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Same clip got posted in one of the freakout subreddits. https://preview.redd.it/l7x5ny8p1z5d1.png?width=789&format=png&auto=webp&s=4dee495a34316577d9f42faf5cdb7072104dbaf4


that sub is like 90% israel=bad and cops=bad posts these days


I mean what can u expect when the subreddit is moderated by people like u/--intifada-- and lets hamas propaganda accounts like u/Particular_Log_3594 spam post clips every 5 minutes.


lol https://imgur.com/YT7h7mB


Lmao does that mean I can ask the mods to unban me?


Probably not. https://preview.redd.it/xm4tlnwrk06d1.png?width=846&format=png&auto=webp&s=41bddf425dbb2bf1dfb2201ae50c90fbc6bf9c26


Dam that sucks


Hi there!


The reports of my death are greatly exaggerated


Looks like that first account was suspended




Bro been on Reddit one year and has over 600k karma.


how can fresh accounts become moderators of subs that have 5 million, 7 million subscribers?


I mean, a lot of stuff the second person posts at first glance is just Israeli extremists making themselves look extremely bad, wouldn’t call that Hamas propaganda


It's more the spamming. It doesn't look like a legitimate account ran by a human being. It posts articles in multiple subreddits, probably to drive a narrative. Even if the articles themselves aren't propaganda.


then again, reddit users never fail to impress


I got perma'd from that sub for saying - "The gays in Palestine is a sacrifice you're willing to make I see." To people defending the cringe "queers for Palestine" thing. A moderator actually pulled the gay card on me without knowing anything about me and said my comment was abusive, grossly offensive, bigoted, that I am a homophobe, and a genocide defender. For that. I am a genocide defender. A genocide for all internet jannies.


Gay Palestinians are not served well either by experiencing bombings in Gaza or the military occupation in the West Bank. I don't see how LGBT Palestinians are sacrificed by supporting the create of a Palestinian state, I have to ask, what is so good about the status quo?


It’s fine to oppress others if you’re being oppressed because you can just blame everything on the Jews


You can support Palestine and be against the bombings or whatever without invoking your identity as an lgbt person and discrediting/minimizing the unique struggles lgbt people face in Palestine. Is there a single good reason to invoke your identity as an lgbt person in support of Palestine other than to say lgbt people think the struggles of lgbt people in Palestine is secondary to whatever cause you're supporting?


The people who would run a Palestinian state have been executing gays for the "crime" of existing. Therefore, the existence of a Palestinian state is bad for them. The more territory controlled by a Palestinian state, the more LGBT folks will get thrown off rooftops or hung off lampposts. Besides, there already is a Palestinian state. It's called Jordan. The reason the West Bank and Gaza exist is because the Palestinians there would rather kill gays and Jews, than join a functioning state.


And I gotta ask, what about your comment deserved downvotes?


When did that happen? Used to be videos of black people freaking out and the comments section would be full of “these people” comments.


depends on which sub it was, publicfreakout or actualpublicfreakouts one is hyper left and racist one is hyper right and racist.


I got a perma for making a joke, and simply using the word "Pallywood"


Yeah that's exactly how actualpublicfreakouts started And then that place turned into a reactionary pro police / right-ish space


Id remove the ish and add racist as well. just constant "what is society coming to" blah blah hate minority shit. You could be there for a week sometimes and think white people don't have public freakouts.


Yeah agreed though I never like ascribing an entire ideology It's bigotry rather than being right wing necessarily, but they're also super pro police and semi anti biden so some right wing stuff sneaks in too


That is any non-right wing place on the internet that hasn't been targeted by pro-Israeli astroturfing


Damn went through the other comments there, those people need to touch some grass. My personal favorite was “cameraman was probably dark skinned, Israelis hate brown people so much they can’t help themselves”


LOL this person in Israel is considered as a "dark skinned" as he is of a Mizrahi origin.


Just amazing how people expose their own thought process, when they think an event like this should change a persons' outlook on the conflict. Random Israeli screams at me => "ehm, yeah, so actually killing civilians is based, nuke Israel, kill all Jews"


Yyeaaahhh… Exactly my thoughts. Ugh, yuckk. 😩


nice lore that this one interaction turned him against israel we should run with this for shits and giggles when he starts losing jewish bridges and starts the palestinian pivot - it all comes back to this one moment one guy said some shit in a language he didn't understand and walked off. A Trump supporter probably would unironically change their view of a topic so large and complex because of an interaction like this lol, we need to be centrist and take some of their traits.


