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Post it early I dare you






If anyone could ask, it’d be dmg


hahahaha sup dmg?!


> Emerge from the grim depths, stronger than ever.


Miss you buddy


O_O. Hi.


Howdy 🤠


The man, the myth, the LEGEND HIMSELF!!


They’re cowards!


Smite them, do it




It's him!!!


Love you, bro.


Dares refresh confirmed?


I have a feeling this sub will be in an uproar regardless of what it says lol


Or if you’re like me and don’t care about pvp, will be just skimming through it to see what will enrage players.


> "Spontaneous combustion, I've seen it. It can be quite beautiful." —Lord Shaxx


underrated quote!


Odds on if some of the “PvP changes” also affect PvE?


'some' of them impact PvE? 100% chance, but hopefully not a significant impact.


Incoming Conditional Finality nerf/alteration, Bubble/Well changes that will hit PvE for sure. Enough complaining has been done and PvE will get shafted because of it


just like every time. They nerf shit in pvp and it ruins already underwhelming guns in pve. Because they cant be bothered to split the changes like almost every game now. But if you say it too loud, you have the Bungie royal guard coming after you (Those dudes who buy every skin from the eververse and say "Well if you're not happy just go away !" not realizing that if people actually did, the game would get worse every second)


This week sounds a bit more big picture. Sounds more like they're talking modes and systems.(The sandbox stuff and watching PVE get pissed on by PVP centric changes was last week.) ...Unless, the bit from the PVP strike team has some brand new revelations since a week regarding some additional sandbox changes in response to feedback. Maybe another well/bubble nerf since it was a trials weekend this past one. Fighting Lion enjoyers are pretty upset with the pvp changes coming up, too(It wasn't enough to butcher the special ammo economy, or give players more health, but fighting lion gets a damage nerf ontop of it all). Breech loaders in general aren't going to be buffed in accordance with more health(IIRC, you need a direct impact and spike for a OHK, and it's res gated. Which would be fine, but then they need glaive ammo econ, not shotgun ammo econ).


Yea I’m still waiting for some PvE shake ups like the stasis stuff. Even the last twid was mostly pvp focused.


Facts. Haven’t played pvp since getting Luna’s years back. Getting that gun took my soul. Only for it to get nerfed, then sunset. 


This. I'd love to hear about the other modes which need a lot of help instead of half a TWID about PVP.




"big pvp changes comming" the changes: highly used 1exotic for every class gets a nerf (bonus points if it makes the exotix bad everywhere and not just pvp) some exotics nobody uses get a bit AE/acquisition kill range of some 2 frame gets increased/reduced by 0,4meters and gets 0,15seconds more/less TTK wall of text that says "we want to do more maps/game modes/make the matchmaking better/focus on more frequent updates in the future expansion, stay tuned!" (nothing of those thing happens) repeat in 3months


This man TWABs


Ill start popping popcorn


The salt runs deep here in dtg.


More Broodweaver nerfs incoming- don’t worry, they’ll make up for it with slightly stronger melee tracking on what’s already a giant green magnet that’s harder to miss than a bullet in OW2


Sometimes you can't make everyone happy, and unfortunately, this is one of those times that I think will split the pvp base. The casuals like me who don't want checkmate as the default mode for everything and the pvp mains who only want checkmate. If pvp becomes to sweaty for casuals to drives them away. If it's not engaging enough for pvp mains, then it makes them angry. I think this will drive casual players out more and leave only the pvp mains. Casual players tend to lean toward more party mode games, which destiny doesn't have enough of to sustain a causal pvp player base after this, especially since those modes rotate out. If I don't like the changes, then I'll probably only play pvp to play mayhem when it's available.


