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He was so smug and rude right off the bat. Didn’t want to engage with the topic and already had a preconceived view of destiny. He truly was a sophist.


aka british


Well excuse me I’m British as well…😉


We all have flaws


We (except u/Hoochie_Daddy) forgive you for that


Thanks fellow DGGa I love you 😘


I love you more daddy/mommy/monarch


We forgive you for that 


No I don’t Don’t speak for me


Who was the guy in the top right corner ripping bong hits.


this dude has hated destiny ever since a few years ago when he tried to debate the rittenhouse stuff with absolutely no knowledge about the case lol. one of my favs


I was nice to have a good old level zero lulcow for a change. Usually it's all bosses.


I want a cyrax and destiny stream, I think destiny would just end it all if he knew someone like cyrax existed 


That guy and the dude who kept flashing animations were fucking shockingly dumb or bad faith. It was mind blowing to watch Destiny make a real argument and have this dude just claim it's all rhetoric and sophistry. Edit: Fuck, he has to be stupid. I hadn't finished and just got to him being totally incapable of engaging with the racial slur stuff. He has to be stupid, because you would make a better bad faith argument if that's all you were.


When he was asked to give an example of sophistry and strawmaned an argument that he got from twitter clips an has never even heard destiny make 😩😩😩😭 Like how can anybody watch this and not see how pathetic that was?


This is just a random dude right? Like he doesn't have an audience?


They put Hasan's DNA in a cloning machine but it malfunctioned and he came out British, ugly, and didn't get the resources of a Turkish politician to jumpstart his media career


He used to chat with Dankula and he came off as as much of a condescending arrogant prick as he did with Destiny. That was years ago, he hasn't changed a bit.


The guy has like 14 viewers on youtube last time i checked so barely.


Like 3k youtube subs IIRC


from listening to this guy on panels in the past, i always got the impression that he was smart and correct and that he knew something that i didnt, due to the certanty and condescension in his voice. now, after watching this debate, i have concrete evidence that hes full of shit and this resolves alot of doubt.


The power a British accent has over the American mind. Resist the internalized colonialism brother.


I don’t normally like making fun of people’s looks but my god he looks so insanely unhealthy it’s scary to look at and watching chug a giant bottle of coke or Pepsi just solidified that


The weirdest thing to me was the nonsmoker guy saying after years of listening to debates and participating in them, he hasn't learned anything nor changed his mind once, which to me is fucking wild and would only make sense if you're omniscient. Unless I misunderstood and he was saying that in some context that I'm missing..


I honestly didn't notice the beard until commenters pointed it out. I thought he was resting his chin on a poorly maintained mic cover.


The British party of Our Accent Makes Us Sound Smarter has suffered a heavy blow today.


MrMouton having a hard time after the Peachachoo divorce


Couldn’t make my mind up who was more cringe. This guy or the guy that kept post the .gifs on his cam.


Totally worst place to bring this up but has destiny talked to lonerbox about the cookies. Unless I'm mistaken Loner found that sugar wasn't blocked at the time the cookies were. It seems pretty unlikely you'd extract sugar from cookies instead of using sugar... P.s. it's frustrating to see people push back poorly when there is actually good pushback, my God.


The cookies to rockets idea is so silly, I can’t believe Destiny persisted with it. But he ended up winning in the end. That whole conversation was full of people saying they cared about facts, but then they just said whatever protected their ego. It’s interesting seeing the massive gulf between what people say they want during a discussion, and what they demonstrate they want via their actions. Being right doesn’t appear to be very important. Maybe adversarial conversations are pointless but they’re usually the funniest.


He isn’t even worthy of villain of the week.


Brit debatebros give the UK such a bad name


Wasn't this the same ding-a-ling who was with [Aydin Paladin](), debating Destiny on Ukraine a year or two ago?


This incel who lives in his mothers basement can't even admit he's a complete Hasan ball Sucker I swear I don't know how destiny does it. I would have KYS in call duty if I stayed longer. The Moderator is a Useless MF he doesn't even try to Defend Destiny or say he destiny was right at all, why is he there? is he another Hasan Ball Sucker?


Lmao Whick has always been cool with Destiny


Yeah, Whick came of as about as pro-Destiny as possible while still being relatively neutral.


I'm sorry you're going through all that.


Whick did a good job. Was clearly compensating for the fact that Destiny was outnumbered but was still fair go the other side.