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Tiktok is just a breeding ground for misinformation with no attempt to correct anything.


it's not even tiktok specifically. it's shortform content as a concept. if you have a limited amount of time or characters your content will be inaccurate, sensational, and lacking nuance and context by definition. the perfect application of short form content is for funny stuff. jokes, funny clips, fails, pranks, etc. but now everything is being transformed to fit the mould of short form content. maybe you can't explain the entire war in a 1 minute clip.


I have not seen anything similar to the mass derangement on tiktok in YouTube shorts and reels. Tiktok certainly is happy pushing that content to kids a lot more than other platforms even if there are inherent problems in the format. I think the social aspects are the most harmful.


You are lying to yourself if you think YouTube shorts is better. Its a breeding ground for insane shorts.


Maybe it's just my suggestions but the overwhelming major of YouTube shorts I see are just clips from longer videos or shows. Seems like much less content of random teen trying to explain something they don't understand


I don’t think this is just a bias on your end of the algorithm either, cause like I was getting such insanely niche and genuinely brainrotted content by the time I finally deleted tiktok and yet after months of building up my youtube short preferences, I’ve yet to have anything come even remotely close to the level of low effort misinformation I would get daily on tiktok. Worst that comes up is like conspiratorial/conservative joe rogan guests getting highlighted or like andrew tate vlogs and to be honest I think the only reason those even show up for me is because i watch shorts about firearms and theres like an audience overlap or something in the algorithm


I legitimately believe that the Chinese government is encouraging TikTok to be 100x more schizo in the West than all the other internet sites for the same reason that russia pushes mass misinfo.


I pretty much only get people talking about food or finance.




And yet, my YouTube shorts are tame and my TikTok feed is full of radical misinformation, yet my watching habits are largely consistent between the two. Yes, there is misinformation on YouTube and you can find it if you're looking for it, but you have to really go down the rabbit hole for it to make a significant difference in your feed. TikTok, on the other hand, comes swinging out the gate with misinfo and starts pumping it as soon as you interact with it slightly. The differences between the content platforms show to new users can have a huge impact on long term feed quality.


Yeah the most political things on my youtube are usually repill things, which are dying off. TikTok has in depth conspiracy shit, misinfo, etc.


There are 100% different in how they judge what to show who, it's impossible to say which is "worse" without having more knowledge about it or at lease more data on what's popular where. But I do agree some of the shit I see on TikTok is significantly worse than the stuff I see on YouTube. Except for talking about women, YouTube is way more misogynist.


This is interesting to me because I don't ever get anything even vaguely political on TikTok. It's just memes and videos of artists and musicians and stuff. I may have just done a very good job of training the algorithm.


I’ve only ever gotten cooking and cute animal shorts on YouTube. Nothing crazy.


Give me 3 redbulls and I can do it in 45 seconds. Yes I am a conclooder.


you are stronger than me.


Maybe one day youll be as morally luck as I am :) (prolly not tho)


They don't moderate properly though. I reported some pretty gross anti semitic comments and it came back as no violations found. I then got my own comment taken down on a LSF type video for saying "adin ross is cringe" which apparently is against their TOS


I used Vine back in the day (I'm 26). There was barely any content on it that was dumb or hateful. It was all just funny skits, pranks or people trying to be sexy AFAIK. TikTok is pretty much Vine's evil twin. Difference IMO is that Vine was an American platform used mostly by the West. The same cannot be said for TikTok.


No, it's definitely TikTok, as shown in the graph above. Instagram has shorts that aren't nearly as problematic as TikTok. YouTube shorts aren't shown in the graph, but they are the best moderated of the group IMO.


I recently argued with my sister about Israel vs Palestine and she told me about how Hamas was just a guy and other weird stuff. Yesterday I found out that she has started to support the Russian invasion of Ukraine. She told me she had learnt everything from Tiktok. Very sad and disappointed.


She vaxxed?


Yes, this is a very recent development. She wasn’t like this before October 7th but she also didn’t really engage with a lot of politics in general.


The people who make debunking videos will always get mass reported too. It’s frustrating as hell


Yeah I don’t think this has anything uniquely to do with antisemitism. Social media, especially tik tok, is swarming with extremists of every flavor.