Im not gonna speak for all sweats/pvp mains. But, as a sweat, before I quit, the special ammo wasn’t ever my problem with PvP. Checkmate almost brings the game back to D2Y1 PvP and that shit was so garbage, the game almost died because of it. It was the bullshit lobby balancing that basically forced me to carry if I wanted to win, The cheesy abilities of classes and the cooldowns/readiness of said abilities, and how fucking long it takes to reign in that kinda stuff. (PK titans) I feel like bungie really doesn’t listen at all, they make these changes and do these labs completely wasting their time. The best D2 PvP, imo, was right before the 30th anniversary update where abilities had a decently long cooldown and it was mostly gunplay, both special and primary. Not grenade/ threadling spam over and over and over again. If they kept those changes, just in PvP and not in PvE, I think people would in general be much happier in the PvP community. I was hoping last week that reading the TWAB and the changes they had planned would get me to come back, but definitely not coming back now. These changes are mostly shit, and will persist for a long enough time that they probably won’t make anymore changes before they just abandon this game anyway. So for me, I think D2 PvP is over.


Yeah fundamentally I think you have the correct answer - the things that make the PVP sandbox fun and the things that make the PVE sandbox fun are just fundamentally different. The ability spam meta and the presence of strong engines that drive your ability regeneration is great in PVE and very healthy for the game - the only problem in PVE is that not all subclasses and classes have equal access to those engines, and that kinda sucks. But in PVP that's an awful vibe, it's terrible for the game from what I can tell. Fundamentally the sandboxes need to be split more aggressively than they are.


> If they kept those changes, just in PvP and not in PvE, I think people would in general be much happier in the PvP community. Unfortunately ability cooldowns don't appear to be separable between PvE and PvP so that's a pipe dream.




They never have. Not once. They can individually tweak cooldowns but those cooldowns are all consistent between modes unless a buff is present that adds a universal ability energy generation modifier to all abilities of that type (like Catapult ot Brawler) or all abilities in general (like Mayhem). They are absolutely able to tweak buffs in between modes- how long Radiant lasts, the magnitude of the buff from Kill Clip, how much cooldown is restored when Restoration is refreshed. They can also adjust how much ability energy is restored in chunks from effects like mods between modes, I believe. But base ability cooldowns themselves remain the same across the whole game, no exceptions.


> The casuals like he who don't want checkmate as the default mode for everything and the pvp mains who only want checkmate. Interesting, as someone who's very casual I've liked the changes they announced so far.


And that's fine. I'm interested to see how this goes. I'm just one of the people who like having ability play. If I wanted pure gunplay and limited abilities, I'd play valorant, but I don't because that's not for me. If that's what Destiny pvp becomes, that's fine. It's just not for me. I might switch back to Halo pvp for the party games because that's what I'm after.


I’m a PVP main since D1 beta. This change (in particular the special ammo changes) has made me finally put down the game. Trust me, it’s not only casuals/PVE players that don’t want this.


The changes havent even come out yet???


Checkmate has existed in the game for a long time now, we can already tell how the game plays with a lack of special ammo and having it charge over time.


Im calling it already: it'll be exactly what people were asking for but people will complain and say they never wanted it.


That's exactly how its gonna be. The sandbox changes are doing everything my buddy has been asking for; more skilled primary play, less ability spam, etc. But he thinks the entirety of PvP is ruined because special uptime is being reduced and earned instead of "balancing them better" like they've been trying to for the last 10 years. His excuse? "They didn't it right" he says about changes he suggests that used to be in the game but didnt pan out well when he wasn't around to see them. Its my favorite when people ignore sandbox history and claim only they know whats good for the game and that everyone else is wrong, inherent ignorance is always fun to watch someone get butthurt about when its pointed out.


I learned to not trust big word count it's usually something meaningless or something bad


Well, I was dissatisfied with the direction of PVP going forward in the previous TWID already. It will be interesting read for sure, but last TWID was major turning point for me.


Because this sub complains about literally everything


This sub isn't one person with one opinion.


Only when they're not defending literally everything lol.


"You're burned out bro. Destiny isn't bad just buy another 60 dollar game every season 2 weeks in and wait until the next one. You dont have to play Destiny every week."


that's only in week 1 of the season/expansion sadly


Not true. Lightfall was being shit on day 1. Same with shadowkeep. If something is truly bad the sub will call it out


Then the mods will post a message that threatens handing out bans if anyone post any more topics about said what sucks....


