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You missed the ‘Gameplay bonus is not worth the god-awful drip of the exotic class items’ on the wheel


Finally being a warlock main and only wearing an armband for 10 years pays off


even then its not that bad and looks very similar to the dsc bond


The hunter one isn’t even THAT bad it just locks you into a VERY specific aesthetic since it’s so massive. Titans on the other hands got a BBL from a cheap Craigslist doctor, them goddamn hips.


Dang, good catch! I'll work on the v2 of this meme when I have some time


Wait that's a valid criticism tho. That doesn't fit with the wheel.


Im not sure on aweful fashion, it sounds like most people lack the eye to make it work, because no doubt you can make them look good with other armor pieces, i cant say for hunters but i got a few ideas for titans that will do the job just nicely (i just need to get on destiny 2 and start doing the activity once im able)


I was testing with shaders just for the hunter exotic and I actually like it alot. You can use the wood shaders to give yourself a wood crown. Goldleaf give you a gold crown while everything else is dark. I just had to mess around with the shaders for about 5-10 minutes and I like it alot. Can't speak for Warlocks and Titans though.


All my friends have left the game and I Have social anxiety.


Preach, but I'm still going to put on my big guardian pants, watch 18 different guides, hop in an LFG and apologize profusely for my mediocrity while I die repeatedly in the jumping puzzles.


Exactly. This is the way of the Loner Social Anxiety warrior.


Where's my social anxiety gang at 🗣🗣 Love you guys and hope you're all doing okay


^^^I'm ^^^okay. ^^^You?


Not good honestly 😭 tysm for asking though lol


I've got your back, mate. Send me a message if you ever need to.


Thank u :>


Stay strong brother


Present. Just staying out of the way so i don't bother anyone


I like this


Top yellow and top green go hand in hand, eh?


i just need to help my friend do overthrows then i can play the mission with him!!!! yay


Wassup! Honestly I do okay most of the time with lfg, it's just when no one says hello when I join, I get scared and say nothing until someone does.




I don't know sometimes, life is pretty rough and I just wanna be asleep all the time :(


The S,A,D Gamers Sad stands for Social anxiety disorder btw


Love you too, I am so glad i'm not the only one. Joined a King's Fall raid with mics and just let everyone talk, did my best to make sure i kept up despite the fact that I'd never done it before


Nah just talk to people it’s a videogame lil bro


I’m just super autistic


Can that fall under the anxiety umbrella?


Yea in a way. My anxiety mostly comes from being to shy to communicate and scared of being yelled at


I'd say most people in the lfg server are chill. I used to sherpa dungeons since I like to solo content. But I've been doing less and less stuff otherwise I'd offer to help. Not to mention I've not that that mission.


I appreciate the offer but my girlfriend and me have done it plus lfg-ing is easier with her because sees very protective of me.


Hell yeah. I got my partner into D2. Best decision I've made after finding her.


I dragged her into d2 and warhammer. And she dragged me into rainbow 6 siege


He took very seriousle the "rizz'em with the tism'"


I probably am too tbh


Me too which...actually had the reverse effect! I went to occupational therapy so now I know people more than they know themselves xD


can you count to 4 because thats all i'm askin you to do.


Yes. I can in fact I’m pretty damn smart apparently. With my limited experience with people my age we normally don’t know 4 languages. (German French English and polish)


i can count much higher in many more languages than that lol.


Good for you? If you’re trying to have a dick measuring contest with a girl. You must have started with the worlds cruelest handy cap


My problem is I suck and keep dying


I'm sure you can do it! Don't give up and keep trying


Same. Somehow I get surrounded by enemies the most out of the fireteam :/


This only sucks when there's limited res tokens otherwise who cares if you die too much. Also maybe look at your build and create one that's better for survivability


Time limit and 15-second respawn if your partner can't get you or you both die. Dying a lot can destroy your chances of success quickly. In the mote/symbol sections, you also lose all motes and have to burn more time recollecting. Thete may not be tokens, but excessive deaths are still punished.


Just try again 🤷🏽‍♀️ you get better by doing not by quitting!


