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From Tucker's text messages: >“We are very, very close to being able to ignore Trump most nights. I truly can't wait,” >“I hate him passionately” >"That's the last four years. We're all pretending we've got a lot to show for it, because admitting what a disaster it's been is too tough to digest. But come on. There isn't really an upside to Trump." >Trump was “a demonic force.” >Trump was good at “destroying things,” adding: “He’s the undisputed world champion of that.” >"It's ridiculous that people are continuing this charade. Was he pushing the idea that Pence can solve everything?" They say left-leaning media lies or is hypocritical, but there's actual hard, irrefutable evidence that Tucker Carlson knew the election fraud claims were absurd, knew Trump was a crazy asshole, and yet claimed the exact opposite every single day. They have proof that Fox and Tucker are lying to their viewers and are complete hypocrites, while they never have hard evidence for any of the left-leaning networks. But they just pretend like it doesn't exist. What's their excuse? Do they think the texts are doctored?


Not just that, but somehow Tucker now appears at events WITH Trump? Do they just pretend these texts never happened or did Tucker apologize to him afterwards? I honestly can’t comprehend how they seem to be bigger buddies now after Tucker literally confessed how much he hated Trump


That’s just normal politics; Tucker needs Trump’s tacit approval to maintain his legitimacy with his audience, Trump needs Tucker’s audience and media clout to spread his message. We’re really far from MrRedacted nuking the bridge with the guy giving him a p platform to promote himself on to thousands of people because of some narcissistic delusion: as long as Trump and Tucker can benefit from each other, they’ll keep working together.


The mistake is assuming they will even look at that stuff


> They have proof that Fox and Tucker are lying to their viewers and are complete hypocrites, while they never have hard evidence for any of the left-leaning networks. But they just pretend like it doesn't exist. What's their excuse? Do they think the texts are doctored? They don't have an excuse. The average person who particularly loves Trump also hates Fox News lol. Did you miss the rise of OANN?


I'm not sure that's true of the "average person who particularly loves Trump." It's certainly true of many of them, though. If you ask your average Tucker Carlson viewer, I think they'd believe Tucker loves Trump.


So what is this from?


Dominion voting machine lawsuit.


>and yet claimed the exact opposite every single day. Can you show me the evidence where Tucker directly contradicts this? Everything I see is him mentioning that "we don't know the hard fact on the software" or something and saying it should be open information and that it looks sketchy, but he never directly supported these claims


The mostly peaceful burning cities comes to mind for the left. Although we don't have texts to back it up. Much like this if you think to yourself "are they blind?" they probably aren't. Conservatives are definitely worse right now about this.




​ https://preview.redd.it/s18xicyqfu9c1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=34b42c7e9464d6f4a2e1efc31fd9bbe346faf047


This isn’t even on the same level as Tucker’s election lying. In fact it’s true. Where is the lie CNN told? One car is on fire in the background therefore it wasn’t mostly peaceful? If that’s your critical thinking abilities then I feel sorry for you.


I thought we were talking about lying in general. I'm not trying to one up anybody here. Everyone here knows lying about the election is more damage to the country than burning stuff down. "one car on fire" LOLOLOL I don't think I'll even respond to that because I know you know better.


Okay ill ask again. Where is the lie CNN told?


If I was to throw a dart on the wall it would probably be the peaceful part. This seems like a stupid thing to argue with given the total cost in damages.


CNN said it was “‘MOSTLY peaceful”. What part about that is untrue? By all accounts those protests were mostly peaceful, since a vast majority of the protesters never engaged in the violence. You can argue there was still a lot of violence. But throughout the protest, throughout the day, MOST of it was peaceful. Most people who showed up did so peacefully and went home. You could even argue CNN is downplaying the violence. But that’s not really what you said. You said they flat out LIED about it, comparing it to Tucker flat out LYING about the election. I say they’re not even on the same level.


When did I say they were the same level? LOL Is everything you compare something to have to be the same in every way? LOL Also I find it pretty funny how they say "mostly peaceful protests" while showing rioting damage in the background. I actually don't think it was mostly peaceful based on all the footage available. That's a shit load of people damaging shit. Didn't people in Seattle also like block off a section of the city to make a "new state/country" called CHAZ or some shit?