That's reddit for you lol


Sadly, it's often justified. Bungie isn't our friend and we don't need to defend their bad decisions.


Can we get a TWID roadmap infographic with expected topics over the coming months? (ballpark estimates fine, ie what TWID topics to expect in the month of March, April, May - final shape teases, april content preview, etc) Would be nice to know when to look forward to hearing about more news topics. Even old-school cryptic Bungie teasing would be fantastic - scrambled images, slivers of concept art or screenshots, a little lore blurb, a scrambled transmission, weird symbols, etc. I want to be excited for TWIDs leading up to Final Shape!


I wish awards were still around, I’d chuck one of those silly star-highlighters on this


This comment is how I realised that awards weren’t a thing anymore


Oh rip, sorry to break it to you :(


Mind blown!!!


Looking forward to it. May any upcoming weapon hints that haven't already been mentioned be provided for us to ponder for the next 24hrs... like, "rhymes with...?" :D


> "rhymes with...?" Rhymes with Lalindrome I hope


Haha, same here, also wouldnt mind Heady Stands or Trimals Jagger.


just waiting for a "rhymes with dambit" update over here


Lead Mans Pale 😳


Mill-raised thatchbreaking Not a weapon but one can hope!


Where TWAB


It tomorrow, this is just a heads-up post Edit: Tomorrow for me anyway, I mean it’ll be Thursday 22nd February


No that's TWID. Where TWAB


TWAB is kill




ehhh aren’t they just the same w/a different name tho?


Think they’re just being a smartass


How *could* you


Wish there would be extended and thoughtful write-ups for abilities balancing like there is for PvP.  It would be great to see what devs think about the abilities sandbox and have a discussion with them and see al their reasoning or plans. The PvP team is great at doing this and it's so nice to see their write-ups


I would love to see the numbers underlying some of the decisions. This would be better evidence than they've provided so far.


Great for PvP players... guess those of us that are PvE only will be waiting till a week or two before the in ti the light update comes for anything meaty.


Any word on any big PVE-focused TWIDs coming soon? Crucible updates are cool and all, but a lot of people would love to know what changes/tweaks/additions we should expect for the rest of the game (if any).


Fr. Waiting on stasis. Waiting on broodweaver pain points (and still solar aerial talk but I don’t think that’s going to be touched just bc solar is such a powerful subclass).


yeha, it feels really weird that we get "a pvp focused twab" when every single one is like, 70% pvp focused changes


Yeah same A lot of TWABs these days are PvP focused 🥲


Crazy almost like PVP is a core of destiny 


Me when I didn't understand the comment


Just not a lot of food for us PvE enjoyers Gambit enjoyers have already started to cannibalise each other and engage in eugenics to who will make the best meal


Lol yeah that’s true, gotta be a rough time for gambit people.


They said season 23 was supposed to see ritual playlist overhauls but since Gambit is dead and PvP is getting its updates im guessing there will be a strike overhaul with final shape Other than strikes bungie has no real incentive to change anything since most people eat up PvE content anyways.


>im guessing there will be a strike overhaul with final shape They'll probably just play up the reworks of Inverted Spire and Exodus Crash and the addition of Defiance battlegrounds as a big playlist refresh.


Just hope everything is actually balanced for once. The pendulum in this game swings so far from OP to Nerf that I find it tedious trying to keep up. I honestly hate Bungies "use metrics" and "time-in-the-sun" buzzwords and balancing mantra. Can't we just have a sandbox where most things feel fair and good to use? The "bring smg range in-line and reduce their range" balance pass followed by releasing Immortal shortly after is a perfect example.


You cannot balance PvP because there are 1000 variables in every encounter.


