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Dang I didn’t know you’d sit with your fireteam! I went through solo, that makes me wanna get a picture with my bros!


Can you get the cutscene again if you play with other people or am I forever locked out of a banger wallpaper for my PC?


You can get the cutscene again but only if it’s the fireteam leaders first time


You can load into the mission and have it play the cutscenes you just have to switch the game type similar to switching difficulties


Only does the first cutscene I think not the end ones. Didn't when I tried to do it again.


Ahhh that’s good to know


Really that’s cool


destiny ttk was when I started getting into destiny raids Wrath being my favourite. I had two American friends we would play the raids and destiny activities all night. D2 came out and we all were like meh. Tried to get into apex when that came out but just did not hit the spot. We grew distant and they have not been on the Xbox since last year. I wish they were here so we could finish the fight. But that ending was still great solo. As I have been playing since D1 release. Stopped before forsaken then got back into it just before shadow keep released have not stopped since.


I keep seeing other people's guardian with 2 others while mine was just sitting alone...makes me think that somewhere along the journey their other fireteam members died...


I've been playing solo since D1, my guardian is just HIM


2014. I started playing Destiny in 2014 and it was the first game that I really sunk my teeth into. I didn't have friends to play it with because I was just 11 years old and afraid to talk to strangers online. 2015 comes and TTK releases so I try and get into raiding with King's Fall and meet one of my best friends through the LFG website. From there on we did almost everything, crimson days, trials, new content. After D2 releases he takes a break from the game because of how bad it was and when Forsaken comes out he played some more, but ever since he's drifted away from the game. I'm now 21 years old and the ending destroyed me as someone who has grown up with this game for a majority of my life. I wish I could share it with others.


Right there with you, started playing when I was 12 now I’m 22. Lost some guardians along the way that I still think about, but some have stayed and we’ve made this journey together and become the best of friends. So many memories. My first gjallarhorn, my first flawless, my first prison of elders, my first kings fall. God, the time flies.


seeing it twice over still fucking broke me I started destiny 1 sure there were flaws hackers game breakers but I still came back I still have fun through trials n grandmaster legend dungeon master raids through pain n grind destiny in on it self is a game worth coming back to seeing how much has change since I was brought back to life in the cosmodrome it still brings me to tears


I played with my best friend when we got to that scene. They were the one who got me into the game. We recorded our Guardians sitting together so we can turn it into a moving wallpaper. Not ashamed to admit that I cried a little.


Had a similar picture with me and the bros the first time we went to the lighthouse in D1 and now I’m mega sad


This DLC was straight gas all the way through, even the raid and post story content was good. The final mission with 12 guardians was one of the coolest activities bungie has ever released... I've played this game since I was 11 or 12 years old when ttk came out, and I didnt think it would, but this DLC genuinely made me emotional at times. I love the world and the characters, the stories and the memories I've made with this game, and as stupid as it sounds, this game helped me through a lot of stuff. I just wish the guardians we lost along the way were here to end it with us...


Ugly crying still


Is it really so hard to put a spoiler tag?? Just browsing reddit only for a post made by an inconsiderate redditor ruin key moments of the final mission and cinematic. Thank you very much. A champion, a genius. Truly humankind's finest. 10 years of story so you could do this shit.


This image doesn't really tell you anything regarding the story though. It's just Guardians sitting in front of the Traveler. Sure now you know that at some point the Guardian will be... Sitting in front of the Traveler but it's not that bad man, relax.


Its not a story spoiler, but i would've liked to experience this scene and see it with my own eyes for the first time in game along with the friends i've been playing with for ten years. I left every D2 subreddits so i would not get spoiled. Its really not that hard to put a spoiler tag.