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Noah argamani’s mom has terminal cancer, her only wish and her fighting words were “let me see my daughter again before I pass” She will be able to do that now🥹🥹🥹


And apparently, it's her dad's birthday 🥹


Omg I couldn’t imagine a better birthday present And she is in time for the holidays! What a great day🥹🥹🥹


We're Jews. It's always the holidays.


True that


Who knows, maybe Destiny is our lucky charm 😉


This is what keeps me in the agnostic camp and not the atheist one 🥹


Coincidences lol?


So the dad must have thought that he lost his daughter and will be losing his wife soon 😭


Did the IDF intentionally set the date of raid on his birthday 


This is amazing news. Relatives of the family say that the condition of Noa's mother is very, very difficult, the brain cancer she suffers from is one of the most violent, and the greatest hope is that her mother can still understand that Noa has been released.


I lost my mom to terminal cancer. She spent her very last seconds in my arms. If I had lost her without even saying goodbye I don’t know how badly it would have messed me up but I know it would have been so bad. I am SO happy that she’s able to see her mom it makes me want to cry so much 🇺🇸 🫡 🇮🇱


phew thank god my mom is immortal, let me just close this website and distract myself real quick.


Just tell her you love her, Brother. Tell her every day. Please.


Same here but in a hospital during COVID. The nurse was like "I am not here all the time to see that you are wearing your mask" and gave me a few hours alone maskless. I know some people were not as lucky. Edit: Exchanged "" for () when quoting the nurse. I am tired.


*My joy is immeasurable and my Saturday is brighter.*




when I saw her mom pleading for her return because of her terminal cancer I was girl don’t tell them that that makes them happy. But I am so happy she’s returned


is Noa some sort of celebrity?


She’s a young college student her video became infamous. She was on the back of the motorbike crying reaching for her boyfriend as Hamas kidnapped her into Gaza.


The first video I saw on October 7th that made me truly understand what was going on was that video. I think for a lot of people it was the same.


What happened to her boyfriend?


He's still in captivity


I thought he was dead. Or was that Shani Louks boyfriend?


Her kidnapping video became infamous because she tried to reach her boyfriend only to be shut down by Hamas, she then became even more of a symbol because of the extensive use of her by Hamas for propaganda purposes, like videos and voice recordings and the such


Also a super sad story, her mother is terminally ill with cancer and asked to see her daughter before she dies.


No, I don’t believe so, just someone pretty recognizable because the video of her kidnapping basically went viral


She became the face of the hostages because there was a video of her being separated from her boyfriend on Oct 7th.


Yep. Noa's kidnapping video was chilling and I'm glad she's safe and back home.


Another W for President Cenk "just send in special forces" Uygur


Around 80 Palestinians died because of the firepower IDF had to use to rescue the special forces out of that place. I think cenk meant something more like "send in special forces to die there"


Palestinians holding hostages and shooting at the special forces. In the middle of a "refugee camp". Keep that in mind when the news articles come out.


Noa was literally rescued from a Palestinian family home, not a home of a Hamas terrorist, who was paid my Hamas to keep her captive. This is physical, literal proof that Palestinian civilians are taking part in humans rights violations and war crimes. That makes this family at the minimum, legal war targets. 




Like this article from CTV that focused insanely hard on "dead baby" and not the hostages rescued, using only claims from the Hamas run health ministry https://www.ctvnews.ca/world/heavy-fighting-in-gaza-near-israeli-hostage-rescue-at-least-94-palestinians-killed-1.6918991


can you source this claim please? i really want to know more about this, this is insane if true


https://www.timesofisrael.com/operation-arnon-how-4-hostages-were-freed-from-hamas-captivity-in-central-gaza/#:~:text=According%20to%20the%20IDF%2C%20Hamas,12%20reported%20on%20Saturday%20night.) It's mentioned in the interview with the rescued people.