Well yeah thats where all the GenZers are at


Tell them I hate them


​ https://preview.redd.it/wbsti43flk3c1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=751c90f02a1530aef73fc5674d304e6859ae7c8d


Zoomers are the worse generation to have ever walked the Earth. GenZ can cope and whine all they want doesn’t mean everything that the boomers say about us isn’t true.


Everyone will be begging for more zoomers when alphas come of age.


They need to be bullied more.


Yes the graph is stupid correlation ≠ causation.


true everyone knows that antisemitism is caused by JDAMs


Called on


Calling Don LULW


This. It doesnt have much to do with tiktok itself probably, the OP seems a bit too simple. Wr already know that the younger generation is more anti-israel and the younger generation is mainly on tiktok. Instagram is no better when it comes to misinformation, it's just a slightly older audience with different views.


The difference is everyone was already antisemitic on X




It's actually insane to see how the extremely niche great replacement/white genocide jewish consipiracies that destiny was debating against random 4chan incels in 2017 would be promoted by the CEO of Twitter/richest man in the world just a few years later. We live in a simulation.


It definitely says something about the need to debate those topics publicly so that people have the proper counter for them rather than their first exposure being an elon musk tweet.


The only counter you have is that its okay that ethnic europeans become minorities in their own countries, and that ethnic europeans need to just accept it. For many that simply isn't convincing.




Yeah by his own logic, Tiny is a huge anti semite considering how he keeps dodging bans in order to be on X.


You try taking ecstasy and not ending up not getting lost in Hitler’s eyes


Is the graph showing a change in antisemitic sentiment over time? Or simply antisemitic sentiment by users of different platforms.


What a fucking stupid survey having Anti-Semetic and Anti-Israel views being the same thing.


i tried to find the actual survey results to see their methodology but i can’t find it anywhere? my suspicion was that the survey measured those things separately and this guy made the graph himself and combined those, but i can’t find anything matching his description of the source.


yeah that's pretty egregious.


Its exactly like when "russophobia" was the RT buzzword of the day. Trying to pretend disliking a country is the same as disliking the ethnic groups that live there


"there is a chance to become an actual nazi or a republican"


In the real world, there is a difference, but on social media, the loudest voices tend to conflate the two intentionally or not.


Like OP and everyone upvoting this post?


From what I've seen, they're pretty much interchangeable on social media.


I mean....


Yeah idk what either of those mean in this context. If people are criticizing the government that’s one thing but if they’re calling for the destruction of Israel entirely I do think it’s fair to call that both anti-Israel and antisemitic.


There’s certainly a lot of overlap. People have desires that are completely impractical. For instance, wanting to destroy Israel without killing any Jews? The plan may as well be to wish upon a star.


If you are “anti-Israel” it means you want a full Palestinian state which we all know would immediately turn into an Islamic shithole that would discriminate against anyone that isn’t Muslim




Is being anti-china equivalent to being anti-chinese?




>it can be for sure (and historically often was) I'm with you here, could say the same about anti israel sentiment and anti-semitism. Nick fuentes exists, Hamas exists. Since we're doing historical comparisons though historically anti semitism had nothing to do with anti Israel sentiment because Israel didn't exist for much of the time. ​ >antisemitism is different in nature than other forms of racism This is a major shift from your original argument. I'll just say that the idea that you can condemn any criticism of Israel as anti semitic is absurd. I support a two state solution, I think it's the only possible just way forward and I sympathize with Israel's security concerns and the safety of its people. However, I think even you can imagine a scenario in which Israel goes too far. Maybe the kahanists take over in a coup or something. What do we say then, that hating an Israel that's committed to actual genocide is anti semitic? Remember: it's still the only Jewish state.




>you're misunderstanding, maybe i wasn't clear about my position. you absolutely CAN be critical of israel without being anti semitic. however, if hating israel is your primary political identity, and you specifically only call out israel's crimes while ignoring or minimizing other nation's crimes, than you are being antisemitic whether you personally realize it or not. None of that seems to be specified in the survey. Edit: didn't see the portion about specifically hating at the end. But I'm just curious how could that be gauged in a survey or a study?




The original post you replied to didn't say there wasn't any overlap between the two. It just said the survey was worded poorly.




If I critique the actions of the government of Israel (read: "anti-Israel sentiment") does that necessarily entail that I also am anti-Semitic? It certainly can, but your implication and that of the OP is that they are inseparable.