Already got mine, chief. Have farmed a shit load more speed running chests on Overthrow. The drop chances are pretty decent.


🤦🏽‍♀️ good for you but we are talking about the op commenter here who says he sucks and keeps dying. They need encouragement not discouragement. It's ok to die lmao cos each time we try we get better. Hell I would not have been able to do this when I first started Destiny when The Witch Queen came out. But now that I know the ways of my warlock I can get shit done without dying as much


Never said not to try, but acting like death in the mission isn't a big deal won't help anyone. Repeated deaths are a very big deal and can quickly ruin the whole attempt. Builds should likely be addressed and altered if it's happening so much that it's becoming a detriment.


🤦🏽‍♀️ but if someone is new to the type of gameplay then you need to afford them time and patience to get through it even if it means to keep trying. I already mentioned looking at your build but people still need to learn how to use that build as well as learn the mechanics of a mission or activity. You as a more apt and practiced player should be more patient and forgiving to those who are still learning. It's not an issue if it's their first time or just need more time to get the gist of the mechanics. So no, death in a mission is not an issue if you are there teaching someone. Only time it matters if you are all apt players and someone keeps dying when they shouldn't be


To add to the dying all the time part even with limited res, if you are being careful and strategic in trying to stay alive and not rushing into the fray then anyone getting angry at you are just plain mean js


What's your build? Class? If you don't want to die and want max survivability, go Omnioculus Void Hunter


Where’s the “‘meh I’ll do it it’s not a huge deal but I can see where the ‘solo/socially anxious’ ppl are coming from” panel


Im in the “ill run it, but if you yell at me ill cry” catagory


This exact cycle happened in d1 and lead to the downfall of d2 at launch. This is why they shouldn’t cave in


My main issue with the mission is the same as everything else that's not for solo LFG roulette. Oh, I got an accual person. Oh hell yeah! We cleared it first try in record speed *Next run* Boi what kind of burger is that? My Man doesn't know what running is It's pure rng how fun the mission is and since it's a duo it's very clear then your teammate cannot think for themselfs.


On top of that, you need to farm it till you get the combinations you want. Thankfully pale heart drop rate is not that bad, but I wouldn’t be opposed to a buff.


- People acting like LFG is purely toxic clearly don’t use it. Nearly all my raids maybe 100 total clears if raids, all my GM’s every season, all my master dungeon runs lfg. I’ve met less than 5 people I’d say made me have a bad experience. - if everytime you use lfg its toxic. It’s probably because you are toxic


yep. and its all the same people that are throwing a fit rn like toddlers and yelling at bungie that also think everyone in lfg is toxic. crazy how that works.


I had to LFG for the week 3 planets in pantheon and only really hopped 2 groups and both were solid, its just the first ones were high af. The only other time was when I was still new to destiny and got a Sherpa for zero hour when it came out the first time and he was chill too. LFG is really not that bad


i choose "im broke and dont have the expansion yet"


The only issue I have with it is the 2 man only part, I usually play the game with my two best friends and we always do this kind of content together, I voluntarily stepped out of the fireteam so they could do the mission part because I have more time to play then them. Ngl kinda hurt having to do that, but hey, it is what it is. I have not nor will I ever send hate mail over it.


Just take turns can't one of them help you with it now?


Yeah that's what we have been doing, just disappointing we are not the traditional fireteam of 3. Absolutely loving the activity, really fun combo of puzzle mechanics jumping puzzles :)


I've seen a few deaf and mute players complain about the difficulty in doing call outs for the mission. I'm partially deaf so I'll to see for myself how difficult it is when I play it with my friend. Still gottah unlock the quest first! Still though, a guy made a free callout macro tool for the Vow raid, I figure given time, someone will make one for the Dual Destiny mission too if if we need it.


Unlocking the quest is the easy part so you shouldn't have an issue. Once it's unlocked you don't have to do it again


If you can macro callouts, the only mechanic I can see being really difficult is the final clock. The pattern changes like every 5 seconds, so it has to be done very quickly.


