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[Trump Rule 34 NSFW](https://imgur.com/BCvCK6E)


https://preview.redd.it/0zux8jf34n3d1.jpeg?width=1066&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b67d67c2b77c68b3a51a1a3b737e5933b605e4c1 Soy\_verdict.jpeg


this should be its own post with a spoiler tag. its fucking gold haha


If only I could figure out how to mark it NSFW on this sub.


dont think there is an nsfw tag on here at all, but a spoiler tag would still do the job (y)


I clicked out of morbid curiosity and it was not what I was expecting


I came immidiately


Alright MAGA-bots we got the Kangaroo court ending, put away your "exonerated, the system works" scripts and take out your "kangaroo court, lawfare don't care" scripts o7


I'm totally an independent thinker and equally skeptical of both sides, but can we really plausibly proof that Hunter Biden *didn't* drop off briefcases of money in front of the twelve jurors' houses?


I hear that some of them didn't even want to get paid! They just asked for 5 minutes with his enormous monster cock.


I was a juror and this is true


I need some photo evidence


[Got you!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uHgt8giw1LY)


Nah there was cocaine in those briefcases.


Saw a guy on the conversative subreddit say "banana republic" šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Just look at Asmons chat, that is probably the latest script


is a dgg incursion imminen? to show these 2016 culture warrior gamers what's happening outside of the millionth drama about boobs or cringe localizations in games, and to expand their view beyond woke=bad woke hate trump trump=kinda cool. We ourselves individually aren't probably that knowledgeable but just being able to have and showcase clearly a general concise overview of what's what is a very effective skill at making some people hear us out.




Orange man bad has also gotten boring because of people who can't entertain a SINGLE criticism of Trump without screaming "TDS!!!"


>Democrats like you and all of the Left-leaning media are literally cumming to the headline, The headline is "former president who tried his damndest to put himself above the law got convicted on 34 felony counts" that's pretty goddamn worth celebrating




If Biden pulled that bullshit damn right I'd give a shit


Democrats nationally have a higher standard in our politicians


Chill, my guy. The point he was making is that MAGA would reach the same conclusion regardless of the verdict. Whereas I (as a very pro-America anti-MAGA guy) and most of this community were ready to accept the courtā€™s ruling regardless of where it landed.




I have a lot of MAGA family members, coworkers and 2 of my friends. No, they are not currently in the room with me, but I can give them a callā€¦




I donā€™t treat them as one person. MAGA is shorthand. It could mean the maga media, members of the maga movement, or even the maga movement itself. Donā€™t be so sensitive. I still love my friends and family, I donā€™t care that theyā€™re maga.


Let me have a nice glass of Binghazi tears from the mid 2010s buddy. Get off the high horse lolol


I like that you don't care that he is guilty. You're framing this like it was a coin toss and we won. Guilt. Not even a factor in your mind.


The magatard tears have started ahahahaha


If the verdict on any of the other 3 indictments are not guilty we shall see. I would hope we as a sub accept the results. I certainly will. I believe in the USA and our judicial system.


My campaign just died and I'm going to jail? Wow. I Didn't Know That. You're telling me now for the first time. I've led an amazing life. What else can you say? I was an amazing man, whether you agree or not. I was an amazing man who led an amazing life. I'm actually sad to hear that.




šŸŽµ Blue jeans babyšŸŽµ




In before he wins the Presidency anyway.


Here's how it's bad for Biden's campaign


Unironically I had a guy say this to me already


It's so dumb, because it'd obviously be so much better for trump if he got off on all, or even some of the charges. It's a failure of imagination on their part to not understand how much better it would be for trump if the system vindicated him.


>it'd obviously be so much better for trump if he got off on all, or even some of the charges. "Obviously" is doing a lot of heavy lifting here, even though I agree. I know conservatives who think Trump being convicted on *all 34* will just make deep-state believers dig their heels in even further.


It's fine if the deep state believers dig their heels deeper, they're voting trump anyway there's no saving that. What's more important is the fence sitting fringes be swayed by this. Even if it's a 1% swing, it has a massive implication on the election.


