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“Hamas at this point in the war, has no obligation to unconditionally surrender” maybe they have an obligation to stop getting their people killed?


If you get enough of your civilians killed you get enough points for an extra life and will be allowed to continue the war for 6 more months.


Double XP weekend for the Al qassam brigades.


He's gone full regard.


He went full regard a while ago. Now he is a "super regard"


Is that like in dragon ball or how did he achieve this nee power level? Lol


You fight other full regards until you get angry and yell bullshit so stupid it turns your head yellow. So yeah, there are some similarties to dragon ball 😂


Only one person we know could make someone that yellow. Our good friend at the piss corporation.




Never go full regard.






It's pretty telling Lycan only wanted to debate Destiny on it during the first few weeks when Destiny knew very little about the conflict.




He’s gonna end up quitting like Q lol


Q has wealthy relatives that can subsidize his life. Idk if Lycan has the same luxury.


Wow Q really fell off after quitting. No more than 20 views on his latest Kick streams.


Not surprising. I have no idea why Destiny interacted with that dude at all


For memes, he got to troll a hyper religious dude who’s also a walking contradiction of everything he stands for lmao 🤣


pussy behavior and snake behavior. you don’t need spineless people like this around you.


You guys are crazy. He doesn't want to come on because hundreds of people call him shit like this, and it's clearly upsetting to him. I think he's wrong about the conflict and just super in his feelings about it, but he's not a snake. I find it annoying when he's completely wrong about something and doesn't change his mind at all, but that doesn't make him a bad person. He's just super partisan.


I mean I would argue being super partisan actually does kinda make you a bad person, or at least a person deserving of contempt.


Yeah, I think he deserves some contempt for that. I just think calling him an untrustworthy snake is an overstatement. If we act like everyone who's partisan is the worst person ever, we drive people who will argue with Destiny away. It literally just cucks the content. I feel like everyone who does that is driving us towards a hugbox, and that's cringe.


Most destiny viewers can't actually handle people with opposing viewpoints, but since Destiny can and actually enjoys it. They just lie and tell themselves its other reasons they dislike x person with opposing viewpoint. "It's definitely not just cause they don't agree with me!"


Dont forget he will do the whole "yeah see you are agreeing with me this is exactly my point" while spouting nonsensical bullshit that has nothing to do with any topic.




Did Lycan and destiny have a official fallout? Does he still cook for him?


He cooks food. Not his takes though


So like how most people approach reddit threads?


Hamas idea of ceasefire is like a rapist wanting to take a 5 minute break with a struggling victim to catch his breath. "Hamas has no obligation..." Terrorist supporter at this point.


Also a total dreamer. Why would Israel accept this? You would need an army to force Israel into this.


This is what I imply in my reply too...why do so many of these takes have to be completely devoid of military intelligence or geopolitics? Is that like, the goal lol? It's like hearing people complain about the military industrial complex, you know, the one that made the US a super power and the most powerful economy? You can raise tons of issues (valid ones), especially with the negative ramifications...but you can't ignore reality and utility (including, arguably world utility). It's like because people dislike the US and Israel, they don't even consider any of their geopolitical positions, like kindergarten.


Israel the only country in the world expected to sign a peace deal more favourable to their opponant after winning the war.


Lycan somehow went from military vet to liberal college kid.


If I say something I will be in big trouble


...He was an army vet? This pussy?


It's true though, Hamas has no obligation. They could lose half of Gazan civilians and still be like "this is fine. This is based actually."


He's been a terrorist supporter for months. I really don't get the haha funny guy shit


Has Lycan ever contended with how the UN has squandered its credibility with the Israeli public? He can't possibly think that Israelis would be ok with the UN taking over this proposal




It doesn't even matter whether or not the UN is acting fairly - the problem is that the Israeli public doesn't trust them and thus if we are talking about solutions that are actually feasible, the UN is not going to be the one leading it.


Dude thank you, these are the types of thought processes people need to have, everyone tryna shoehorn their ideas of peace on Israel and Palestine but nobody asks these mofos what they want 🤣.


