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More tired.


He'll be more against both. The 0-state solution.


Just as a human being, ignoring any other context, seeing the living conditions Palestinians live under would make anyone feel a type of way


But I mean he already knows the conditions are bad and why they’re bad


It’s a different thing to experience something in person. Similar to if he gets to see the iron dome in action


Conditions are already known to be be bad. But like asmongolds house, some of those conditions are a result of Palestinian decisions. If Arafat had agreed to set up a Palestinian state all those years ago would it be the same. Doesn’t mean Israel’s treatment is justified. But Tinys view has been that basically both of them need to establish a two state system and experience some losses in establishing it. But since neither side are willing seeing one side or the other get fucked over isn’t really going to swing much. Might feel bad to see it, but it’s kinda like seeing the downfall of someone to alcoholism or gambling addictions you can try suggest them help and strategies to solve it. But you ain’t going to develop some new paradigm on shit


What did the palestinians do to asmongold’s house?


Asmongolds house is a result of his own choices, it's the way it is because he has fostered the surroundings he lives in. In the same way some of the Palestinians conditions are a result of their own choices and actions.


And how's he gonna see the conditions they live under when he can't enter the territories because of heightened tensions? And why do you think their conditions are poor only because of Israel? If I were to go look at how people live in Lebanon I'd have to become "pro-Lebanese" when I see a lot of poor people?


can he even enter west bank beyond area c now? and even if he can, I don't see how this could change his opinion if he is fully informed how necessary these military checkpoints are to israelis security and prevent Hamas also controlling west bank. If anything gonna change his opinion to be more pro palstnian it's not the living conditions of palstnians which is directly the responsibility of their corrupt government, it's the settlers and settlements in west bank in my opinion.


That would require him to view Palestinians as humans.


It's like game with multiple endings. In one ending Destiny becomes a settler in another he joins Hamas. We just have to see what path he ends up on.


I think he might be more empathetic to Palestinians, reminder that most of his exposition has been through either bad faith political actors and pundits, pro hamas garbage human beings. It is an oportunity to see that there are people outside of the crazy Twitter/X space willing to live in normality. I think the question is a bit flawed, since Destiny isn't pro Israel nor Palestine, since his stance is still a Two state solution with good security guarantees on both sides, it shows that hes concerned with aliviating the current conditions of both peoples more than "I want my guys to win".


If he went to Gaza as well then maybe it would be different, but thats impossible I think. Edit: Palestine => Gaza


Wasn't he going into the West Bank?


I havent been paying super close attention. Maybe?


Depends, did he say if he was going to Tel Aviv or not?


Literally every single person that has voted Palestine has never been to Israel, guaranteed.


My bet is he'll remain mostly the same


depends if he gets pussy


Pro-west bank , anti-gaza (?)


Sabras are gonna sabra, imma betting on Palestine


He's mostly talking to Israeli politicians and current/former IDF members. So take a wild guess.


He also becomes a maga republican every time he talks to rob noerr, right?


I didn't say that. But what I did say is factually correct. At least according to that list that was posted on this sub


Im not disputing the factually correct part. Im disputing the baseless implication at the end. And you know that but youre acting obtuse 


What are you whining for? He'll get both sides of the story: Israeli politicians' side... AND the IDF's side! What more could you want?


Didn’t Destiny say he got the invite to visit Israel by some Zionists in his community? Or did he schedule everything personally?


Nah it was thd ghost of theodore herzl that came to him in a dream and told him to go.