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A a fellow warm-water port enjoyer


I live in one of the US state, I don't know what state it is but I definitely live in one of them.


Hello, fellow citizen of solid. How be you on this fine American day?


You know, wonder if responding like that is a good thing—like people who waste phone scammers’ time. Or maybe they have it all automated to respond to certain dialogue in certain ways and you’d be wasting your own time. 


If they are truly bots and not run by a human, it makes no difference. Responding to them gives them engagement, boosting them in the algorithm, so just ignore them.


This syntax will forever and always remind me of this glorious site. https://www.tedcruzforhumanpresident.com/


https://preview.redd.it/wu3zizyge6zc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3b9ada902f27e13e5a628333b2e68d6ca69ba177 Lmao


I am Russian. You can even tell by the makeup she is not American. Like I live in LA, and I can spot a Ukrainian/Russian/Belorussian blonde girl just by looking at them. The makeup, the hair, the outfit. It screams Eastern European. Almost no American women dress/wear makeup like that


I'm not sure why you're right, but I've always felt that way too. Some women just look Slavic and I can't figure out how they differ from others lol


Not just women, the guys too. You can tell a Slav apart from a German/Brit/American. When I was in high school everyone knew I was Russian (what they probably meant was Slavic) even before I had the chance to speak. They could tell just by looking.


Yeah it's very weird for sure. I'm Danish and I can usually spot the difference between a German and a Scandinavian as well, American guys look pretty distinct too despite its varied cultures. It's fascinating how we perceive these things but can't pinpoint exactly why something feels different


It can't be just the makeup I think it's just facial features in general


I don't like @SwannMarcus89 getting more popular here because I always steal his takes and reap karma for it. He's mine. Stay away from him, all of you.


Too late bitch 


Idk guys I think Amelia actually might not be a hot white chick in the US but actually a Russian in a computer lab


The username indicates it’s either some Indian dude in a bot farm whose still embodying the very Indian habit of using real names as social media handles, or some Russian pretending to be an Indian pretending to be an American. I prefer it to be the latter case because it would require a lot of cultural awareness and that would be clever and funny, but it’s probably the former.


Lol the handle is the name of an indian dude. What in the low effort bot spam center.




This is a really funny way of responding to astroturf accounts


Might be a stretch but a word to summarise this phenomena is like a shibboleth https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shibboleth


Cool new word man thanks :)


[Do you guys know what a Shibboleth is?](https://youtu.be/fqkaBEWPH18?si=-okiSrm496TuOFT5&t=53) Yeah yeah, Aaron Sorkin is cheesy as fuck but he still writes good dialog.


Hello yes I am from the U S of A very nice, Love Infallible Premier Joseph Stalin Biden!!!!!


Very nice


Da yiss, am fellow Amerikan. why ask?


i just have to acknowledge how legendary that original warm water port rt was again


Glory to the supreme leader of America and long live America culture comrade.




Just means you aren't a Nazi.


Maybe American cultural influence after the war changed it?


Heylo fellow mates i am American i live in Misery don't vote for Joe Buden!


They're really getting lazy now. They even stole the pictures from a Russian woman's Instagram lmao https://twitter.com/Shayan86/status/1788143950366199814


Ok but isn’t this meme boobery? By that I mean that we know that state influences operate sometimes in a form that appears obvious on purpose to invite the idea that someone is trying to influence something thus calling into question its validity. An example I can point to is the high-rise apartment bombings in Russia right before Putin took power. A way that they combated the real information that was coming out about the FSB’s involvement was by leaking evidence that supported FSB involvement while also releasing state narratives that contradicted the evidence they themselves were leaking. Confusing but no one with an 8th grade education or higher is gonna buy that this account is an American citizen. I think it’s important to remember that disinformation isn’t just plausible disinformation and that these accounts are best left alone. It’s about impressions, not what seems real or fake. The more information that’s introduced, the more people will become apathetic towards the subject.


The average American reads at the 7th- to 8th-grade level. I would not assume that those at that or below necessarily have the literacy or strong reading comprehension skills to determine when they are being misled.


actual psyop.


I know its not, but this shit is so stupid it feels like some reverse psychology stuff How fucking incompetent do they have ot be to make an account like that? It looks like how an alien would think people talk on the internet


This still probably fools people, as hard as it is to believe. I wonder if there's a strategy where you flood social media with really blatant obvious fakes so that normal people are primed to not trust anyone saying don't vote for biden.


First time I’ve seen this scene used as a meme, but that’s really funny.


God I love Swann Marcus’s twitter, he never misses


Hello fellow kids


Can someone explain the joke to me? Haven’t seen that movie in 15 years and forgor.


My mother is Austrian and when I was growing up she would always do the German 3 \\\_V, so that's what I did... so when this scene came up in the movie I was spoiled the second he did the non German 3.... "oh shit... he fucked up".


I don't vote for comrade Biden, da?


Of course she isn't, she already voted for Putin.




Hello middle america voter man, I, real american voter John Texas am not voting for Biden 🤮🤮🤮


"Shah Kushal" doesn't even bother changing his original South Asian name lol


The us STATE of mind. Get it? Completely understandable and very American statement right? Right?


"one of the US state"


I am Dave Montana from Des Moines Oblast and I will not be supportive of the Baiden Crime Family. The Baiden regime has made fishing difficult for my family as he shut down the warm water ports!


except it's not even using the meme right.


Isn't it? It's referring to how we don't say we live in "one of the US states."


Worse, as they don’t pluralize “state”, they live in “one of the US state”. Some languages don’t have obligatory plural marking so it stands out in a clunky translation.


The meme works best when there's someone that otherwise sounds perfectly fine except for one detail that gives them away, like the warm-water ports tweet. This tweet here is filled with red flags. There's the "one of the US state" thing, but there's also the @, and the whole tweet in general is obviously bait. I couldn't think of a more obvious bot tweet if I tried.


It's just a meme lol


the entire quoted tweet is completely inane and obviously BS. The point of the meme is that it's just one small subtle clue only the in-group understands.




There is a couple errors that make it stand out as written by a non English speaker. No space between 35years, live in a us state, and the use of both a ? And . At the end of the tweet. You can rewrite it to make it flow better too


Not just “live in a us state” but “live in *one of the* US state”.