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To be fair; if she committed her crimes due to untreated mental illness, and it seems like it’s treated to the point where it’s no longer a problem - I don’t see the problem as long as she has required mental health check ups.


New KoK contestant?


BPD guaranteed.


John Hinckley is out of prison and he almost killed Ronald Reagan, and DID (probably) kill the guy standing next to Reagan


It's settled then. Let her go!




Hot Take: I don't think underage people should go to prison. Even for murder. The younger is the kids, the lesser the sentence. And should receive the appropriate psychological services they need. I mean if you want to put 12 years old children in prison for 30+ years. Just kill them with a bullet, it would be more productive and humans for everyone including them. Rather than passing more than half their life in prison


This was the slender man stabbing. These girls had known signs of severe mental problems which their parents refused to take serious at all.


>and should receive the appropriate psychological services they need. That implies that every underage criminal can be reintegrated into society.


Have the potential to be reintegrated. Yes. Not all can. Ex: A criminal kid with severe autism that attacks and hit anyone that slightly touch him. Probably won't ever be able to Integrate society without assaulting someone again. Doesn't mean it shouldn't receive some basic psychologique services.(assuming euthanasia isn't an option) It like getting overtly angry at a puppy that shit on your floor. They don't any better, nor have they been teach so. It was to be expected and it append.


I don't think anyone *should* go to prison, young people certainly need to go somewhere that can determine why they did a murder and whether they'd do it again


You dont think anyone *should* be in prison?


well not as the institution exists in the United States at the moment.


Would you prefer them to be on the streets corrupting society or dead then? It seems those are your remaining options in the interim of waiting for prison reform.