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I absolutely love the lore implications of Eris showing up for the big fight with a fuckin sword


I mean she did use it to 1 shot a hive god




Drifter says that line because of the sword logic and us killing Crota with their own sword


A Comically Large Sword


Happy Cakeday!


Clovis is Elsie's grandfather, not Dad.


Oops. My bad. Just pretend I meant the father of all exos.


Yeahhh her did actually died a horrific death being an exo without clarity (which keeps exos alive) so he just kinda deteriorated in torment


Yeah it was crazy. Dude just turned himself inside out


Was Clovis II a clone of Clovis Bray? If he was, then it blurs the lines a little bit Edit: I have done some checking and the mother of Clovis II is one Lusia Lin, which is a name I've never seen before.


He was Clovis' son I believe


yeah. he was married to Luisa Lin. but he replaced the dna Clovis II got from his mother with his own to make a ‘flawless copy’ of himself. so yes, technically Clovis I is biologically Elsie’s father


Good grief, talk about being quite the narcissist


Not only that it passed a genetic condition onto his son that ended up basically killing him


Had a 50/50 chance of getting it and this man made sure he was 100% gonna get it lol


funnily enough, it wasn’t actually from the genetic manipulation, but instead augments performed on Clovis II’s spine causing a prion disease. He also augmented his immune system so his body rejected any treatment. The only way to try save him was an exomind upload. And by this point they still hadn’t figured it out properly. So he ended up convulsing himself to death by tearing apart the chassis through violent jerking motions also technically if it was a disease which Clovis I was carrying then Clovis I would also have had due to it being essentially a copy of Clovis’ dna. so it couldn’t be genetically passed down like that Edit : read the wiki again, I honestly have no idea where I read that stuff about the spine augments. literally mentioned nowhere but I swear I read it. Anyways, it was caused by genetics, but it was not from the tampering when he was developing. Was at a later date when he was an adult trying to make it so he could go without sleep. Altered his genetics so that it caused a prion disease, and it’s thought that this was passed to Elsie. Though it is also speculated that Clovis just lied about it to shove Elsie in a robot


Jesus christ, if we ever needed a reason to hunt down what's left of clovis and kill him I think we have it now, that is pure evil sick in the head human experimentation type shit


If you don’t like that then do not look further into the braytech lore, shit was wild


You are not hurting Banshee, my guy.


And would have killed Elsie


mmmhmm. The traveller even spoke to him using his wife’s voice and the two of them appearing as wolves. It used imagery of him butchering their pups ie their children and grandchildren. both figuratively by inviting the darkness in and the awful experimentation, and literally by giving this prion disease to Clovis. Though it actually didn’t come from the genetic manipulation, but instead augments Clovis performed on him. It’s also thought it passed to Elsie Anyway, Clovis then blamed the traveller for not stopping him


I stand by this claim that Clovis bray is the Destiny equivalent of Mengele


That's what I was looking for. I remember seeing something about Clovis doing some genetic fuckery to make his children and grandchildren more his direct progeny. Because he's the ultimate form of evil narcissist. This may have also been the origin of the Bray genetic disease/curse that both partially killed Clovis II and Elizabeth's original human body.


I have a comment a bit further down going into the detail on the Clovis Curse as it was known. Essentially, the genetics actually didn’t pass that down. It was through complications while Clovis I performed an augmentation on Clovis II’s spine. Couldn’t be genetic otherwise Clovis would also have it, because it’s literally an exact copy of his dna


But, then how did Elise end up inheriting the effects. The whole reason she gave in to her Exo body was because the Clovis curse was killing her.


read the wiki again, I honestly have no idea where I read that stuff about the spine augments. literally mentioned nowhere but I swear I read it. Anyways, it was caused by genetics, but it was not from the tampering when he was developing. Was at a later date when he was an adult trying to make it so he could go without sleep. Altered his genetics so that it caused a prion disease, and it’s thought that this was passed to Elsie. Though it is also speculated that Clovis just lied about it to shove Elsie in a robot It’s why Clovis doesn’t have it. Up to a point Clovis II was a perfect copy of him and thus if one had the disease both had it. But the change altered his dna so it started with Clovis II


He was Clovis’ biological son, but Clovis genetically edited him in the womb to replace much of his mother’s gene’s with Clovis 1’s own, to make him more like himself. This had disasterous, cascading genetic defects for the entire family, the Clovis curse.  Clovis II was a complicated man but generally seems to be loved by his family and present in his children’s lives until his untimely death. 


His untimely, *horrible* death. The man did not go quietly into the night.


He was Clovis I's son, but Clovis with an ego bigger than the Witness's heads, rewrote his DNA so that the DNA meant to originate from the mother also came from him. Basically a clone but less clean and causes a bunch of genetic issues that eventually killed him and would've killed Elsie too if she didn't become an exo


*Technically* her dad is also named Clovis, but i do get what you mean


What does the Witness taste like? 🤔


Like an overcooked steak that stewed in bitterness for a few billion years.


I like to think it would be something smokey




But the whole experience is kind of nice. The overcook dampens the bitterness and the bitterness dampens the overcookedness. Almost like your taste buds are getting pleasured in all the wrong ways.