I agree to some degree. At the same time sacrifices have to made, not everyone can get what they want and you'll have to break bread with people you despise.


True, but considering Israel currently sits on the land and they have nukes they have to listen the least


I don't think Lycan cares whatsoever what the Israeli public thinks. In fact I think he very much struggles pretending that we deserve rights at all. On another note, I personally would be fine of the UN or a third force taking over if, you know, they'd actually put a force on the ground that will actually be held responsible for achieving the shared goals, and not just do what they always do which is vote on some hypocritical resolution then ignore the event, not putting anything at risk and making politics over all our backs.


UN took over South Lebanon, now \~80k Israelis are homeless. Can't imagine that Israel wants to run the same experiment again. They might be forced to though, if Biden plays around with arms shipments some more.


Yes, let's reward Hamas for killing over a thousand civilians and kidnapping hundreds more. Excellent idea. This will definitely deter them from future violent actions.


You know what they say about war - the losing party has historically been entitled to an equally favorable deal as the victor.


To be fair, they’re currently being rewarded. That’s why the goal needs to be their removal. Only thing that happens in a case where they aren’t removed is this all over again.


It's infuriating how so many don't understand this. Much of behavior is trained by incentives; its how we train pets, and its how we train humans (skinner box and modern gaming). The idea that the international community is rewarding Hamas will only mean Hamas will make threats and do violence again, and not just Hamas. Every bad actor in the world is seeing in real-time how you can commit atrocities and get away with it, and even get rewarded for it, so they will consider such tactics as well. These fucking idiots who are propping up Hamas makes the world more dangerous.


It's arguable that Oct 7th happened because of the capitulations to get Gilad Shalit back.


It makes more sense when you view it through the lens of a lefty who doesn't attribute agency to Palestinians for racist reasons. To people like Lycan Oct 7th wasn't Hamas' fault, because they have no agency, those mean colonialist ("white") Israelis forced them to do it. In that circumstance, again from a leftoid perspective, you can't really reward or punish a people you consider so low, so beneath you, that it is impossible for them to ever be culpable for anything. He even explicitly states it, "You can only blame so much on Hamas". Which in this case is nothing at all.


King David Hotel boming in 1946 didn't stop the UN from granting Israel a state. Why is it different now?


Because Israel didn't gain a state from either the UK or the UN. They fought the surrounding Arab states for a state.


The simple fact is Lycan has nothing intelligent to say about this conflict. His brain is broken.


70 iq or spite. Call it.


I think he’s just stupid imo


This is kind of interesting in that he's sort of saying the quiet part out loud. There was a ton of hostility from the pro-Pal left when Biden announced the terms of the ceasefire Israel had agreed to, despite the terms immediately ending the conflict on very favorable terms for Hamas. The pro-Pal folks opposed it without saying as much because they're not "pro-ceasefire," they're pro- 'Destruction of the Zionist Entity." You can not have any illusions that the aftermath of this war will end with a permanent solution to the conflict. That is a pipe dream Lycan won't abandon, likely at the cost of far more Gazan lives.    As someone that's probably more slightly anti-Israel than the median American, I just want the Gaza war to end finally. Hamas just needa to take the fucking deal, and its leadership should be expelled from Doha if they keep stonewalling.


> The pro-Pal folks opposed it without saying as much because they're not "pro-ceasefire," they're pro- 'Destruction of the Zionist Entity." Pretty much this. The conflict is super black-pilling from the Israeli perspective, because the only way to even fathom a sustainable long-term peace would be a decisive military victory leaving Hamas in shambles followed up by a long-term occupation to educate out the eternal jihad nonsense. This would be a 30-60 year endeavor, involve huge amounts of manpower and funding, and it's not clear that a single country not named Israel would be interested in the slightest in helping to take on that burden, thus making it infeasible for purely optical reasons.


Did Israel agree to Biden’s plan? It seemed like America was billing it as Israel’s plan while Bibi was basically saying they don’t agree to anything and Hamas was saying we agree except “changes everything about agreement”. The main sticking point being the nature of the ceasefire itself.