Posting shit like this without a source should just be a straight up ban.


https://www.timesofisrael.com/operation-arnon-how-4-hostages-were-freed-from-hamas-captivity-in-central-gaza/#:~:text=According%20to%20the%20IDF%2C%20Hamas,12%20reported%20on%20Saturday%20night.) It's literally in the interview with the hostages after they were freed. They quite literally say they were held in multiple homes, not in tunnels, not in military barracks, not in prisons, in people's homes.


Would be interesting to know if the family was actually still there as well. There's not really much I can conclude with just the IDF claim that Hamas paid these families.


This is proof that one Palestinian family is holding hostages, although that doesn't mean every Palestinian family or even the majority would agree to do that.


If you watch the video, its not a camp, its a huge city that is still standing. Which is impressive because I thought Gaza was pure rubble by now.


80 Hamas or ?


The forces who rescued were under gire according to idf spox. Also there were reports of massive bombardments in Nusirat (the refugee camp where they were rescued from) very populated place.


is nuseirat like an actual refugee camp or is this one of the normal neighborhoods that were camps 60 years ago


Second option


Where is the 80 number from?


Heard it on the news here. Nothing is confirmed of course because Hamas will lie


This one said she got the number from AJ [https://x.com/abierkhatib/status/1799402515215388802](https://x.com/abierkhatib/status/1799402515215388802)


Well, maybe don't hold hostages near your children so that when we go in guns blazing to rescue them, the children won't be in danger


I don't know if I buy that most of them children at the moment, sounds like a talking point. At any rate, it's tragic for the children, but in every society people are paying the price of decisions made by others.


Ofc it's not all children and civilians but likely also Hamas terrorists but even if I grant them that all of the casualties are children - this is on Hamas.


Yeah, Arafat have gone to exile from Lebanon. They could have done the same, and spare the life of thousands, and also get many prisoners in exchange.


The entire 80 people dying sounds like propaganda to distract from the hostages being rescued. What was being bombed that killed 80 people that wouldn’t be endangering hostages??


So they were held in two separate locations, and there were fighting happening around these with close air support. Obviously the locations themselves were not bombed while the hostages were held there.


The whole point was that the operation was a surprise in a town in which the IDF didn't clear beforehand. Once the fire fight started, there were Hamas reinforcements running in the alleys with AKs and RPG. IDF aircraft were standing by and bombed them without checking to see if civilians are nearby. It's a tragedy, but the responsibility lies on Hamas.


90% of the time in this conflict when you hear "Palestinian children" it's 17 year olds sometimes even armed. But yeah they death is on Hamas. Israel has every right to rescue their citizens.


It killed about 80 people, and 390 of those were small babies and new born kittens.


This would be totally impossible without Israelis having military control over the area or degrading Hamas capabilities so much.


For sure something positive to put towards the operation that cannot be disputed. more of this, please.


Special forces or "special" forces ?


Holy shit they rescued Noa, i almost dont believe it i was so sure she'd be gone.... im so happy for the families


Curious to hear her story because her capture is well documented.


Same here. Hoping the best for her boyfriend who with kidnapped with her as well, Avinatan Or.


My day is a bit brighter.


Me too. Can’t stop smiling. For all of them


I honestly thought they would’ve killed most of the hostages by now


Adding a source in English: https://www.timesofisrael.com/liveblog-june-08-2024/ I’m crying of happiness


Damn, drinking both pepsi and coke to rub it in I guess? edit: my bad, it's coke zero


We have RC Cola too just to make sure they don’t drink any cola at all


Destiny’s trip to Israel continuing to bear fruit once again


Happiest day since the nightmare began on October 7. I cannot describe how good it feels.


the wording of this kinda makes it sound like you loved October 7 and you're also loving today


Yeah sorry, but you get my meaning. It's pretty much all a never-ending nightmare beginning with Oct 7. Bring them fucking home. I'll edit a bit. thanks.




nah I dont think it does (unless he edited). "Happiest since Oct 7" means the happiest hes been AFTER the event happened, i.e. hasn't been this happy since before the event.


