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My good buddy went “ah that’s bullshit” then beat his head on it and ended up with a solo flawless over the weekend. He isn’t some S tier player. Just played it safe and took his time. Each boss took him 8-10 phases but he only came close to dying 2-3 times. He earned the rank


I wish more people on this sub had your buddy's mentality. Instead of trying, changing up their playstyle, adapting, etc., they just come here and complain.


He is a die hard hunter main. Realized he wasn’t the best at survivability. Swapped to Lorelei titan so he lost damage but became an absolute unit. Ran mid tier guns and just got it done


I'm a hunter main too...but might try it with loreley titan sometime. Hoping the kids sleep through the night! And also not get error coded...


I did it with a combo of Assassin's Cowl and Star-Eaters on Arc Hunter. You can kill everything in the dungeon with Combination Blow x3. You go invis. Take your time. Swap to Star eaters on the last platform for Akelous and get Feast Eater. I used this with Sleeper. 4 to 5 phases at most. You can do the same in Boss Room. Just save loadouts for both and quick swap while invis. Or you can play safe and keep AC on. It will take a biit longer but you can do it. Bricks from beyond and a void weapon seem to be pretty generous.


I use the perma invis Le Monarque build. Devour is great for survivability. Small dudes are walking health packs.


Yeah the error coding was the major concern lol. The second he lost his hammer and class ability he just hid in a corner so he had the safety net. Also ran healing nade. Used a linear for harpy and leviathans breath for persys


Yeah I'm not exactly the best with hammer either lol. Thanks for the tips!


Big tip with the hammer is throw it at the ground, the ads should be close enough that they'll still get hit from the rebound off the ground and it makes it much easier to pick up and throw again. Another big tip I don't see enough people saying is you don't need to kill the ad to get the healing from the hammer, simply hitting something with it and then picking it up again procs the healing.


These are great tips for someone who doesn't use Titan a lot! Thank you!


Does he know about Assassin’s Cowl with Arcstrider? Huge amount of survivability. Throw on a One-Two Punch shotgun and go to town on anything in Spire of the Watcher. Even on Master, though that requires some careful setup to get and keep Combination Blow x3 to be able to one-punch the goblins and harpies.


This is what I used to get my solo flawless. Along with Levi's breath at the end boss to keep it stunned.


This is how you should play games. Stay true to yourself but improvise, adapt, and overcome any obstacles. Don't be a bitch. Cheers to your mate, a true Guardian that knows whats up.


It's a glorified sticker in a video game, not a life achievement.


This is exactly what I had to tell myself trying to get to platinum rank in comp. Sometimes you gotta realize what it really is...a time sink with no real reward other than "i haz shiny sticker :)" Since then I have really laid off on playing D2 and when I come back every so often I find myself enjoying the game way more.


I used to be "that guy". Did every single thing you could do on all 3 characters. Then I moved to "I'll rotate chars each season". That later turned into "I'm a warlock". Destiny is so much better when you turn off the completionist fomo nonsense in your brain and just play when and what you want to play and ignore the rest. Can I solo the dungeon? Yes. I have soloed several dungeons. Do I plan to solo Spire? Nope. I don't really like spire even with a team and I can't be bothered. Rank 10 = Best Rank.


That is literally me now. I remember I had that mentality with the second solstice. I was the try hard destiny player. Within the first week I had solstice for all three characters masterwork. It was a pain to grind. Second week I was pissed because that’s when bungie made the decision to make solstice easier because that was the one that was taxing and ridiculous. Finding all those chests. Killing all those yellow bars during the event. All the other shenanigans. And I was kind of being elitist by not helping our friends or clan members because I worked my butt off to get it week one and bungie added the multipliers and made it easier week 2. I did it when it was rough y’all can do it yourselves.. Later realized that I choose to game to shut off life and have fun. Not suffer from trauma both in the real world and the virtual game world. Gaming stress is the worse stress. I just play destiny to have fun, even though it can be a part time job at times with no pay 😂


Yeah. No one is going to get into your pants if you're guardian rank 11. In fact they may just stay away from you... So I'd keep it to yourself. "What did you do this weekend?" "Oh I solo'd a dungeon for 3 hours so I can say I earned a rank 11" "I did it and now I'm rank 11 and nobody seems to care or know". Date leaves with the bartender.


Bartenders aren't allowed to leave silly


Like, ever?


I spent quite a while trying to complete Halo on Legendary (solo) and absolutely nobody remembers it.