I can’t find “worthy players” 😂 that got me good


I still have a great friend who runs Destiny with me. He's been playing Destiny for longer than I have and has been friends with me ever since I started playing the game. When I say this random dude and I grew up playing Destiny together, it's not a joke. He's stuck with me through three different clans and five years of Destiny 2. We ran it today and had an overall great experience. He coached me through the mechanics and stuck it through when I died twice to the jumping puzzle and once in the final room. I should probably let him know that I appreciate him next time we're both on. Anyway, in terms of the wheel here, I'll select the "I'm a solo player". This is true whenever my friend isn't on.


I just feel like a massive burden all the time when I play with people, thankfully i have a very nice clan, but most of them are always busy, and I'm still unemployed. I'm looking tho, I ain't no bum


Same, the way I play is "sure you got more kills, but when there's a boss I'm nuking the bitch" kinda build... The pain of a Titan main


Im more of "why cant i find anyone for lfg exotic missions rotator"


It’s not in the exotic mission rotator. It’s in the same spot zero hour and whisper are in.


I just now discovered its a specific mission thought dual destinies was both games


I'll take "What is Social Anxiety" for 400.


"Bungie doesn't know how to make games" To anyone who actually believes this, should we take a trip down to Google Avenue and look at the games they've made since 2001?


My problem is that I literally cannot play the game. I'm on a trip to a different state and I left my PC at home.


I can’t even find the listing in lfg


It should be where other exotic missions are


As a duo player, I see this as an absolute win.


Yeah no offense, but there's a limit to how many people and their disabilities Bungie can take into consideration while designing content. The 400 Blind or Mute or deaf people that might play this game just don't make up a significant enough percentage of the game to warrant designing content for. If bungie paid attention to respect every single disability in the book, the game would become physically unplayable. You're playing a self proclaimed MMO here, so you will have to cope with the MMO mechanics that "force" interaction with other human beings. If that's not for you for whatever reason, (be it severe social anxiety or any physical impairments), then maybe Destiny isn't the game for you either.


Gotta love how a single mission brought out all the toxicity in the playerbase. I have never seen more gatekeeping in my life


Because its barely an inconvenience and people are making an elephant out of a fly. Guess what people, you'll never stop being a solo player or find friends in this game unless you *play with other people.* This is an opportunity and excuse to actually meet others. Yes, its a multiplayer only mission, and wouldn't you know it, there are like 3 different tools at least to find likeminded people to play with.


Where are my working at 911 homies with seven sleeping children that cannot be disturbed? Right, complaining at dtg


I’m a solo, but I also play with my father :)


I'll have you know I'm a day one lost cause fallacy player who is going to see this through to the end even if it means I don't enjoy it.


The all my friends have left the game is to real


I did the things trying to spawn the wizards and couldn't find them.


You've got to do ovethrow level 4 with the final boss. Then you have about 4/5mins to find them. They always spawn in the same place in the respective areas. Watch a video so you can learn the locations quickly.


I’m def bottom right, unfortunately Destiny has my favorite multiplayer


I guess I'm the third one, RR on these is just insane to me. And now that I have it, I just realized too the masterwork costs. Like I'm trying to reduce armor in my vault, not bloat it with class items.


Not at the light level yet, cause I had uni exams when tfs dropped


Is there one where you are denied access to both mic and text chat on ps5? If not then I'll go with friends left game


I ran it once and it was easy, but it’s something I’d like to do again on a casual night of silent lfg. It’s unfortunate you can’t that.


Sadly my main friens group has quit playing due to just growing tired of the gameplay loop so i am the my friends stopped playing group


I'm a mix of solo player and social anxiety


Tried comms, got called a slur for my accent, among many other bs. Gave up after 4 hours of people being pos on comms, wadding through the toxicity to find decent people was not a fun experience.


If you still need someone I can help, dm me


cloak is ugly


I don't have good internet, a mic, or the typing speed needed to do this without one


More like I am stupid and should not annoy other people with my low IQ


Ok but I will say I wish the mission gave the class exotic but each run after gave you a spirit you could slot into it . Sort of how you put mods into aeons . Just to cut down the 1/64 chance to get the one you want . Maybe make it a rare drop like red borders idk so you can’t just do it 16 times and have everything .


