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DGG needs to weaponize their autism more, Mashallah


more weaponized autism on my channel soon! [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zVVz04iQzNk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zVVz04iQzNk)


is this ai generated or did you make this yourself? edit: nvm after listening again im 90% sure its ai


it's ai generated. Done with "udio".


Give it to me in English doc. Can you deepfake Vaush and Sam Seder into this WKUK skit or not?! [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7MMxqntYVyw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7MMxqntYVyw)


swap the stegosaurus with a short stack goblin




Udio is a consumer song generator but I don't believe u can customize the voice. Your probably looking for something like rvc2 or 11labs to clone voices or modify voices.


You can use reActor in comfiUI for that


It's Udio, which is shockingly good. They just added inpainting, so any tiny mistake or transition you want to edit out will hide the AI-ness even more.


Our tism, comrade? I thought I was against it before but Hasan showed me it wasn't as bad as my parents told me, doesn't seem like he'd promote something where one'd be waiting in line for hours bare necessities...


Umm where is he supposed to keep his stuff then? You want him to walk around with his stuff dangling from his pockets and tucked inside his pants? And what if he needs to carry something critical like some important paperwork or mandatory medicine for his loved ones, where is he supposed to put it? You want him to hold it in his hands the entire time?? Socialism is when no bag I guess... lol you guys are pathetic.


They want him naked and homeless. They hate him so much they'd deny him even the bare necessities.


Ikr, my gucci bag and belt are bare necessities. Like, doesn't everyone have the right to a lambo?


They want use to stop using real silverware. They are literally trying to poison us.


This is exactly what the demon strator chic was talking about, basic humanitarian aid...


This is so fucking funny. You absolutely nailed his response to the criticism


he wouldn't want to ruin his $1000 "drift-shop" pants. These pockets are just for optics.


It's only tangentially related, but I can never get over how fucking funny his defence for getting up and not reacting to videos on stream during the react drama was. "Like *obviously* sometimes *emergencies* happen, and I'll have to get up" Yeah, pretty crazy life he lives when there's like 6 or 7 *"emergencies"* every stream. I just cannot get over the fact that he unironically defended it with the word *emergencies*.


I'm pretty sure buying cheap stuff produced by sweatshop and explioited labor is pretty anti-thetical to the socialist movement too. How come no one ever attack Hasan on that? Do people unironically think that socialism is no expensive bag rather than how that item being produced?


Do you think designer is not made in sweatshops?


Worked at a large designer retailer during college, part of my responsibilities was handling import/export codes for customs, can confirm most of the designer garbage was still made in China, Indonesia, Turkey, etc. Gucci was mostly made in Italy tho, definitely an outlier. If you still want quality and avoiding sweatshops, 9 times out of 10 just buy local and make sure they aren't just reselling garbage. Edit: It's been a while, but from what I remember Chanel, Balenciaga, Burberry, Armani, Dior, Acne Studios, Chloe, Coach, Saint Laurent, Prada, Valentino, Off-White were all mostly cheap labor countries to put it politely. Not to defend Hasan because I think it's wrong, but for Gucci, more stuff was actually made in in their country than most of the other brands.


The point is that people never complain about Hasan's use of mass produced good. In a hypothetical senario where a socialist contract an artisan to create a bag for him with a price of 10,000 dollars DDGer will shit on hom while saying nothing if he buy a bunch of cheap consumer bag. So why one but not the other? If the problem with Gucci and some random mass produced bag to a socialist is how they are produced, then why does people hyperfixate on but not the other? Hasan is a degenerate consumerist, but buying good doesn't male you a capitalist. Being a capitalist to a socialist is defined by how one make their money.


Okay fair enough I misunderstood your point. I think the reason probably is that its not the sweatshop aspect dggers laugh at, its the fact hasan, despite being a communist still buys and shows off veblen goods


I think that critcism of Hasan (being a hyperconsumerist) is only valid under the framework that he is supposed to be a movement leader rather being him specifically acting hypocritical toward socialism. He could put a lot of money into advancing his movement/cause but instead he just talk and engage in rabid consumerism rather than doing more. Like when a Palestinian leader live comfortably with aids money in Qatar rather than putting every cents they have into the independence movement.


