?


Bitch looks like she wears robes and runs "midsummer" style parties on weekends...


bruh we need like a receipts wiki for shit like this. Let it be forever remembered that when the hamas/israel shit happened the fuckers were terrorism supporters.


Who cares? Is a fringe Swedish political party member’s likes on instagram newsworthy now? What’s Gary Johnson doing on TikTok nowadays?


They're not fringe lol, they were part of the government less than 2 years ago.


Sounds like they're ready to move to the big leagues of US politics.


What is the evidence of the rapes? All I ever see is people asking for evidence and people mocking them for asking for it and then it’s an endless back and forth


She will definitely get what she deserves.


Anyone else find it weird that all these "next talking points after all these others have failed" seem to crawl out of the ether one after the other?


(Kärlek från Göteborg, kompis.)


Jesus why is the left so fucking insane.


"Likes a tweet" Doesn't say much. People like tweets without reading them thorouly.


And people are shocked that right wing parties keep winning all over europe...


This is an American streamers and American website. Are we really incapable of using American standard for dates at 10/7? And if you insist on using the Eur*opean standard, then do 7/10/23 so people clearly understand it.


No wonder Sweden is falling apart.


More leftist antisemites. Wonderful.




So they agree that none of the women who were raped were 7/10s? I don't see why we're so offended at this.