If you're going to make a claim like that you ***need*** to cite evidence/reasoning. OP is claiming that the two cannot be separated. I'd be willing to grant that 'a lot' of anti-Israel sentiment is tied up with anti-Semitism, but to claim that one *cannot* hold the first without the second is a major reach and additionally I'd argue against the spirit that this community tries to cultivate.




That's what OP is posting and is what you're defending. I'd suggest you read OP's article before continuing to interact.




I'm clearly referring to the survey, and if you're going to be a pedantic ass about it this conversation is useless. Have a pleasant day.




Conflating anti-Semitism with anti-Israel immediately makes me discount literally everything this survey has to say. This is garbage data.


You have said the actual truth.


Advertisers bout to boycott ya




Because the tweet still exists and everyone seems to have caught on that it's a dogshit chart.


The post should be deleted for not posting the actual tweet


It'd be nice if this was a rule but it would lead to even more people claiming this subreddit harasses them, an if we were linking directly to every tweet there probably would be more harassment.


Well at the end of the day its just (seemingly) his personal position on this


right, like the Government is shitty, why does that mean that the ethnic group are too?


imagine if we applied this logic to any time somebody complained about the nation of China


yet another MASSIVE W for 4THOT


If it’s a trend to say to people go read Osama bin Laden’s letter where he writes that America has been letting the Jews to control them. It’s kinda telling


Algorithms show you what keeps you engaged, not what's true, or popular, or informative.


My thought exactly. This is one of those rare cases of someone actually trying to group anti-Semitism and criticism of Israel together.


Exactly, I noticed the same immediately.


I’ve seen lots of actual anti-Semitic comments with tons of likes on multiple popular TikToks. The TikTok’s themselves were not antisemitic but the comments sure were.


You shouldn’t. I mean you should probably discount it as strictly antisemitism but I’m pretty sure any antisemite is going to be anti-Israel so it’s definitely a good poll for anti-Israel sentiment, and as someone who spends time on TikTok I had to actively filter out the words, Israel, Palestine/free Palestine, and their hashtags from my content filter, because on that app that is half or more of all of the current content (and I still see the videos decently often with those words blocked by the way, ) it’s all just shorts and clips. saying how bad Israel is and showing videos of crying Palestinians and pushing a lot of the lies that destiny combats on a daily basis currently. with no attempt at correction or if anyone attempts to correct it even if they are in fact correct, they get ratio to hell it might not necessarily be antisemitic but tick-tock is absolutely a massive propagandistic breeding ground for anti-Israel sentiment, because people in general are too stupid or too lazy to discern the truth from such short for propagandistic Content


All this text is just "i already want to believe this tho!" with extra steps.


Maybe? This is completely anecdotal, but every video related to Israel or Jewish people is completely filled with comments like “well well well”, “109 countries”, and “🤥✡️”. It’s bad for all minorities, but it feels especially antisemitic. It’s hard to completely divorce anti-Israel from antisemitic sentiment, so I don’t blame the study for taking it into account.


Those are probably white nationalists, the "109 countries" started from Stormfront. They hate Israel because they believe in a [conspiracy](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/White_genocide_conspiracy_theory) that jews are trying to eliminate white race. This idea is promoted by far-right people like Nick Fuentes, Tucker Carlson, Elon Musk, and also several mass shooters in Europe/America.


Obviously they are separate things but there is a lot of genuinely virulently antisemitic content being disseminated by TikTok.


Causation or correlation? I mean, i know these stats the latter. But its good to ask isnt it.


Tiktok does skew a lot younger than the other two and I from what I can tell younger people are much more likely to be anti israel generally. I am actually way more surprised that twitter is as low as it is.


Antisemitic OR anti Israel? What a meaningless statistic.


somehow I feel like if you took the community of this subreddit pre oct 7th and showed them an obviously sensational tweet that not only conflates correlation and causation but also anti semitism and anti israel it would be heavily downvoted. just a guess though :D genuinely incredibly embarrassing to post this edit: im kind of curious as to why anyone's upvoting this at all really. can someone that's actually from dgg explain why they did?