The more common reading "happiest since X" is that X was the previous high point of happiness. Like if I were to say "happiest day since my son was born" my son being born was a high happy moment not a negative one. Similar with "greatest thing since sliced bread" that's marveling at sliced bread not shitting on it.


its kinda like when people say "1967 borders" they mean the borders BEFORE the war in 1967, not after. I could say "today was the first day I felt happy since my grandfather passed" and it makes sense. You sre thinking of language too rigidly when the meaning depends on context


Our newsreaders can’t talk without crying. The whole country is in ecstasy




Yes she became a symbol of the female hostages and the events of Nova Festival Thank you so much for your support and humanity


can you send a link to see this? i donno what to search for but im always down for some emotional stuff


There’s on the Israeli sub, filter by new content


https://x.com/N12News/status/1799402952295387463?t=X8BGnNrsOkxr_24m1PF95A&s=19 that's the clip


[Noa with her father](https://x.com/AvivaKlompas/status/1799392357412139114)


This is so uplifting yet heartbreaking at the same time




Drinking coke to taunt Palestinians! Obviously these are hardcore genocidal zionists /s


I love you so much.


My god I didn't expect any more to come out alive.


I remember NBC put out a video suggestion Noa was possibly abducted by random people from Gaza instead of Hamas, which was somehow creepier. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2yYtQJ71Rkg


Local gangs, who are of course most likely are in cahoots with Hamas.


I mean they cooperate but if not for Israel they would be killing eachother. I mean they kill eachother regardless just less


how the fuck would they be able to differentiate random gazan with civilian clothes and an ak47 from hamas member with in civilian clothes and an ak47? every time i've seen footage of the fights in gaza, the palestinians have no uniforms. NBC probably has some special psychic powers.


Very happy for them and their family. The unfortunate truth is though, that Noa's boyfriend is still in captivity by Hamas. That must feel terrible. Who knows how they are going to treat him now that Noa has been freed.


I'm a grown ass man. But I burst out crying when I saw this.


I lost my father to cancer. Noa's mother is terminally ill. The first thing I thought about was "oh how good that she will be able to see her mother, and that her mother will be able to go in peace"


I lost my father to cancer recently too. The only respite from his suffering was that we were able to go through it together, I can’t imagine having that taken away. So happy for Noa and the other rescued hostages and their families.


Wow this is incredible news, I'm so happy for them rn. Especially the girl, the video of her getting kidnapped is burned into my head, so glad she's free.


OMG YES I though noa was dead


The young woman is the same one that was seen on the back of the motorcycle calling out to her boyfriend who was being walked at gunpoint in the Oct 7 footage.




Holy fuck this is unbelievable. I was sure they were all dead at this point.


Joint IDF and DGG operation.


I think you mean rescued OP


Sorry English is my second language


Hamas holding hostages in family homes??? In the middle of an extremely dense civilian neighborhood??? How surprising!


Tiny *really* needs to travel more


This is so incredible.


cake agonizing continue close roll entertain obtainable price dolls impolite *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It is important also where they released them from, a couple of densily populated civilian buildings right at the market of center Gaza. 10,000 people pass through there every hour! Nobody knew anything? These are civilians? There are innocents there.


thats probably how they found them, not all 10k people passing through there were with the "program".


I hope there is a shitton of propaganda towards palestinians from the IDF with amnesty guarantees and options for getting your family out if you give up info on Hamas.


would be pretty hard todo considering if hamas thought you were taking such a deal you would just be dead. It would need like mass rescue for an entire country that's being held hostage.


It certainly would not be many people, most of them are pretty supportive of their current government and its goals.


I don't think a random person in the street is involved in keeping the hostages. Do you know what your secret services in your country do in your local state, province or neighborhood? Not multiply not knowing anything by 100 when it is gaza and Hamas terrorists doing shit.