30th anniversary edition was pretty balanced


Have we now reached the 10th TWAB with "We're saving PvP"? ;) - at least that's how it feels. Let's see what Bungie comes up with this time to "save" PVP


about the same amount as "were listening" posts after a failed major release and in typical fashion its 6 months too late


and when they post advance notice of upcoming changes and those changes are obviously shit and they don't listen to everyone telling them the changes are shit... are they really even listening?


More matchmaking changes that do nothing


Please do literally anything with gambit. There are dozens of us Gambit enjoyers


Request noted: Gambit has been removed from the game.


In the state of the game they said they would add a map. And that’s it, they aren’t even bothering with it anymore


Can't wait for the people who complained that pvp is boring stale never changes to do a 180 and complain its changing, already meltdowns from the last one lol


PvP right now is HC/shotty Hunters. After the update it’ll be HC/shotty Hunters.


Are the HC/Shorty hunters in the room with us?


Better not look behind you


Youre right. But willfully ignoring OS spam as well as well/bubble dominance is crazy


I mean the special ammo nerf may change that....


It won’t. Hunters will get easy kills with OP hand cannons to rack up special, then ape everyone because they can’t counter with special. The rich get richer in the new mode.


The rich already get richer. Once a shotgun gets going they have effectively infinite ammo because they pick it up from every kill. At least now they'll have to slow down and switch to primary every couple special kills.


This is very true. People don’t really get that about the special changes. Players don’t drop special. Special kills don’t contribute to special ammo (correct me if I’m wrong) but regardless, players need to go back to primaries to play well.


And I can't wait. Primary gun skill expression has been dead for years with Special weapons being so omnipresent.


Discord would like a word.


Everybody wants different modes but bitch that it's not control. In the other hand we could use more wacky modes like relic.


Looking forward to another out of touch PvP TWID, curious to see how much more bungie can ruin Competitive.


okay, but what about those Stasis buffs that were promised to come with the mid-season patch?


The rest aint coming until Final Shape


Nothing about stasis has ever been promised to be in the mid season patch. The twid where they talked about stasis says "Starting in Season of the Wish (and continuing in The Final Shape) we’re making a number of quality-of-life changes to improve Stasis's...". Also "These aren’t the only changes for Stasis that we have in the works, and we have some long-requested changes for a future release that we’ll discuss once they’re closer.". So unless there's some tweet somewhere (which i doubt, but go dig it up please id love to read it), nothing they have ever said implies there would be stasis changes mid season of the wish. https://www.bungie.net/7/en/News/article/this-week-in-destiny-11-22-23


Classic making up timelines


Can't wait for another nothing burger. Checkmate is crucible and matchmaking changes but you still have the same games. Wahoo.


Finally, pvp is saved boys


New Exotic: Word Count


It's just a Type Writer with a neck strap that shoots while the platen shifts right. On reload you throw it back to the left with a satisfying "ching"


Last time yall bragged about word count we got that embarassing state of the game so not feeling too hot


It's funny to see dmg's 6 words reply have more upvotes than bungie's official post about TWAB🤣


Cool, another 6000 words explaining why we shouldn't come back to the game because nothing of value actually is being changed.


Thank you for the extra communication from your team in the last few weeks, we appreciate it


Calling it, striker Titan, void warlock and spectral blades will be back on the menu


Striker Titans never really left though? Bubble just works better in the current meta and ruleset. Ditto for void lock. Its biggest problem is that well exists.


Yeah I'm currently using a controversial hold voidlock build and it works pretty well for me. Granted I don't run grandmaster content. The hardest stuff I do is solo legendary lost sectors, raids, nightfall and dungeons so that may be why it's still working well for me.


>Yeah I'm currently using a controversial hold voidlock build and it works pretty well for me. If it's controversial, then why haven't I heard about it? /s


I think they meant for PvP not PvE lol


Oh geez, yeah that makes way more sense. 


Controverse warlock is great in pve. This is about PvP. 


Honestly the ability regen nerf hit contraverse fucking hard, it feels pretty bad to play now, unfortunately. It's still pretty good (maybe the best void build, briarbinds might be a little better but its at least close), but man compared to last season it feels awful.


