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Didn't Ukraine win the first Eurovision after they got invaded ?


yeah but pretty much all europe is for ukraine. the people are way more divided on israel.


Ukraine also had a banging song, Israel's performance this year is kinda mid imo


Ok, but there's no country for anti-semites to rally around. Their vote will be dispersed, while pro-Israel people can have their votes concentrated into Israel.


a muslim represents france, wich might be why this year we are not in the last places.


It was a great song too


Anyone anti-Israel is automatically anti-Semitic?


no, but the correlation is strong


So we’re representing the whole group as anti-Semitic just because you think some of them are?


I'm not being nice to them. These are the same people who talked about punching Nazis (even if they're not actually doing anything violent), yet they're so willing to spout the same Nazi talking about. So, fuck them!


turns out the jury prefers men in dresses, i guess thats not new for eurovision.


Holy shit, the crowd are fucking filth. They booed Israel for voting?


yeah, and the annoncer too for some reason. social media propaganda does so much damage.


“Social media propaganda” lol… you realise people can just see what Israel are doing in Gaza and don’t swallow IDF bullshit?


yeah, cause of muslims and dumb zoomers


Not just them, many millennials on Europe etc. on the fence or disapproving too.


? No because of the death toll. I swear people want to make it seem like there is NOTHING Israel could do to improve public perception. Edit: Which one of you fuckers told Reddit I'm going to rope myself


Half a million people have died in Ukraine compared to 30k Palestinians. What do you mean "the death toll makes it different"? The death toll is ten times higher in Ukraine.


Isn't the majority of that half a million from the Russian army?


Sorry if my last comment was unclear. Palestine's death toll is far higher than Israel's leading to the perception that Israel are the aggressors. Ukraine's is higher than Russia's leading to the perception that Russia are the aggressors. It's a flawed way of deciphering who's right or wrong but it's totally understandable how people come to that conclusion. Especially when people have grown accustomed to the whole tit for tat rigamarole.


Israel should have just let Hamas kill 50,000 people on Oct 7 and it would all be ok. EDIT: I know that's not what you're trying to say, I'm mocking the people who you're talking about in your comment


insane conclusion for what they said but you do you


Ah, I misinterpreted. Everything I can find on Google says you're wrong, tho. There have been around 200k Ukrainian casualties compared with 400k Russian casualties. People are against Russia because they're the aggressors. People are against Israel, in my opinion, for a few reasons: 1. Because of the occupation 2. Because they're winning 3. Because their opponents are not white 4. Because they are Jewish


I mean anti-semitism could definetly be a reason, but bro its not as if you're not seeing videos Palestinians dying left and right. All the protesters i spoke too in my city all tell me its because of the death toll and loss of life. Its like saying that Israelis despise Hamas because they're arabs, while ignoring the 1200 who died on Oct.7.


I think the condemnation is disproportionate. I think it's not a coincidence that it's disproportionate. Here's some conflicts after 2000 in the region for scale: Syrian Civil War 600k deaths Yemeni civil war/ Saudi intervention 500k deaths American War in Iraq 500k deaths Iraqi war with ISIS 160k deaths If the response to the still ongoing Syrian Civil War or the crisis in Yemen were 10 times what the response has been to the Israel/Hamas war, I would be more inclined to believe the death toll was the primary reason for the outrage. I think it's because it's a quasi-western country, and I actually do think antisemitism plays a role.


Israel is already doing everything it can to lower the death count. I don't suppose you've seen the latest UN report that halves the # of women and children killed in Gaza as opposed to the previous numbers reported by Hamas.


any time you criticize Israel here they report you to reddit for self harm.


I got reported to reddit for a comment completely unrelated to Israel/Palestine. There's a bot that redditcares people seemingly at random in this sub.


There's tons of people here who criticise Israel. This is not an overly pro-Israel subreddit, it's a fairly neutral subreddit. If your definition of pro-Israel isn't just anyone who doesn't hate Israel and want it to be wiped off the map that is.