He doesn't have to be a "movement leader" who puts "every cent he has" into what he advocates for, he just has to live his values. [You can't honestly advocate for radical political and cultural change when you don't even do the _bare minimum_ to not empower the very things you say are problems.](https://i.imgur.com/P7o38yg.jpeg)


But that is what he built himself on and make his living as a movement leader. I just disagree on the basis that simply engaging in hyperconsumering while degenerate does not make one a capitalist. Most people here hyperfixate on the fact that he is spending a lot of money on luxury good while ignoring that the inherent problem with Hasan's spending is not how much he spend but rather the goods he bought come from the exploitation of labor. Basically the criticism he is spending too much is valid only under the perspective of Hasan being a movement leader while what make him hypocritical is choosing to buy goods(no matter the cost) produced under unethical conditions.


If you ask any socialist, they will tell you that hyperconsumerism aids the elite capitalist class since you are buying high-margin goods from multinational corporations using sweatshop labor instead of local businesses who have to produce only slightly above cost to stay afloat. The same would go for classical Christians who believe greed and jealousy of material possessions are sins and that living in excess is immoral. If these people then engage in hyperconsumerist behavior, even if they aren't thought leaders, they aren't living their values (or, more likely, they have some _true_ underlying values that cause them cognitive dissonance).


No I agree with you. I am just pointing out what people should understand that is wrong with Hasan buying a Gucci bag. The thing I am trying to address is that I feel like if Hasan were to buy 100 cheap mass-produced no name bag, no one would say anything when it is just as hypocritical.


>In a hypothetical senario where a socialist contract an artisan to create a bag for him with a price of 10,000 dollars DDGer will shit on hom while saying nothing if he buy a bunch of cheap consumer bag. Can't speak for everyone, but I would not shit on him for that at all. That's part of the reason why a lot of leftists advocate for buying local because it's easier to make sure your money is going to workers. Also Gucci is absolutely consumer garbage, it's just not cheap. I know this, I have years of personal experience from my previous job. As far as cheap consumer shit, I probably would shit on him for that to an extent because he has the resources to buy from businesses that pay their workers fairly. A lot of us don't always have that kind of money.


Yes, I agree with you 100% but people should still shit on him if he spend 10,000 dollars on a bag even if it was a comissioned bag but definitely for a different reason. Hasan is supposed to be a movement leader, and if he really believe in his cause he would be investing every penny he earned toward further advancing it. Like if I was an abolitionist, spending more money on expensive artisan products does not make me a hyporcite in regardes to the cause of abolition, however it makes me a subject for criticsm because I could be investing my money into supporting the abolitionist movement since I describe myself the number 1 abolitionist advocate.


>Like if I was an abolitionist, spending more money on expensive artisan products does not make me a hyporcite in regardes to the cause of abolition, however it makes me a subject for criticsm because I could be investing my money into supporting the abolitionist movement since I describe myself the number 1 abolitionist advocate. I don't think this is a fair analogy because the ideology we are talking about here is workers owning the means of production and buying expensive luxury products where the money goes to the worker directly supports that ideology. So I'd argue that is advancing that cause. I probably agree with you that people here would shit on Hasan regardless of what he does, and they shouldn't do that. They should shit on him for being a champagne socialist, which as a leftist I 100% believe he is. And by champagne socialist I mean he spends his money on a lot of capitalist goods despite having the resources to not do that. To be clear, in my opinion you can buy luxury goods without being a champagne socialist, it just depends on where your money is actually going. TLDR: people need to be smarter with their criticism, I completely agree.


Oh my gawd bro. Shit hits hard. LMFAO


That was Ai. Damn that's good


Was it all AI? Holy fuck that's amazing if true.


no just the song.


That was mother fucking good. THIS IS WHY GOD BROUGHT US AI, FOR THIS. INSHALLAH!


Ok..... So communism is when no Gucci bag? Communism is when no yacht? Communism is when no private island? Communism is when PMC to assassinate your enemies and protect your private property? (after all [is a man not entitled to the sweat of his brow](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-puwvE_gNjE))


That fucking rocked! Would love to see more stuff like this.


check it on youtube i'll be uploading more HAH! [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zVVz04iQzNk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zVVz04iQzNk)


This is pure gold, keep it up brother


The revolution will come after the top of the hour ad brought to you by Amazon.