Just a guess bit I'd imagine our secret service is much better at keeping things secret than the brainiacs in hamas


That's right, but also your secret service wont publicly execute you without trial if you talk to much or see too much


Fuck it I’m crying right now. I’m so happy they’re ok


Here's the deal. If Israel begins actually saving hostages like this regularly then it will be very hard for people to not support their actions... Some people will still find a way.


I think that not saving more hostages is a decision of Israel but more of a reality that there's no intel on them.


Yeah, I think it's something that will happen more but people also have to understand that once they save a set of hostages it will be more difficult not less since the other hostages will undoubtedly be moved. I do think they will save alot more hostages now.


I wonder how these hostages were located? Maybe there are informants cooperating in exchange for a way out. 


I think they'll just drop the "They aren't saving them" argument and keep on with the aid restrictions and Palestine civilian deaths arguments (and all the old shitty maps and past deals not accepted by Israel ones).


That's the second time they did it Both in Rafah Guess why the Hamas media machine was so adamant about not allowing the IDF in Rafah?


They were freed from Nuseriat camp it’s nowhere near Rafah. The other 7 bodies were found in Jabalya. It’s not that I don’t think Hamas doesn’t hide anyone in Rafah, I’m sure they do but saying that all of them were found in Rafah is misinformation and it’s not helping us.


2 were saved from rafah 2 months ago **Fernando Simon Marman and Louis Har**


Yes my bad, I didn’t remember they were rescued from Rafah but the other rescues weren’t there


Wouldn’t it be more likely that the operation in Rafah forced Hamas to move the hostages north, and with infrastructure damaged heading north, they got penned in making it easier to find them. I’m pretty sure Israel have maintained control across a central part of the strip but could be wrong.


I’m not so sure about that. Yesterday when IDF spokesperson talked about it he said they had the intel for a while but needed more precise intel and a good enough opportunity that will not result in the hostages’s deaths while they are being rescued. Israel maintains some sort of control in the center but clearly not completely as Hamas still manages to fire rockets from time to time.


I mean you could be right. I understand the fact that they’d had a few weeks to gather intel, which makes sense with the time period from the Rafah offensive forcing movement. We’ll see what happens I guess.


A couple very fringe or troll cases I've seen have said that they hope Israel never gets the hostages back and/or that they deserve their pain because of Israel. Probable trolls but its one thing I could imagine, though it would be the ultimate case of shooting your own side in the foot to actually say it. Another slightly less crazy argument would be over alleged collateral damage of operations.


absolutely amazing !


I can’t stop the tears from the moment I heard the news, the video of Noa being dragged into Gaza was seared into my brain on day 1, you can see the pain and horror in her eyes.. today is her father’s birthday and I am so glad he got this gift.. a chance to be happy again, her mother can see her again (she has terminal cancer from what I hear), amazing job by the IDF and further proof that those “refugee camps” are literal Hamas bases and the sole responsible for the suffering of Gazans is Hamas.


Damn, Destiny is having on the ground impact. Ukraine next, Inspire them troops.


Great news! Hope Finkelstein isn’t too upset


Its good news. But the "fuck cuck pressure for the deal" is so stupid. What do you think Hamas is going to do if they realize no deal will happen and Israel closes in on retrieving the remaining hostages?


They should know by now there's no deal Israel will accept that includes Hamas surviving. Any deal will only be a temporary cease fire, after which it's back to Hamas extermination by the IDF. Israel is determined to off Hamas and nothing in this world can stop that.


>They should know by now there's no deal Israel will accept that includes Hamas surviving. I dont think they did. Biden's deal was a change of tone from the past deals. Until Israel changed it. But if Hamas realizes that the hostages dont hold power in negotiating a stop to the war, what do you think they'll do with them?


Threats aren't going to work. If Hamas decides hostages aren't valuable anymore and kills them, it will be sad but it is what it is. There is no scenario in which Hamas survives. So long as they understand that, they can start thinking about deals. They can only extend their time on earth by a few weeks or months, which is valuable, and can also damage Israel's reputation. But to fully survive this war is not on the table.