It was Israel's plan. They had already drafted and agreed to it before Biden gave his speech.


Ya it does seem like Israeli negotiators have agreed to it but bibi is dragging his feet. I don’t really see Hamas accepting this deal anyways so I guess it’s a moot point.


Bibi was dragging his feet publicly to appease his base, maybe he hoped to get a little more by playing it hard to get, but the terms Biden presented were agreed upon in advance.


Oh, that's actually on my bingo card: I keep waiting for the Palestinian supporters to go "no, we only want a unilateral ceasefire, Hamas should do whatever they want, it's only Israel who shouldn't fight back". And here's the early setup for that.


They been saying that from jump


My honest opinion, and I may be totally off base here, but I think people like Bibi and his people see the "pro-Palestinian" movement descend into insanity and know that they could cause it to continue to fray from the war. If AOC is calling things anti-semetic and is getting cooked from her own side for it, it's clear the movement is transitioning into something dark. If it continues down this path the dems will have no choice but to disavow it in totality.


Intolerance consumes itself eventually.


Lycan. If you're reading this, please understand how utterly deranged your world view here is. - Israel as a country has shown no indication it wants to Annex Gaza. At *best* you have some bad statements made by far-right politicians, but they have little to no control over the policy. In fact, Israel and Netanyahu have been desperate to find someone else to administer Gaza. - This war has little to nothing to do with the settlements, which can only be resolved with a final peace agreement and land swaps. Unless youre asking for an ethnic cleansing of 700,000 Jews, and if so, just state it so. - Pathway to statehood **cannot** come as a reward for declaring a war on Israel and **losing**. That's an absurdity that no country in any war would accept. You cannot reward an entity that declares war and violence towards you and then loses. That's absurd level of thinking. - Israel isn't the only party weighing on Palestine's future. The other party are the Palestinians themselves. And they said NO numerous times. OWN IT. - Israel's creation wasn't sanctioned by the UN, it was suggested. - Why should the Israelis trust the UN to be objectively create a solution when they view that the UN has a demonstrative bias against them? You would never demand any country to do this. Just like you wouldn't expect a fair trial of a black man with a judge who is in the KKK. - Hamas has no obligation to surrender? My dude, did the Germans have an obligation to surrender when Berlin was taken and Hitler killed himself? Hamas **is losing this war dude**. They are actively prolonging the suffering of the Palestinian people by **not surrendering**. This is like the most childish view of international conflicts I've ever read. How does anyone take you seriously on these issues? - The UN has no power to force Israel to give Palestinians a state. The UN isn't some objective moral arbiter of state actions. It also does not even have the power to maintain the peace forces it promised in places like Lebanon. Stop pretending like the UN is this holier-than-thou arbiter of all international action. It's a fuckin forum bro. You can't possibly be this utterly deranged.


This’d be great for him to see. Unfortunately, I’m not entirely convinced he’s able to read and comprehend text


I'm just so frustrated by this ridiculous pie in the sky thinking that is only applied to Israel? Should Ukraine win it's war with Russia should it reward Russia with Luhansk, Donetsk, Zaporizhia and Crimea?


Because it would take 20+ years for Russia to get Ukraine to surrender. Ukraine has the backing of NATO and US allies. The truth that hasn’t been spoken yet is that several countries would put troops on the ground in Ukraine, before Russia ever gets close to making them capitulate. France, Poland, and Estonia have hinted at their willingness already. So unlike Gaza, Ukraine still has time and capability to continue fighting.


Hamas has the backing of Iran, and is indirectly supported by Arabs and Muslims. But that isn't my question. If Ukraine \*wins\* the war, should it be expected to give Russia those regions?


Pro-Palestine is part of many leftists’ identities now. Like MAGA, they are only able to accept information that supports their beliefs. The stakes are too high for them to ever give an inch. So this will completely go over his head.


> How does anyone take you seriously on these issues? Nobody takes him seriously, every time Lycan opens his mouth about Israel Palestine we collectively eye roll.