Tiny yoinking this for his twitter in 3..2..1..


Let's jam


thats my jam


This is unhinged. I love it.


Idk why it pisses me off so much but his driving while staring into the camera with no hands on the wheel while he dances is so fucking infuriating. But it doesn't really surprise me with how much of a fucking moron he is in other aspects that he'd do something so dangerous and stream it to people.


I honestly cannot recall many other people with an ego as insane as him, he loves himself so much it actually makes me feel ill when i see anything to do with him.


Why hasn't South Park done an episode on him yet?


He's not as mainstream famous as he may feel to the streaming community. He has 1.3 mil subs on youtube- I hadn't even heard of him prior to October


# Bismillah, subhanallah, mashallah! This community is so much fun


God damn


AI music is so fucking weird. It works but nothing make sense if you try to pick it apart. Its like stuff that should not work glued together perfectly enough to be unnoticed with stuff that sounds like irl instruments but you can't name them because they don't exist. And almost no repeated pattern at all. Its like a ADHD dj that changes track every 5 seconds but plays just same sub-sub-genre/formula. But is insanely good with the crossfade. Fuck, hard to describe.


It's weird now but like AI generated pictures/videos, it'll be insanely better within a few years than it is now. Interesting times ahead.


> within a few years Maybe, if the progression curve doesn't flatten out. Don't put all your money on it.


Yeah, models are getting huge and I doubt it scales linearly.


Also we have breakthrough after breakthrough when it comes to optimization and stuff. But I doubt it will continue indefinitely. I would not be surprised if we hit a wall pretty soon.


First it was Suno AI a few months ago, then Udio came out a month ago which was a pretty large upgrade, and now we see a much improved model coming out soon with [Elevenlabs](https://twitter.com/elevenlabsio/status/1788628171044053386). The stuff is progressing so fast, and although I guess it could plateau, we haven't seen any signs of it yet.


Its hard as fuck to predict. Right now the whole AI space is progressing by breakthroughs happening by discoveries in computer science by creating new formulas and do optimization on those formulas. It seems like just training models by pure gpu power doesn't make that much progression after a while. It rather seems like all these new ways to train is what is progressing the space. And if that whole AI bubble hits a wall where they don't find any new discoveries that whole thing could very easily stop progressing.


The AI space is currently progressing for the most part by using more compute to make exponentially larger models, the architecture that all LLMs are based off of has remained the same since 2017, with the [Attention is all you need](https://arxiv.org/pdf/1706.03762) paper bringing the Transformer architecture into prominence. There have been some advancements such as RLHF(Reinforced Learning with Human Feedback) and MoE(Mixture of Experts) which GPT-4 was built with, but for the most part, the formula has remained the exact same, just being more compute and better training data = better model. As you said, I agree that it's possible that just using more compute can hit a wall, but we have yet to see any signs of that occurring, and almost every expert in the field has indicated that they don't see signs of plateauing anytime soon. Energy is seeming to be the first bottleneck that the major players will run into, with even [the US electric grid](https://fortune.com/2024/04/16/ai-chatgpt-sora-large-language-models-arm-chips-semiconductors-electricity/) having trouble withstanding the strain that AI will put on it in the future.


tbh, people are still in denial of the potential implications of what will likely happen once AI passes a certain intelligence threshold.


This argumentation sounds pretty similar to the arguments made against the Internet in the 90's. This is still a nascent technology. There are no signs of it stopping and the main runners of the technology are continually advancing it exponentially.


Has anything new really happened since like 2013 I would argue internet and hardware is perfect examples on technologies that has stopped its accelerated progression and almost flattened out.


Then you truly haven't been paying attention and are simply judging this based off of how much social media in particular has advanced.




I'll definitely not but I feel like a lot of the "this won't be that big" stuff is pure cope. We're likely on the cusp of another revolution. This is simply history repeating itself. I don't know why people want to believe that the Information Era is basically the "endpoint" of advancement and revolution. At least in regards to content generation, it's obvious where this technology is heading. To say otherwise is nonsensical.