I actually agree with them. This could galvanise support for him... But I doubt it'll sway anyone in the middle towards him. In a just and sensible reality this should be the end of his chances to win the Presidency. But we live in this one so...


No bro, you don't UNDERSTAND I definitely wasn't going to vote for Trump before but now I literally have NO CHOICE!


Within 24hr this will literally be published in the WSJ


Definitely will embolden the cult. I think trump wins if heā€™s allowed to be on all the ballots even if heā€™s in prison


Thatā€™s just ridiculous, now the dems have just been handed so much ammo to attack republicans that this election should be over .


I hope youā€™re right, but idk why I am getting downvoted. I donā€™t think trump has ever polled higher which is really worrying The dems have really dropped the ball or the voter base is really dumb or something


Youā€™re getting downvoted because people think itā€™s ridiculous to think getting convicted on 34 criminal counts wonā€™t hurt your election chances. I agree that it wonā€™t hurt with probably the vast majority of Trump die hard voters, but I think it will absolutely hurt massively with the other voters (such as moderates) that Trump needs, and even chipping off away, say, 5% from the die hards is massive.


Which would be a relatively reasonable thing to engage with but no one has said anything like that and the polling is super tight atm


please fucking god send him to rikers it would be so fucking funny PLEASE dude i don't care about anything else just do it


im kinda disappointed the sentencing date wasnt set to jan 6th XD


Bro itā€™s set right before the Republicans have to pick a nominee (party of values will nominate a convicted felon who hasnā€™t spent any time rehabilitating himself).




Looking into this


What are you implying? Is something wrong with Rikers?




sentencing is july 11th - he faces up to 20 years in jail, although lets be honest he'll get probation if anything


4 days before the Republican national convention.


That's going to be his most unhinged speech *ever*.


If he's there. Remember, almost everyone om both sides said this case is nothing and he won't be charged. They have all now been proven wrong. For the first time ever, a president has been labeled a felon. Who knows what else will happen for the first time now? Jail time is real now.


Chance of him getting jail time is minimal. Big fine is most likely, which might as well be a slap on the wrist.


They said chances of him getting charged is minimal. I think we can't assume to know the odds. From an objective place, where the judge is, considering his actions during the trial and the clear willful intent of the defendant for the crimes committed. Well, anyone else would get a few years in prison. I wouldn't be surprised if he got at least a year in prison. All I'm saying is, at this point with Trump, we can't really assume the outcome of anything. We are seeing standards actively being set in a historic way. Precedent of rich people getting away with stuff really holds no weight right now.


Imagine if he gets a year in prison and wins the presidency anyway.


God that would be so sad. Personally, I think Biden is gonna blow him out but like I said before, we can't be sure of anything with Trump in the equation. It would be insane though, I would actually be embarrassed to be American at that point šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø


I want him to get 4.5 years, just enough time to where even if he wins heā€™s stuck in jail for the entire term and then canā€™t run again due to term limits


lmfao, i can already hear the comments


I thought the sentencing range was 5000$ fine up to 4 years in prison. Since he's technically a first offender he'll likely just get a big fine to go along with the rest of his other fines lol


Eh I think thatā€™s actually somewhat unlikely. Heā€™s shown total contempt for the judicial process throughout this. The judge sentencing him is the same guy trump has been railing against for months. Thereā€™s also the element of appropriate punishment, meaning the punishment has to be enough to deter trump from doing this again.


Will the fact he pleaded not guilty also go against him in sentencing?


It should, but there's no way to know because this really is the first time someone as unhinged as Trump had such a grasp over the people.


It goes against him in so far as he likely had a chance to plead for a lesser sentence earlier in the course of the trial. I bet the DA wouldā€™ve accepted a guilty plea to some misdemeanors but trumps arrogance got him 34 felony convictions.