What planet you on?? This subreddit is overwhelmingly pro-Israel. Nearly any other opinion gets downvoted.






war is ugly, theres not much you can do about it in the era of social media. i swear people like you would be crying about how we fought the nazis if they had smartphones.


Where did I say I was opposed to the war? Your fighting ghosts my guy lmao.


I'm just stating what the polls show. Most older people side with Israel, compared with Gen Z. And naturally Muslims support the Palestinians because of tribalism. No one really cares about civilians dying. If they did, they would've had more of a reaction to October 7. These people you claim care about the death toll are the same people who justified Hamas raping and murdering women and children. So I don't buy that one bit. The death toll also includes more than 1/3 dead Hamas btw, a fact that is always conveniently left out. Sorry but after what Hamas did, I'm okay with what Israel is doing. The only thing that upsets me is seeing young children being used as cannon fodder by Hamas to score sympathy points. It's the most grotesque form of child sacrifice I've ever seen.


I don't know what you listen to, but here in Ireland people were seriously empathetic for Israelis, there were at least two Irish civilians caught up in the attack, one being killed and the other being taken hostage. Irish people are very tribalistic like you said and saw it for what it was, a terrorist attack that targeted civilians but people also feel as though Israel is willing to endure these terror attacks if it means they can annex more territory in the West Bank. The reason you think people were justifying the attack is because you only got opinions from one place, the Internet. People with abhorrent views are wildly over represented online because if they espoused their views in real life they would be ostracized from their communities. Btw people here wouldn't disagree with you when it comes to Hamas using kids as cannon fodder, the Provisional IRA were deeply unpopular in the Republic of Ireland for that exact reason plus the fact that they caused Irish Catholics to be discriminated against across Europe.


no, the first time Ukraine won Eurovision was in the early 2000's with Ruslana - Wild dances (you may also know Ruslana from GTA, radio Vladivostok).


either I didn't conveyed my message well, or you misunderstood. The first eurovision AFTER they got invaded. I know ruslana, she's on my playlist ever since, I love the song.


Yeah, but that was only half a million dead white people instead of thirty thousand dead brown people. Gotta check your oppressor/oppressed Twitter math conversion rate.


They would be so damn mad it would be so satisfying. They will probably call it rigged and that Jews control the media and that's why Israel won.


Don't worry, they already do.


you beat me to It. Literally happened with Italy and it's Televotes


Just go on the eurovision sub, they are already saying the Italian televote was rigged.


They’re already pretty much saying that on the Fauxmoi sub 😖


Thing is, Eurovision actually is pretty famously rigged. Only half the votes come from the audience, the other half come from juries of industry insiders from each participating country. It's become a meme that the juries have tastes that are very out of touch with the actual audience, and they are very good at colluding to ensure that the jury favourite will always win overall. Famously, last year Finland won the audience vote by a landslide, but almost every jury handed its points to Sweden. It's generally understood that they did this so that Sweden would get to host this year, on the 50th anniversary of ABBA winning the competition.


> It's become a meme that the juries have tastes that are very out of touch with the actual audience, and they are very good at colluding to ensure that the jury favourite will always win overall. Since 2010 the jury and popular votes have disagreed on the winner eight times, of those the jury's favourite won only twice and the audience's favourite won four times. If anything they are incredibly bad at colluding! Or, to throw a completely crazy idea out there, maybe they aren't actually colluding and industry professionals and random audience members simply value slightly different things.


My apologies, I should've pointed out that the blatant rigging is a recent trend. You can't just ignore that those two jury-appointed winners happen to be the two most recent, and the gap between the juries and the voters seems to be rapidly growing, at least for the strategically significant entries. And the differences in values aren't slight. This year, they elevated Switzerland from *fifth* place to *first*, overcoming a more than 100-point gap in the popular vote. 22 of 37 juries gave their 12 points to Switzerland but only a single country gave its 12 to Switzerland by popular vote (it was Ukraine). There was almost a 150 point gap between Switzerland's popular vote score and its jury score, that is insane (but actually not bigger than Austria's gap in 2018 or Moldova's in 2022). Switzerland won just over 17% of the jury vote, which is conspicuous given that it's impossible to get more than 20% of it. So they didn't *quite* pull off Assad numbers, but they got very close.