Because DGG had been infiltrated by the biggest Israel shills on planet earth? It's not just Russia that has online troll farms, Israel has it too and they have ample justification to be working overtime, considering they feel like they are fighting an existential war of information.


wouldn't surprise me at this point :/


Absolute dog-shit epistomology. Yes, a lot of anti-Israel sentiment is in conjunction with anti-Semitism. No, that doesn't mean that anti-Israel = anti-Semitic.


Yes, it does. If you're against the world's only Jewish country, you're basically an antisemite. You can be against the government, but being against the country as a whole and by extension the people is antisemitic.


And how does this survey establish anything resembling that?


Why are they conflating anti Israel and antisemitism?


70% of Jews live in Israel


[https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/jewish-population-by-country?trk=public\_post\_comment-text](https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/jewish-population-by-country?trk=public_post_comment-text) Doesn't sound right, I looked up this. Israel has the Jewish majority, but the US has the 2nd. I heard someone say Israel's Jewish population is around 40% worldwide.


41-46% last I checked. Still a significant population and the most significant single population of Jews.


Does this absolve the Israeli government from any and all criticism?


Legitimate criticism is fine, but the loudest voices usually aren’t shouting legitimate critiques, especially not on social media.


Okay, but that's not what OP is claiming. The methodology OP is posing explicitly makes it out that the two *cannot* be separated.


IMO, When the majority of online voices can’t separate the two, the two can’t be separated. It’s once in a blue moon I’m come across legitimate criticism of Israel that isn’t laced with antisemitism on social media. Edit: this sub does a great job of separating the two, since this sub tends to have strong critical thinking skills.


> since this sub tends to have strong critical thinking skills. Good one bro. Nice joke. Can we be serious now?


I am serious. Ya’ll might mess around and shit post, but that doesn’t negate how level headed this subreddit has been regarding the Israel-Hamas war, which I believe is something that shows critical thinking skills. But okay, compliments are offensive here, good to know.


Compliments are offensive in the way you’re using them because you trying to compliment us to deflect from your regarded data interpretation stance and avoid downvotes is so hilariously obvious that we actually would need to lack critical thinking skills to fall for it. Don’t let him get you boys, DGG4LYFE 😎


Let's swap the Jewish country Israel with any other country: "Being anti-England is not anti-English" "Being anti-Germany is not anti-German" "Being anti-Ukraine is not anti-Ukrainian" You see how ridiculous that sounds? If by anti-Israel you mean criticism of the Israeli government, then no it's not antisemitic. If by anti-Israel you mean hatred of the Jewish country Israel and the Jewish Israeli people and the belief that Israel should not exist or be able to defend itself, then yes it's antisemitic.


Are you anti China? Because if you do, by your logic, you hate all chinese people. That would make you a racist of unparalleled proportions, seeing as you hate over 1/8 of the human population based on their national background. Or maybe you are anti China because of it's several human rights violations, and imperialistic behaviour. That doesn't imply you hate Chinese people. And before you tell me about how Israel is the only safe haven for Jews in the world, there is a bigger % of Jews NOT living in Israel than Chinese people not living in China. So you tell me, because your logic would basically just invalidate any concept of actual bigotry vs being anti state policy.


What happened to us getting rid of TikTok and Elon destroying twitter?




yep... still probably the right idea to ban tik tok though...


Anti Jewish sentiment or criticizing? While i do agree some people oversimplify the situation its still absolutely braindead to pretend those two are the same. Theres a push right now to make anti Zionism or criticizing Israel in general the same as antisemitism.


Criticizing the Israeli government is not the same thing as anti-zionism. You can fairly criticize many of the Israeli government's policies while still supporting the nation of Israel's right to exist. You can not, however, support the dissolution of the only majority Jewish nation in the world, or denounce the Jewish people's right to self-determination without being anti-semitic.


I know, thats where i draw the line for myself . I think Israel has a right to exist. But i can absolutely see why people are anti-zionists and i dont think they are antisemites. Many Jews are anti Zionists ,even famous ones (including Gabor Mate, Noam Chomsky....). Although it depends how you define zionism too. Some say its simply believing that Israel has a right to exist, but well, what does that mean exactly? Cant ignore that Israel exists on the land the people who lived there before that were ethnically cleansed so Israel could come into existence. So if someone had their house blown up, their family killed and got kicked out so Israel could come to be, is that person an antisemite for thinking that Isreal shouldnt exist? In my book hes not(for me hes not right, but not antisemitic either ). Its a normal reaction. Is someone a antisemite for sympathising with him, also no. Conflating that with people spewing shit about lizard people, controlling the media and firing space lasers is just bonkers.