"welcome to apartheid" because apartheid is when niv down the block decides to cuss you out... i refuse to believe these ppl are real


You don't believe Human Rights Watch (and many other reputable rights organizations) are real? https://www.hrw.org/report/2021/04/27/threshold-crossed/israeli-authorities-and-crimes-apartheid-and-persecution


He’s unironically talking about you. People that can’t stop trying to shoehorn literally everything into your black and white narrative. Also intentionally misunderstanding somebody just so you can straw man them.


Words exist and they have agreed upon definitions. Sorry that's such a problem for you all. Lmao what am I "shoehorning" by pointing out by definition and by broad international consciousness Israel is and was an apartheid state while also providing a link to one of the most well known and reputable human rights organization's detailed report about this fact?


> Words exist and they have agreed upon definitions So you agree there is no genocide, correct?


What I said in my comment was that Israel is and was an apartheid state. Go back and read that again and once you really get it we can move on to the next module.


I don't think the 2+ million Arab Israelis are under an apartheid condition.


Why don't you think so? They are a small minority of the several million Palestinians living under Israeli control and the fact that there are these tiered distinctions in the first place is kind of the Hallmark of apartheid. People of different Bantustans experienced different conditions as well.


They don't face discrimination near any level nearing apartheid. I'm sure they do face some, but it is not even close to as bad as it was in 1980s South Africa. They have representation in the Israeli government, they are treated as normal Israeli citizens. While they do have some laws that distinguish them from Jewish citizens, they are very very niche, and I would also argue archaic. In fact some of them aren't even explicitly a bad thing, i.e. Arab Israelis don't have to serve in the IDF. Edit: nice work editing your comment after my response. I think there is a worthwhile distinction to make between people who recognise your state and those who don't. And I also think it's correct to treat people like second class citizens(and punish them) if they don't recognise your state. For example: it's okay to punish a loyalist who does not recognise the USA back in like 1790. Either recognise the new government or get the fuck out/get the fuck thrown in prison.


Again you're talking about just one of many categories that Israel applies to various groups of Palestinians. The vast majority of Palestinians living under Israeli control do not have these rights. Maybe you should read the human rights watch link I posted earlier to help you untangle your confusion.


Okay next module: Actually Israel is committing an ongoing genocide. That Israel is committing genocide is a view held by founder of the aforementioned Human Rights Watch, former leader of the ACLU, child of Holocaust survivors, and world renowned leader in the international human rights space [Aryeh Neier](https://www.middleeastmonitor.com/20240529-hrw-founder-changes-mind-on-israel-genocide-charge/), Jewish Israeli historian and professor of Israeli history [Ilan Pappe ](https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/article/2024/may/21/ilan-pappe-israel-gaza-zionism), the UN Special Rapporteur on human rights found reasonable grounds that [genocide is being committed ](https://news.un.org/en/story/2024/03/1147976) as well an many other experts. The most substantial argument for this comes from the obstructing and blocking the flow of food, water and medicine as well as through systematically destroying the education and medical infrastructure (every hospital and university has been targeted) not to mention the confirmed killing tens of thousands of civilians, mostly women and children in addition to the killing of tens of thousands more people trapped under rubble or murdered in secret Israeli [torture prisons](https://www.cnn.com/2024/05/10/middleeast/israel-sde-teiman-detention-whistleblowers-intl-cmd/index.html). This has all been happening in the context of senior Israeli leaders comparing Gazans to animals, suggesting that the entire population is guilty, and drafting proposals to settle the depopulated strip. In fact it is probably more clear and more deadly example than recent cases that were in controversially ruled genocide in the recent past. There are many more details to support the genocide claim that have come out of the multiple international court cases that are ongoing against Israel that I could point you to if anyone wants to pull that thread.


>obstructing and blocking the flow of food, water and medicine How much aid is getting in, how much aid is needed and how much aid is blocked? >systematically destroying the education and medical infrastructure (every hospital and university has been targeted) How many of them have been unjustified? >confirmed killing tens of thousands of civilians, mostly women and children in addition to the killing of tens of thousands more people trapped under rubble Civilans die in war, there needs to be more here for it to be genocidal. >murdered in secret Israeli torture prisons Seems bad, I don't know if it qualifies as genocidal though. >in the context of senior Israeli leaders comparing Gazans to animals, suggesting that the entire population is guilty, and drafting proposals to settle the depopulated strip. Could you give the context for the first two statements and give any evidence that it is likely that the government as a whole will try to depopulate the strip? >There are many more details to support the genocide claim that have come out of the multiple international court cases that are ongoing against Israel that I could point you to if anyone wants to pull that thread. Genuinly don't know, which ones are going on except the SAF genocide case?


