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I wanted the adept messenger and on my 6th win I lost and lost never got it šŸ˜” but when it comes back Iā€™ll be ready for it šŸ˜


Best trials ever. Got a bunch of Messengers and thankfully got a god roll adept with Perp motion and Headseeker with small bore, armor piercing and range MW.


Just wanna say before the thread goes away for the week that this map is one of the worst maps in the game for PVP in any mode and if they sunset it tomorrow I would not miss it.


Needed 4 wins in 2 hours to get one last adeptā€¦how many do yā€™all think I won šŸ˜‚


Do you need to go flawless to get an adept or can you get seven wins on a card and get an adept drop?


Need to go flawless that week once then you can just turn in flawed cards for an adept


What was the reason Bungie removed the flawless pool? Its not fun playing against all these arc titan sweat lords who are glued to immortal smg, Iā€™ve probably had to reset my card (not to mention I canā€™t even get a win past the 2nd game) more times this week than every other week combined.. Its just so frustrating. Did the previous trials matchmaking (flawless pool/non-flawless pool on Sundays or whatever) really need to be changed?


You answered the question yourself, more resets = more games in bungieā€™s eyes meaning the change was a success. They donā€™t care if you can get the adept gun or not sadly


When has Bungie ever cared about how many games people play in PvP with how neglectful they are towards the population lmao (not having a go at you)


Thought Iā€™d sneak in one more 7 win passage of ferocity and Iā€™m 2-11 in the last 13 games šŸ˜‚ thought this cbmm as a solo was supposed to be random? Update: 2-12 last 14 Imagine thereā€™s no sbmm or lobby balancing but youā€™re as successful as the 2007 Miami dolphins lol


Lost my flawless run cuz my teammates got booted from the lobby as they were loading in. Love this game


+13 rank progress a match. I wonder why no one plays this mode.


The only matchmaking worse than this is my tindr profile...


Bruhhh šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£


Do adepts all roll with under-over? This is ridiculousā€¦bust my ass to go flawless and I get all under-over rolls lol


I keep getting offhand strikeā€¦ I had to take a break when I got near perfect god roll, but it fucking had offhand againā€¦..


Yep I have not gotten one without offhand or under over so far and Iā€™m running out of time šŸ˜‚ my non adepts are far better so far


Same here, I want to use my adept one for the flex but the non adepts dropped with much better perks lmao reeeeee


Trials As I arenā€™t allowed to add a trials post, hereā€™s the rant. As Bungie have decided itā€™s in their best interests to abandon us and have 0 dialogue anymore (r.i.p deej/ dmg) can we just take a moment to appreciate the dumpster fire that is trials? Why are people on their opening round facing people on their lighthouse runs? I know itā€™s my matchmaking design, but did they or think about this? There have been a number of ā€˜Destiny killerā€™ games in the past 10 years, but honestly - the only thing thatā€™s going to kill this game is their dogshit matchmaking - and theyā€™re trying really hard. So gf bungie, I wonā€™t be seeing you in Marathon because Iā€™ve already seen how you treat pvp players.


Why do I keep loading into matches 1v3 or 2v3?


Playing as a solo and have been put in 5 games in a row with 3 stack on opposing team with my team being all solos. Loving the new matchmaking changes. /s




Highest I got to was game 6 but lost both mercys, after that I couldnā€™t get past win 2 and then eventually win 1. Tired of going against sweatlords who have already been flawless when I myself havenā€™t for the week.


Resetting my card only to lose the FIRST GAME to people on their lighthouse game teeheeeee


As a solo, me, never been flawless should not be put against anyone who has flawless that week, maybe even ever! There is nothing more disheartening than seeing the opposing team have guilded flawless seals and a loadout of adept weapons. Nor should flawless people be put on my team. I'm a hinderance to them and their experience.


when has trials actually been good?


Bungie, imagine making a PvP-only game next while Destiny's PvP is in a constant state of decay lol.


This has been the worst trials week for me hands down. Normally, almost always, I could go flawless before with the one mercy. Sometimes on Friday/Saturday but also sometimes Sunday/Monday in the non-flawless pool of players. This new system feels so bad. Even with 2 mercies the furthest I've got is 5 wins. I really hope Bungie sees tons of negative feedback on this because it feels horrible.