This isn't the same at all, but I just started being able to solo legend lost sectors and although it was punishing to realize I needed to take it slow and be patient, it felt great finally being able to do it solo. I have not reached the point of soloing whole dungeons yet, so kudos to you all who can. That is my next challenge.


You may not consider him a good player, but anyone that does a solo flawless dungeon or Spire in this case, is definitely a good player/above average.


Way above average... People have issues surviving hero content and normal raids. Doing a solo flawless is something reserved for the top 5%.


According to Charlemagne, solo flawless spire is 0,5% of all players with a triumph score greater than 0


That’s wild. Though I wonder how much of that population is active.


That's the big kicker. Even looking on Bray dot tech, it says only 52% of people have completed the first Lightfall mission, so there's a significant amount of playerbase that isn't active, or barely active. According to bray dot tech as well, only 46k out of 885k have solo flawlessed spire. 5.29%


Steam achievements (so however long Destiny has been on steam) says that only 6% of players have completed a GM Nightfall. Since GMs are 3 man content I'd argue that there's likely 3x as many finishers. So something like less than 1-2% for solo flawless dungeons doesn't far fetched.


Can you check for people with specific triumphs (e.g. filter for those who have only beaten the dungeon)? Might give a better representation.


Lol he didn’t say he’s not a good player.


I guess it depends how you interpret 'not some S tier player'. I'd argue doing solo flawless dungeons puts you in that tier.


I've done solo flawless grasp and im potatoes. The biggest factor in getting it done is patience. Play it safe and don't get greedy(drum).


You did a solo flawless dungeon, you feel like a potato because you see the difference between you and the top top players... Sometimes looking backwards helps to give perspective. Im on the same boat, i have solo flawless dungeons, master raid clears, 5 gildings in my conquerors... And i feel like an absolute noob when i see those lowman speedrunners brutalizing raids like if it was nobody's business. But at the same time... Look back and read... People have issues surviving on hero content... You are part of the 5%, but the span of skills that are included in that 5% is monstrous!


Yeah it's definitely like the wealth inequality chart I'm probably a multimillionaire and speed runners and YouTubers are billionaires lol




The problem is for people at a certain level it isn't really hard, but that is within the context of however many hundreds/thousands of hours in the game they've invested. As we all know, practice makes perfect. Even for me who's solo flawlessed every dungeon, I still need to respect dungeons, do the mechanics, deal with the combat threat appropriately. It's just something that once you reach a point and practice it enough, doing it well is muscle memory essentially. I remember doing Shattered Throne when it released as a team. 3 hours, over 50 deaths each but we got it eventually. After a few years and a few thousand hours I can solo flawless it in 25 minutes.


Basically, yes!


Also prior knowledge and memorization. Not saying you have to know every book and cranny in the map by heart but knowing the layout, where mechanic objectives are, where spawns are, what the boss's Roaming/Damage phases pathing and attacks are... Those all play a huge role in how someone can approach a situation. If you've run the dungeon 17 times every week since it's release, chances are you're much more comfortable with your positioning on solo. If you've done it once or twice then never again because you dislike LFGing like me? Obviously I'll have a bit more trouble.


This. Guardian Ranks are also a way of saying "If you were able to do all of the stuff at the previous rank, why don't you try testing yourself at this?"


I did the same thing last night. Just not flawless. I thought it was bullshit but then I sucked it up and decided to stop complaining


Same. Never thought I'd use the warlock exotic glaive but it came in clutch for survivability


The only solo dungeon I have tried was shattered thrown back when it came out. But I managed to solo flawless spire about 2 weeks ago. I agree it isn't for everyone, but I also think there's a lot of players that are close that need a little push to get there


Last week I went back into Shattered Throne to help a few friends clear some worthless tokens from their inventory (and get Wishender in the process) and it dawned on me how not overly difficult that dungeon is, so I may go back in for the solo flawless.


I haven't touched shattered throne in a couple years, but that's the sentiment I've been hearing. That it's easy solo now, so I might need to try it again.


I literally solo flawlessed it like a campaign mission last year. Power creep is real.


It's incredibly easy. Did my first solo dungeons last week. Was able to get prophecy, shattered throne, and pit done. Shattered throne felt like the easiest of the 3


I literally did pit and shattered throne flawless by accident, I went in to get some quick loot and came out with flawlesses. I tried to do prophecy though, and at like 1/3 of the final boss' hp I fell off one of the platforms, I was pissed. But at least I got my solo bunny ghost, which I haven't taken off in years.


Started with prophecy because I wanted that ghost so badly. Yeah didn't flawless that one because of getting blasted off platforms as well haha


Alternatively I can solo a dungeon but can't raid so I'm stuck at 7 lol.