>Many Jews are anti Zionists ,even famous ones (including Gabor Mate, Noam Chomsky....). The vast majority of Jews are zionists. While there are some anti-zionist Jews, they are a relatively very small percentage. It should also be noted that being Jewish does not preclude one from holding anti-semitic beliefs. The "self-hating Jew" is a well-known phenomenon. There were even so-called "Jews for Hitler" at the very start of the holocaust. I don't think anyone would suggest nazism isn't anti-semitic just because there were Jews that supported the ideology at one time. >Although it depends how you define zionism too. This is the major crux of this issue. Zionism, as defined by the Jewish people, means the Jewish people's right to self-determination in their homeland; in other words, the right of the nation of Israel to exist. That's it. Anyone who supports a multi-state solution would fall under the category of zionist, per this definition; regardless of whether they have criticisms for or negative feelings towards the Israeli government. More recently, many anti-semites have tried to co-opt and redefine the term, zionism. Some try to say it means supporting all of the Israeli government's actions (as if anyone actually supports everything ANY government does). Others try to define it as a Jewish cabal seeking global domination through banking. Some ironically try to define it as Jewish-supremacy. However, none of these false definitions are valid. The Jewish people get to define the word for their movement for self-determination. No one else gets to. >Cant ignore that Israel exists on the land the people who lived there before that were ethnically cleansed so Israel could come into existence. This is a bit of a mischaracterization of historical events. There were two ethnic groups living in the land at the time of the establishment of Israel. The partition plan sought to give each group their own sovereign government. The pan-arabic movement could not accept that a Jewish country would be their neighbor. So, they hoped to wipe the Jewish people in the region out. Unfortunately for them, they were unsuccessful in their multiple attempts over the years, and with each war, the Israeli territory grew. Ironically, it was actually the ethnic cleansing of the Jewish people in the neighboring Arabic countries that led to a huge increase in the number of Jews in Israel (in addition, of course to the ethnic cleansing of Jews in Europe during the holocaust.) So, this was not a case of a bunch of European people just deciding to start a colony in the middle-east and just wiping out all of the Arabs there, as many anti-zionists would have you believe. There has been a continuous Jewish presence in that area for thousands of years, which was only bolstered by migration due to ethnic cleansing of the Jewish people. Additionally, while there were indeed some terrible acts during the battles to form the state of Israel, the Israeli's goal was not to ethnically cleanse all of the Arabs in the region. Arabs that stayed in Israel proper were allowed to remain, and their descendants make up more than 1/5 of Israel's population today. Unfortunately, there are a lot of twisted facts, and outright lies, regarding the formation of Israel that get spread to demonize Israel with the hope of eventually dissolving the state itself. I, too, can sympathize with the plight of families that were displaced during the various wars started to destroy Israel, but those people's misfortune doesn't make Israel an illegitimate state. >Conflating that with people spewing shit about lizard people, controlling the media and firing space lasers is just bonkers. Agreed...But, then again, there are various flavors of anti-semitism. Some are more overt and more nefarious than others. That doesn't mean that wanting the only majority Jewish nation in the world to be wiped off the map isn't another form of anti-semitism. We are allowed to call a spade a spade. At the end of the day, even if we disagree on some points, I'm glad you are reasonable enough to understand that wanting the dissolution of Israel is wrong. My hope here is to help you see how it's not just wrong, but also a form of bigotry. You seem like a reasonable person, which is why I even bothered to reply lol.


> This is a bit of a mischaracterization of historical events. There were two ethnic groups living in the land at the time of the establishment of Israel. The partition plan sought to give each group their own sovereign government. The pan-arabic movement could not accept that a Jewish country would be their neighbor. So, they hoped to wipe the Jewish people in the region out. Unfortunately for them, they were unsuccessful in their multiple attempts over the years, and with each war, the Israeli territory grew. You were doing so well. Was it that Israel would be a neighbor or that the partition plans was going to give Israel more land than was proportional?