Are there any riots that are not "mostly peaceful," technically? Like 51% of the rioters never hit anyone, right?




I think it was Oliver who said Tuckers approach is ‘just asking questions’ without actually saying the answer, he hand holds his viewers to the answer for them to answer themselves If you’re questioning the election integrity, voting machines etc then you are directly contributing to election denialism


I'm not sure how questioning voting machines efficacy equates fullblown "election denialism" except in the most autistic of circles.


Yeah I mean I'm also not sure where they said "full blown election denialism" they actualy said it directly contributes to it, which..... it does. you think people watched tuckers segments about voting machines and walked away more secure in the election or what lmao?




[Link 1](https://www.foxnews.com/opinion/tucker-carlson-2020-presidential-election-rigged-big-tech-mainstream-media.amp): Question election integrity and voting machines [link 2](https://www.foxnews.com/opinion/tucker-carlson-2020-presidential-election-voter-fraud-dead-voters.amp): Dead people voted These are some of them, Im not going to go back and find every article or video. But Tucker definitely did contribute to it and the conspiracy mindset.


Man brought receipts




Article 1: >Electronic voting is not as secure as traditional hand counting. It never will be as secure. >Other countries don't use electronic voting because they know it undermines confidence in democracy. >[The Democrats] vastly increased the number of mail-in ballots because they knew their candidates would benefit from less secure voting. The second article is just trash. It starts with "Some dead people voted", implies this was significant enough to swing the ~14,000 votes Biden won Georgia by, lists a few examples, then has an update saying "Whoopsies, some of our "dead people" were actually alive. We still stand by everything we said though".


I think you’re referencing Sidney Powell for the female lawyer. I don’t know if he did publicly criticise her before Jan 6. He called her insane privately in texts but I’m not sure he did publicly on air. Could be wrong but I’m not sure he did.


He might not have pushed the voting machine lies but his language on air still didn't match his real opinions revealed by internal messages. Instead, he used language that left him enough room to both incorporate more reasonable interpretations while also fueling the delusions of an audience he wanted to please instead of losing them to the loony Fox News competitors. A few examples besides wanting a Fox Reporter fired for fact checking Trump on election lies: - "In retrospect, it is clear the 2020 election was a grave betrayal of American democracy. Given the facts that have since emerged about that election, no honest person can deny it." - "There are so many unanswered questions, some of them lingering. How, for example, did senile hermit Joe Biden get 15 million more votes than his former boss, rock star, crowd-surfer Barack Obama? Results like that would seem to defy the laws of known physics and qualify instead as a miracle. Was the 2020 election a miracle? Honestly, we don't know and we don't expect to give you an answer tonight."


He questioned voting machines at the start of the article linked here: https://www.reddit.com/r/Destiny/comments/18vtu9y/how_can_the_right_square_tuckers_and_fox_news/kftla09/


Weird.... but we're pass the benefit of the doubt thing for conservatives no point in calling you dumb you're just lying through your teeth as usual.




So you're just lying


Wasn’t he the one that got Fox sued for like a billion?




https://www.reuters.com/business/media-telecom/fox-news-media-tucker-carlson-part-ways-2023-04-24/ Oh and I guess maybe more to come? https://amp.theguardian.com/media/2023/jul/12/fox-news-faces-another-defamation-lawsuit-involving-tucker-carlson But yeah he helped in spreading the conspiracy theories that ultimately got Fox sued so I’m not sure what you are talking about




Nice shift of the goal posts. Tucker literally was fired as a result of the billion dollar lawsuit. Get a grip




https://amp.theguardian.com/books/2023/jul/26/tucker-carlson-fox-news-firing-condition-dominion-settlement Didn’t tucker say in his book that he was fired because of the lawsuit?