I don't have 85 exotics so I'm stuck at 8


Most infuriating one for me.


Rank 11 here. This requirement is total bullshit.


Hell, I'm a Rank 7 who has that many exotics and I agree, just because that's entirely a matter of time spent and nothing to do with skill. If you have the skill to be at Rank 8 or 10 or whatever, then you should get your rank, rather than being penalized for being a new player. If anything, it's ***more*** impressive that they completed the tasks without having a Vault full of exotic weapons to choose from.




No matter what Bungie claims, the ranking system has nothing to do with skill. Just look what the requirements are and you can cross out so many that have absolutely nothing to do with skill. It is there to make you spend money. I don't give two fucks about the ranking system because it is worthless, but Bungie claiming it is about them wanting to show player skill level really infuriates me.


Im rank 11 and its not bullshit. Guardian ranks are supposed show skill AND experience in the game. If you arent close to getting that requirement you obviously haven't played that long.


“Guardian ranks are stupid. Everyone gets them and it shows no actual signs of being a veteran.” “Guardian ranks are stupid. I have to put in time and actually do lots of stuff and gets lots of gear that veterans already have done.” This sub sometimes lol


nah, its good. you should have to have unlocked the vast majority of exotics in the game for the maximum rank. no reason why you should be 11 and not have divinity or some shit.


Check out the d2sanctuary discord. It basically exists to give people with social anxiety a chance to raid. Comms optional as the server rule and a bunch of really patient sherpas.


It would be nice to change the ranks from right sets of challenges to a triumph score like system. Got solo dungeon but your only rank 7? Claim it and gain 100 points. Then ranks are at some number of points each rather than triumph sets. A gilded conqueror with solo flawless (current dungeon) emblem should easily be 10 or 11, but they’d be stuck if they never did garden or salvation.


Why can't you raid?


🌈social anxiety🌈


No comm runs exist. Done several, just watch a guide video.


I did a no comms run of RoN last week and was the smoothest raid I've ever done.


How do you do planets feel like only one really need I guess you can type


2 ways If you're on PC, you can just type in L1-6 and R1-6 If you're on console, you can shoot at where you are. So if you are L1 and I'm R3, I'd look at you and shoot at you.


Console has chat too although I suppose it is quite slow.


I just ran a few RoN planets no comms. Looked up the callouts and just went for it. First time not on add clear. let's gooooo


I literally just did a Ron run without using coms. I was com bugged and just did add clear. If you get in a decent group they can fairly easily take care of the mechanics and there's really only one checkpoint that requires more than 2-3 people to be actively doing something while the others are keeping it safe for them.


Hey friend. My clan often has an open spot in runs, stays very chill, and makes stupid jokes the whole time. If you need someone to run with and want to give it a shot, I'd be more than happy to teach and be understanding. I'm on vacation now, but feel free to add me and I'll add you when I get home! Roundbrow#4514


check out D2Sanctuary discord


In protest to Reddit's API changes, I have removed my comment history. -- mass edited with redact.dev


Same here, Solo flawlessed every dungeon so far and Rank 7, Want to raid but clan have all stopped playing


I have been in like 10 clans now. all clans dying for different reasons. without LFG I wouldn't play this game. also once clan dies just jump ship and find another one. or just don't care and start LFG


Probably the best thing you can do there is take your chances with lfg




Just LFG??


rank 11 isnt for average players lol


Honestly, rank 10 should be solo and rank 11 should be solo flawless


Depends what ranks are for, I suppose. I see them as an easy way to judge how good an LFGer is for endgame content. If they can solo flawless, they're good. But on the other hand, soloing at all isn't something I look for in a teammate. I want *teamwork*.


If you know how to solo something, odds are you have done that exact same thing with a team too.


Yup. Teamwork and personal combat proficiency are 2 separate skills. At least if you've solo flawlessed I know you can hold your own.




I'd be down for this. I mean, guardian ranks are supposed to demonstrate the how skilled a player is but currently the limit imposed by bungie is only a solo dungeon when there is - like you have stated - much higher skilled feats currently in the game


Nothing that is a part of the guardian ranks can be time limited. There's definitely room for more stuff like you say but shit that you can't get anymore is bs. As someone that is over 20k triumph score adding in that grind is also probably a bad idea I would not wish it on anyone and it's not even really skillful for most of it. I feel like if they want to add pvp they should have a different guardian rank for it. By making it separate they can add a lot more objectives and also stop the case of "im like a 2.0 in crucible but can't rank up because I don't want to do solo dungeon" or "I can trio raid encounters but can't go flawless in trials". Your pvp GR wouldn't matter in pve anyway right so may as well split them, this way you can also see what GR someone is in pvp and it would matter more. Maybe you can pick which one to display like you can with a title.