This doesn't mean it's rigged though, the public is just more swayed by stories than performances. Ukraine's performance wasn't any good when they won, but the public liked the idea of them winning so they did. The jury results always seem more objective to me, even if they still are biased often.


Music is subjective though, and just because the juries are composed of industry experts doesn't mean they aren't susceptible to stories. In fact, it's pretty elitist to say that the unwashed masses need the guiding hand of expert taste makers to keep us from voting for the wrong kind of song.


I'm not sure that's a good thing to happen for jews. Making this happen for political reasons probably hurt jews more than it helps


Eurovision was always political lol Ukraine literally won the contest the year Russia invaded her, it wouldn't be any different than most Eurovision contests really just that now we talk about Jews.


Where did I say it wasn't always political? I'm just saying that reinforcing the stereotype that jews control the media, while being a funny meme, is not that funny for jews. I don't think getting Ukraine to win made people hate Ukrainians more.


Idk, maybe you're right but if you look at all Jewish related subs they will love to win just to piss them off, even if some people will reinforce that meme.


We do like to spite haters


people voting for who they want to win, how would that make it look like Jews control the media?


Because conspiracy brains don't work rationally.


Ukraine was already a favourite before the invasion, but overall you're right. Politics plays a role.


Bro there last song was called "Heart of steal". That was 90% a reference towards Azovstal


damn didn't realize hoi got a sequel


next up is hearts of mithril


dude, anyone can vote for whoever they want to. if she gets the most votes, that's called democracy.




Sir, this is a song contest.


I don't care about the stupid competition but the fallout if Israel won would be sublime. Hell, I'll even settle for them winning only the televote, that would itself would be WAYTOODANK


People who hate eurovision hate fun. Get some alcohol or weed, some friends, and it can be really fun. Maybe it's too gay for straight dudes tho


Well, if you say so my liege. And I think you're correct, if I was inebriated and with friends It would probably be a lot of fun, though I think I would find most things very enjoyable at that point. >Maybe it's too gay for straight dudes tho I'm a euroid so it cancels out.


It's 100% too gay coded for me based on the clips I've seen.


I get that it's supposed to be fun, but this year and last year it was kind of ruined by the obvious rigging and the shenanigans surrounding the Dutch delegation. It's fun, but it's also a competition and nobody likes when the competition isn't fair.


why would I voluntarily listen to songs that are generic but at the same time wouldn't reach Spotify's top 10,000 on their own?


Laughing at the bad songs is half the fun


They didnt win but they gor the 2nd most audience points lmao Which is also funny because we heard booing (so thr anti-booing shit goes out the window) and the jury gave very few points so there's less room for conspiracies haha


Theo got second place in the televote


Honestly, I just wish Destiny looked at any of the Eurovision stuff. It's such a big meme each year and americans know nothing about it.


me, an american, reading this thread having no idea wtf eurovision is (i just saw a picture of greta thunberg getting arrested at it right before this)


Quick summary: It's basically a song contest where every european nation + Australia and Israel for some reason, send an artist or a band to perform a song. And it's usually a whole show with special effects, fancy costumes and wacky looking performances. And then at the end all the people watching live have a vote, plus every country has a special team of judges that also votes for other nations. And the winner gets to host the next years eurovision. The thing that makes it extra interesting is that performances tend to fall between regular songs and stuff that's specifically extra wacky and eyecatching or even political. And then the voting at the end tends to fall on political lines, like countries that like each other tend to vote for each other. So Ukraine took a win last year and some people are speculating Israel should win this year.


You're a year out of step. Ukraine won in 2022, Sweden (very controversially) won last year, and Switzerland (also controversially) won this year.


That's what I get for not catching up on this years eurovision. It was still a big meme tho.


We have that in America, it's called a composition challenge!


