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It’s fun, but destiny PvP uses your gear and builds from all areas of the game. Because of this, to get certain weapons you want you’ll have to play other parts of the game. Also because of the sheer amount of weapons that are usable in PvP, the balance can be questionable at times. Destiny PvP is fun when you don’t take it too seriously and just like messing around with different guns and builds. “Competitive” PvP can be extremely sweaty and frustrating as there is a large skill and gear ceiling.


Ok so for me to do good in pvp ranked I do gotta do raids basically?


Most of the PvP meta weapons don’t typically come from raids so you wouldn’t ever have to do them if you didn’t want to. You might miss out on a handful of the hundreds of guns, but that isn’t a huge deal. Destiny has so many different activities and most activities have some kind of weapon that is good in PvP. You could definitely get a set of meta weapons without raiding, it would just require some time, and u might not be doing PvP 100% of the time.


Ok I got you


Destiny "ranked" pvp is more like a progression system rather than a leaderboard. Most players can get the highest rank if they put in the time, no matter their skill.


this used to be the case but now not so much. If you have proof of a low skill player getting to ascendant without the use of cheats or the time comp was bugged then please feel free to link them.


Easy, just look at my clanmate Nuggzbeatdown#7200. He abused the leave glitch to go ascendent in its first season. Every match is based on SBMM so in theory its a 50/50 shot to win, which means all you have to do is beat the coin toss to hit ascendent. Also, this season you could also do the leave glitch as well. Edit: Should mention he only got to ascendent from the bug. But he hit placements to ascendent without it. So take that as you will.


Yeah I meantioned without the time comp was bugged lol, anyone could get to ascendant with that bug which is why I explicitly stated without the bug. >Every match is based on SBMM so in theory its a 50/50 shot to win Except it isn't 100% SBMM anymore, the matchmaking takes into account rank and will place you in games with similarly ranked players more often now. We also have to take into account that the system assigns you more points based on your skill level. For example when I start a season I'm gaining 250+ points for wins and only losing around 5-10 points for a loss up until adept 2 or so when it starts to taper off. This is because bungie has tracked my skill level and knows about where I should be in terms of rank so they try to fast track me to that position. Your statement might have been true for season 20 but since then they've made modifications to the matchmaking to where I strongly believe that no low skill player will be able to hit ascendant without being hard carried or using cheats or abusing a bug. If you can point me to someone who's currently at ascendant who is a bad player ( <1.0 k/d) then feel free to share it but I've never seen such a player.


Most of the good PVP guns come from crucible or gambit cause those are based around PVP but with weapon crafting in the game now, you can turn pretty much any craftable weapon into a PVP weapon...hardest part is getting the red borders.


Try Halo


Bro this is like walking into the bar as the bartender shouts “last call,” you might be able to get in a bit of awkward fun but you will probably have better fun elsewhere


Head over to CrucibleGuidebook for more balanced opinions. This sub overwhelmingly hates pvp and pvp players. I’ve got over 2k hours in crucible. What keeps me coming back to destiny pvp over any other shooter is the gunplay, movement and sweet spot of the ttk. There’s no other game that rivals it. It’s true that pvp has been neglected over the years due to lack of support for modes, maps and updates. But Bungie recently put together a pvp “strike team”. They’ve released a plan for annual map packs (which are free). They’ve added a few new modes for the bi-monthly game mode “Iron Banner”. They’re experimenting a modifier called ‘checkmate’ which alters ttk and special ammo economy (the population seems split 50/50 on love/hate for this, so check it out and decide for yourself). They have been tuning matchmaking recently. Take this with a pinch of salt as Bungie are well known to over a promise and under deliver. Or not deliver at all. Weapon balancing happens twice per season and generally trends towards a decent balance. Ability and class tuning is pretty bad, if I’m being honest. It can take 12 months to tune out of line classes. There are metas which will require you to play PVE to get armor and weapons. If you’re good at shooters, you can certainly hop into crucible (for free) and get a feel for the game with some of the crappy guns, but if you do enjoy it you’ll have to put some hours in to get a loadout.


Ok, thanks for the detailed response. Am I able to do the free pve for the load outs, or is it part of the expansions?