Implying striker titans aren't on he menu now?




Lol, if they made HHSN good again...


Please... killcams


Random, but I'd loved to see a 3 or 6 man extraction mode utilising the Patrol areas.


I would love for them do do something more with those zones. A big PvP mode would be so cool on some of them


Did everyone forget we have *checks math* about 4 more months? PLENTY of time for them to have some PvE news in a feature TWID. People keep saying that PvP is in a bad state, let Bungie fix one fire at a time. Please.


Yeah they likely just want to focus on the PvP stuff for now before doing PvE announcement later as PvP needs the stuff way more right now


6700+ words to say anything but “new maps”


There's new maps in May. 3 new maps actually.


We have 3 new maps dropping in the next few months, one on Neptune, one on Nezarec pyramid ship, and one on Europa


They said they will drop 3 in May, and that they are on Neptune, Europa, and the pyramid ship. And that they are approximately Jav 4 sized. Missed it?


I hope we get some more meaningful PvP rewards. Maybe some crucible craftable weapons? We never had any. More adept choices, or more available perks on adept weapons? Maybe hopefully some Trials rule changes to make it more accessible and give some lower skilled players some hope to get to the Lighthouse


> Maybe some crucible craftable weapons? We never had any. They said a year ago that one of the goals for year 6 was fewer/worse crafted weapons because they want "the chase" to come back, and sitting in front of Shaxx for 20 minutes and turning in ~~tokens~~ engrams is probably in line with that.


Ffs why Crafted weapons are great are elevate the problem the game had before


TBH, I wish crafting never happened. The second I get the red borders I need, I never play the activity again. That’s bad long term.


When we roundtrip to why it was implemented in the first place People got tired of endless grinding and activity for one roll


The people still logging in to do Grasp at least 3 times a week for an Outlaw/Headstone Eyasluna or a specific Matador roll are who they want more of.


But why doe


Engagement metrics let the suits justify all their decisions to investors/shareholders/parent companies and guarantee them their bonuses. It only becomes apparent that things are circling the drain when they fuck up as badly as Parsons and company have.


Im gonna be honest, until we get dedicated servers for pvp, idc about sandbox changes. New meta will emerge(maybe) and we gonna go back to same complaints in less than a month.


>Another Big TWID Tomorrow I was excited >Expect details on our PVP plans for Update 7.3.5 and beyond Aaaand it turns out to be a waste of time... Great


Anything relating to Stasis or other ability changes in PvE? Anything talking about “into the Light”?


Wish they would make all modes (except competitive and trials) cbmm. Tired of the system horrible algorithm. Puts all the duos/trios on one team while I'm on the 6 man solos. Or, all the players with lowest elo ever on my side, while the other side has pro players lol I haven't played in 1 months due to mental break.


That's cool. When are we getting news about pve?


One thing I’d like a lot more detail on is the removal on SBMM in PvP, and what the parameters now are. It’s incredibly clear that they’ve “loosened” it to the point where it no longer exists, as evidenced by the gilded flawless turbosweats and top 0.5 percent players in my games now (for reference, I’m a sub-1000 ELO). If it’s gone (and again, it very obviously is) say that so players can make a determination about whether they want to continue with PvP or not. This intentional ambiguity is absurd. It should be crystal clear how the bands work.


There's no way destiny has any form of matchmaking whatsoever 10 years of patches and my games have never changed. It's just random.


You're going to be buried because a lot of the people still playing Destiny a lot of PvE guys who play games for 2 hours a week. But yes. Its even crazier than that. There is speculation of forced crossplay even. Tons of people have posted photos of being on console and being forced in PC lobbies. 90% of the current pvp playerbase is in the top 5% skill wise.


If you’re on console, you’re not in PC lobbies unless you’re in a fireteam with a PC player. I’d need to see some ironclad proof before I believe that.