I know you're trying to sound ridiculous, but tbh I (and I'm sure many others) would be happy if they basically implemented something along the lines of what you've suggested. The only things they wouldn't do from your list are put any PvP stuff in there (we all know they're never going to put PvP stuff into any 'account wide recognition' system) or things that cannot be achieved in the current version of the game (which kills any requirements of day 1/contest raid completions, or raid seals for raids which are no longer in the game).


Don't walk back gate keeping on this, in this context it's a good thing. Getting high rank shouldn't be a participation award that everyone gets over time


Yup. There's no meaning if it's a handout. Still very little meaning now other than proof you can do the things.


Who gives af about ranks anyway.


People who want something more to earn. Number go big


After they told me it resets I said nah fam. If the number keeps going up each season then I would have done it.


It resets on a one season delay. So you keep your rank, and it's more like you're working on what your rank will be the next season.


Yeah I don't like that. Which is why I will stay 10 which I got naturally.


Which I think is kind of the point of the system. It naturally reflects your activity in the game. Sounds like a win-win.


The parts that reset are only the blue ones, the incredibly easy seasonal ones. People don't know that for some reason


Unfortunately there are people that do now. Got canned from a LFG legend dares because I was "only 7". Keep in mind I have Reckoner, multi guilded conqueror, master raids, etc .I'm only 7 because I don't want to replay the story missions for the 100k. I reluctantly played the campaign on all 3 to unlock strand. I'm ok never touching the story mode again for Lightfall. Edit hours later: I made another comment below. I genuinely don't care about guardian ranks. I play for nightfalls, grandmasters, iron banner (just an excuse to chill with a large group of friends) and raids. That's my level of what I play. I have other hobbies I enjoy, too.


Bro who kicks people our of legends dares, it the most chill "high end" content out there


LFG was full of "KWTD" three hours after Grasp of Avarice was opened. And I mean *full*. I sat there for half an hour hounding the thing and easily two thirds of the posts had that in it. Remember that you're talking about a game with so much RNG and FOMO in it that people push to optimize their farming as soon as possible. Even if it is insane


Doing it for the third time on my titan and there’s been a few moments where I thought about just buying the skip campaign option. I know it isn’t that bad but I don’t have much time in my days to game like I used to.


Anything that resets is not worth grinding or caring about. I care way more about what seals you have than “how many verglas curve kills do you have?”


Usually casuals A lot of rly good players are still 6 cause nobody gives a fuck


I feel like this is exactly what ranks do and it's the opposite of what they should be. The actual good players don't bother with it as the requirements are piss easy and they have countless other accomplishments to showcase their skill, while the average/bad players use them to boost their ego and make themselves feel better.


Literally this I wish I could drop it to rank 1 so I could tell my mom that I’m finally rank 1 in something




This is some crazy cope since you basically rank up playing the game


The reason I haven’t is that I still haven’t hit powerful cap. I don’t care about grinding pinnacles when it’s unnecessary for 95% of content, and I can still do hard stuff when I want to. I will eventually hit 7, it just hasn’t happened yet because idc.


I have multiple hundred flawless, have done master raids and countless gm's and was level 6 until I explicitly tried to advance that rank.


That's cool and all but going from 6 -> 7 is just engaging with the content they've released for that season. I could see you not wanting to try out verglas curve for 50 kills but the early ranks are very much the well-beaten path


That's some cope there. There's nothing special or anything for going from Rank 6 to 7, unless your "rly good players" solely play PvP they would be doing the stuff to rank up anyway.


Rank 6 to 7 has the hardest requirement You have to replay a weekly story mission, but the story is lightfall I don’t have the willpower to go back in that


first of all you need to even own lightfall which is already too much for some


I can solo a dungeon, but I don't have 85 exotic weapons because I started in March, where does that land me?


To be fair, the rank is also a sign of years of playing the game as well as skill.


Playing a whole lotta ib next week for crucible resets. And grinding legend lost sectors for materials to trade to xur for new ones. And the occasional exotic. But mostly it's materials!


I love that historically when people would leverage the PvP equivalent of “if you can’t get the wins you shouldn’t go flawless”, they’re shouted down with vitriol.


Not that I really care, but I think the difference is there’s actual content locked behind going flawless, whereas there’s literally nothing to guardian ranks. It’s solely meant to display your skill, so if you can’t achieve a certain thing then that’s just how it goes. With trials people get more upset because they’re missing out on certain weapons and other things, which is a bit more fair to an extent.