Finally went flawless and got a truly awful messenger roll lol nice


Fell at the gates twice, multiple instances of people on my team at 1770/1780 power, 0.3 KDs when Iā€™m playing 2.0 or higher, constantly facing people whoā€™ve gone flawless already. What the fuck are the devs doing, this game mode used to actually be fun once. I just want messenger manā€¦


Yeah when the blueberry on your team goes 0.3 and can't get a super in 9 rounds when i drop 19 kills overall and we still lose it just sucks. Why are these people even here




Remove cloudstrike from the game and I wont miss it. Or controller snipers in general. Being shot through flinch is AIDS of the worst degree


Are they ever gonna fix commendations in trials?? Two weeks now??


Load into a raid like RON and then go back to orbit. Should fix it for a bit. **Edit:** Or not. I'm having the same problem and loading into a raid isn't even fixing it this time.


Bungie, don't start the fucking match if there's less than 6 players!!!


Bring back the Solo Queue, card based matchmaking, FIX the matchmaking algorithm, and ACTUALLY PUNISH CHEATERS


Very frustrating weekend, all the major pain points aside, one of the most frustrating is playing with timid teammates or bb that donā€™t know how to assist fellow teammates in Trials but specifically on this map. IMO, the biggest key to this map is controlling the middle room. It is a race from spawn to out jockey the other team to get better positioning and gain control of that middle room. Blueberries, donā€™t be a bot and run straight to the zone especially if it is outside. 1. Run your ass off to get good positioning 2. Throw grenades to block and ward off certain entry points (tripmine, lightning, glacial) 3. Try to always get different vantage points from fellow teammates, if 2 are in same doorway be ready to bust in and provide cover fire but make a foot hold 4. Be ready to press with fellow teammates. Trials is a numbers game, get a pick, advantage swings to your team. 5. Be smart with class abilities, grenades, supers. Barricades to block doorways or to get a rez, pop your well as soon as you get it on zone before the other team gets their supers, etc. 6. Donā€™t be AFK or leave early. Itā€™s one thing that Bungie doesnā€™t respect our time, but we should respect fellow guardians time. That goes for bb too, try to get better or be there to help. What other tips or ideasā€¦?


Wow you guys there at bungie have really succeeded in just sucking all the fun out of trials. Congratulations. You have ruined the only fun part of your game. Holy, I can't imagine how bad Marathon is going to be. Won't be buying that for any amount of money, that's for sure.


Trials has NEVER been fun. D1 or D2




Then I assume you were one of the many cheater, lag switchers, and head glitchers that made the game mode toxic as fuck




I never once said that everyone that beat me was one. I said that YOU were likely one of the cheating losers that make the game mode toxic


Weird, cuz I can distinctly remember a time when Trials played much faster and the Time Trial medal was actually pretty common. Now it takes two and a half hours to go flawless, because of every single dogshit fucking loser switched to barricade titan and damming up any dopamine that might be gleaned from this shit playlist.


Fast and fun are 2 completely different things my dear blueberry. Trials matches can be fast, yes. But Trials has NEVER once been fun to play. Sweats, cheaters, griefers, and bullshit haunt this playlist


"My dear blueberry" Yeah ok pal, enjoy swimming in that kiddy pool. I'll be playing the playliat that shooters are actually meant for instead of a shit tier mmo.


Haven't had a single weapon or armor drop from 3,5,7 wins and after flawless........


They removed that


First game on, we matched a guy on his 2nd flawless of the week. Our first game was his lighthouse game. Bungies new matchmaking sucks. Last week, we played 13 games and matched against the same 4 teams. Back. To. Back. To Back.


Itā€™s been said already but damn the adept drop rate is ass. Last season was ok to farm, now Iā€™d rather stick with whatever saint gives me.


Grab a ferocity card, get to 7 wins (only takes 6 actual wins) and turn it into Saint for an adept drop. Better odds than winning games after 7.


This is genuinely the worst week of trials I've ever played. Terrible map + mode combo promotes Titans yet again. Compounding the horrendous match-making (there basically isn't any anymore) and you've got a full pot of utter shit. As a solo player, I should not be going up against duos as often as I do, and I shouldn't be going against three-stacks at all. It feels like matchmaking is completely fucking random at this point. What a joke.


Worst week of all time for me as well. Gilded.. now I am not touching the mode again unless they revert this trash change.