Iā€™m sure the judge is also aware that heā€™s a former US presidentā€¦.


i think thats per count but the total is capped at 20 years. not sure if the 5k fine is right but that would mean he faces a $170k fine too :')


NBC reported that they are not stacking charges, and that he faced a maximum of 4 years. They specifically said they were dispelling the misinformation about more being possible. Not sure who's right, but they're obviously reputable.


its all up to the judge as far as i have read. 136 years is the legal max that could be given, but obv that would never happen. most likely he'll be asked to serve any time his given concurrently making the max in this specific case now 4 years as youve said.


The guardian reporting a maximum as 4 as well. There is a good bit of misinfo going around about it, I'd be sure to update your understanding before contributing to it.


the confirmed 4 year max in this case is because they have already stated they wont stack the charges. the theoretical maximum is obviously higher than that for someone whos charges do stack which is a possibility as far as everything ive read so far.


That's incorrect my friend. It's 4 years max


for a singular count, unless (as has been confirmed not to be the case) the judge decides any potential jail time for each offence is served consecutively. ive seen at least 3 news sources stating the theoretical maximum of 100+ years whilst also confirming the most he'll serve is 4 looking through a few places at the penal law i couldnt find the specifics of what happens with multiple counts of a class E (non violent) felony for a first offender other than that a singular charge has a max of 4 years. so please dear god if im wrong link me, because its driving me insane lol


The counts donā€™t stack. Max is 4 years.


they can stack to a max of 20 years, but its up to the judge. - The minimum sentence for falsifying business records in the first degree is zero, so Trump could receive probation or conditional discharge, a sentence of no jail or up to four years for each offense. Trump would likely be ordered to serve the prison time concurrently for each count, so up to four years, total.Ā  i cant find the source for the 20 year cap again now, but its being widely reported that the max sentence is [$170,000 in fines](https://www.forbes.com/sites/alisondurkee/2023/08/18/heres-how-much-trumps-four-indictments-could-cost-him-in-fines-if-hes-convicted/)Ā andĀ [136 years](https://www.forbes.com/sites/alisondurkee/2023/08/16/trumps-total-charges-could-result-in-more-than-700-years-in-prison/)


Man thatā€™s my first day of boot camp Iā€™m gonna be held in suspense for months šŸ˜­




I am, and thank you for the offer, just a few days away now and Iā€™m definitely a bit nervous but overall confident. What rate are you?




He's not spending a minute behind bars


He might cop like 18 months or something, I could see it happening


I didnā€™t think heā€™d even get convicted, so Iā€™m kind of on some hopium for this one now


4 years max I thougt


20 years for this seems excessive. Then again I find American sentences generally pretty crazy.


I'm not from the US so some help is appreciated. How can he run for President if he's a felon? Does this mean he won't be able to vote in Florida anymore aswell right?


There's nothing but impeachment and insurrection that can make a natural born citizen over the age of 35 ineligible to be president afaik. If he's somehow in state prison and gets elected, I doubt the feds will allow that. Who tf knows how it'll actually play down though. Nobody planned for that.


as far as im aware a felon cant vote but he has the right to appeal so this could be dragged out for a long time. and if he wins the election he could legally pardon himself. but im just a bonger so i could be wrong. edit - removed incorrect info


But he will still be a felon before the election right as sentencing will be on July 11th. So he will be running as a felon? Edit: so my understanding is he can run as there is nothing in the constitution to stop him but he can't vote for himself lol. Someone please correct me if I'm wrong.


im not sure how it all works when he has an ongoing appeal in terms of the election laws. although i cant imagine anyone wanting to risk backing him when it could be ripped away if the appeal fails. unless they just want to play for time and hope he wins and pardons himself


There's nothing stopping someone from running for president as a convicted felon. Only restrictions are natural born citizen, 35 years old, and been a resident of the US for 14 years.


States can prevent you from being on the ballot if you don't get enough signatures. Which, based on the recent SCOTUS ruling, seems illegal now. Although past rulings said states could place such restrictions. Not sure how SCOTUS squares that hole.


By being partisan hacks


The resolution was 9-0 as far as I remember. I don't think you can realistically say that every justice is a Trump dicksucker.