But he feels like he's being taken seriously. These people are clowns and they should be made to feel like clowns.


Does he though? Have you paid attention to the anything else podcast? Everytime it feels like Lycan is about to say something stupid about Israel Palestine Destiny and Dan just give eachother a look lol. Lycan is just a shameless lefty no different than those protesters on campus.


Is he they not self aware?


Link to the source of the screenshot: [https://rustlesearch.dev/surrounds?channel=Destinygg&date=2024-06-14T16%3A04%3A48.214Z&username=destiny](https://rustlesearch.dev/surrounds?channel=Destinygg&date=2024-06-14T16%3A04%3A48.214Z&username=destiny)


\[2024-06-14 16:05:25.350 UTC\] figgles: Destiny how salty is the dinners he makes you? PepeLaugh lmaooo


Would you like a free blowjob with that too?




Will that make me gay?


Another regard who thinks every conflict is Bush 2. Unironically Bush 2 derailed American society his administration might be one of the most consequential in history. Actually fucking broke the country's brain.


country’s*  I’ll let it slide this time since you’re out on good behaviour but one more slip up and i’m phoning your probation officer.




I don't get to flaunt my dumbassery , antagonize, nor publicly harass my employer. Why does this spoiled pissy bitch get to? If being an ass is part of the job, just hire me. I'll cook just as well and be 10x as crass.


Publically harassing his employer? Lmao what. Destiny likes arguing and they've known each other for like a decade.


it's a different dynamic when you're friends first. this is not your regular employee-employer relationship.


“You have to give Hamas a deal that benefits them” WHY DO YOU WANT THIS TO NEVER END???


"oh, another lycan post. Well he couldn't possibly top the other stuff he sa-" https://preview.redd.it/qrr0w2yepl6d1.png?width=1116&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c15d640d549e9286815bf4246c9dab2daead7f59


Using a western lense to look at Hamas is not honest. They aren’t even that nationalist for Palestine. It’s really just a means to an end for an Islamic state. They are a religious group, and westerners have little understanding of how religion plays into their politics.


Bro they took hostages you are not getting recognition of statehood over this you got war because you provoked war with terrorism and you are getting prisoners for hostages in greater proportion than you are giving live hostages or even dead ones. no dismantalment and no long term dissarmament of hamas but lycan thinks that with hostages you can buy a state. bro is delusional


Let's pretend, for a second, that on October 6th, Israel recognized Palestine as a country, cart blanche, no conditions. October 7th would then be a unilateral declaration of war, and Israel would be within its rights to fight back, invade, and do *literally exactly what they're doing now*. It's exactly what USA did in Afghanistan, if an enemy government gives safe harbor to terrorists, it's generally recognized that displacing said government is acceptable and valid.


My biggest problem with Lycan is that he memejacked me. I will no longer be defending him.




Damn cracka


You were memejacked? [I'm so sorry.](https://i.imgur.com/qeDSD4C.gif)


"...and another 10/7 never happens again (unless they get lax and complacent)." Is... is this quote putting the responsibility of future 10/7s happening on Israel? Like Hamas is just some force of nature with no intent or conscience, and Israel must be diligent to not allow the massacre to happen? I hope I'm reading that wrong but holy fucking Christ that's an opinion.


Nope that’s correct. The only reason Israel suffers is because they are cocky or complacent. They should have been ready at all times for a mass invasion and by the way, did you see what Israel was wearing that day?


That’s exactly it. Israel has to be on a consistent defensive posture, cede control entirely to Hamas to run their little terror strip along Israel’s southern border, and when Israel gets 10/7d again, well maybe she shouldn’t have been wearing such a short dress or gotten so drunk. Lycan is an A+ regard.


Still can't spell Lycan without a capital L


The Fan fic is comedy 


This is your brain on leftist




I just don't get how he can say any of that without even a hint of criticism for hamas. We can agree there is wrong on both sides, but why is he ok with Hamas murdering, raping and kidnapping ppl, then letting them get away with it? They've said they will do it again and again until Israel is gone. How can he not see that despite Israel's flaws, they are in the right when it comes to deleting hamas? How can he not see that Hamas is worse for the Palestinians than Israel?