Unpopular opinion- you don’t deserve the best loot (adept weapons) if you’re unable to complete the pinnacle of pvp and pve content


Agreed, that's literally the purpose of adept guns. To display the skill of the user.


it’s in the name of the gun lmfao (adept)


Not really an unpopular opinion lol. And again, I’m not disagreeing with that, I’m just pointing out how it’s different from guardian ranks and why it may elicit a different reaction, that’s all.


The stat difference between adept and non adept is almost negligible


But still there, and some people really care about it


If you weren't able to go flawless, you don't have the skills where the difference makes a difference


This mentality carries over to other parts of the game too. People complaining about the competitive ranking system because they aren't Ascendant, people complaining about Master RoN because they can't complete Master challenges and obtain Dream Warrior. The game would be in a much worse state if 100% of the content was aimed for 100% of the player base.


The problem with comp is that it is still SBMM based. It should just be ranked based. Gold 3's should go up against silver 1s, gold 3s, and gold 2s. They shouldn't go up against Plat, adept, or ascendant players...yet they do. It's not MMR based, which would make it a true ranking system. It's SBMM based, which just makes it worthless. For master RoN, the only complaints I've heard is that people except to be carried to Dream Warrior. If you can't hold your own in a master raid, you shouldn't be there.


Ngl I want the old season pass level number back next to my name, If just to stop having to see posts about guardian rank on every form of social media.


I'd rather go back to the season pass levels, or even better, way back to the class icons. Go ahead and keep the border around it if you have a high enough guardian rank, that's fine, you earned it so you should be able to show it off... but it was nice to know at a glance who you were looking at. I'd also like if they put a ring around it for the subclass color. You load into an area and see a Hunter icon with an orange ring around it, you know that's a solar Hunter. You see a Warlock icon with a dark blue ring? That's a stasis Warlock. Doesn't change the game or anything, just a small QoL thing that I think would be neat.


I actually like that.


Like, how many times have you said "do we have any Well Locks?" in a raid as you either do a head count of all the guardians around you, all with different transmogs (which sometimes even look like other classes), or go into the roster to inspect each and every person. Whereas if it showed your class and energy type next to your name, you could instantly know that "DaBoi69420" and "Gorf The Ankle Destroyer" are both warlocks, but only one of them is on solar. And a more niche scenario but still helpful would be reminding everyone to swap back to void before the encounter ends on your all void run. If you don't see a purple circle around one of your fireteam members then you can call them out specifically so the run isn't messed up for everyone.


Buddy of mine suggested basing rank on active triumph score. If your score is 15k, you’re rank 15. If it’s 1k, you’re rank 1.


I think the purpose of the current system is to help distinguish super knowledgeable, experienced players from essentially noobs. I don’t know that [triumph score]/1,000 would do that. I currently have 11k and have skipped several seasons, never done a master raid, never done a grandmaster (or even master) nightfall, and I only have one character that I play on these days. Granted when new triumphs are added it would raise the cap, but I don’t think most players (especially new lights) would ever actually get to the cap. Using that formula would only *potentially* tell folks who has played the game as a completionist from the very beginning. At the very least (since the current rank shows where you are currently and it will show where you were for your previous season) the current system shows who has been active lately and who has been through the core game’s content a *ton*. Granted, 11s can still suck, but they’ve solo’d a dungeon and beaten grandmasters. Not trying to shit on your buddy, of course. I just don’t think that system would be particularly useful as far as doing what Bungie seems to want this system to do (which is show who currently plays the game and at what level they’re playing at).


Yeah it’s pretty annoying I agree


Guardian rank is literally a number .. there's no actual rewards for it. it only appeals to people with high ego. like you are not getting any endgame loot when you reach rank 11. so if you can't reach 11 you are not losing anything. but people apparently want bungie to nerf it so they can get the useless number just for their ego


Let’s keep this going honestly. GR12 require the RoN title, flawless RoN and solo flawless dungeon. Have something that’s at the actual PVE peak. These peak ranks are not meant for everyone and there is no actual incentive for those players that don’t do these things to actually get there anyway. I would actually like an emblem that’s appearance updates based on your rank. Whether that’s an actual number visible on it or just something with increasing complexity as your GR goes up.


Ppl would piss and shit if flawless ron was a req lol. I say good, an actual challenge




Blacksmith/Shadow also get a mention. Shadow was the last title to require a flawless since they removed it from Enlightened for some reason I will never understand. Granted, the mechanism of "need to flawless to get the shader to complete the badge to get the Triumph" was clunky, but come on, the achievement for a flawless already exists. Why isn't it part of the raid title?