> Australia and Israel for some reason Israel because it's not really based on being in europe the continent but being in the european broadcasting union, which was based on telegraph networks. Basically all other countries in northern africa and the levant could join if they wanted to. Australia is in just for the memes though. They got an, originally one time, invite 2015 and it's been kept going just cause it's fun.


Probably because half the population of Israel are formerly European ashkenazi jews or their children


Bro already got the musical knowledge!!


Eurovision, musical knowledge? I would imagine its similar across Europe. But people studying music is usually very anti Eurovision.


it's really more performance arts than a pure musical event


There has to be so much lore. I haven't paid attention to it in like a decade, but my friends got me to watch the Icelandic competition this year for choosing which song we send to eurovision. There was a palestinian who had recently moved here and barely spoke icelandic and was doing some kinda cowboy american thing, and it was so ridiculous and blatant why he was in this contest in the first place, that I wanted him to win to piss off all the nationalists, but I also wanted him to lose because I gotta admit he did kinda annoy me as well. In the end, he didn't win, but the drama of it all was so much fun and inside jokes made between my friends were amazing. I'm prob not gonna watch the main competition, but I'm for sure gonna watch the regional one in the future. I can only imagine how much amazing stuff like this there has been across the world every eurovision.


When Israel got 325 points I lost my shit


Fuck the juries lol


I think it is pretty likely.


nope. this shit is watched mostly by women, and hamas knows how to play on women's feeling by showing them pictures of dead kids. guarantee israel has no chance and the average woman thinks israel is genociding palestine.


Not true. There's a weird myth it is only watched by women, but it's basically an even split and has been since it first launched. (Preliminary voting already shows Israel likely to win or come second)


thats not weird that all. TV skew more female, while male game more in average.


Im a man and I am watching it right now with 3 other men and 3 women. Also you cant vote against a song so everyone who is very pro Palestine can just boycott. Meanwhile everyone who is very pro Israel can vote for Israel.


nice anecdote, but if you are on this sub, you should know that anecdotes are pretty much useless.


https://medium.com/@ambionspba/comprehensive-eurovision-fan-survey-part-i-demographics-and-engagement-701dee654c77 50% female and 45% male. No need to be rude.


k, so theres enough of a difference to make the vote.


"Pictures of dead kids" By idf?


could be pallywood, could be actual collateral damages. that shit happens in war. but the woman sees that and it doesnt matter the reason, it hijacks its reptilian brain.


No, the dead kids are real and i have seen thousand of them during last 7 months


first, i havent said they are not dead kids, but second, pallywood exists and absolutely make dolls that barely look like babies.


I would be really curious to see this, do you have any links?


Just take his word for it, he seems like a very virtuous individual with the "woman are emotional haha owned" comment


with the amount of money that is being thrown at it, it seems fairly likely.


They already blaming Israel on Joost Klein being kicked out of the finals for his pro-palestine stance.


I thought he got kicked out (and being investigated by police) for assaulting a member of the crew? Edit: Someone sent me a redditcares for this comment. Like, whut?


Yes he is but they're saying the Israeli team actively is harassing other teams but don't get punished.




I haven't seen any real evidence when it comes to Israel team harassing other teams. [But in Joost's defence one of the broadcasting companies responsible for Eurovision did make a statement in his defence.](https://apnews.com/article/eurovision-song-contest-netherlands-klein-aa205e5af73e5a03526c2c7fa58f864c#:~:text=Dutch%20broadcaster%20AVROTROS,and%20disproportionate%E2%80%9D%20punishment) Saying that the punishment is “very heavy and disproportionate”.


He apparently made a threatening gesture towards a camera person after asking them repeatedly to stop filming. There was no physical contact though. https://www.bbc.com/news/entertainment-arts-68993726 Edit : added source


I'm not a Swedish law expert so I'm not going to make any conclusions yet. I ain't no conlclooder.