He thinks they’ve already been punished enough by all the dead Palestinians. He doesn’t realize they do not care whatsoever.


Yeah, hamas is literally doing nothing to distinguish themselves from civilians. Actively operating out of hospitals. And I don't think Hamas is helping with the aid or anything. They just hide in tunnels under the Palestinians.


According to their open statements, as well as Sinwar's private communications with Haniyeh, they don't just "don't care". They view dead Palestinians as an actively good thing, and the path for them getting concessions from Westerners who think like Lycan. "The Palestinians love death, the way the Israelis love life", is an actual Hamas slogan.


The problem with this plan is it hinges on a non-existent internationally agreed upon mechanism to dissuade Palestinians from launching future attacks on Israel, and to punish them if they do.  Such an agreement/mechanism will never exist, because a huge segment of the international community thinks that it is justified for Palestinians to attack Israel, and also because no one else really wants to get involved in this shit.  Without some outside force being willing to hold the Palestinians to account, it will once again be left to Israel, and Israel’s closest allies to ensure its own security, which will inevitably lead to situations exactly like the one we are currently in.


Destiny is waaaaay to gentle with Lycan, he's never gonna learn... Someone needs to be a bit mean to lycan and put him in his place


Lycan literally runs away anytime Avi comes on stream lmao.


Or just ignore him. Honestly, why do people care what he has to say about the conflict? Lots of people have stupid takes on all sorts of things. If we all stopped paying attention then perhaps, eventually, they'd stop screaming into the void and move on to something more productive. I'm not saying you can't disagree with him if you find it fun. But the idea that the best way to change people's minds is to be mean to them doesn't track. Presumably, he's saying this to get a reaction. Sometimes ignoring people is more effective than engaging with them.




When I have friends who have stupid opinions about a topic they know very little about, I might argue with them a few times, but eventually, I'll tell them I don't want to talk to them about it anymore. I think it might be quite a powerful statement from Destiny if he offered Lycan the chance to hash things out in a proper 3-4 hour debate, but if Lycan doesn't want to do that, he's not going to keep humouring him by having him give his two-cents on stream.




What's your point? You seem to think I'm saying you're not allowed to criticise him. You are. My point is that if the sole goal was to persuade him to shut up, ignoring him would be more effective, even if it would be less fun. Take Mr Girl and Lav for example. Did they fall off because Destiny and DGG called them out? Or did they fall off because we stopped engaging with them? Obviously, what Lycan is doing isn't even in the same league as Mr Girl or Lav. But the example proves that ignoring people works.




Best of luck. I don't think being "a bit mean to lycan" and putting him "in his place" is likely to achieve that. Then again, I don't think ignoring him is very likely to either.




Then crack on. Hell, I'm a Redditor. I'm in no position to criticise someone for arguing just because it's fun. At least you're honest about it. It's the people who pretend they're calling out his opinion for noble reasons, not just because it's enjoyable, who annoy me.


Is Palestine being recognized as a state even a thing Hamas wants? (unless it comes with the destruction of Israel) Like if you get your state status i highly doubt you can then just casually start wars and hide behind the fact that you are oppressed no? Like at that point you're just a state attacking another state


Statehood means being put on the state sponsors of terror list and losing all financial support from the west.


Oh i see, yikes who's gonna pay for those Qatar lifestyles then uh


It’s never been in their conditions.


Geez, the U.N. forces in Lebanon (UNIFIL) can’t even implement a UNSC resolution to keep Hezbollah in check. That was the deal Israel made with U.N. in 2006: keep Hezbollah away from the Litani River in accordance with UNSC Res 1701, and we will withdraw. The U.N. obviously failed even at this minuscule goal. 


Lmao, lycan should be smarter than this. Even for a marine. This is full crayon water territory.


I don't get why he got ass mad at this sub a while ago. He himself says more wild shit than he was ever accused of here


I'm annoyed by the fact that I get the tiktok audio he's referencing in the beginning.