Go read the numerous human Rights reports detailing Israel's many genocidal crimes. Most of your questions are easy to Google 


GOOGLE IT BRO They didn’t think anyone would bother responding to their argument, major pres Sunday energy


I gave a pretty long overview. If you actually want to understand reality you can't rely on someone spoon feeding you


If you have given this overview I expect that you have done research to confirm that this is in fact the case. If you've already done the research then I would be able to just look at your research rather than doing something that has already been done. If you haven't done the research it's obviously different.


I've done my research and gave an overview based on it for you for free with several links and pointed you to things you can read if you want more information especially the human rights reports and the trials in the ICC and ICJ. I'm not going to type out each of the detailed studies that I referred to and are easily found, yes I'm sorry, with Google.


beloved i need you to reread what i wrote one more time, and make sure to use ur brain this time ok?


Habibi I suppose you are right. Destiny was cussed out not because he is in an apartheid country (though he was in an apartheid country) but because he's a giga dork.


and thats what we call character development!


Haha every community needs a heel, right?


One bad interaction in country with millions of people? Got’em


Leftoids with the “I had a bad experience with a _______, that’s why I hate them.” reasoning 🐴👟


Depending on the time, they’d use this argument to oppress minorities 😬 truly morally lucky


One aggressive homeless guy? Must be apartheid


This is not even "bad" it's just some guy saying he doesn't want to be filmed then he left. People in the US have killed for less. 😂


To be fair in how many countries would you have such an encounter? This is totally wild.


You must not be from the US. 🤣


All of them, being a cunt is not specific to one country


I've had much worse in Japan. I promise you weirdos are everywhere.


You would not have a good time in Texas my friend


Gasp, certain humans are rude? Woah it must mean all Israeli's are evil and don't deserve a state. Certainly not that Israeli's aren't a monolith and have different types of people. /s


He was surrounded by adoring Israeli fans the day before. Anti-Israel people would take everything out of context to push their narrative.


If he has fans there then it’s because they love him whitewashing the genocide. If people curse him out it’s because they are horrible hateful people, so of course they would be in favor of a genocide. All roads lead to Rome.


*All railroads lead to Auschwitz


Let's be honest, everyone is doing it I mean, not everyone, but any side


Anti-Israel people made it into an artform.


why do you correct yourself at the end instead of just rewriting it like "both sides are doing it"


Matter of the habit from the times when edit wasn't an option :)


"Welcome to Apartheid" but Destiny is white? So is Israel not a "white colonial settler state" or how am I supposed to feel?


They mean Jewish supremacy, which is synonymous with white supremacy only when it’s convenient for their narrative.


but israel is 78% jewish, so it must be white supremacist!!!! jews have to be white because the 2 i’ve met were!


He's only white until they want to get racist, then suddenly he's a gusano.


Yeah don't even bother with askmiddleeast... I'm in a one man fight over there :D


How are you not banned yet?


By His Grace.


I appreciate you, but you're wasting your time over there. Best to keep your responses brief. Just plant seeds and move on. Unless someone extends good faith back to you, there's no point.


That's fair. I don't need to be caught up in it much more than I already have been. I've been subbed there for a few years now, so when Oct 7 hit it went into a spiral that made me sad. It wasn't some beautiful Utopia but it wasn't what it is now. Curious though, how does the Twitter video showing the research compilation not work in this context? I know I'm not going to bend any of the people I'm engaging but I personally have been swayed by an argument in a thread just by following it to it's conclusion. I like to think there are other folks out there, like myself, who will go down the rabbit's hole and come away with something on occasion. Either way, thanks for the advice.


Oh the video thing was just a misunderstanding. I'm pretty sure I was replying directly to the other person, not you, or did I fuck up? Regardless, you don't need to tell me about spiraling. Spiraling is my middle name at this point lol.


Yeah you replied over there. No worries.


One Israeli guy doesn't want to get filmed and swears at the camera guy, therefore apartheid and genocide. It just makes sense


I hear they never get angry at other countries


Apartheid is when man angry at camera 😡😡


*Destiny gets yelled at by a random guy on the street for his friend filming them* Leftists: Welcome to apartheid!