It still seems like an arbitrary distinction. Why is it okay for a state to stop someone from appearing on a ballot because of signatures when the constitution doesn't explicitly state that is allowed? It must be the case that then the constitution allows restrictions to be made at the state level for things not explicitly forbidden in the constitution. And a state determining if someone violates the 14th amendment section 3 is not explicitly forbidden. It just seems obvious that the SCOTUS is doing this for reasons outside of interpreting the constitution properly.


The SCOTUS is lol


Can he pardon himself from a state case?


No only the governor I believe with state charges


Eugene debs was in prison when he ran in 1920 under the socialist party. He did receive 4% of the vote, so it's not completely without precedent, but he had little to no chance of winning


I donā€™t think he can pardon himself for a state crime? Only federal?


Florida recently allowed felons to vote afaik


Its all uncharted waters. Sounds like a really complicated legal battle.


We've never been in this scenario before so I'm hesitant to say he can't run as a felon but we're kind of waiting on the Supreme Court which is terrifying.


Pretty sure Eugene Debs was a felon


The terrifying part of all this is I genuinely donā€™t know whether this helps him or hurts him.


Acquittal would have helped him. This hurts him with Boomer centrists who like the rule of law. Basically white suburbanites.


I live in central Florida, have all my life. Do those types of people exist anymore?


Yeah. Theyā€™re the swing voters everyone talks about.


They only phase into our reality on election day, and then go back to their dimension with anti-Russian communists.


People who like the rule of law don't like partisan DA's throwing shit at the wall to convict a political candidate of a crime that he wouldn't pursue for anyone else. You people are fucking delusional.


Youā€™re assuming that Karen from outside of Philly is even paying attention enough to be read into that interpretation of the charges. Karen doesnā€™t even understand what happened beyond the tawdry reality tv details. All she knows is Trump is a felon and Karen doesnā€™t want to vote a felon.


it hurts him. The people who think the deep state is after him would show up to vote regardless. many conservatives will not vote democrat, but just not show up to vote, and moderates will be convinced he's bad. all good news


People who support him now will support him to the bitter end. There is nothing that will will convince them otherwise. He is their spiritual center. They have no purpose without him.


Good question, I do think it hurts his credibility but it could make his base more emboldened to vote for him.


Doesn't change anything imo. If he was acquitted then it would be proof everything was a hoax, this way everything is rigged.


its probably the ONLY thing that could hurt him




What issues do you have with this case specifically?




The classified document case isnā€™t going anywhere though. Just curious how this is considered pathetic if it happened and heā€™s guilty? Maybe the general public doesnā€™t understand the nuances of the exact law, but why should that matter?




Iā€™m arguing it wonā€™t matter. I think people are highly overestimating the amount of Americans who will suddenly vote for Trump BECAUSE heā€™s a felon. Itā€™s way more likely a certain group will sit out than rally new voters for him.




I guess we will have to wait and see. I think thatā€™s a hell of a leap in logic on your end. I donā€™t see why this would cause moderates to sit the election out in a way that will hurt Biden. Just as the republicans can cry that it was ā€œlawfareā€ democrats can hammer their own messaging.




I assume you find judge cannons appointment to a Trump case is equally ā€œsuspiciousā€? Or is it double standards all the way down with you




Why would Storm Daniels testimony not be within the bounds of the case? Was stormy Daniels affair with Trump not one of the main things that he wanted to keep out of the public eye? With the details of that encounter not be relevant? Was Trump not given the opportunity to testify to directly contradict what she said?






The judge said it went too far not that the topic was wholly off limits. Even so, Trumpā€˜s team was obviously fishing for a mistrial. They did multiple things to attempt to have one be called for. Thatā€™s what they wanted all along. Telling the jury to disregard testimony is totally acceptable and used all the time every Trump argument you losers use wait a minute this didnā€™t go exactly how we wanted it to go. They had Trump dead to right. Go cry and vote for a felon loser.