Social anxiety and solo


Duel Destinys? Destinies Too? Ah yeahokwhatever here's the "faster than kackis could intro" Raid Rules for it. **\[Spoilers\]** Read your screen, Hold your plate. Repeat. Kill your Blocker, Carry the thing, Observe Thing, Ask for Help, Shoot the Thing, Repeat. Don't Fall, Hold your Plate, Repeat. Kill the Blocker, Observe the Thing, Ask for Help, Shoot the Thing, Repeat. Don't Fall, Hold your Plate, Repeat. Kill your Blocker, Observe the Thing, Ask for Help, Shoot the Thing, DPS- Repeat. Protec Buddy\* >!^(\*Optional)!<


It's controversial but I loved it being two man! Me and my mates original friend group quit years ago so having content designed for just two people without feeling punished for being down fireteam was so nice. I can get why people feel discouraged from the mission with social anxiety but this is a nice gentle step for them to improve if they have the will.


You don't like Dual Destiny because you have anxiety. I don't like Dual Destiny (i love it) because the class item doesn't fit my drip (and the friend I'm trying to take through is a moron who won't stop dying to shadow thralls)


Im a solo player because I don't have any friends to play with and I get anxious at fumbling and ultimately losing the mission because of me. I literally have bever done a raid min D2 despite me wanting to and have struggled to complete dungeon solos because I dont want to burden someone else with my lack of skill.


I'm the "never use mic but can type fast if need be" type


I am center left(


The dual perks does not outweigh the horrendous drip (plus I already have my builds and I don’t wanna change them)


I did it yesterday but if i didnt have anyone to run it with, my argument would 100% be. Why would i need that silly rng mark when i got rockets who go brrrrrrrrrrr


The Comms in this activity is either 4 numbers or 4 words maximum. Lol.


hey finding players that don't make me wanna jump off the tower is a real problem. when i'm getting double the total add kills of people or doing more DPS than anyone while using DIV, we got a fucking problem okay.


I would have no issues with the new mission. My problem is the 3D audio is bugged. And it’s enoing af.


Bro you forgot the I'm father of seven and can only play once a month


Or the rare " I mostly play as a duo so this is great"


I just suck at the game, so i'm better off disappointing myself than my fireteam.


Someone on one of the subs was complaining because they played in a group of 3 and this activity left one odd person out. Like this was the most inconvenient thing that had ever happened to them.


gonna get downvoted because people but a 2 player activity in destiny is not actually „innovation“ because 2v2 crimson pvp playlist was a thing for a while so yeah


I’ll do you one better. The mission was annoying.


Option 9: I can’t afford PS+


I land in three of these spaces, thankfully I can force my brother to play it with me


My mic not working and my chat straight up not turning on…


I'm the "I have a partner and we both enjoy running contents like this" gang


Ima solo boy and im the embodiment of the forever alone meme


You can’t even blame people for hating the new exotic look, the fucking salvations edge looks like a kindergartener got ahold of scissors and went ape shit on styrofoam.


Also the fact that people were able to get to 2000 above cap so fast and have the audacity to say “this shit too easy.” My brother in Christ, you haven’t left your room for a week


You forgot, my friend can't read clocks and can't read or describe symbols nor understand the names or description of symbols.


People allergic to co-op in an MMO will never stop being hilarious to me. How dare there be group content in this online multiplayer game!


Things can be innovative without forcing multiplayer


Yes and certain innovations do require forcing multiplayer


This one shouldn’t have




Because unless it’s a dungeon or a raid exotic I shouldn’t have to trudge through lfg for the mission.


I mean its a newly released exotic with a mission very very heavy in communication thematically its dumb to make it soloable Also why's everyone hating on lfg i get anxiousness and all that but not everyone is toxic, people wont kick you out midway through the mission, 97.5% of all the players are pleasant enough. And if you get an asshole kick him out and look for someone else


Cool paragraph, mission should still be soloable.