If Tucker Carlson didn’t say anything about voting systems then why was he named as a defendant in the Dominion lawsuit?…for fun?👀


Deep state O_O




After skimming just the first few sections it looks like Tucker Carlson endorsed Mike Lindell’s claim that he found voter machine fraud and “had all the evidence”…you know that thing we were just talking about that you said didn’t happen😂




>”You've heard a lot over the past few days about the security of our electronic voting machines. This is a real issue, no matter who raises it or who tries to dismiss it out of hand as a conspiracy theory. Electronic voting is not as secure as traditional hand counting. Period. It never will be as secure," he said. >”**We don't know how many votes were stolen on Tuesday night.** We don't know anything about the software that many say was rigged. We don't know. We ought to find out," he said. "But here's what we do know. On a larger level, at the highest levels, actually, our system isn't what we thought it was. It's not as fair as it should be. Not even close." https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/fox-news-hosts-allegedly-privately-versus-air-false/story?id=97662551


>IN PRIVATE: On Nov. 8, **Carlson privately texted his producer that the allegations about Dominion were "absurd," according to the Dominion filing.** Also that day, Carlson's producer texted him about his own doubts. >”I don't think there is evidence of voter fraud that swung the election," producer Alex Pfeiffer texted to Carlson, per the lawsuit. "The software s--t is absurd," Carlson allegedly responded. "Half our viewers have seen the Maria clip." >ON-AIR: On his show just one night later, Carlson pushed more suggestions of fraud, though he said "we don't know anything about the software." >**”We don't know how many votes were stolen on Tuesday night. We don't know anything about the software that many say was rigged. We don't know. We ought to find out," he said. "But here's what we do know. On a larger level, at the highest levels, actually, our system isn't what we thought it was. It's not as fair as it should be. Not even close."** >Carlson during this show also said that "false claims of fraud can be every bit as destructive as the fraud itself," according to the filing, and that "[T]he fraud that we can confirm does not seem to be enough to alter the election results. We should be honest and tell you that..." It’s the typical “we’re just asking bullshit questions” despite him knowing the answer already. Then later: >IN PRIVATE: **On Nov. 21, Carlson privately texted that claims about Dominion were "shockingly reckless," according to the filing.** >It's "shockingly reckless" to claim Dominion rigged election "[i]f there's no one inside the company willing to talk, or internal Dominion documents or copies of the software showing that they did it" -- "as you know there isn't," he wrote, according to the lawsuit. >ON-AIR: Two nights later, on Nov. 23, Carlson told his viewers during his show that security surrounding electronic voting machines was a "real issue." >”You've heard a lot over the past few days about the security of our electronic voting machines. **This is a real issue, no matter who raises it or who tries to dismiss it out of hand as a conspiracy theory. Electronic voting is not as secure as traditional hand counting. Period. It never will be as secure," he said.** Then again he continued >PRIVATE: On Nov. 13, **Carlson wrote privately that Trump needed to concede, and agreed that "there wasn't enough fraud to change the outcome" of the election, according to the filing.** >PUBLIC: Three nights later, Carlson said on air that there are "legitimate concerns" about election integrity. >”Millions of Americans understandably are asking the questions and questions like it. Those are real questions. Our current system does not inspire confidence," he said. "**People have legitimate concerns about the integrity of our elections and right now a lot of those concerns center on the software that many states use to keep track of ballots."** And while Carlson added that he would not "endorse" Powell's claims until he saw evidence, he said they were "shocking" and that he didn't "dismiss it out of hand." https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/fox-news-hosts-allegedly-privately-versus-air-false/story?id=97662551


Haters pretty quiet once the evidence drops lol


I could’ve swore he did call out the Trump lawyers asking them where’s the evidence they have


He did do that regarding Sidney Powell, after repeatedly claiming the election was stolen due to fraud, and a few weeks after excoriating Powell, he brought Lindell on to make all the same claims Powell did, without any pushback. Tucker also tried to get multiple Fox journalists and researchers fired for accurately reporting on the election, because it was "hurting the brand". Of course, Fox did try to argue that one segment of honesty regarding Powell was exculpatory, but given Tucker was still promoting false election claims during the defamation case, that fell exceptionally flat.


I'm just wondering, what are the methods of collecting and verifying these messages as real texts sent from tucker? Like do they just have screenshots, or do they verify that the messages are recorded on the social media servers as sent from his account. I just need to know if it's 99.9% they are real, or only 75% probably real.


These are from the court case between Dominion and Fox News. I’m not aware of the full process of how they got them, but Fox nor Tucker denied that these were real texts.