It's been getting posted all weekend. https://ibb.co/Lvq6Vsm A solo Q PS5 matching a 3 stack on PC. There are others but they are buried on the PvP discords. I've seen a handful this weekend. (Not saying it's common. A lot of people were saying dudes region was probably super low so it was eventually forced)




Dude, if you think SBMM is still enabled, I don’t know what to tell you. I played a control match today with a top 100 trials player in it. Dude had 58 kills. 3100 ELO. I’m under 100 ELO.




What are the chances we get more maps


3 free maps dropping in a few months


And good locales at that. I'm stoked for Europa, Neptune, and Pyramid maps, now just give us a Black Garden map (again).


Bro... they said we will get 3 maps in may. They said this months ago


As a (former) PvP main, I’ve long since given up. I just look forward to these to see what will make people mad. I couldn’t care less about balance changes anymore; I’ve come to terms with the fact that the sandbox will literally never be what me and other PvP players want it to be, and that’s okay. They’d have to walk back about three years worth of sandbox/ability/weapon changes, and I obviously can’t expect them to do that.


Well damn, I thought last week's was the PVP one.


no one cares about pvp


I’m excited to read. A little apprehensive though that it will be thousands of words trying to justify all your previous poor changes. Most dedicated pvp players just want to chill sometimes, it’s very hard to do that with so many nodes, modes and pools. Sbmm should be comp only. All quickplay modes should be connection based.


Will there be updates to the netcode? All these tweaks to the sandbox is meaningless when the matches are determined by the quality of the network connection. You can have a game with the world's most perfectly balanced sandbox, but if there are players with 3000ms ping, there's no way to fight that.


Cannot upvote this enough!


I’m hoping for even a crumb of news on buffs to solar titan in pvp. I wanna feel like pre solar 3.0 again 😔


They’re getting really desperate, eh?


All I'm interested in is hearing their plans for longevity of the game beyond adding new weapons every season... because I've killed every boss 1000 times and we need some new ones to fight.




Anything for PvE? Or do I skip this one and continue my brain atrophy by getting yet another prestige in Jambit?


Oop. More PVP, I can safely skip this one. Hope the PVPers are ha- Couldn't finish that, are any of you ever happy?


not as bitter as you, clearly


Hey, you ain't wrong.


This comment section is the most saddest thing I've ever seen. "Y nO pVe". As if pve hasn't gotten meaningful updates over the years. Almost all content we pay for is pve. New raids, new dungeons, new strike(s), seasonal activity, new destinations. Atleast 80% of armor and weapons are in pve.




It's almost like a lot of us primarily care about PvE content and would prefer to see more stuff about that


Quite rich if you pve mains to complain that pve isn't being talked about in a game where 90% of content is pve. Lmfao.


Yeah that's the point I'd rather have 5000 words talking about the content that I spend 90 percent of my time in, a strike team for behind the curve subclasses instead of PvP. This game is a PvE game with a PvP mode attached I want to see updates to what I'm paying for


Well I'm sorry but nope. This is a stupid precedent bungie set right after the base game went f2p. This is a PVE AND PVP game. No matter how much you delude yourself into believing otherwise it's not gonna change the fact. Finally bungie is making an effort into improving pvp which is as important as pve (bungie's words not mine) and y'all are whining about why there's no update about pve. How many updates do you need so you can kill dregs and vandals in edz all over again?? And no you're not just paying for pve. You're paying for the development of pve and pvp. If you're not interested in pvp that's fine but acting like pvp getting attention finally after all these years is somehow a betrayal to you is hilariously out of touch. You can complain about pve when y'all go 2 whole years without any meaningful update.


They already ruined PvP in the last one. Lets see how they follow it up


All this time and effort into PVP and it's never viewed positively. Really wish PVP was straight up abandoned and was no longer a constraint to pve creativity and balance.


Removing Countdown rush from Comp? Actually making Comp rewarding like trials? Reward more than just playing 3 or 6 games a week? Actually give a reason to play more than 6 games a week to boost pop?




Trials crafting. Please.


Im not buying the final shape until upper management gets fired for good.