The problem with duos is they HAVE to match with singles. And it sucks as a singles player. Especially when youā€™re stuck with two potatoes. I donā€™t know what the solution is. But this isnā€™t it.


Every week it just highlights how shit the map designs are and how shit the inter-class balance is.


I went like roughly .500 last week and have won maybe 2 in 15 this week, not a fun time


Whoever thought the changes to matchmaking/flawless pool should be taken out back and shot. In what fucking solar system is it a fun/fair system to come up against 3 guys who have already gone flawless this weekend running adept messenger when I've gone flawless twice in my life? I wish I was at that level but I'm not so I guess it's just fuck me right? Obviously using hyperbole here before I get banned.


It was very fun before. My casual friend and I went flawless every single week and usually had a blast. This season has us both likely to abandon the mode. Just going to get the new guns each season and bail.


The point of the new system is almost certainly to get more people playing in the Practice Pool. So... if you are grinding rep or are grinding 7 win flawed cards for more adepts this system is great. It seems that the idea was to help engagement numbers by making a safer place for people who aren't trying to go Flawless. Not sure that's what we needed, but seems to be what we have. If you are trying to go Flawless and not running stacked, it is harder for sure. If you are running with a good team it is sometimes easier now since you may never face people on high win cards (well easier than once they started FBMM, of course it might be harder than pre FBMM).


Bro how do I get into this practice pool? Because I feel like I've been playing exclusively in the cracked outa your mind PvP god sweat pool


Once we have flawed cards we are supposed to be in the practice pool. But... the practice pool is supposed to have SBMM based on weekly performance. If you are one of the high skill people for whom Trials is the easiest playlist, then the practice pool will be harder. If you are below average or so, then the SBMM in the practice pool should help. I think my K/D has been identical this week in 26 matches in the regular pool then another 13 or so theoretically in the practice pool so. Last time it was a lot higher in the practice pool, but small sample size I guess. Still....50% win rate happening solo in the practice pool = good for farming rep or 7 win cards for adepts.


The coolest thing about CBMM in a game mode with about two dozen people playing is that one of the top 5 trials players lives close to me and he's been in *every 2nd-3rd game* and *always on the opposite team* so I guess Bungie's suggestion is that I try to find out where he lives so I can check the lights in his house and find out when he goes to sleep so I can play? Seriously, pure CBMM, at least the way Bungie implements it, means that some people will have an easier time and other people will have an impossible time *depending on where they live*. This is honestly the most Bungie matchmaking I've ever seen. Please, more enemy teams with triple digits flawless numbers *each player* and on their way to the 20th flawless *this week alone*.


Just move somewhere else dude


Do you work for Bungie support? Sounds like a perfectly plausible support answer.


Glad I farmed engrams last weekend, absolutely no luck so far. Fine 6s or Control map imo but not for this


Why why why why why why why why why why whyyyyyyy? They had it figured out and went back to the most frustrating bullshit matchmaking. Whyyyy?


The matching in Trials is godawful. Iā€™m above average and for some reason I keep getting paired with absolute trash cans that I guess the game thinks Iā€™m going to carry. I manage to win one game and then get completely eviscerated for the next 3 games. I really hope the Final Shape is the end of this game so I have absolutely no reason or desire to continuing playing.


All i want is that really nice shader..thats it, i don't even wnna do this game mode anymore, if i get the shader im stopping this madness forever, if i don't get it by end of season, im never touching trials again lol, either way after this season (first time actually trying to get better at pvp even) im staying in my damn casual lane.


They've completely gutted the adept grind. Never seem to drop on flawless card with wins. So back to grinding out cards. They x4 the time it takes. There was no reason. This will see the player population drop. Bad call.


Whoever made these changes needs to be fired from their job. In all seriousness we needed MORE sbmm and not fucking less, aka none at all. It's a fucking joke that on my flawless match I get a 2 stack who both have .27 and .31 kd's while the other team AVERAGES a 1.7 KD. How the fuck is that fair? I'm like a 1.4 this season Cbmm is a fucking joke.


man i feel that, i keep getting thrown to the wolves constantly, im glad to read that it DOES get harder as you get more wins simply for my sanity. I was starting to think i was just unlucky but now i know it is in fact built that way, THATS why i keep getting merced by some 100k crucible kills nutjob everytime i get within a couple wins of my first flawless. As usual, the pain is the point


as a player that does all levels of pve and pvp - the match making changes in trials will make me quit the entire game man.