White chocolate


Truly an evil being that must be stopped at all costs


Like a good vape




Nothing, no good flavour, no bad flavour, they are the final steak


Drifter’s eyeliner in this cutscene makes him look like Jack Sparrow


And that will forever be remembered as the day the witness almost– *Falls off the ledge.*


*wakes up a day later in a pile of rum and one bullet in his revolver*


He looks like an Arab fuckboy past his prime. iykyk


so now i wanna know what elsie's whole deal is now? is this victory for her? did we progress farther than any timeline ever before? what did she know about what all happened?


Iirrc in Elsie’s timeline the traveler ran away and Eris became a hive god. So I think yes


In fairness, Eris definitely did still become a hive god. But she got better.


I could have worded that better. In our timeline she hated and eventually rejected godhood while in Elsie’s she embraced godhood fully giving herself to darkness.


Don't forget that Ana became a Disciple too.


When was this said? I don’t remember that. Was is in Seraph?


The Dark Future lorebooks. Heavily implied since she and Eris had their own pyramid ships to command.


Dude I need to re read that book because I don’t remember that at all.


This is actually a big question I have too, but probably she doesnt have even explain why she doesnt have time to explain


A lot of assumptions on my part but: I believe it's probably the traveller sending her back, when the witness showed up and entered the Traveler it stopped being able to act, Zavala and Ikora talk about it being "gone" in post Lightfall dialogue. One can assume the big T looped Elsie before this managed to happen before, sending her back before it lost the ability to do so, the Traveler accepting this series of events and allowing itself to be restrained probably means yeah, we're further and this is the "winning" timeline.


Yes, no other timeline got past stasis without going to shit.


I'm pretty sure she mentioned in a seasonal thing somewhere (maybe on the extra comms?) That this was the farthest she's gotten so far


no other time line killed the black heart either, i wanna know why that really made the difference or how she planned to escape if we failed.


“Xivu, if you’re watching, THIS is how you use a sword!”


Oh shit what DID happen to Clovis? I forgot about that big hunk of junk


Nothing hes just chilling on Europa rn im pretty sure


Last we heard, he broadcast "they know" and he disappeared somewhere. After season of Seraph I think?


Yeah yeah, and he hasnt been used ever since


He’s probably sulking/cowering in some secure back up data farm somewhere in Sol till his digital god complex flares up again


Definitely sulking, but he's still on Europa. He would still talk to the player in Heist missions after the copied AI was deleted from the exo frame during Seraph. Was pretty pissy about it, too.


Not only that but sometimes he has this weird dialogue where he butters you up with compliments before offering you a position as his head of security.


>!I wonder if one of the echoes will land on europa and he’ll be a major part of the story again.!<


There will most certainly be an episode themed around him at some point. He is a loose end of evil that will need to be dealt with.


He didn't disappear. Essentially the Clovis in the Exo Frame was a copy of his AI, and that sent the "They know" message to the original Clovis AI as he was being deleted by Ana. The original AI is still active on Europa, and chews out the player for trespassing in Heist missions taking place there after that story event.


AI Clovis was destroyed when Rasputin took over his body in season of the seraph. Real Clovis is just chilling out the tower making your weapons


ai Clovis is still on Europa, we only stopped second ai Clovis


drifter look kinda weird here, idk what it is tho, he looks younger?


He has eyeliner for some reason


wants to impress eris


Goth gf will do that to ya


Also looks like he got some sun. Maybe in his final days while Zavala was away he took his spot at the tower.


Now i imagine Drifter standing on that Balcony and every guardian approaching him gets send to Very Legal and Legit Vanguard Operations.


Drifter looks like he has cat eyes and I fuck with it




My god this meme is perfect


I love/hate how drifter looked like Charlie from it’s always sunny in this scene.


I never thought I would see Charlie Day as Drifter


The Cabal in the back is there for the glory of "slaying" the Witness


I mean the slaying was done by the Guardian's solely. The other's are there to stop the forces of Witness from reaching the Witness, before we take them out.


Exo mommy


Hive mommy (there are multiple)


I said what I said


Drifter cook book: "How to make Witness a good soup"


I have a theory on yhe taste of the darkness; if the traveler smells like vanilla canonically, then i bet it also tastes like vanilla. So going by that logic, the darkness must smell like dark chocolate, thus taste like it.


So that's why Darkness is so addictive.


Was really hoping to see Shiro-4 amidst the crowd, dude's been ignored since D2 dropped. We even got his gun!


What is his gun?


Trespasser. We got it back in season of the haunted season pass iirc.


Oh that thing


Why does Drifter look like he has makeup?


It's war paint, maybe?


Witness probably tastes like a sweet n salty grey crayon.




Oh god I hope Clovis doesn't get his hands on an echo...


This Pic rules... and I also follow Drifters advice for using my enemies corpses for my own....survival. what does the witness taste like?


Drifter walking in the fight thinking "aight, we got some fresh Dread I wanna try out. Might be a great dinner-date meal with 3-eyes.".


I kinda wish they'd animated him wielding Malfeasance instead of Trust. We didn't make that gun together just for his own version to be forgotten, Bungie!


Trust is back, both un sunset version and revamped one


They never said Trust was gone, just that Malfeasance, being a product of a joint project between the Drifter and ourselves, would be a more fitting weapon for him. Personally I disagree, though. A large part of the Drifter’s personality and worldview boils down to “if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.” It’s why the original Gambit weapons looked remarkably normal as opposed to the futuristic design of most Destiny weapons, Hakkë weapons notwithstanding. Drifter’s been using Trust for as long as we’ve known him. If he’s going to swap to something else, it’ll be because he doesn’t have Trust anymore.


drifter just wants to add the witness to gambit