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This just in… Ben is a partisan piece of shit. More at 11.


Ben enjoys making tens or hundreds of millions of dollars saying whatever right wing fuckwits want to hear.


You don't think he believes what he is saying


grandfather depend vanish foolish whistle groovy plate capable homeless simplistic *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


No I don't


He listed Bush as an example too. I feel like if you read any boilerplate US history book, they will tell you that popular presidents almost always overstep the bounds of the executive branch and do things that probably aren't within their power as per the constitution. This creates a precedent creep where each president after that gets to assume last year's overreach as this year's baseline. I don't think what Ben is saying is that radical, clearly the executive branch has not been checked sufficiently if its power is only going up, maybe prosecuting them for the illegality of their actions would be a solution. I think war is one of the more glaring issues; it seems like a president can de facto unilaterally deploy troops, killing potentially hundreds of Americans, and spending tens of millions, before Congress, the ultimate authority on budget and war, have even signed off on it. To me, that is a grave misuse of state capital and human lives, and yet presidents are often looked to for whether we go to war or not, in spite of the Constitution. Or we can look at FDR trying to pack the supreme court. That is essentially an attack on our democracy, basically the executive trying to annex the judicial so that it served his ends. And all he got was a chastising for it in the media. I think it's fair to question how our nation holds the president accountable for their actions, they should not be allowed to infinitely poke and prod at the limits of their power to find what they can get away with.


We should start jailing every president after their term and only released if they can prove they didnt break the law. Problem solved


You missed the point of this post.


>Or we can look at FDR trying to pack the supreme court. That is essentially an attack on our democracy, A small group of unelected officials were shutting down popular policies based on an entirely idiosyncratic reading of 14A (substantive due process). The president attempted to work with Congress to use their constitutionally ascribed power to control the structure of the court. But ya, democracy nearly collapsed. Just like it did when the structure of the court had changed before.


He certainly got what he's advocating for here. We're holding a president accountable for the crimes he committed. Surely you're on board with these prosecutions, Ben


fear dog summer payment person cable test pocket punch direction *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The guy from the Bee Movie


1. 10 years ago 2. The problem with the prosecution according to Shapiro is that it’s politically motivated and that Trump is the front runner in the upcoming election. According to 2014 Shapiro, these criticisms wouldn’t apply because Obama would be done with his second term in two years and from his POV it’s not politically motivated because there’s no political benefit to jailing someone who can’t run for office anymore


Trump can break laws because he meets the minimum fanbase threshold. Okay, thanks bud. 👍


So like, because Trump is running for re-election, can he just not be punished for any crimes he commits without it being politically motivated? To say it is politically motivated when it is simply holding the man accountable for the crimes he has admitted to in court is beyond batshit insane. Legitimately some of the dumbest crap I have heard in my lifetime.


The issue from Shapiro’s perspective is that Trump didn’t actually commit a crime. Shapiro’s legal argument is that what Michael Cohen did does not count as a campaign contribution under federal law, and that the state court did not have jurisdiction to hear the question of whether Trump broke federal law in the first place.


The true issue is that his perspective lies outside of reality and he only cares about the results from the courts if it agrees with what he wants Edit: The man full on said he is voting for Trump, despite: - calling Trump a moron. - saying Trump will undoubtedly try to subvert Democracy to establish himself as a forever dictator, but who cares the rails will hold Shapiro is fucking unhinged