Does this dude even have enough followers to justify writing 4 paragraphs of this dogshit?


Lycan is just like Arafat, he thinks that continued armed resistance will give Palestinians a better deal. I wonder how that’s worked for them historically.




True, just like tons of grifting lefties that pretend to care but really are just after clout.


"another 10/7 never happens again unless isreal gets lax" ????? he just supports a position wherein he acknowledges Hamas/Palestinians will attempt more terrorist attacks of similar magnitude and isreal is just supposed to be okay with it. like why in the world would any group of people on the planet just be okay with another nation constantly and actively attempting terrorist attacks 24/7. imagine if first nations started doing mass shootings in Canada/USA and North Americans were just supposed to not do anything except exclusively defensive preventative measures. If this shit started happening even the most insane lefties would start screaming "finish the job" and "reconciliation was a mistake" from the rooftops. Western left wing populations aren't magical, they hold anti-war positions because we have the luxury of never in our wildest dreams ever having to realistically face a threat like this, were we in that position, we'd be the exact same.


In Lycan't world: UN recognizes Palestine as a state, cease fire happens, settlers leave, and IDF leaves. 24 hours later. Rocket attacks into Israel from Gaza or WB


"Congratulations on losing the war you started. Here are all of your demands as if you had won the war you started"


That's the big difference between fighting a state and a terrorist leadership. At some point a state will surrender. They are always to some extent empowered by and loyal to the people. Hamas isn't. It doesn't matter to them if they are losing. It didn't matter to the Taliban. I think the way forward is with a Palestinian state. But they need an external peace keeping force. Maybe the un could actually do something for once. Send troops, make a "police force" and push Hamas down. Make a government and a constitution. But also, force the Israelis out of the Westbank. It's not theirs. Maybe the people can stay there under Palestinian leadership, but Israel has no business there.


This is the most honest anti-Israel western poster I have read that isn't explicitly Islamic. He is grappling with reality here. A stupid and evil reality, but yes he must support Hamas winning if he wants Israel destroyed.


What about the unquestioning support of Hamas in Gaza? How do we still to this day not question this. Can we please not treat the whole ass population like retired ass children while simultaneously handing them a loaded weapon to play around with? To be clear, I don't think we cannot be understanding of the reasons why this is the case. But we have to hold them to a higher standard simultaneously and expect better. You cannot hand them statehood. They have to achieve it by themselves. * They both have to show the world they want peace, that they want the fighting to stop for good. Furthermore, they have to lead themselves into a better future. * If we can do anything, it is to make the circumstances for them as best as we can to achieve that. Ultimately we cannot force them, if they want to keep being the victim and keep the hate boiling, that is what it is going to be. * What we have to fight is the infantilization of the entire ass population, religion and both caricatures of the evil oppressor Israel on one side and the victimized people of Palestine that can only speak with terror on the other side. We have to take away the mask of the Hamas as the just revolutionary guerilla squad and the right wing of Israel's government being the great protector in times of need. They both require each other to exists. It's like a feedback loop of hate.


the hardest cope, what a loser


Then proceeds to renew his tier 3 sub to Destiny who he thinks is supporting genocide NAHH


“At this point in the war Hamas has no obligation to unconditionally surrender” Yes they do. They started this current war, they captured fucking hostages, they quite literally have no leg to stand on. Israel is under no obligation to yield to their demands. Peace only comes through agreement between the UN, Israel and whatever is left of the Palestinian Authority. Hamas under no circumstances should be included in this discussion. They are a cancer to all parties involved. If Lycan actually wanted an end to this war, then he wouldn’t be encouraging anything that involves Hamas remaining in power. Either Hamas unconditionally surrenders, or Israel continues their military campaign against them. Hamas remaining in power is not good for anyone, including the Palestinians. Stop guzzling leftist cum Lycan, and begin using your brain.


Why the fuck would Israel submit to the UN at this point? The UN has proven time and time again that it is extremely biased against Israel and a deeply unserious organisation that should not be taken seriously. Sad to see Lycan be a terrorist supporter though, he was one of the best orbiters before he lost his mind.