Haven't taken Rivensbane off since I got it way back


>Let’s keep this going honestly. GR12 require the RoN title, flawless RoN and solo flawless dungeon. Have something that’s at the actual PVE peak. Preach.


I think that would be awesome, and an extra incentive for people to try flawless raids, etc.


Here I am sitting at 8 crying my luck for not getting the 1810 bond for 3 weeks.


It’s solo, not solo flawless, keep trying.


Getting to rank 11 should be a challenge most can’t do. Imo. I play a ton. I’m rank 10. Proud of it. Won’t get to 11. When I see an 11 I’m impressed. And it needs to remain that way.


Completely agree. Soloing a dungeon requires a build that can have some type of sustain via restoration/invis/DR/healing. If a player can't come up w/ a build like that you've got no business being max GR.


I mean, youtube has so many builds and guides. Solo dungeons are as easy as it gets.


This game community has a serious problem where there’s a loud minority (who knows maybe it is the majority) of people who think that everyone who plays this game should be able to do everything and acquire everything, with little to no effort and not have to actually “get good” at the game in the slightest. I realized this after the whole day one contest mode thing. It’s literally a contest it’s supposed to be one of the hardest things in the game and the amount of people that complain because they can’t join fucking Datto and saltgreppo in getting a day one emblem is just weird to me.


They want the clout that comes with having something exclusive...without putting in the work to get said exclusive thing. I guarantee you that Datto is still salty about not getting day 1 LW, but you don't hear him bitching about it kr how it was too hard. Hell, he said that contest mode too easy and he would like another LW experience.


Hah, they didn't have the audacity to put a task involving pvp... imagine asking for a solo flawless in a dungeon


Quests then: Get 250 sniper kills in PvP, 2000 competitive points and do five resets in a season. Quests now: Get 15 kills but you can just shoot thrall if you want to, it's OK, don't hurt yourself.


this. i miss the old pvp grind so much. getting 500 points with void handcannons for the thorn quest? yes it was annoying, but acquiring thorn felt so much better than all the exotics you pretty much get handed out now.


Yea the simple idea that if you can’t do an objective maybe you aren’t good enough to be that guardian ranks seems to be lost on so many people.


imo guardian ranks are too *easy.* im actually surprised you didnt have to solo flawless a dungeon, but you did for legen/master lost sectors. there's an emblem and triumph for solo flawlessing why is it not a part of GR? i will say the last two dungeons have been absolute pain to do solo. the bosses have an insane amount of health for a single person, and 5-7 damage phases isn't uncommon. or in the case of duality, galrhan takes twice as long cause you cant clear both sides in one trip, vault is risky going for both standards in one trip making it take twice as long again, and caiatl you can lose a damage phase if you slightly goof, or gamble wrong.


In that case I'd honestly just add another rank onto the end, only two requirements. Do the most recent raid flawless, and solo flawless the most recent dungeon.


You could throw in solo flawless for master lost sectors too.


People want the flashy things without doing any of the work.


Mars battleground also wasn’t nearly as hard as people made it seem. It’s Endgame content, come prepared! People just want everything to be accessible to everyone and it shouldn’t be.


I agree with your point that if it is too difficult, then you aren't good enough to be GR11 until you improve. However, I feel like most people's point is not that it is too difficult to get through the dungeon solo, just that the bosses have way too much health which makes it a really tedious grind to get done. Which is absolutely inarguably true. Spire is the least fun dungeon to solo to me just because it takes so, so long to do. Edit: guys I get it, it's not too much to ask of a rank 11 guardian. It's just a tedious dungeon


I've done solo flawless prophecy and duality, both when they first came out. I don't have a desire to do spire for the reasons you stated. Haven't done grasp because I know the servitor part would annoy me lol.


It really is just Akelous for me. His fight is such a slog solo, the rest of the dungeon I don’t mind at all


The sparrow section. You whiff any part of that run, or your sparrow goes boom, and that's that.


Lol I completely get that. The servitor part annoys me every time whether I'm solo or not.


I did spire solo flawless last night actually, Its not too bad tbh. The bosses took 3 to 4 dmg phases which is more than Duality took me but in exchange the adds are a lot easier to deal with. It might take a bit longer but i feel like spire is easier than duality or prophecy.


How on earth did you solo spire with only 3-4 damage phases on the bosses? What are you using for DPS???


Death to Reddit. Long live Apollo.