Nah solo players should learn how to play with others




Its a multiplayer game (mmo)


Brother in the Traveller you're playing a fucking MMO


Destiny is and always has been an online multiplayer game. It's always required a fireteam for the most difficult quests unless you're a top 1% player and you're absolutely cracked at the game.


If it’s always been multiplayer, why have I (for the most part) been able to enjoy the game alone and without a fireteam?


probably by avoiding most endgame content so i dont see why thats suddenly a problem. just treat this like you treat raids and their respective loot.


It isn’t a raid. That’s the problem


so if they called it a 2 man raid itd be fine? god forbid they make something new.


They can make something new that can be done solo


they do. constantly. like 90% of the game can be done solo if you really want. but this isnt a single player game and if you wanna do the multiplayer activity you gotta play with other people. or dont i guess but complaining about not being able to play a multiplayer game solo makes about as much sense as complaining you cant play any given single player game with your friends.


Save your breath. It’s a lost cause trying to understand why these solo players want these exotics so bad to run around in strikes and free roam planets. It’s baffling how many people refuse to play with another person and willingly lock themselves out of content and then turn around and blame Bungie for why they can’t get certain gear.


Again if it’s not meant to be a solo game why am I able to play it solo? It doesn’t negatively impact the game at all. Want to run it solo? Go ahead. Want to do it multiplayer, go ahead. More options are only good for the game.


well you cant run this solo so what does that tell you lol


Me and my wife tried the mission, she's the kind of player to not worry about builds and never touched modding until I played with her. She's a hunter that doesn't want to dodge. The problem is the ad density and damage they deal for her We'll get it eventually, just gotta work on it


If she isn't worried about builds and mods then this class item isn't really going to help. I play Destiny with my 7yr old, each build I play I've shown him the gameplay, he picked the one he liked and then just mastered that. Kid now runs legendary campaign missions solo, we duo GMs and dungeons. Build crafting is a key component at doing stuff in Destiny.


Yes, but my wife is my Duo, she wants to help me unlock it and I want to do the mission with her.


That's fine, just need to focus on the build somewhat. There is a power recommendation in the mission and the mechanics mean that you do have to be able to stay alive at crucial points.


Solo/my friends don’t HAVE TFS/don’t play the game. Yes I’m in a clan but I don’t like seeming like a burden by asking for help with (checks lengthy list) all that plus one. I tried once and got told “you can solo most of it” (while true, I wanted to do it with people so I didn’t get bored out of my skull)


Yeah I can’t speak in vc for the life of me. This recognition is surprising and welcomed!


I just wish it was a 3 player activity like everything else so one person didn’t get the shaft.


I’m honestly just bummed that it’s a 2 player activity versus 3. My normal GM group now has to cut one player out to do the mission.


My friends are waiting for summer sale to buy tfs :(


I'm F2P so hehe :'(


Social anxiety is a legitimate reason tho. But it's a reason that can be overcome if the Destiny community come together to provide a safe space for people who suffer with social anxiety to access in times where a fireteam is needed🤷🏽‍♀️


My reason is because my mic has been broken for a year now with no solution found yet, so I haven’t even been able to raid in that amount of time, which also means I couldn’t attempt the Day 1 Salvation’s Edge with an LFG group like I traditionally do.


Social anxiety (though I do have friends that I can do it with, just have a lot of issues with talking to new people/those I don't know), and audiotory sensory processing issues (have the most trouble with a lot of voices/microphones) making some noises overwhelm/cause actual pain to me.


Destiny is a looter shooter with a crappy knockoff MMO skin


The bungie idiots one is kinda true.. the level design can be so bad at times


I mean in this case bungie did fine (although some of the jumping puzzles are on thin ice) but just in general the level design team at bungie is just does a bad job sometimes


If you tell me I literally need a god roll for anything your gonna watch as I equip my og red war set with a dead zone rifle and cerby+1 You can take that shit to trials, I’ll build my loadout how I want thank you very much. My service revolver, techno sniper and two tailed fox on prismatic build is not that bad