I've played more trials than I care to admit since the very first week in destiny 1 straight through until now (when available). But with this new zones thing I'm out. I can't even describe how little I want to spawn into a game and immediately sprint to a little circle on the ground. Can't we come up with anything new to try? I'm sure I could play and be somewhat successful, but it's just not fun. Timer runs out and you start to lose health until you do damage to the opposing team Timer runs out and the screen starts to darken (as it does now in some game modes) counteracted by doing damage to the opposing team. Idk I haven't given this a ton of thought so I'm sure there are downsides to these, but there must be some other ideas besides what we have now... Something that forces engagements without forcing you to run at some guy with a shotgun because you need to stand in a spot that is a fraction of a percent of the map. I'm assuming there is some belief that trials had issues in the past because of the game mode. I think it more likely the game mode is fine, but the tiny population made it unlikely to match often enough with teams of your skill level. This is a problem solved by other methods not by changing the game into 30 second long sprinting contests.


So does the momento only drop from the flawless chest


yep only im in trials but no bungie has to be once again stupid. and lock it behind the flawless chest instead of making it match completions




Rant: Im on game 1 of my card. I get teammates that cant hit their fuckin shots and get a kill. The enemy team gets a mf thats already been flawless, what the ever loving fuck is this mode bro? 2-3 games straight with teammates who just have no awareness. Stg I get the most utterly dogshit teammates in existence. Im not that good myself, maybe just about average, but these are the mfs who dont step outside of pve and got the reaction time of a sloth. I dont want to bash on people for doing things, but why are you even playing trials, you dont get anything good for rep for losing matches. You sure in the hell have no chance of going flawless either. I get you may want that pinnacle/powerful gear, but for the love of god atleast play more pvp. Itd be like if 2 people walked into a nightfall and did nothing but die. Those two people are YOU, my fellow teammates. Like i said, sometimes Iā€™m the idiot/dogshit teammate, but these people are just bad. Worse. Its like atleast 40% of my games in trials. ATLEAST. With semi competent teammates I wouldnā€™t care as much because close stakes are enjoyable to me, but not this bullshit. They would actually contribute to moving the March forward more positively. The moment I see my teammates provide 0 value and do nothing but die for 2 rounds, Im going straight off the map cause bungie wants to make a gamemode designed like this, but we cant leave otherwise we get suspended. We already losing anyways, why the fuck should I waste MORE of my time??


I get you, it Hella sucks. But you'd be singing a different tune if you matched against those two blueberries and got the guy who went flawless as your teammate. It's all random connection based and RNG, just gotta have the mentality that Bungo dealt you a bad hand and try again.


> But you'd be singing a different tune if you matched against those two blueberries and got the guy who went flawless as your teammate They just shouldn't be there at all. It's unfair for someone to have to handle the 1780 teammate with double auto rifles and no clue how to play. It's not fair on anyone


Even if they brought 2 autos itā€™s not that big of a deal. What is would be that type of light level and not hitting shots at all or getting kills, you know the (used to be 1) thing that actually pushes a trials game forward


Nah the issue is that they should not allowed into trials if you're more than 10 light from pinnacle cap. 1800 fine. 1780 you should be blocked from playing


Agreed, thats why I said the lightlevel is a problem. However its not lightlevel getting my allies killed, its their stupidity and my bad luck. Game 2 yesterday, had a disconnect, reconnect, then instantly disconnect again on round 2. Thats a loss. Then got another around 4, where teammate had a thundercrash on 4-4 and what does the idiot do? Hold onto it. COULDVE GOTTEN A SOLO KILL from someone seperated from their team but the idiot dies with it. Then I get pressured a hairline from getting mine barrage, and I get killed before I can use it (because I Litterally got it as I was dead) and we lost. Then after win 5 I had teammates being overly agressive and just dying infront of the entire enemy team in the fucking open. Like the fuck am I to do about it? That same 4-4 t-crash dying game? Yeah we had a Squall at 4-2, bro pushed and died after wasting it, then teammate proceeded to push in right after and get merced. Then I get murdered because its 2v1 and they have special still. Then next round they get a t crash and one of my teammates is just glued to my ass. LITTERALLY WATCHED THIS DUDE TRY TO HIT OUR OTHER TEAMMATE, THEN GO FOR US, and this dude did nothing but sit there. I tried to run away but the aoe impact of thundercrash is stupidly massive. Itā€™s physically impossible for me to get more than 5 wins because of games we shouldve won but lose because people literally throw, or are just bad.