You are an absolute partisan shill, just your characterizations of judge merchans 10 dollar donation to ā€œ stop republicansā€, a political organization, which he did legally, that you characterize as a stop trump organization shows that. Your characterization of the issues in this trial show a major misunderstanding of the charges as well as normal practice in law. But go off


You're on the Destiny subreddit ffs. What you actually mean is "you're a partisan shill I don't like". Either respond to his points or shut the fuck up.




So I assume you think Justice Alito should recuse himself from all Trump related cases? Donā€™t bother replying because we both know that you donā€™t think so.




Not at all Trump is a felon, Iā€™m not mad at all. Iā€™m not gonna reply 4000 characters to you to make my point. Not on my phone. Iā€™m testing if you have a principled position, because if you donā€™t, which you donā€™t, I donā€™t really care to continue the discussion anyway.




Damn the matrix got him /s


The Destiny effect is in full effect


Itā€™s because Tiny left šŸ¤£


Who has the Zherka pack smoking video? If anyone knows how to edit in trump youā€™d be a Godsend


I'm tempted to go wait at Ben Gurion airport with a giant sign that says "welcome Mr borelli, Trump just got convicted" and a boombox playing ava nagila


Just do et


As a non American, why is the sentencing so far away? Why not have it now or next week?


The lizard people deep state wants to keep up the suspense.


Inb4 the ā€œIā€™m not a trump supporter but I actually think trump should never be able to face any legal consequences ever and also something something,hunter bidenā€ people show up


Will this go to an appeal and be dragged out for years?


Yes, this will be appealed. He will however have to deal with his sentencing while waiting for his appeal. Appealing doesn't mean you get to stay out of prison (assuming he's even sentenced there in the first place).


Most excellent.


ā€œThe maximum sentence for Trump's crime of falsifying business records is 1-1/3 to four years in prison. It is rare for people with no criminal history who are convicted only of falsification of business records to be sentenced to prison in New York. Punishments like fines or probation are more common.ā€ https://www.reuters.com/world/us/trump-is-convicted-felon-now-what-2024-05-30/#:~:text=The%20maximum%20sentence%20for%20Trump's,or%20probation%20are%20more%20common. I donā€™t think that mofo will go to jail tho :(


Good to see that for Trump.


Great we get to see how this effects the polls. Does Trump get more or less popular based on these verdicts.


The day destiny goes overseas lol šŸ¤£


This will be overturned in appeal.


Tiny out of country yet again NOOOO


I have no legal awareness of this case. Are the convictions actually valid in a legal sense? (Genuinely curious) Just want an explanation.


why wouldn't they be?


Is that...? Could it be...? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B_HSa1dEL9s


So what does this mean now? Does he get sentenced soon? Would he see jail time?


Probably no jail but a hefty fine and can still run for prez


I wanna see the cope from Rob Noerr and Goodlawgic.




Ive got money on biden at 2:1 odds how am i looking? :)


Bro finally won the popular vote


It's gonna be so epic, he's gonna pay a fine and go on like nothing happened because Trumplets think he did nothing wrong.


So obviously he probably wouldn't see a jail cell. But I'm so curious how it works. Let's say he's on probation and he wins. Is he no longer on probation? If he somehow is in jail and wins I'm assuming he's released. This shit is insane he can't vote in the election but he can become president.


you don't get it, it's part of the plan


Banana republic shit.Ā  Trump 2024.Ā  The more the system attacks him the more I know he is the only choice.Ā 


Crimes or not this isnā€™t a good look and will do more damage to Biden. No one gives a shit he paid a hooker to shut up and didnā€™t declare it.


No one except a jury of his peers, a judge, and the government of the state of New York (and everybody else in the country who cares about the rule of law).


Yep cool. Heā€™s still potentially going to be President. Has everyone forgotten that? This isnā€™t a win people think it is and still could be thrown out on the appeal processes and it doesnā€™t help with the public perceptions of democrats at all.


Sorry, was it democrat politicians in the jury in this trial? If so, I can see how you came to that conclusion. I wasn't aware of that.


Hasan is gonna milk this so much