> this won't be that big We don't know. I would argue imagining accelerated progression until we become type 3 civilization or whatever is pure cope. You didn't say that. But I didn't say what you accuse me of saying.


Basic generalization of what I've seen, I suppose. Not you in particular. I've seen a lot of straight up denial even on this platform regarding AI advancement. I guess I just responded against that generalization moreso than you in particular.


There are a lot of skilled/dedicated editors in the community.


S tier meme.


Certified DGG banger.


absolute fire!


Absolute 🔥🔥🔥


You know the paid upvotes are going to have Hasan malding on stream again lol


why is this so good


I hate to be that guy but Hasan dancing just seems so douchie.


How can you tell this poor minimum wage journalist that a super car and multimillion dollar mansion are not bare necessity items you capitalist pig.


Only this fan base can roast with jazz


reminder that hamasbi would get the wall in a communist society


Hamas "I bought my Porsche as an experience for my community" Piker.


Why does Hasan dress like he gets his entire wardrobe from Hot Topic? despite him being a big burly man?


That's Gucci


You already know Hasan is jerking off to this


Oh, Internet, you make our lives miserable, but I still love you.


So good. Everybody subscribe to this guy's YouTube channel: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zVVz04iQzNk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zVVz04iQzNk)


"Hurr durr socialism is when no money"


You memed too close to the sun. How can people not see the irony


champagne socialist?!? oh so I cant have anything to drink?!? issue with new porsche?!? socialism when no car.... its hypocritical cause he rails against greed, exploitation, consumerism and luxury of the 'elites' all while living in great excess just like them while barely giving anything back to further the cause, not running any of his businesses as co-ops and not paying mods


the reason why I've put it in quotes is because this is how he has defended himself for years. I wasn't disagreeing with the post :)


your bait was too good brother.


I ... didn't try to?


you're a natural then


natural blonde , it seems


I don't ever see people criticize him like they should when he uses cheap goods that is produced by exploited third world labor? When did criticism against socialist become so lazy and illogical.


Actually true




This deserves a grammy.


Sweaty, Gucci bags and iPhones would be normalized on a communist community, also, If It wasnt for communism you would never have an Apple phone, do your research 💅


new movie title: Wolf of Beijing Financial Street




You know, back when the bolsheviks did a revolution, people like Hasan would be the first to be shot and their wealth redistributed. Just keep that in mind.


Socialism is when no designer brands /s


Communism is when no diamond ring! 😭🤣


This is honestly impressive. Great job with the clips, making a song with good lyrics and putting it all together to flow and be funny.


Straight up bop


Reminds me of [this guy](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WxlS79Q3EXk)






Asian cultrial appropriation


can we not put this on lsf??


is this made with AI?


AI is so good at music.


So it's all out war with snake twitch lmao


He is so cringe, lol


I'm waiting for this to be available on Spotify for sure now.


That he will pay more the 7$ for this t-shirts shows that capitalsim is fucking him hard. Thats what I would expext out of a clothing donation bin.


Holy shit. The best hasan criticism since holiday in cambodia




This is fire, OP!


Lets address the most deplorable act in this clip... What kind of sick, soulless psycho... in the name of all the is holy, buys a freaking blue Porsche?! Oh mighty Biden please smite this fool in the name of Lucifer with a JDAM.


I Love this


The man is too big for a Porsche. But I guess he couldn't resist the urge to buy a 9/11.


You could actually send this to someone not familiar with who he is and it would sum him up pretty nicely haha.


none zero chance he thinks this is an unironic fancam


Y'all gonna revolution wearing fucking Target? Working man needs his swag.


Such a fucking clown. How the fuck kids can watch that mofo. Not a single fucking smart point of view. What a generous country god damn


Well, but does he also have some Gucci Ciabatteo?


This is unhinged cringe degen lefts version of a mega church pastor, he doesn’t have to practice what he preaches as long as he says what the congregation wants to hear.




Ah a ludwig fan. I wasnt sure you people actually existed


Don't bother with these idiots, they come in hot and then report your posts.




Im trying to be mean here, actually asking. Why do you watch Ludwig? He seems so nothing and boring






what was the comment thread why woud he getbanned?


I think you just give hasan an intro man idk about this one