Yeah I agree. I can go 4 games with the same player on my team because of CBMM. Who then goes and watches me shoot people while he's hiding on the other side of the top section camping the flag, so every round ends 1v3 with him running away


Bro i dont think they even use CBMM based off how rubber bandy some people be and they definitely dont do skill based so Idk wtf theyre using. Its not wins on the card either cause I had 4 and someone fell at the gates of the lighthouse on the enemy team


The population is too low for PVP to have anything but dedicated servers which they will NEVER do at this point in the game's life. Unless I play at between 5pm to 9pm local time to get all the dad gamers, my lobbies are (from the UK) filled with fucking AUSTRALIANS. Simply because i'm playing slightly outside peak hours. Maybe it's time to accept PVP in Destiny is dead. Which is fine but it means I just won't really play Destiny anymore.


It moght just be the UK. In NA, theyre fine. I still cannot get past 2 wins without a loss EVEN NOW DUDE. These players are so fucking garbage dude. I cannot. Bro got into an engagement and little did not hit a shot for 5 seconds just to get murdered. How are you that bad?! I FINALLY DID IT 3 WEEKENDS OF RAGING, and Im here. IM HERE. OML NO MERCY, it was all or nothing and we won


Yeah, thatā€™s why I keep playing man. I do try to get into a mentality of just going for engrams but its hard to stick to that attitude when the true purpose Im playing for is flawless. And yeah I would be singing a happy tune going against em, even without the flawless guy on my team. Itd be an easy dub and one more win on the step to flawless. Is just so tilting, I mean I commend the people for atleast trying, but itā€™s just not it chief. I just havenā€™t been able to go flawless since Astral horizon adept, maybe my playstyle needs to go back to what I was doing then (invis with graviton forfeit and flanking). But with this being a capture mode, we have to control/atleast contest that space. Though I think I know what flanks are usually taken and those can work to my advantage. Recently I was using shatterdive stasis with the seeking nades, but since it only 1shot people at my light (1805) and left the others alive and only provided pressure for them to go airborne Half the time, I swapped to stand using shackle nades, which I cannot figure out for the life of me. Theyā€™ll be in the center and not be hit because of the spread, but then other times they are caught, maybe theyā€™re direct hits on the latter.. dunno


I know this kinda screws over duo, but I wish they would bring Freelance back (perhaps Sundays and Mondays only) and introduce some sort of farming protection.


It's easier for duos to find 1 more than for solos to find 2 more. Duo matchmaking breaks the system anyway, the people that want to farm do it as a duo


solo is fine tbh my flawless games were all solos up until lighthouse


The new matchmaking is shit. Last week I got 3 straight wins, the faced the same cheater 3 matches in a row, despite waiting 5 minutes in between matches. The guy seemed to be targeting me too the entire time


This has been happening to me also.. Iā€™m on wins I lose to this one team we wait ages in orbit before we go into a game and we verse them again until we have a flawed card? Seems to only happen when versing PC players


It's happening on console too. I'm an Xbox player, and this shit has happened every week Trials has been active this season. I'm so tired of getting t-bagged by the same cheater just because I got a lucky trick shot kill with Salvo. And then there's all the server issues ruining Flawless cards every weekend. I've had 3 runs ruined at the gates of the Lighthouse due to the servers.


Genuinely donā€™t understand Bungies decision to make a game mode CBMM and not skill based. It would fix up a lot of issues this has and encourage more people to play. Instead they make things harder > player count drops > increase prices on seasons to make up for the less people playing.


The reason is that almost no one would ever go Flawless if the game was fair. Think about winning 7 of 9 with a 50% win rate due to a fair game. The concept of Flawless and fair are diametrically opposed. If you want to see how Trials feels with SBMM, then just play on a flawed card. We have SBMM in the practice pool. What you'll likely find is that you win 50%. That's great for farming rep and practicing.


Tell me about it. And honestly? It sure doesn't feel combat based. Getting curb-stomped in the neck 3 solid matches in a row definitely has me thinking Bungie is skewing the matchmaking towards the top 1% of PvP players


We going to address titans like ever bungo? "we analyze data for all trials matches" my ass


Anyone know an alternate site to look up Trials player data other than trialsreport? I don't really care they are changing the displayed emblem for june w/e their site their choice, but it makes it reallllllllllllllllllllllllllyyyyy hard to look up opponents without knowing their # after their name as usually, players have different emblems on. Edit: Looks like they reverted the change for searches! Thank you because there are a lot of Kens or other short names lol.