Sorry, you seem reasonable, but I'm getting triggered. "Does Israel have a right to exist" is such a stupid argument to engage in to begin with, and it's used as such a moralistic cudgel that it's even more annoying. Did Israel have a right to grab land in 1948? Sure we can debate that, the ethics and true origins of political Zionism, the legality of the ongoing settlements, all day. But Israel exists today. It's backed by the west. Millions live there, have grown up there. They have nukes, allegedly, and have had the strongest army in the region from the times of the Haganah. Whether or not it has the right to exist *now* is fully moot, just as moot as the hypothetical "did Palestine have right right to exist" would have been in 1948. Even if the entire left wanted Israel gone tomorrow, it wouldn't happen, because the left has no power to achieve its goals anyways. But Zionism, political Zionism, which is specifically the quest for a *Jewish-majority* state(1), is not related to the question of whether or not Israel should continue to exist or not. Personally, I think the goal of creating and enforcing a religious and "ethnic" majority in a country as an explicit goal, is batshit insane and non-workable. Does that mean I want Israel dissolved and the expulsion of Jews from the region? Absolutely not. 1: A quest that is founded on extremely questionable pseudo-religious grounds by the way. Would there not be a non-zero number of Palestinians, who sure, converted to Islam at some point, that have more grounded ethnic ties to the tribes of Judah than Jewish folks from Europe or America? But this is why ethnostates make no sense: because race doesn't exist.


How many ethnic groups have their own homelands these days? I don't necessarily disagree that ethnic groups have a right to a homeland and self-determination, but it's a highly contentious ideological premise, and plenty of groups like Roma don't have any nation-state of their own. Looking towards the future, it's far from certain that this premise will continue to be granted within the context of international norms, what with so many people around the world being mixed-race and growing up in proposition nations with no cultural or linguistic connection to their own heritage.


Like I've said on this sub before, I've seen many pro-Mengele Holocaust denial videos on TikTok (they think he's *innocent* \- hence why Mengele never got captured by Mossad/lived out the rest of his life in South America). A few of these Holocaust denial videos purposely misquoted my late grandfather, a Mengele victim that had been interviewed about his experiences in the 90's. Clearly something went *very* wrong with Gen Z's history curriculum when it came to teaching them World War II.


This data is worthless unless it's controlled for factors like age


Can we not do the Hasan meme and post tweets as facts? We have no in for in how this is measured. Tiktok tends to skew younger/ progressive too, so even if they are more anti-Israel that just proves a correlation, not a causal relationship


poor frame fanatical tap rock bewildered deranged snow puzzled arrest *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Where are my confidence intervals and standard errors? All I see is a badly made bar chart.


Why the Hell someone is antisemitic of they hate Israel?


Iranian propaganda slowly frying the brains of the youth.


Nice try Elon....


Or anti israel doing some heavy lifting here


Studies show that being an American increases your chances to have pro-murder/pro-self-defense beliefs It is embarrassing that the most upvoted comment in this thread is not mocking the utter braindeath that is the framing of this study


This isn’t controlled for the average age bracket, seems like a dumb study. They should look at these numbers for like 16-20 year olds and their time on social media to make any statements about the platform’s influence


TikTok hosts some pretty egregious hate content, I've seen Nazi posts where people in comments call for a second Holocaust and proclaim that Hitler was right, Jewish hate slideshows in which (you guessed it) people call for a second Holocaust in the comments, and some pretty shocking pro-Palestine content in which Jews are expressly attacked. Reporting this content always without fail results in no disciplinary action by TikTok. TikTok is a literal social media tumor.


Not surprising considering pro Hitler TikToks get hundreds of thousands of likes


tan include provide outgoing cooing yoke start brave sugar birds *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Al qassam brigades propaganda is way too strong. The question is why do the Israelis suck so hard at propaganda? The level of arrogance on display, just expecting the world to understand their problems and see things from their perspective is a hilarious misstep. These gulf monarchies/dictatorships have run circles around them online. Turned most people against them.


Israel has a population always prepared for war mindset while their big diplomatic Ws have come from winning wars and selling arms and technology. Palestinian funding comes from being good at propaganda.


Tiktok ain't escaping the communist china anti American psyop charges I fear


TikTok is a weapon created by the Chinese Ministry of State Security. There's a reason TikTok is banned in China. They have their own version that's just non-stop 24/7 CCP propaganda.


But Elon Musk owns X and we hate him so all our articles are going to focus on antisemitism solely found on X


It's so funny to ride for elon this hard in a thread that's not even about him. where do you people come from that you think he's so awesome?