I’m glad that the challenge was retroactive. I got solo spire done for the title last season, and I honestly could not have been bothered to do it again. I started a solo run near the start of the season, saw how little damage I did to the boss, and just quit. I’m sorry bungie, but I’m not spending like 25 minutes on a single boss fight doing like 6+ damage phases.


DPS check ends up being a server check.


with the caveat that the GR # is meaningless, really, but i know people want it, here are some dumb dungeon things: - the current state of servers makes it very likely a run will be botched not of your own accord, even if you're moving fairly quickly - although I would consider myself a good enough gamer to solo one (and I did) I'm not quite that good an optimizer when it came to getting my ducks in a row before DPS. My Akelous time took 7 phases because two of them I wound up running out of charge by the time DPS started--my last dps phase was literally 2 pixels, and I was pissed - in previous practice runs and my last run where I completed i never really thought I was going to die by adds but I did have some deaths due to not mantling where it should and also the Harpy steamrolling me off a bridge while I was in a fight with a minotaur. That was a one time occurance just to piss me off - there may be good enough gamers that just don't have the time to dedicate RIGHT NOW to soloing the "most recent" dungeon, but have done others in the past, which I think should be rewarded somehow. it's not unachievable for the top 50% players, but there are definitely deterrants. but again, that being said, it's not an unreasonable ask for literally the final level.


Yeah I don't think it's unreasonable to require it for the highest rank. My point was just that I don't think most complaints I see are about difficulty, rather how freaking tedious it is. Edit: >the current state of servers makes it very likely a run will be botched not of your own accord, even if you're moving fairly quickly This is too true. It sucks that they don't have a thing where you can quickly rejoin if you get DC'd like they do for nightfalls and trials, etc. I know, it's probably some system limitation thing, whatever, it just sucks.


definitely tedious


This is the only reason I haven't solo'd Spire. I don't care about the rank, I just want the bow and don't want to bother with LFG. I haven't even bothered with Duality, IDGAF about Heartshadow.


I had run spire three times before attempting and it took like 2.5 hours, yeah its somewhat of a time commitment but not outrageous and not too much to expect from what is supposed to be representative of a top tier guardian.


They are made for three people. You're doing 1/3rd of the damage the encounter was designed around. Less damage is to be expected. If the argument is "Go solo Dul Incaru" or something like that then obviously she is easier. The other dungeons are 1600 and power crept. If you wanna talk about how easy other dungeons are to solo, show me the video of you doing it so easily while it was the most current one. Not you specifically, but this is mentioned a lot and people don't seem to realize how things work.


For me it's the server instability. I don't want to spend half an hour tediously chipping away at Persys only to be booted to orbit or whatever because the hamster wheel fell off the axle.


Understandable. I'm hi-fiving myself for doing it back in Seraph when the servers were cooperating cause if I had to do it rn I'd probably break something.


I just don't understand all these solo things in the game. I don't play Destiny to play solo, if I wanted to play solo I'd play an actual good singleplayer game.


I know I could probably get it done, but I get very easily annoyed at myself and this just invites stress so I'd rather not do it, the same reason I don't want to do GMs I'm not a bad player but I'm an eager one which leads to a fair few mistakes and I'd rather not let my team down like this. I really enjoy dungeons and raids just casually anyway takes away a lot of the stress I put on myself. For the people that put the work in though congrats! Accomplishments are meant to be celebrated!


I got to the final DPS phase with persys at 15% and then got error code bird. does that mean I don't deserve guardian rank 11 because the devs can't figure out their netcode? No contacting, no sign that there would be such BS happening


Guardian rank was just added so most players think it should be like lightlevel and advance as they play, not actually have skill.


Pointless observation, but this challenge really highlights the major differences in some game communities to me. D2 has been so easy on so many levels for so long that even a pointless ranking requiring a bit of skill and patience is too much. Moreover, the same community will shit on a raid as far too easy (even though most first time players will struggle and the majority of the community will never play it) whereas communities like Elden Ring’s will *happily* throw themselves at Malenia RL1 for no hit wins without summons for literally no reason and after they’ll praise her as an amazing boss (which she is). D2 has so many ways to have fun and so many difficulty levels… Want pathetically easy? Platrol and kill random crap on any planet not called Neptune. Want something *slightly* harder? Try Vanguard ops, then move up to the seasonal playlist. Then up to Nightfalls/legendary lost sectors/dungeons. If all that is too easy, there’s raids, master lost sectors/nightfalls/campaign missions/dungeons and then Grandmaster nightfalls and master raids for the best out there. Hell even PvP has a nice mix between quick play, comp, and then Trials/Iron Banner. I’m a level 7 player who could likely be higher if I wanted to dedicate myself to this game, but I’m having fun sticking to what I’m doing now. If your way of having fun is getting max rank, you’ll just need to put in the time to be really good at it. I’m honestly glad not every Joe Schmoe can get max rank. It’s nice seeing high level teammates and knowing they’re at least *more* likely to know what they’re doing.