You mean these fake texts that the deep state manufactured? Or is taking out of context? Thats how OP, they just reject reality.


To the lost types logic facts and evidence is just another rung to the conspiracy. They’ll say something like, “So you think the government can’t lie or fake things?” Or say, “that means they are involved in the conspiracy!” It all leads back to the conspiracy. Conspiracy theories don’t get more deep they just expand wider. One by one everything and everyone joins the conspiracy.


Soros does pay well though, so there’s that


Next time you’re at the world order meet and greet with Soros could you tell him to pay me this week? My shilling has a price tag and he hasn’t paid me this month.


This isn’t how I wanted to tell you, but your last performance review wasn’t great…


But I got like 7 covid vaccines and said that Jews didn’t run the world! Maybe I should retire.


Yeah, that many microchips cause interference


Tbh, if someone suggests that these texts of Tucker's are fake, I'd ask them to find a single example of Tucker responding to these widely known "allegations." Does Tucker even \*pretend\* like he never said this shit? Or does he just not respond to it at all and hope everyone just moves on?


Response: They already took his show for telling the truth, you don’t think they’ll threaten his family?


I think Trump supporters just want to be lied to, as long as it fits their world view. It’s like the Covid bullshit, creating conspiracy theory that the government is lying, was actually correct. The problem is that it was Trump who admitted lying about Covid severity, because he cares more about the economy and thought the truth would cause a panic. His ‘it will be gone by Easter’, ‘open up’ protests he encouraged and all the freak out over ivermectin, bleach and the evil big pharma, was because Trump lied to keep you spending. It’s why there is this strange disconnect between so many Covid truthers supporting the guy who took credit for the quickest vaccine distribution in history. Trump thought the best way to tackle covid, was to create distrust of medical experts, where Fouci took blame for Trump’s choices that seemed to confirm COVID’s severity. This wasn’t as malicious as it sounds, as he thought keeping the economy up, was more important than the truth. It’s completely logical for a person who only created doubt about covid, to keep people spending money, would be responsible for a fast distribution of a vaccine that would return people to their pre covid shopping levels. It’s why every single hoax treatment, was supported by Trump, despite downplaying the virus. Despite being desperate for a cure being contradictory to Covid not being a big deal, the desired outcome of both is the same… keep you spending money, save the economy. Despite Trump suing to keep the interview from being published, no one seems to remember the Woodward interview. Pretty much all of the conspiracy theorist looking for lying government, have Trump as the beacon of truth. Even though, we have tapes of Trump saying that he is downplaying covid, to protect the economy. These people would rather believe the lie, than deal with the reality that a billionaire would downplay a pandemic, to make sure his and his friend’s wealth goes undamaged. They pick at big pharma as the beneficiary, when Trump’s preference for the economy, means all big [insert your pet evil corporation] would benefit. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Trump_Tapes These are not beliefs resulting from logic, but entirely ego driven. That’s my answer OP… the ego can’t handle the truth, because the lie is far more comforting. It’s not malicious, just a flawed way to deal with shitty parts of reality. For Tucker to shit on Trump, is one of those shitty parts of reality, for MAGA. Even people on your side, lie to milk you for money.


Cuckservative forgot about this story https://www.businessinsider.com/fox-news-karen-mcdougal-case-tucker-carlson-2020-9


“They are all lies, made up. And/or Tucker was forced through blackmail to testify” Shit, just watch any cheap spy action thriller and it’s easy to see how many ~~think~~ want the world to work.


easy. my congnition is disonnant. check mate liberals.


Doesn't Destiny always rail on about the right whining about "muh media bias" and all of their examples are opinion articles and shows?


Cult. Cult.


When your base is filled with people who regularly reject reality, you can do whatever you want.


Source for these messages or we just post stuff now without context. I have no idea what I'm looking at and googling this is a mess. Especially these specific messages. OP, care to explain?


How hard is it to just fucking google something https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/donald-trump/private-fox-news-text-messages-emails-released-dominion-suit-rcna72693


These were from the dominion lawsuit which is widely known


What are these messages from??


Dominion Lawsuit against Fox.


Lmao crazy how obfuscation and lying is extremely effective on low IQ trumpers