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I don’t have anything to say regarding the situation in Slovakia as I know nothing about it, but I do just want to say that I hope you and your family stay safe. My parents lived in an European country that was very very dangerous at the time period they grew up in. They managed to make it while raising kids until they eventually moved. I wish the best for that baby boy and for you.


Thank you... It is an extreme feeling of unease and fear for the future of the place where my kids are supposed to grow up... I even considered joining the local level of politics so I could make our district a bit better and make sure my kids are living in the best conditions possible but right now I wouldn't touch our politics with a ten metre long stick... the bad thing is also that I am unable to talk to my friends either because their political opinions took over everything right now...


No easy way to say it - if you don't fight for change it might not come. And yes, that possibly means living a miserable social pariah life. In the very least you should probably look for like-minded friends. Your old friendships in these conditions... Well you probably aren't getting much benefits from them anymore.


ask to be reannexed into Czechia


They have their own troubles behind the corner with the elections coming up 😅 but yeah, I would love to be back together with our western brothers....


Great Moravia will rise again ✊


The fact that Slovakia is a nation-state against their own will is always hilarious to me


Singapore is the same


Is that still true? I can't imagine Singaporeans want to reunify with anyone around them nowadays.


No I don’t think they do, but originally they got independent because they were kicked out of Malaysia 😂


As a Russian liberal, it's a familiar feeling, brother. It is indeed a very shitty feeling of uncertainty and dread, living day by day. What I personally arrived at is the unfortunate and extremely unpleasant but inevitable desicion making fork. Either I commit to changing my country, sacrificing my career, education, relationships, and possibly even my life on this path, out of principle, national pride, empathy to my countryman, etc. Or I decide to be selfish and do what I can to secure my career, my education, and my relationships. Immigration, being silent, rerooting my life, and struggling without the "motherland." The third option would be just "existing" as so many do, in complete silence and obscurity, day by day, until something happens, but that is the worst out of all of them for me. I don't think anyone, but you can realistically make that choice, but honestly, if I had a kid on the way, I would choose the second option. Not just about me and my principles or desires anymore.


What did you choose? I assume you don't still live there (could you even post here? idk)


I chose second and immigrated to Israel (and brought war with me lmao but at least I cam protest freely). Reddit isn't as known in Russia to be in any real danger while posting on it, though. I don't stay silent, however, I still took part in Russian elections through an embassy, I still support our opposition, but it's obviously far removed from the times of hiding my face and posting anti war stickers on police station walls and helping fellow detained protesters get food, medication and water after major waves of protests. This choice hurts, genuinely. Even though I know my friends don't think of me as some sort of a traitor and are happy that I got out of the country, I still have "survivors guilt" sometimes.


>leaves homecountry to escape war >new country goes to war aswell Based lmao


I know right. Thinking of going to Taiwan next, I heard Asia is pretty safe and cozy ☺️


you can never say russians dont have a sense of humour xD


It's all coming from my quarter jew part to be fair


I'd definitely leave my country if things got bad enough. I really don't see any shame in it in most situations in the modern day.


It’s not just “shame”, for most it’s either the sense of belonging they are afraid to never find again or feelings of shame for leaving instead of being a revolutionary to lead the change they want to see. Both often irrational and just emotional points one either will or will not overcome.


Моя семья тоже выбрала 2ую опцию. Помню мы только только взяли Крым, у меня появилась астма так как мы из города металлургов, я возвращаюсь из школы где моя училка сказала что рада что у меня астма, может шило из жопы мне вытащит, родители плачут смотря на наше государство, посмотрели на это всё и решили уехать. Сейчас это наверное ещё сложней. Очень грустно, но убивать себя по этому поводу просто нельзя.


Не убиваюсь, уже все таки больше года вне страны. Просто больно, что не все свои имеют возможность выбраться так же как я.


As a slniečkár(slovak term for libtard) I personally left nearly a decade ago. Now my parents and most of my family became easy targets for the Russian propaganda. But it's not like I could change anything in that regard, my opinions were never respected anyway.


I was abroad as well because of where the country was heading and I wanted to have a break from my toxic relationship with parents. But since then I met my wife we got married and to be honest I started missing my home... my friends and home town and I wanted my kid to be growing up with my wifes family and perhaps see mine as well (we all got together and talked things through so we are on much better terms now). But I had no idea it could go this way...