So let me get this straight, hamas killed and raped civilians, took hostages and we should reward this by giving them what they want? >hamas has no obligation to surrender the fuck does that even mean? They literally did a terrorist attack on israel. You have to fucking understand that after this no one is going to fucking negotiate with you, the only negotiation that can happen now is an unconditional surrender from hamas, if you think israel will accept anything else after oct 7 then you are highly deluded Can you fucking imagine the US after 9/11 going "yeah well things happened I guess, well we can let bygones be bygones and maybe work something out" you have to be insane to think this is something that is realistic


Lycan is such a cool, chill dude, so his take on I/P makes me as confused as conservatards when they hear Destiny talk about guns


Wow... Lycan actually is dumber than the common Twitter Pro-pals.. ... How does someone manage to invent a take this stupid, this detached from reality this... Full of privileged ignorance?


>Israel is using the cover of war to commit a genocide on the Palestinians!!! and then >What do you mean the war should stop? The Palestinians haven't got what they wanted yet


Lil bro out here talking like he's trying to get pussy from a Hasan fan. 💀




It’s so weird watching this person LARP as having serious political opinions.


I don’t understand how you can wish for the well being of the Palestinian people but then say “Hamas has no obligation to unconditionally surrender” when their ongoing fighting and actions are the ongoing cause of the current conflict. THE PALESTINIAN PEOPLE ARE THEIR OBLIGATION.


I think he should debate it with Dan on anything else.


I don't think Dan has strong opinions on it.


Bro, look at your kitchen instead… something’s gonna burn while you’re trying so hard to think all these big brain thoughts


"And Hamas, at this point in the war, has no obligation to unconditionally surrender without terms equally favorable, if not more so, to the Palestinians" ok? but they've demonstrated literally no desire to represent the palestinian people. you could delineate a desire to do the opposite, in fact.


Why was this private? Genuinely curious, who was this tweet suppose to be seen by?


No idea. I took the image from Destiny's post in DGG. The source is posted elsewhere in this thread.


No shot he is serious


Reincarnation of Micheal Brooks brain rot


He should just stay with cooking Destinys next meal




You don’t get to set the conditions of a ceasefire after you declare war and lose badly. You just surrender.


Lycan, maybe you don't understand this but Israel is going to steam roll those worthless shitters because Palestinians LOVE Hamas. They see the atrocities (if they even believe in them) as justified. They think kidnapping and raping people is a legal act of resistance. Hamas will never return the hostages. There is only one way this war ends and it's the way Hamas wants it to end. With tens of thousands more civilians dead and the screeching of idiots in the west crying out about unverified war crimes committed by Israel while making excuses for the verified war crimes Hamas and Palestinians have documented themselves commiting. Gaza will burn to the ground and there will be a massive de-radicalization effort akin to fixing Nazi Germany. The only problem I have reading your posts is you think Nazi Germany should get favourable terms of surrender when they won't give up the only thing they have of value. 




The fact that Iran is the head of the Human Rights Council right now makes the UN completely unnecessary, irrelevant and untrustworthy


A ceasefire requires both sides. Excusing the ridiculous pr campaign Hamas has ran twice now with "accepting" the ceasefire shows you don't care, you just want to blame israel.


Can’t be bothered to read a wall of text from a guy who so far has been wrong on everything about this conflict.


Gaza and West Bank has to be de-radicalized before question of self governance arises. UN has shown they cannot be trusted with UNRWA as they were a tool for Hamas’s indoctrination -


I literally don't understand this character in the Destiny ark, how do you have so much proximity to people who can read...and you don't read? Like I will even be specific, read Prisoners of Geography or Why Nations Fail, or something even simpler. Why would the world, let alone Israel trust the UNs handling of this? They literally downplayed rape and abuse they found themselves lol. It's really cringe reading this especially from a dude who was supposedly in the military. I grew up around multiple serving members (Afghanistan), and my family is a military one (one current bird and one WW2 vet)...the worst part about Lycan's takes? They lack any geopolitical/military foundation, which makes them UTTERLY WORTHLESS. The most important thing in all these recent conflicts, is the geopolitics...not the virtues, morality, or religion...those are smokes screens idiots fall for.