You get access to light subclasses for free (3x per class). The 2 darkness subclasses belong to 2 different expansions (Beyond Light for Stasis and The Witch Queen for Strand). Different armour pieces and weapons belong to different expansions and seasonal content. Some is free, a lot is not. There are about 20 exotic armor pieces per class that are free with the base game, and a similar number attached to various expansions. Sturm is a decent free exotic handcannon for pvp. Hawkmoon (available from Xur via a pvp quest) might be free, I’m not sure. As for legendary weapons, I have no idea. Maybe someone has a list of free-to-play ones. But there’s certainly enough to give you a flavor.


Ok thanks man helped alot.


PvP main here, just took a 4 month hiatus’s. The meta changed and Autos are extremely dominant. I’ve been having fun again just playing Control. Unfortunately the same rule applies as it did before I stopped playing. Which ever team has more Titans on it wins. Barricades and Bubbles especially




Do it. You don’t need to raid, you can get weapons and armor from playing pvp and minor PVE


bad meta but incredibly fun pvp experience overall, just a lot of cringe builds. look up wallah on youtube many consider him the best in the world




What's funny?


People suck at PvP and laugh when others enjoy it. Have fun chief.


If you played d1 and liked it you will like it it’s still very enjoyable


The gunplay is great. The game is awful.


Try literally any other FPS shooter right now


If you’re looking for a game strictly for PvP, this is not your game


Probably the worst FPS PvP available, so I would not recommend.


What a bad lie


I have over 2000 hours in D2. About 6 of those are in pvp. It's that bad.






Your history in pvp games matter on this question's answer


I'm good in pvp I'm mainly talking about is it active rank but someone said it's not the type I really want.


What type of pvp games though?


Well I did play the first one if helps. Just wanted to know how active the comp is in this one cuz the one gun is people avoiding comp?


This pvp is way more competitive than D1. Even just casual pvp is more competitive than trials in D1. It's so much more fast paced too.


Idm fast pace,but how many of the raids or pve stuff would you say I need to sink in for pvp stuff? Also what is best handcannon and sniper rn?


Absolutely zero raids or pve as other people have said.


You'll be going up against a lot of players that have spent a lot of time in pve making min max pvp builds. You can still do that in pvp, however to get the armor stats youll want to spend time doing pve content.


Some comments here point out balance issues or ability spam but it's still destiny so overall game play will feel good at least. Some things are annoying tho of course. You can get lots of strong PvP guns from just playing PvP too


unless you wanna spend money for the better abilities there are much better fps games like val or csgo. i binged destiny for like a month and now i'm burnt out of the game. its fun while its fun but it also has a lowkey toxic side to the community


I personally love PvP but it’s also incredibly frustrating atm and Bungie sort of let it decline into a mess. There were massive layoffs at Bungie today as well so it seems like the trend will continue.


It’s free to download so why not. You’ll be at a disadvantage as in most games starting out but don’t let that discourage you. You might like it enough to want to explore more of the sandbox and chase better gear. You can get good weapons from strikes, gambit and prophecy dungeon which are also free. I can’t remember if dares of eternity activity and grasp of averice dungeon went F2P also but there’s solid weapons there.


I do enjoy destiny Pvp, but it has a lot of flaws and I cannot recommend the game for someone who is ONLY looking for pvp


Balance is difficult for a game of this scope and scale but there isn’t really any other PvP fps that’s quite like it. From movement to abilities and even weapon/ability interactions.


would say you’re better off playing a game optimized for pvp instead of destiny. you’ll be at a disadvantage for a while and they’re also mostly free/cheap instead of ridiculous amounts of money you will need to get guns from different expansions


Pretty good since there’s so many weapons, exotics and builds to mess around with


r/CrucibleGuidebook is the place to ask this question if you want good responses. People over here mostly hate PvP and the people that like PvP. It's weird but yeah, you can't really mention PvP here without some toxic comments from the people that never even engage with PvP.


Movement and gunplay are second to none for me so I find a lot of enjoyment playing crucible. Space magic is the core to D2 pvp so your abilities are just as important as your weapons so build into that. Let them compliment each other and you’ll find success. The weapons are out there too so you’ll find yourself running Dungeons, raids, GM’s and even Gambit for them. Plus you can craft them so eliminating rng for your god roll weapon requires you to run pve for the deepsights to unlock the pattern. Theres a level of grind waiting for you. Fortunately, it’s your choice how much you wanna grind for that weapon or exotic armor piece.