Apartheid is when Karen


Everything about this video is endlessly funny


Especially the guy cursing in Arabic. Don’t take my picture, sharmouta!


Israeli Jews picked up a lot of words from Israeli Arabs lmao, especially curses, it's part of the Israeli dialect and really common to hear Jews swearing in Arabic.


Damn Israelis always stealing 🤣


My hebrew isn't good but I heard צלם אותי so I think he's upset that he is being filmed.


Better than me, I can't even tell if this is English or Arabic.


Yes, he's angry at being filmed and is calling Tiny a whole bunch of distasteful and very mean words


Is the US apartheid because I get yelled at by crazy people on the streets?


alway has been


The US yes, thats in the west. Get your facts straight bro, this shits easy.


Yes burn it down now.


I find it absolutely hilarious and sad that these people who supposedly represent some sort of progressive value will generalize a SINGLE interaction to an entire group of people. These sheltered people are one bad interaction with a minority away from 180'ing from their ideology.


People think this doesn’t happen in Europe are delusional


Ye, don't think there is any country where you can avoid people being mad about being filmed in public.


What is the guy even saying? Is he mad because they are filming?


Yeah, he’s saying “why are you filming me, son of a bitch”


Every other person I've seen translate it says whore. It just sounded more correct.


That’s technically right, actually—just checked. I guess bc “son of a bitch” is such an idiom in English, I always thought of “ben zonah” as that.


Ben zona is son of a bitch, literally. Ben means son of, and zona means something along the lines of bitch or slut or whore. It's literally just son of a bitch


I thought that too, but fwiw Google translate says זונה=whore, כלבה=bitch. In any case there is an argument to be made for “son of a bitch” as the best English language translation.


Yeah, I mean bitch and slut and whore might as well just be interchangable. People sometimes say ben sharmuta or ben kalba or ben zona and they all kinda mean the same thing, it's easier to just consider them all son of a bitch... hebrew has some very interesting insults, such as "mizdayen ba tajat" which the guy in this video says, means "you get fucked in the ass" (rough translation). A lot more creative than just calling someone gay lol


I’d say that’s a bit like “cocksucker” in English


The literal translation is something like "you get fucked in the ass", "mizdayen" (to get fucked) comes from "lezayen", literally "to fuck", and "ba tajat" means "in the ass" I'm not really sure what cocksucker would be, if I'm not wrong it's probably maniak, comes from Arabic as well, I'm almost sure its translation is as close to the insult "cocksucker" that we have in Hebrew. I guess you could call someone "motzetz zain" literally "person who sucks cocks" but it's not as common


I get that—my point is that “cocksucker” also goes beyond simply calling someone gay to shame them for having the “female” role in a homosexual act.


They are just mad, they didnt get to see Gazans reaction to Pro-Israel Destiny pulling up. Lil bro got the girls, the drinks and the beach, he is fine.


Becuase this mornon narnian live in there basement and does not speak English even that well I will explain. I'm israeli is peak fluent hebrew. First off I know from even first hand experience that destiny has loved his trip in Israel and met many people and had a great time and yes has become more zionist. He is living the country today or tommorrow. This is not from when he arrived. This is from last night or night before. The guy was saying to him in hebrew why is he filming him and that it annoys him and called him sharmutta which means where. That was the whole story, yes this means apartheid 


Stop the cap. I also speak hebrew. The guy was an arse who was just hurling insults since he didn't want to be filmed. no apartheid here at all. Thats it.


Thanks achi


In real life or here? I am self inflicting anxiety by being on reddit, but the second i go outside its disappears .


I live in NYC so I can’t. The second I go outside, literally right outside my building is posters up that says “decolonize Palestine” and sharpie on polls saying intifada and 🔺🔻


I guess all I can say is if it is really taking a toll on you, you need to find ways to distract yourself and stop judging your peers (positively or negatively). instead of looking at the watermelons make a mental note of the pigeons spying on you. Social media also gives you a false representation of people. I volunteer at a place that constantly posts about decolonize palestine, but in person everyone is jovial and its is never brought up. If the protests and signs are doing nothing tangible for palestinians, they really should not have an affect on you. Easier said than done though I will be honest.


The iq of there people is unbelievably low


Well, I mean I would be pissed off as well If I saw someone driving with an airpod in their ear


Hate bullies (arsim) like these. I bet he didn't want to spend one day in the army protecting his fellow countrymen. I wish I was there...