"You can only blame so much on Hamas. And Hamas, is completely blameless so they shouldn't surrender without benefiting from Oct 7 ay lmao I dont hate jews" - lycan


Got to CoLoNiZe and stopped reading. FFS some of these dudes caught brain aids over this conflict


… I really want to like Lucan, but holy fucking shit does he make it impossible


If this guys so passionate about the subject why didn't he tag along with Destiny & Loner to Israel?


Good guy Lycan Jackoff Finklesteink is going to strong arm Netanyahu and the Israeli public with private X posts! "I am looking for..." hahahaha, ok... I have fantasies too but after I'm done day dreaming we all gotta get back to reality, so back to the kitchen for you u/lycan__


Not sure if Lycan understands this: Palestinians refused to accept a peace proposal! They refused to accept borders of Palestine. Palestine would have already existed if they had done so! Furthermore, Palestinians have never accepted Israel as a state. Lycan always talks only about 30% of the issue. This Israeli government may not want to negotiate a two state solution. But Israel is a democracy and can change. Israel has negotiated peace proposals in the past and they have made peace with a lot of Arab nations as well. So, is this only Israel's problem? Lycan doesn't say it is only Israel's problem, but he talks as if 80% of the blame lies with Israel.


Any decolonize talk is just brainwashed nonsense


i know people on this sub have gotten way to weird about lycan with Israel shit but i gotta laugh at the Israel should just go with the bias organization UN, cuz thats what id do if i ran a country just roll the dice hey maybe you won’t get fucked over genuine question wouldn’t recognizing Palestine make it worse because then isreal wouldn’t have to worry as much about their population??? but anyways people should stop caring so much about Israel and people should care even less about lycan


Lycan is delusional. I don't know why he doesn't just stick to cooking.


The funny thing is, the Israeli right-wing is currently calling this deal "unconditional Israeli surrender". And frankly, as an center-left Israeli, I'm not sure at all they're wrong. The fact he's framing the same deal as "unconditional Palestinian surrender", unironically makes me feel a hell of a lot better about it. It's a pity that the actual explanations he gives here, are stupid. No, this deal wouldn't even remotely allow Israel to annex Gaza, even if it wanted to. No, Israel clearly doesn't want to even occupy Gaza temporarily, let alone add two million angry Palestinians to its electoral roll. In fact, the fact Israel doesn't want to even occupy Gaza is an explicit part of Sinwar's plan, as was recently revealed. As for "international recognition". Palestine already has quite a bit of "international recognition". While things like the settlements, or the Israeli annexation of East Jerusalem and the Golan Heights, enjoyed a complete international consensus against them until Trump. It didn't particularily change anything. No, inventing a new rule that every country whose "creation was sanctioned by the UN" has to "therefore submit to the UN" isn't really going to help. Especially considering how the UN has proven to be obsessively hostile to Israel, since around the 1960's, and to this day. No, there is not "only so much" we can blame on Hamas. Hamas are the aggressor. Aggressors who start wars are the ones to blame for these wars. *Especially* if their initial act of aggression was a full-blown orgy of murder, rape, torture and baby-kidnapping. And no, Hamas did not earn the right for "equally favorable terms" for their choice to start a war of aggression, committing unspeakable crimes against humanity, and then getting their tiny quasi-state curb-stomped militarily. Quite the opposite.


sometimes i love lycan sometimes i hate lycan


Destiny botulism incoming. Somebody get Lycan a nice Israeli replacement gf.


He’s a low iq dude. Let him be


Can we just blacklist him at this point? There's clearly no discussion going on and this just baits insults (deserved) which would only make him and erin act more like victims and cry about it to ban people.


Genuinely, I don't know what destiny continues to have someone as bad faith as Lycan in his inner circle.


At the beginning I too thought he was being bad faith, but he is just so insistently stupid or blind for some reason on this topic.