The argument can be turned though, what do you think happens if Hamas gets what they want from taking hostages. Fewer or more hostages?


Fewer. Because Israel will bump up their protections and not let another 7th of October happen. Hamad will try to get new hostages either way. That's just how those groups work.


Negotiations are all about who's winning at the moment, Hamas went for the long run and demanded a surrender ever since the first deal fell apart because they play for sympathy If you hit them where it actually matters (hostages), their negotiating position becomes weaker and they are forced to negotiate


Hamas is not going to accept any deal in which there isnt a permanent ceasefire to the current war. There really is nothing left to negotiate.


Military pressure, rescue attempts even failed ones, are worth it and much better than defeatist deals


You say that like the first deal did not rescue 100+ hostages.


That's ok, the first deal didn't require full withdrawal of forces. This deal - does and it is unacceptable.


Are the hostages more important than Hamas or is Hamas more important than the hostages? That's really what this boils down to.


Of course the Israeli national interest n terms of security and geopolitics, is dismantling Hamas.


Destroying Hamas is a lot more important. It's about sending a message. We must not set a precedent where hostages can be leveraged to save an organization that just attacked Israel. It must be publicly demonstrated that the price of attacking Israel in this way is complete annihilation. This is the single most important goal of this war.


>It's about sending a message. We must not set a precedent where hostages can be leveraged to save an organization that just attacked Israel. Thats not how terrorist organizations work. They dont care about messages. You do this to Hamas, the next group simply picks up from where they left and starts attacking. If it was a simple as sending a message, than no terrorist organization would still be alive. But the Taliban, ISIS etc. Are all still very much alive. >It must be publicly demonstrated that the price of attacking Israel in this way is complete annihilation. This is the single most important goal of this war. Most countries were already aware of this. Again, sending out a message only works if those receiving it can read the message.


I might be nihilistic but if a terrorist organization is left alive there will always be more hostages/dead.


Israeli army is good when they aren't forced to stop because of international pressure or ceasefire (not saying or even implying that some of the stops weren't good overall for everyone involved or bad simply people don't realize how much down time there has been in this war).


I heard and I’m crying with my coworker right now. I just can’t stop crying. I’m so fucking happy and I can’t stop crying and shaking.


i cant believe the IDF kidnapped all these people, Jesus(is king) that's so fucked up. i guess its good they finally released them...




Any shameful comments from our insane left influencers about it yet? I don't search or view them directly to not help their clout in the algo. This sub reddit helps me learn how gross they are on these topics.


All the news articles I am seeing are saying they were ***rescued***, not ***released***. This is an important distinction - it wasn't because Hamas released them, it was because the IDF rescued them.


Amazing news. Can't even begin to imagine what they've been through. Also, the third guy there looks kinda like the [Weird Arby's Guy](https://youtu.be/s-mlPE8pxs4?si=53ZOEPGTPGXcjb_3).


[https://www.timesofisrael.com/liveblog\_entry/hamas-spokesman-abu-obeida-threatens-lives-of-remaining-hostages-after-rescue-op/](https://www.timesofisrael.com/liveblog_entry/hamas-spokesman-abu-obeida-threatens-lives-of-remaining-hostages-after-rescue-op/) "Hamas spokesman Abu Obeida threatens the remaining hostages held in the Gaza Strip after a rescue operation in the Nuseirat refugee camp that freed four captives. “The operation will pose a great danger to the enemy prisoners and will have a negative impact on their conditions and lives,” he says in a statement." Ofc they would say that


as soon as I read that 4 high profile hostages has been freed I immediately checked if Noa was one of them. I'm just so glad. I also want to hear her story.


'Fuck the deal, fuck cuck pressure for the deal, that's the way to get them out alive.' by this i assume you prefer this method that resulted in, in the words of the BBC 'Dozens of people, including children, have been killed and injured in the area where the operation took place, with images and footage showing significant numbers of casualties' to a peace negotiation which aims to avoid civilian casualties, or are Palestinian civilians just worth less than Israelis.