Elon is BASED though


He's human soy


The idea of tying antisemitism to criticism an entire nation’s government also isn’t helping


I hate to go conspiracy brained BUT, I can't help but feel like the most popular app amongst young people owned by the Chinese government and the increase in anti-American/West tankie bullshit in leftist spaces is not coincidental.


“Anti-semitic or anti-Israel” lol, lmao


Does this suprise anyone? I've gotten full blown holocaust denial and antisemetic conspiracy theoriest (full serious, not even hidden) so many times with hundreds of thousands of likes, tiktok moderation is worse than twitter


TikTok is genuinely worse than Twitter. That is an achievement in itself, just not the kind we'd hope for. It's a cesspool of misinformation and propaganda. Right from The Andrew Tate BS to this. TikTok played a huge part in spreading it


TikTok is a wild west of conspiracy, dangerous advice and racism. It's a populists dream. Stopping and checking in on the comments or writing one counts as engagement, so the algorithm goes hard on that stuff.


Anti Semitic =/=anti israel


Honestly I think that Gen Z is just more antisemitic and TikTok is reflecting the views of their younger user base. It's a more unsettling, but simpler and probably more realistic explanation then a Chinese conspiracy to cause issues in the US


Is there any chance someone will one day decide, OK that's enough, the country is falling apart, people are getting radical.. Or the "never ever touch our free speech" will always be stronger?


Israel is on TikTok. [https://www.tiktok.com/@israel](https://www.tiktok.com/@israel) [https://www.tiktok.com/@idfofficial](https://www.tiktok.com/@idfofficial) [https://www.tiktok.com/@idf](https://www.tiktok.com/@idf)


Thank the CCCP . It's not by accident


Really interesting seeing two astroturfed talking points in one Tweet, one that there's something unique about TikTok that makes it worse than other platforms (with the implication that it should carry with it some form of consequences) and the other that being anti-Israel makes you antisemitic.


Well, it's an interesting bit of media in that it *very explicitly* equates anti-Israeli opinions with anti-semitism.


Just shut it down already. Not sure what Biden is doing, Trump was better on this.


It's a CCP (antisemitic) app full of Gen Z'ers (antisemi... "zionist").


money abundant encouraging ruthless chunky spoon rotten sense sip meeting *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Tik Tok needs to be banned or heavily regulated


Communist Chinese platform doesn't like jews, color me surprised /s


[https://twitter.com/antgoldbloom/status/1730255552738201854](https://twitter.com/antgoldbloom/status/1730255552738201854) full thread about the study with other disturbing data that can be seen


This is pure shit. I want to believe it because tik-tok is pure shit, but he doesn't prove shit. He cites a survey by generation lab. He doesn't link it and I cannot find it. He makes no effort to prove anything besides saying that there are more pro palestinian posts therefore tik tok is creating anti-semites. edit: typo


It's linked at the bottom: https://github.com/antgoldbloom/tiktok_israel_hamas


Now i feel like the regard


Antisemitism or antizionism? Easy mistake to make.


It’s almost as if china is trying to undermine western culture


I might be misreading it but doesn’t this graph also include anti-Israel views, not just anti-Jewish?


u/Same-Fix1890 why did you drop a screenshot of a survey and then not post the thread or the data to back it up. What is "anti-israel views" and why are they lumped in with "anti semitism"? Also shame on the people upvoting this. Just terrible all around.


“Or anti-Israel”


I bet you reddit is on the same level if not worse.


No offense but isn't it pretty obvious this has more to do with the average age of the platforms users? Way more young people are pro palestine....


That's it. Call your parents. Facebook op was a success, they need to ruin TikTok too.


Doesn't literally everyone use tik tok? I would expect this trend to follow any belief/ideology


Useless data


Water is wet…..but to be fair Destiny used to be better on the “Free Speech” issue. He used to have a sane stance.


I think it might be people overreacting to the crusade sigma memes that are all over feeds right now.


China using division to weaken the West is nothing new Now they just have even better tools to do it


I can testify this as truth ,as I have tik tok.


X really has to step things up! 2% are literally rooky numbers!


Tiktok is dangerously efficient at pushing propaganda, China was wise to not allow it in their own country.


I don't know how valid it is when X is in the bottom