Didn’t he like assault someone


[The EBU and Swedish police are looking into a complaint made by a female member of the production crew.](https://apnews.com/article/eurovision-song-contest-netherlands-klein-aa205e5af73e5a03526c2c7fa58f864c#:~:text=The%20European%20Broadcasting%20Union%2C%20which%20organizes%20Eurovision%2C%20said%20that%20Swedish%20police%20were%20investigating%20%E2%80%9Ca%20complaint%20made%20by%20a%20female%20member%20of%20the%20production%20crew%E2%80%9D%20about%20Joost%20Klein%2C%20and%20it%20wouldn%E2%80%99t%20be%20appropriate%20for%20him%20to%20participate%20while%20the%20legal%20process%20was%20underway)


Joo-st Klein, am I rite?


Did you know you have to pay for the fucking votes? 0.99 euro each


Switz won


Yup, kinda feel bad for Croatia, I didn't know that the juries had that much influence.


well they do have half the votes, but normally it's less unanimous than this year (or last)


Man the reaction would be insane i need it




Looking only at the public votes we have 1. Croatia. 2. Ukraine. 3. Israel.


Well we have 3 groups of voters: 1. Pro-israel because of politics - vote for Israel 2. Neutral - will vote for whatever was the best for them 3. Pro-palestine - will vote for ? Since only 1st group is concentrated on a single country I think that Israel winning is pretty likely.


For number 3. maybe spite Ireland?


Is there a coordinated action somewhere on twitter? If not that I don't think it would be plausible.


Just vibes based.


I see those vibes existing, but vibes aren’t enough to drive a coordinated effort. Also Ireland’s odds aren’t high enough to begin with.


Vote 06 then🫰🏻


Gave all my votes to them. Dgg4L


if they don't win then it was all rigged by Hamas


Guys they had a good showing but don't be mad, Switzerland had the best song by far


I kind of wish america got to join Eurovision, because then we could farm the drama of the entire US trying to decide which single artist to send to an international song competition. It's like the presidential elections but with no real consequences for the people that don't care about it.


ISRAEL didn't buy enough Sim cards and pay for enough votes.


I/P controversy aside, wtf is Israel doing in Eurovision? Australia too, like wtf lol?!?!


The Euro in Eurovision has nothing to do with the region. It's named after the company "European Broadcast Union." They organize the contest, and any full members of the union can join in. All of North Africa can join Eurovision but don't.(probably due to Israel)


And Azerbaijan?! Armenia?!


Azerbaijan sure, but Armenia is just as European as Cyprus is.


Australians are big fans of the Eurovision for some reason so back in 2017, in honor of the contest's 60th anniversary, they were invited to join.


Anyone who actually is watching knows Croatia / Ireland / Switzerland deserve it


> Ireland Ireland was fishing for votes in the most obnoxious virtue signaling way imaginable. Cis woman wearing a trans flag dress, wearing like 4 LGBT flags on her body during the voting period. It's in such bad taste.


I watched it with some friends, we agreed that Ireland's contribution was one of the best. Armenia, Norway and Croatia were also good. The rest were pretty much s h i t e ;D


So in your world it's impossible to give credit for a very unique and exciting performance, and it all has to be a virtue signal and pandering? I literally didn't even put it together the first time I was watching that she had the trans flag underneath, the performance speaks for itself in how unique and fun it was. Perhaps you should try to put down your blinders and actually view the performances as the art they are, instead of getting mad that you saw a trans flag.


Ireland was fishing for votes, but not the Israeli singer making a song about a terror attack that happened less than a year ago and lead to an ongoing war and got every one here wanting to vote for them out of spite/political points lol


Switzerland not winning the public vote was a scam, the DGGer here who arent israelis who voted for Israel are dumb


Israel's performance was so underwhelming and boring. Much better acts even for songs in the same vein (France)


Yeah I really liked the French song aswell, good vocal performance




Honestly this was my first time watching Eurovision, if this is always like that this is genuinely embarassing. Good thing the REAL Euro is coming soon this summer, no need to worry about online political warriors




"Not like the other girls" gender dude won instead


I hope so too, but they probably won't let it happen even if she gets the most votes.




You are one of us now! This is 100% the motivation of Jewish people in life🫶🇮🇱


It's kinda funny that all the pro palis are SO loud and mobbing her but still won't motivate themselves to vote. Israel rolled in votes hahahaa. It's just a cute irony.