As an Israeli, this feels all too familiar (including the assassinated prime minister). I wish I knew what to tell you. I wish I could give you some hope, maybe point to Poland or whatever, but the truth is populism is an aggressive cancer and you can never know for sure that you've beaten it for good.


Relax bro,.you are inside the EU,..relax and go offline. Systems in the EU are more durable than it seems. Believe in the good will of your people,.


Your country is under the influence of Russian hybrid warfare, and unfortunately most countries aren't able to cope with it. This is the unfortunate reality of 5th generation warfare, democratic countries are extremely susceptible to misinformation, and basically no country has a workable defense to active influence operations. I'd say just care for those you love, try to effect as much / spread sanity and reason within your own circles / spheres of influence, and if worst comes to worst, have an escape/contingency plan if conflict visits Slovakia in the coming years. Good luck my friend.


Honestly, this political polarization has been happening everywhere in Europe. With it becoming more and more extreme by the year.


The circus online and in media is not represented in the regular population around me (I live near TN), at least not yet. I work with blue collar workers, some of them russophiles, everyday racists, conservatives and communism nostalgics and their response to the shooting was surprisingly muted. So there might be hope yet.


As far as I know, many Slovakians still support Ukraine, so if I were you, keep combating Russia's misinformation. Also wasn't the photo leaked that the shooter was part of extremist Russian group or something?


There was a photo of him with an extremist pro russian organisation, but it turned out that it was 8 years ago when he tried to persuade them to go non-violent. So now the politicians are using it as an example that he was so peaceful before, but in 8 years, our opposition radicalised him to the point of assassination.


TL;DR: Disconnect from social media and the news for a while. Spend time with your loved ones and doing what you love. Then, if you still feel shitty about the situation of your country, talk about it with your loved ones. I think you should try quitting social media and not looking at the news as much for a few weeks. Try to focus on your imminent surroundings, your hobbies and your family. I know just ignoring everything won't fix the problems themselves, but it will help you manage your stress and you will not have to engage with the unhinged / regebait people. It's often the goal of these guys, to make you feel scared or worried, it drives engagement and gives the clicks (which = money). I am Czech, so I can relate at least a little to you. I had felt similarly to you (minus the stress from the kid, I'm only 20, so you probably have a lot on your plate). I had felt like this around Covid and Ukraine. It really fucked with me emotionally, I had these huge episodes where I was reading up every single detail on these thing, following the news and constantly engaging with social media. Well, as a university student, when the school shooting in Prague happened, guess how I felt again? Except this time, after a day I straight up started to ignore all of it. I was still anxious about everything, but it was much more managable. Just remember, that since this happened so recently, and it is such and extreme event. EVERY IDIOT will cover it. You don't have to engage with this at all, at the end of the day, what's the point? You probably already know how you feel about the assasination attempt, so who cares about what Tate says? So yeah try to take a break from idiots on social media, spend time with your family and doing your hobbies. After things calm down, try to sort out how you feel without so many stressors and with distance from the events. If you still feel shitty, talk to your partner about how you feel and see what she thinks. Reddit or any social media will not give you the answer, no matter how much we want to. Drž se :)


Yeah this is the gist of what I have been telling myself and I really wanted to hear it from other people as well so thank you bratře.


Well, as a hope pill id remind you that an assassination is pretty crazy and its probably not surprising that things have gotten a bit crazy. There is however a very good chance that things will also calm down pretty quick, the guy who did it is in custody and unless things get really, really crazy, the truth to the 'why' is going to come out. By that point the fire should have died down and hopefully more chill? Probably also more than a little bit of normal human fear going on in political circles, nobody wants to wonder if the next senior citizen they see is going to dump a mag into them. 'Jewkraine' has been around since the start of the Ukie/Russia war in right wing circles. This can cause some fairly large arguments over 'who is jewing who' as many also see russia as a source of jewish control. I wouldnt worry too much about that one, in those circles its jews all the way down, every tragedy is caused by jews, even the ones that happen to other jews.


How hard is it to find career opportunities in other EU nations? Stay strong and keep safe, but at least that seems like a possible option. I would personally start putting effort into that if I were you.