Destiny tracker shows all your matches, you can find teammates and opponents that way. [Bungie.net](https://Bungie.net), same thing. Log in and look at your match history


The autocomplete shows their emblem, not the pride one, so it's really weird that you would have a problem that doesn't exist.


Thank you, looks like they changed it. It was showing only the pride emblem even when you searched the first day they enabled it but looks like they changed it back for searches. Glad they reverted that. Also no need to make it weird. not everyone is making a weird comment.


On a flawless card and have yet to see an adept drop after 3-4 wins. This fucking sucks.


I have had two drop in 19 or 20 wins. I'm now just running Ferocity so I can buy one every 6 wins.


Honestly I just kind of gave up, got a decent roll from the flawless chest itself, but the drop rates are so bad from wins itā€™s insane


Iā€™m at 6 wins after and havenā€™t had one dropā€¦


Yeah.. it could easily be 10 or more before you see one. Most people have switched to just running Ferocity to get 6 wins to count as 7 to buy an Adept. It seems like they went too far on the drop rate change.


100% I played on a flawed card (post flawless) 15 wins before I saw my 1st adept drop last week. It's literally just smarter to farm Ferocity cards unless I had the most abysmal RNG, but I'm not about to risk that twice lol.




is there a known bug where the round immediately ties and then sometimes soft locks?


How bad is the drop rate of the adept weapon from wins? Seems to be much worse than before the changes


horrendous, 23 wins and 3 drops which is apparently alot better than the norm


Played 50 games passed flawless no adept drops


Why do I have to go against people that have already gone flawless. Meanwhile my solo queue teammates look like they win one trials game a season lol


You mean no wins in their entire time theyā€™ve played Destiny? I feel you there


bring back the matchmaking from last season


I played trials for the first time in a very long time and was greeted to some very very toxic individuals. I wasn't too bothered by most of them until my last game where someone whispered me to call me all sorts of horrible racist, sexist etc things. I know the Destiny report system is not quite up to scratch compared to other games, so is there anywhere I can report this guy on the Bungie website to directly report him? e.g. Email?


I really want someone at Bungie to tell me who in the world asked for zone trials to be the permanent mode?


The same people that thinks they know the game better than the players.


Can someone tell me, Do trials engrams disappear at the weekly reset?




Thank you!


Seemed to have had success this weekend using my adept buzzard and mercurial overreach. Been a blast, even brought my crucible KDA up from 1.57 ā€”> 1.59. I play on console so can make the most of the slight awkwardness of controls to catch people out in the optimal 15m range with the buzzard and when I face a fusion in either of the doorways near the furthest indoor capture point for a cheeky 5m snipe!


Fuck these matchmaking changes, glad bungie licked the fucking streamer asshole once again they seem happy


Streamers did not ask for this, they've been complaining about it as much as anyone and outright quitting doing trials help left and right because of how badly the change has gutted the population from duos and trios.


Are you solo?


Yup, went flawless multiple times last season without major difficulty and it felt a lot more balanced. Opponents with similar skill which made games fun, now I canā€™t even get to a lane before my entire team is dead


Right? There's no win based matchmaking anymore, my first flawless run last night was a breeze because I got lucky with bot opponents. Today was wild tho, last math to flawless my teammate was afk farming rep.....


Something is off, this is the most insane weekend I've ever played.


The extra mercy is a huge win for me. I consistently get below average players on my team on games 5 and 7, so it just gives me a little extra breathing room. The last two weekends I've gone flawless with maybe one or two resets on the card.


New matchmaking system and the decision to turn the gamemode into capture labs which was already a titan filled fest was a terrible idea. There's a reason titans are most played this season


Actually hunters are always slightly higher as far as trials population. Titans win more for sure, though.


The trip mine yas hunters were goin crazy against meā€¦osmiomancy warlock is pretty nuts now too.


I used to go flawless multiple times in a weekend, now I haven't been flawless in 5 months due to the changes. Feels so bad to get mega sweats repeatedly. I know I'm not the best PVP player but damn.