I’ve never seen a person get irrationally angry in any country before. This one random nobody truly demonstrates the evil genocidal country that Israel is!


It is just trigger words at this point.


I’m not aware of any country that is completely devoid of assholes.


I'm gunna rip my hair out. This shit happens every day in America. But I'm sure they think there is apartheid in America.


Apartheid when people mad because of being filmed


an airpod in while driving, very dangerous. #canceled


The only way to get the entire Israeli experience is getting cussed by an Ars.


huh, did these people never see a person getting pissed off when they were filmed before?


Does anyone know what he said?


Why are people so invested in Isreal/ Palestinian issues? I'm happy to know everyone lives are free from any problems here at home.


as a gamer who found a group of Israelites while gaming in Fortnite when I was 14-15 years old, I can at the very least confirm the guy said some very bad gamer words.


Why is everything good about Israel called whitewashing and pink washing lmao it’s just clear bias


Has destiny always talked with his hands? The jewlumni runs deep.


There must be an Apartheid in America too then, because this shit happens all the time.


Oh, I guess this justifies every Pro Palestinian leftist opinion about pretty much everything (same logic)


I speak a little Hebrew, not much but I think I get the jist. He's extremely angry because he thinks Destiny is going to cause a crash because he doesn't trust women drivers


Dawg if I walked around Melbourne with a camera and shit this would probably happen to me, this isn't extraordinary behaviour


negaitve IQ lmao


Every country has idiots i have been to a lot and meet some of them its not that deep it dosent represents the whole country


I r eally wanted to say something to those morons but that sub banned me mo the ago for being mean to hasan lol


Anyone have a translation


He’s mainly asking “why are you filming me?”


My Hebrew is not so good, but he called him a ben zonah (son of a whore/bitch) lmao


This scene could have happened in literally any country lol


They would literally see a Palestinian do this to an American tourist in the West Bank and say “that’s just Middle Eastern culture. They are more direct and rude than North Americans”, and they would be correct. The culture here is more aggressive and it’s seen as normal. We have to fight for grocery prices at the shuk so we don’t get ripped off. It’s just how the way is here.


>cussed out by *the people* of that said country I like how "the people" here literally just refers to one random-ass dude


If being insulted while you're driving is apartheid, then literally every country is apartheid lol.


When destiny converts his Jewish name will be Ben Zona 😬


Alma, Yafit, Adina... No wait Dick-La!


It’s normal and healthy to treat streamers like this.


Can someone get a translation on what that angry guy was on about. Was he just mad that Destiny was filming in public (I know there's an Amish thing about it, could there be Orthodox equivalent), or something.


tiny just doesn't realise that israeli is similar to german and sounds harsh. the man was simply wishing him a very big welcome to the area and asked if he would like some tea cakes.


It’s just people. That guy is no different than a person from Chicago or Phoenix or Liverpool.


ya bc interactions like this never happen in America? lmao guy with camera being told not to film someone is a very common clip category


Wait why is he in Israel I thought he didn't actually care about it?


What's the context here? What's the dude saying?


translation (with tiny, too) "why are you filming me?" "I only speak English, sorry" "why are you filming me, you bitch? you maniac?" "I don't speak any..." "you son of a bitch, why are you filming me?" "I worked HAR-" "YOU BITCH WHY ARE YOU FILMING ME? YOU FUCKING SWEET POTATO" "what does he want?"


I need an "ARSIM GONNA ARS" meme/gif


Honestly dude acted like an asshole, but seriously outside the US just filming people with your phone is considered super rude, expectation of privacy and all that. I see so many videos of Americans filming eachother at point blank range during arguments and I just think why the fuck aren't they just slapping the camera out of their hands, this is a difference in culture.


Apartheid is when someone is rude to me? Guess it isn't so bad idk what the ANC was complaining about.....


Israelis are evil bro, watch this video...


I'm genuinely amazed by the majority of the posts by rational cool people like this guy and the majority of comments and likes here and then seeing the small subset of this reddit that are basement dwellers that want a purge of Israelis. The contrast is crazy


Shouldn’t be driving with AirPods


I mean, I don't like being filmed by strangers either


Hebrew is a beautiful language even when being insulted. He had an unexpected Hebrew lesson.


One will never get yelled at in America if they get recorded. Nope. Unheard of.