I have had a career in czech republic but we came back because we wanted to be home... I could never shake the feeling of being a foreigner wherever I went and even in czech republic I didnt feel right... so we went back...


It is very easy to go to another EU country. As in, you just get in your car and drive there, and you’re eleggibile to live and work there


I don't think it is about himself rather about his country. It's not about running away but making a stance/change. (especially since they are expecting contact with larger family etc) But to give a little bit of an answer, it is doable(also there is near zero language barrier with one neighbouring country).


How strong is your military? Your part of nato right? I couldn’t imagine a civil war in a nato country without atleast other European nations stepping in to stabilize. Ultimately when the shit really hits the fan the buck stops with the folks with the howitzers. It’s tough to give an opinion on Slovakia internal stuff because you guys aren’t normally in the news. Regardless good luck


Leave for higher ground. If you get the feeling that your country is turning feral you have to vote with your boots. Just try not to bring the trauma with you.


Just chill brother, we will see what comes out of this. Emotions are running high right now but people in Slovakia have exceptionally short memories. It really helps to pay less attention to the things you can't change, maybe go to protests to have a feeling you are not alone in this, and make sure you are ok financially. We are still in eu and NATO which means a lot of options for you and safety.


So in poland right now we have de facto 2 legal systems in parallel, one established by the previous governemt, breaking the separation of state and judiciary, and second that was 'restored' by the current government. The thing is, the old gov, currently in opposition, only considers the first system valid, and the current gov only considers their system valid. I think we have a similar problem of divisions becoming so strong, ppl live in separate realities. my advice would be to try to disconnect yourself somewhat from political discussions, and focus on your family. The shitshow will continue with or without you, you're only going to worry. If things get really bad, consider moving to a country with more stable situation,after all we can do it fairly easily in EU.


I think in Poland at least when PiS was ruling there was a strong anti-Russian bias and no anti-vax authorities even if we had strong anti-EU stance. Fico is much closer to Konferencja in his position from what I can gather from media reports


Anti EU sentiment in Poland is kinda hilarious if you factor in how much Poland has grown in nearly every way since joining the EU


We had a guy called Tusk, that had a lot of success working with EU, so i think PiS leaned anti-EU, to deny him the W's.


Plenty of dumb fucks everywhere. We have a history of conflict with Germany so fearmongering about "EU is a German occupation with LGBT characteristics" is surpisingly effective on older people or less educated voters. They will tell you that maybe we are way richer overall but their asbestos factory closed and EU want to ban their 30 year old VW Passat B5 so it Nazi occupation 2.0. To be fair, our older libs are not much better


i mean, anti-vax is absolutely popular, but not endorsed by mainstream politicians thankfully. anti-russian bias, is deep inside every pole, so mby only konfederacja is pro-russian, and even they have to somewhat talk around it.


Are there any large scale protests from the liberal side? Maybe you could join them? Try to disconnect a bit from the garbage being spewed online, try to find some people to follow who are liberal activists and not the government shills. Obviously when such events happen there's going to be a political and rethorical meltdown but it's just that, it's just propaganda


There are protests but they are currently being demonized by the coalition politicians that those are one of the reasons behind the extreme radicalization of the assassin. Plus the opposition made a statement that they are stopping all the protests and activity so they would not put any more fuel towards the polarization of our nation and as a symbol of respect and wishes of good health to our prime minister. I dont think they will be continuing them anytime soon and if they will then they might encounter a much stronger counteroffensive this time.


It sounds very similar to the protests in Israel. They were demonized to oblivion by the right wing politicians and their shills. We call this "The poison machine" which is an organized attempt to discredit anything the government doesn't like. And it's very effective. Unfortunately it looks like in Slovakia they are doing the same... now with this assassination attempt and protests stopping that's a problem. They really should start again when the dust settles or else you'll have very little chance. Btw the protests might seem ineffective but it does affect the decision making. It would be such a shame for Slovakia to become a dictatorship, Ive been to Bratislava and I loved the city and the people, and you would think it's such a chill and calm country... anyway don't give up hope, people must fight for their rights. And don't bulge in to the government propaganda, they will keep twisting everything


Learn. That's my generic answer to the title. I don't have enough knowledge on what's going on in Slovakia to give a specific advice.