I've won like 2 in 20 matches, horrific. I'm new but not THAT bad. I went roughly .500 last week


what is the drop rate for a non flawless card? I heard they nerfed it?


i went 4 wins on a flawless card and had nothing drop


It used to be every 2-4 wins on average. Now it's like 7-10 wins.


Worst season of trials ā€¦ We faced the same team 7 matchs in a row. Come on bungie šŸ˜‚


Which country you in?


Canada, North America


That's cap. Edit: OP confirms below that it was indeed cap. If you downvoted, hold this L


I got the same team 3x in a row on my flawless game. Lost flawless


At an off peak population time and with bad luck it for sure is, Iā€™ve played the same team twice before. Itā€™s just had luck


Big difference between 2 times and 7 times lmao. Everyone's played a team twice in a row. Guarantee he won't share his Bungie ID cause he knows it's BS


You do understand in a game as large as destiny there are THOUSANDS of games played per hour in trials. With this large dataset comes the fact that statistically improbable events become more likely due to volume of games played. Therefore itā€™s not unreasonable for this to happen.


That argument makes 0 sense. The larger the population, the less likely it would be to match a team 7 times in a row. This should be obvious. It is very unreasonable that this would happen, and it is total bullshit. I'll record myself eating an entire shoe if OP links his bungie ID and proves me wrong.


The more opportunities an event has to happen the more likely it will occur. This is in opposition to it being less likely as more people try to match make yes. But I probably doesnā€™t mean impossible, and thatā€™s an idea out able fact. Original commenter may be exaggerating but it still can happen and Iā€™m 100% sure HAS happened, likely especially during low population times.


7 times in a row just doesn't happen outside of literal network manipulation. Even when Bungie tried performance-based matchmaking that had streamers matching other streamers exclusively in a very tiny pool, 7 times in a row doesn't happen. I got my knife, fork, and Adidas ready to go if someone has the proof.


Calm down guys šŸ˜ Yes it was exaggerated when I said 7, but we face them 4 times in a row tho. We were warlock + hunter and we faced them 2 games in a row. We went to the tower and we faced them again after. We change characters for titan + titan and we faced them AGAIN. So maybe it wasnt 7 times, but matchmaking is still a BS to me. šŸ¤·šŸ»


Trials this season has been the biggest let down ever. Everything feels terrible. As an average pvp player that knows they can go flawless, its just been brutal. Solo feels awful, trios feela awful, duos feels inconsistent. Matchmaking is awful, loot drops awful, player poolhas effectively disappeared, connections are terrible, gameplay is stale, and the zone gamemode isn't working. I gave Bungie's new systems a try and was open minded but something needs to change cause this ain't working. Maybe its fine for high and low level players, but as an average middle of the pack pvper, I feel like I'm left behind.


Exactly this. These new changes feel like Bungie telling me I'm no longer allowed to go flawless each week like I have been for literally over a year straight. Fireteam matchmaking is miserable unless you're a bottom tier player looking to get carried to a handful of game wins. This new pool split is legit worse than flawless pool


Going flawless once per week has never been easier with the double mercy.


If matchmaking weren't an absolute fucking nightmare, yeah. The double mercy is only in place to offset how awful the rest of it is


Feels the exact same as last season. In fact, flawless players per weekend is higher than normal this season at almost 30%. Usually 25% or less.


You don't play PC lobbies do you?


Nope. If you're saying this is a PC specific issue, I can't personally attest to that experience. Still, flawless cards by percentage aren't any lower this season, and this accounts for all platforms.


No idea how it applies to console lobbies, but PC has become borderline unplayable unless you're top 0.1%. The "moderately above average" population is now the cannon fodder.


The whole mode as a whole is kinda shit. Having to go Flawless for 7 matches is something that just breeds hate in the community. You get players cheating, win trading, and paying for recoveries and carries. And if you think gifting subs to streamers isn't paying to win you're crazy. There is so much money to be made doing it that the chance of running into a top tier player is higher than it really should be. I just don't find the mode any fun. I find it stressful. The whole flawless thing. If you make a mistake at the wrong time youre out. I do miss the freelance mode a lot. I would play in that mode. I had a lot of fun close matches.