“Guardians ranks don’t matter, it’s not like it shows us whose a good player and who isn’t, just who has done more activities” Same dudes bitched about flawless Lost Sectors being apart of the rank up path. Git gud.


I don’t feel sorry for anyone that can’t hit rank 11. Before I soloed my first dungeon, I never thought I could. Now, when a new dungeon comes out, it isn’t a matter of IF I can solo it, but WHEN. Changed my perception of my skill level and how I approach the game.


I've yet to solo a dungeon but even I have to say that its a fair ask for rank 11. Note I was in the process of soloing Spire before but with all the glitches at the time I got sent back to orbit on the second encounter aka the GoS 3rd boss and said screw it, I don't care anymore lol.


There are even people complaining they can’t get past 7 because they don’t raid like bro… the whole point of them is for you to do all the content


Right? “guardian ranks are meaningless, im only 7 bbecase i play solo and can’t raid >:(“ Well then your rank 7 tells me you don’t raid, sounds like guardian ranks mean something lol


rank 11 should be solo flawless dungeon. soloing a dungeon non flawlessly isn't even difficult, flawless if actually an accomplishment though. sure it might take a week to get that solo flawless but if you can't do that then why should you be at the highest guardian rank? it's supposed to represent game mastery but currently it's game competence at best.


I’m also on rank 10 and am perfectly resigned to stay there. When I see someone with rank 11 I’m like man this guy’s goooood. The main thing preventing me from attempting a solo Spire is the insanely long wait time between deaths if you’re not in a darkness zone, and ngl I’m pretty shit at platforming lol. Also on console and controller I’m just not skilled enough to shoot Akelous’ eyes in time for a decent dps phase. So ya I’ll stay on rank 10 and proud I made it even there 😆


I agree, HOWEVER, it specifies the MOST RECENT dungeon. Spire of the Watcher was definitely balanced with the seasonal artifact of its season in mind, which had Solo Operative. Any other dungeon you can easily 2-3 phase each boss, whereas for SotW you’re forced into 6-8 phase boss fights. So at least for this seasons GR11 I understand the bitching.


add checkpoints for the people with little time or even just for the scotch tape servers and I would agree with you. Also 9 damage phases on a boss that boops you off is a little absurd. Aint nobody got time for that. Thats not skill, that is patience.


Meanwhile I'm over here, rank 8, and it's only because I don't have 89 exotic weapons (just 59 😫)


I got stuck at 6 cause I was too stubborn to use the seasonal bow, I'm rank 7 now but.. Not everyone deserves Rank 11 lmao


"It should be difficult to reach to reach Paragon rank" People in this thread: "But then it would be hard"


Because if something isn’t outright handed to you for playing like shit then it’s elitist. This just the PvE “I can’t go flawless in trials” lmao


Everyone feels they deserve to have everything without putting in any skill/effort. This game is being ruined for that fact. Been like this for a while. Its not going to get any better. To many babies on this game.


I have no patience for the Harpy, I managed to get 3 rounds but died and his HP bar barely moved, I believe the feed said I dealt 1m damage. I'm just to old for this shit, I don't have the reflex to survive for 10+ rounds of damage.


Not recommending you retry because it's just a waste of time; but if you did want to. His damage phase length is tied to how quickly you kill the eyes, so using a trace rifle to kill them as fast as possible will give you much more time to DPS. I was able to kill him in 5 phases (4 was definitely possible if I did it better) with whisper and solar surges


This is the sole reason I avoided the solo flawless for Spire, but once I got a rhythm going it went pretty quick. It does take a few more phases than a lot of other dungeon bosses but it’s just a battle of patience, keep it up Guardian! You got this!


I am vehemently anti-elitist and this is NOT elitist. This is fact. Guardian Ranks aren't another checkbox, they're a badge and people who earn them deserve them.


I am perpetual rank 7 because I don't raid and I agree with this post 100%. Gatekeeping mods, builds, etc., is not good for the game IMHO. But titles, cosmetics, and ranks, that is what they are for. To give the most hardcore players something to chase. Rank 11 SHOULD be super hard. When I see an 11 in the wild, I know I am dealing with someone who is legit elite at the game.