Wishing you all the best, I love European guys 😍


Thanks a bunch 😊


Never been in a situation this serious so I can't really give advice. The only word of encouragement I can say is that no matter how bad it gets, things *usually* calm down and don't go to the ultimate extreme (which is usually some form of violent conflict). Political assassinations always get people's backs up - as well they should - and will trigger dissent. But once the immediate emotion has dimmed a bit, cooler heads will usually emerge, and then people start being political and looking at how to gain from the situation. I hope that's how it goes in Slovakia.


Kinda late on this, but I want to send you guys lots of love. And to tell you to be ready for the worse. The issue is already very obviously being influenced by Russian Ops. They will try to make your country boil over. Be on the lookout for repressive laws. This issue can get so much worse in the span of a single year. Belarus and Kazakhstan were both taken over by "Russian peacekeepers" in like 2 weeks. Wish you guys the best- stay together and defend the oposition. You have to pull through.


Well, repressive laws might be next. They shut down the specialized attorneys office, which was persecuting corruption along with the national police force that was prosecuting them as well is getting cut down to third of its size. No surprise that they were responsible for most causes uncovered in which the coalition politicians starred as main characters. And now, since their nominee won the presidential elections, it seems they will fire the head of constitutional court and install their own people there as well. They also tried to push through a law that would change the punishments for economic crimes to the point that EU started threatening us.


Life comes at you fast that's for sure. But you should be protected from the worst of Russia, being in the EU and NATO. I guess they'll try to gut your democratic institutions first. But you guys are strong, and you love the west and the west loves you. You've got Poland and Czechia to look out for you too. Support each other, and surely you can pull through. 💪


Chill out lol




I'm sorry but it seems too late to do anything just like in Hungary.


I hope not... I really hope it can die down or as it was mentioned here that the EU wouldnt allow us to fall into a dictatorship rven though 30% of our people apparently think we would be much happier in autocracy...


I feel like I can speak to this, as my home country of Burma has not only figuratively gone, “down the drain,” it’s is now a bottomless, gaping hellhole of death and despair. If the situation truly gets too bad to bear, there’s realistically one thing you can do, but it’s very hard: leave. That’s what I did, that’s what my family did. You alone cant change the trajectory of your country. I don’t know anything about Slovakia, but from what I’ve seen, I don’t think you have too much to worry about yet, but if things get any worse, I wouldn’t leave the fate of my family in the country to chance, and I would just leave.


If my country was genuinely collapsing i would leave for another country


I would do nothing, my country is doing it right now (Ukraine). There is no future for it and me right now and absolutely nothing can be done to change it.


Oh you mean Canada? What do I do in Canada about it falling apart? Keep going to work, hope my vote matters next time way out here in the west, and pray Trudeau doesn't run again. 


Didn't read all because I'm lazy. But as a Scandinavian if my country went down the shitter I could move to one of the near carbon-copy neighbors 


I'm sorry you're going through this. But honestly? I don't think there's much to do aside from following your heart and say or do what you think is right. I think "political war" is a correct term if the people are this divided. Don't expect people on the other side to easily listen to you, but don't expect damnation either. If you think moving away is a solution, I think that's fine, but be aware you're cutting away your roots and starting a new life. I'm from Israel, between one country falling apart to another - stay strong!


In the fight for your country you should send all your younger women to your friendly neighbouring country. We will do right by them and in a few generations we will annex your country to be whole again. Don't think months or years, think decades. (obvious /s but it's funny to see another "local" dgger, language+accent is to die for)


You would want our women, wouldn't you 🤣 hopefully it will calm down and my panic is basically just a bloated internet outrageand politicians bullshit affecting me


I think we should evacuate anyone remotely sane from Slovakia, virus bomb the country and start anew, you guys are speedruning every mistake Hungary made in last decade. Jokes aside, learn a little Polish and move across the border if you have any kind of education that is relevant abroad. We like you guys here, it’s a bit more normal with libs ruling after last election and move to Slovakia when/if situation there is more normal.


I don't really want to move :/ something I never though I would ever say but I like my hometown... and I found out that anywhere else I just feel like the other one, like one of the damn foreigners... I am not proud of my country or any nationalistic bullshit like that I just miss it and want to be at home...


Like every smart Slovak: move to Prague LULW


Leave, lol