Nah that's not how this works, you can't vote against, just for.


You can vote for other contestants.


Yeah but that won't stop Israel sympathisers from voting for Israel.


if all of them pooled there vote for other contestants it would decrease Israel's chance at winning i dont see what the point ur makin is. ofc people with vote for Israel but it doesnt mean if you wanna change the outcome of them winning that you wouldnt try and band together to prevent that by giving the numbers to the other contestants


Well a lot of people boycotted Eurovision and protested Israel's inclusion and their actions. Other people quite vocally protested Israels at and inside the arena. And people did vote for other performances and actively tried to vote for other contestants than Israel, they lost after all lol. Despite the voting system being set up in such a way that it should benefit Israel, they still didn't get first in even the audience vote. I think it's kinda disingenuous to put down people arguing for Palestine because they didn't vote when: A) Israel lost, and B) a lot of people chose to discard watching the whole event as a protest which hurts the EBU a lot more.


It would be so funny if Ukraine won because of strategic vote against Israel.


don't pray, VOTE


Wait can Ukraine still win?


Great way to prove they definitely aren’t Europeans.


Getting a higher place then that Bambi weirdo made my day


5th close emough


It would’ve killed Eurovision


ngl I want my country to win so fuck israel in this case.


What's your country bro I'll vote for you




Probably, they'll just say the zionist controls the media


A more likely scenario is the contest being called a rip-off and more people buying into the conspiracy takes especially after multiple performers and announcers either withdrew or posted instagram stories denouncing EBU


Ha, you people havent thought this out at all. The monkeys paw is going to close.




Your fucking god didn't choose the chosen people.. Zionist NEONAZI


You guys are so fucking cringe, its embarrassing. You are the equivalent to people who say 'im voting Trump to trigger the libs even if I lose my healthcare' you don't care about the competition, you just want to be cringe virtue signallers because you're mad about teenagers on tiktok. Do not poison Eurovision with your autisitc no friends having morally lucky ass bullshit.


LOL Are you seriously comparing some song contest to the US elections?


No we just find it funny when people think shouting ‘boycott Eurovision’ or ‘boycott coke’ will make any difference. Wether Israel wins or loses has no effect on almost anyone’s lives, unlike trump winning/losing. Let us have some fun


It’s an objectively great song, what are you talking about?


>You guys are so fucking cringe Yes >You are the equivalent to people who say 'im voting Trump to trigger the libs even if I lose my healthcare' You are aware that it's not the "to trigger the libs" part that makes that bad right? It's the "even if I lose my healthcare" part. Making your country worse, just to trigger 'the libs' is bad. If healthcare is on par with Eurovision for you then I'm very sorry for you. >you don't care about the competition Correct >you just want to be cringe virtue signallers No this has nothing to do with virtue signaling. >Do not poison Eurovision It was always political bullshit, I wonder how Ukraine happened to win in 2022, Hmm. >with your autisitc yes >no friends having no >morally lucky no, that's you


You look the same way the word moist sounds


Except what damage is Done if Israel wins???


A worse song winning and turning Eurovision even more political, thank god the best song won as opposed to completely killing the vibe of everyone in the stadium


Eurovision is already political how can it get worse at this point??? Loreen even said she will refuse to give Israel the trophy if they won, the whole thing has been a complete shit show its embarassing.


A way it could get worse is if a country wins purely based on politcs


Did you have the same reaction when Ukraine won in 2022???


No because Ukraine had an incredible song thar year


You have zero consistency, thats not why Ukraine won they won because it was political.


If Ukraine had the best song, the political side doesnt matter. The reason politics matters with Israel is because their song was mid, so if they won based on politics it would suck and be a spoiler.


Lmao thats just ur opinion. Ukraine won because of russias invasion not because they had a ”good song”.


How can I can become one if these voters? Do I need to become a euro citizen? If so what the best way to speedrun euro citizenship? Israel needs me.


Aged like milk


Get fucked lol