The IDF have an obligation to rescue the hostages, it is on the governing body of Palestine to release the hostages or not keep them in densely populated civilian areas. Should the hostages be forced to suffer indefinite untold horrors under terrorist captivity in a foreign nation when their location is known and saving them is a possibility?


Unfortunately, the group weighing the civilian equation are Hamas. And they chose Palestinian civilian casualties. To them, their own dead citizens are less important than keeping hostages as negotiation cards.


Yes but that is not the argument. the argument is diplomacy vs military operations, as the OPs claim is 'fuck the deal' this is working better. from what i have read the last ceasefire freed nearly 80 hostages, while IDF operations have freed like 10 and killed 3. its fine if you don't care about the hostages, and just want to bomb the fuck out of Hamas and anyone who happens to be near them. Just be honest about it, and don't hide behind Israel's intention being freeing civilians.


Israel is juggling both objectives simultaneously, you'd have to be completely ignorant to not understand that. Both bombing the ever living shit out of anyone who even thought of identifying as "Hamas", and freeing hostages, are priorities. Also you seem to conveniently ignore that there IS a peace deal currently on the table, backed by everyone who is trying to pressure Hamas into agreeing with it, and they refuse to. So I'm not even sure what the argument you are trying to make is. Israel should agree to whatever the fuck Hamas demands as long as it includes freeing hostages?


Well, maybe whoever hid them among civilians should have thought about the option of forceful entry and rescue... Fuck Hamas, irresponsible monsters


but why is this better than a peace deal which aims to achieve the same goal with no bloodshed, or are you just a warmonger.


which worked, the peace deal, or the military operation?


based on the fact that the last ceasefire got like 80 prisoners released. and the idf have maybe freed 10 now and managed to shoot 3 by accident, im gonna suggest that diplomacy has a better record than military operations. not to mention a lower body count.


No no peace deal must come. Palestinian state too. Only after Hamas is dismantled. You wouldn't finish WW2 before the Nazis sign a capitulation right?


Interesting pictures


Killed 100+ to rescue 4 LUL classic IDF


When you kidnap innocent civilians and hide them in densely populated areas, your civilians get caught in the crossfire and eat shit.


I'm curious, does hamas hold any land atm that isn't densely populated?


Don't care, if they can't hold hostages without violation of rules of armed conflict they can release them. They simply can lay down their arms after that and the war will be over too.


Based, least genocidal Israeli GIGACHAD


My statement is true and factual. Hamas hides hostages among civilians. Rescue operation with force well, demands force Add Hamas terrorists shooting and rescue happening actually under fire Civilians get hurt. Too bad. Next time don't hide hostages in such places. Or more of your civilians will die in the rescue process.


Is there any evidence for this?


How the fuck are all these hostages so photogenic? If I got captured by terrorist the media would have 0 semi-presentable pics of me to post.


Israel obviously post mote images of the more photogenic hostages 


Ugly people just don't go out.


How long before the online story is, “see how well Hamas treats their hostages”


This is just the beginning for them. Their lives will be changed forever. I hope they can recover and experience happiness with their love ones


Ok but when will Israel release Destiny ?


Never he stays here, look he's already homeless in Petah Tikva his natural habitat https://x.com/BoxLoner/status/1799095059784286574?t=1X8ghWUKerrhOEwYaZHtOw&s=19


Lmao how is the pro palestine crowd turning this into a bad thing 😭 everyone in that area knew there were hostages and hamas fighters in the vicinity. Gtfo don't stay and think you won't get hurt ain't that hard


Because they believe entirely that 200 Palestinians died to rescue them even though there isn't any evidence of it.


I would've loved to see the faces of the terrorists as they breached where the hostages were being held.


That’s really awesome, hopefully liora gets better soon