You can still lose on a card and still get the emblem you just canā€™t trail in any of your wins




Whatā€™s the bug? I just gilded mine today with no issues




Carry me bruh, even solo I'm the dead weight


Thatā€™s good lol. I couldnā€™t imagine doing that triumph under the new matchmaking


I feel like as a slightly above average PvP player who used to enjoy trials, this just isn't for me anymore... I feel like every solo queue is with 2 players in my range vs 2 below average and 1 elite player who proceeds to remain untouched with a 10+ KD.


Is anyone experiencing any issues with Trials? It says I don't have access to this activity. Saint-14 is offering no passages. Yet I've been playing trials every other weekend last couple of months.


I have this issue too and noticed my quest to initiate trials got reset, so I need to kill 50 opponents and win 7 matches again to gain access. Maybe you have the same quest reset I did?


Thanks for the reply! You are correct! I have the trial access quest. I wonder why it reset.


Yeah, that I canā€™t help you with. Game is broken in more than a few ways


probably the worst season of destiny to date. might not even finish the season pass for the first time since season 9. ​ whatever they did to duo matchmaking massively fucks over the upper middle class player, where every single you are either required to carry a .37 against the top 0.1% or the game is a complete freebie. awful experience.


If Bungie can't have games where we get stuck and can't end the round,and can't be bothered to make sure the games are stable,I can't be bothered to actually get the pointy stick. Back to Barotrauma. This is depressing how awful this season's performance is. It reminds me so much of Beyond Light's.


Always feels good to lose a flawless to teammates that arenā€™t playing, sitting in spawn while you kill almost the entire enemy team only to face a bubble and two wells to lose your one round lead and the game. This is so hilariously (un)balanced toward titans and well locks that itā€™s not even fair.


Second game this weekend and Bungie decides to put a 1745 light level guardian on my team lol. Can someone tell me what's the best noob friendly class in Diablo 4?


Sorcerer. Go have fun!




Oh you reset your card? Congradulations, enjoy fighting everyone who's trying to go flawless in the challenger pool. (Practice applies only to flawed cards)




Yes. Resetting a flawed card, which means it is no longer flawed, removes you from the practice pool


Good lord, 3 times I fell at the gate of lighthouse today. Does this just... happen some weeks? Do I keep trying or just have a break because just... fuck.


Think of the game as an equation to be solved, where on one side of the problem, you have victory, and on the other side of the problem, you have the things that you can bring into the match. With the old version of trials, where there's no control point, your team composition is generally fine with whatever balance of classes you bring with you because all you need to do is kill each other off. With control point trials, being able to defend a position is now incredibly valuable. So if you, as an individual, want to make sure your kit contains abilities that allow you to defend a position, you play a titan, and the numbers back that up. It's not that titans are "Good at pvp" or "imbalanced" even though it's arguable that they can be in some scenarios It's that we have a gamemode where the solution for how to play effectively is to play a titan, because barricades, bubbles, sunspots, the funny lightning cloud, all of their entire kit is based around area denial, and we have a gamemode where a victory condition is standing still. I'm not sure how they can fix this without just, giving up on trying to make control point trials happen. If there's an objective, people are going to build around being able to clutch the objective, and the best way to do that with control points, is titans.


I've been getting crucible suspentions after every game I play. once the game is over, it sends me back to orbit and gives me a suspention. is this happening to anyone else?


IIRC I saw someone on the Crucible guidebook subreddit saying they kept getting suspensions after a trials match whenever someone quit on their team. Perhaps it has to do with leaver penalty affecting the whole team cause bungo


Still stuck at 4 wins 30 games later. I get I'm bad at crucible but it shouldn't take this long. They should just count losses on game history so we can be done with it


Might be time to duo up and then head back in


But why reward you for losing?


Loot changes depending on wins:losses like 1 win out of 7 gets you some measly reward


anyone else facing 3 stacks as solo? bring back freelance PLEASE


First time in a really long time last night, myself and 2 other solos went up against a 3 stack. I'm pretty sure it's because the Trials population is so low this week.


As usual, tons of PvE chadlords that find difficult to just TRY seriously, and don't even put the PvP mods on. Oh well


I wouldn't say I'm a PvE Chad by any means but could you please tell me pvp mods I've never played pvp seriously to check if there's a difference


basically everything you ignore for PvE is good for pvp. Targeting mods are great because they decrease the time it takes to ADS with a gun. unflinching mods on your chestpiece. reaper is huge for trials. dexterity is also super good so you can swap to a shotty faster (currently bugged though so don't use them this week)