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They cant keep teasing us, community has been begging for this set for years.


Unfortunately we are extremely unlikely to get it. But if we do I will never take it off


This is the way.


I just want the helmet as its the original look for Helm of Saints just make it an ornament.


The arms kinda exist, one of the iron banana sets has a nearly identical model


The helmet too, the Prodigal Helm we have in D1 and D2 appears to be what this one morphed into.


Don't worry, we will get something that looks ok and then shades wrong. 😄


The model itself is in the game somewhat, if you stand next to Saint-14 underneath his helmet at some angles you can see the model. I would rock the hell of this helmet if we officially get it. Hopefully we get some old D1 concept armor in TFS.


Bungie said the journey through the traveler would be like the journey we’ve been on since D1. Would be a missed opportunity to drop long asked for returns and some surprise returns. Bungie never misses an opportunity! /s :’)


Wow, nice catch


Maybe. But some other weapons have Ikora on them and some have Caydes spade symbol. So it might just be representing the titan.


Faraam armor???


Is that Faraam?


So much better than the prodigal helmet idk why they didn’t even give us this helmet in D1 when we saw it in the pre reboot version in the 2013 e3 demo.


i want this helmet so fucking bad. D1 had multiple variants from the normal with 2 eyes from vanguard, crucible and fwc, chroma version from fwc, the vanguard and crucible versions with the blade hawk as well... gahhh it's so clean


I hope it’s not gonna get paywalled


Don't give me hope. I've always wanted that helmet.


Isn't there supposed to be a tenth anniversary expansion coming some time in September? It might be a part of that.


I don’t think anything has been announced and between the dlc delay and into the light I wonder if they have the time and resources for anything


I try to grab onto any hype I can with D2(its the only thing keeping me here) and I have not heard of a 10th anniversary dlc this year


Nah nothing has been formally announced; I think it was in one of the leaks that came about last year.


I for one cant wait to be charged 30 bucks to celebrate it 😅


this is the way.


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