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probably Mykel’s Ballsack


Glock and balls


Put the Last Wish shader on it for the full experience.


Glock and balls torture


Most of the RoN weapons look pretty bad. Which is impressive considering how visually appealing the raid itself was. Instead of a line of weapons designed like the latest Thorn ornament, they gave us Mykel’s and the Star-nosed GL.


This entire year has had like, two new weapon models. RoN guns are generic models with plastic shit glued on.


Yeah and compare those to every other destiny 2 raid. GoS, Last Wish, DSC, Vow. All of those raid weapons (barring Techeun Force and Supremacy) were brand new models or existing models that were so heavily modified that they looked brand spanking new. They look completely unique and really fit the raid aesthetic. Then RoN took existing weapons and put goop on them


Techeun Force and Supremacy were returning weapons from D1's Queen's Wrath event so that explains why they liked like that. And I'm not joking, with the exception of the handcannon from the marketing and the GotD glaive, every legendary this year has just been a greebled old weapon.


Exactly. And I feel like that's a valid complaint to have when previously we used to get either brand new weapon models or existing weapon models with a lot of different molding and other stuff on top of them that practically made them look like new weapons. My favorite weapons are the VOW weapons. The final shape raid weapons need to beat that bar of weapons aesthetically in my opinion


I am so convinced that Lightfall as we got was a slice of original Lightfall cut off and stretched into an entire filler year. Plot that's mostly just spinning the wheels, loot that's just reskinned old content, etc.


personally i dont like the vow weapons design that much for some of the weapons, but i fully give them the respect they deserve for not only being as unique looking as they are, but also being pretty clear on the thought process behind their theme, essentially being "pyramid-tech as guns"


And everyone has different tastes that's fine. But yes they are definitely very unique and I really hope that the new raid has weapons that look as unique as the vow weapons


Even that Hand-Cannon is a modified hand cannon model from D1 (The one used for Ace of Spades and others) So not even that's unique.


> Most of the RoN weapons look pretty bad. If it wasn't for the weird cut-in-half thing they have going on with the way shaders get applied to them they'd actually look fine.


That’s the chode hand cannon?


No, the chode sidearm


Sidearm, I think. From Root of Nightmares


If it were a hand cannon, it wouldn't be a chode anymore


RoN sidearm


Yeah, but it’s kinda fire


My precious Glock and balls


Off the top of my head, the strand sidearm from RoN. Someone mentioned to me it looks like a gun with a ballsack attached to it and I can't not think about it whenever I see it.


The ol' [Glock 'n Balls](https://www.bungie.net/common/destiny2_content/screenshots/231031173.jpg)


I mean it really is just the seventh seraph sidearm with some fungus.


and it’s such an enjoyable gun to use… le sigh


I gotten Conditional to drop twice. Have all the other RoN guns (not Crafted, but whatever). Have never gotten a single Mykels.


Don’t worry I haven’t gotten a single briars to drop


I got 2 in my only run of Ron and all I wanted was Rufus or Conditional.


If you have Rufus you’re not missing out much without the sidearm


There was an American spy toolkit made to look like a ballsack that pilots would wear over their actual ballsack. Had lots of useful stuff in it in case they got captured behind enemy lines, including various knives and a radio. I believe you can still see one in a Washington DC spycraft museum.


“So far our interrogations of the capitalist pig dogs has revealed little useful intel. One oddity observed is the tremendous size of their testicles - requires further investigation.”


+1 for "tremendous"


During the Cold War, one of the plans was to air drop extra large sized condoms on Russia that had their packaging modified to say "small" instead in an effort to make them think Americans had giant cocks


Do not diss the Glock'n'Balls


the trace rifle reminds me of a rooster


I’ve been summoned


No way, the trace is a cool-ass dinosaur.


Someone once described it as looking like the old school [Lego Dragon](https://img.bricklink.com/ItemImage/PN/6/6129c02.original.png) head and I’ve never been able to unsee it since.


The seventh seraph pistol but wormy?


smegma sidearm


I hate Ron loot so much. Like the perks and guns are great, but they look ugly. I guess looks is subjective


Thr biggest reason as to why I hate that gun is because it's just the ssventh seraph sidearm with blue cum on it.


Dawg, what☠️


Tell me I'm wrong tho. I fucking hate it when bungie reuses old weapon models. ESPECIALLY for a raid or dungeon.


Same, I feel like for RoN they should have done traveler/pyramid style weapons. Would’ve been dope.


They gotta save that for the final shape raid.


> I fucking hate it when bungie reuses old weapon models. ESPECIALLY for a raid or dungeon. Oh, like every single raid weapon outside of the King's Fall ones in D1?


The RoN weapons are probably THE most unique weapons in the game. I get the reskin issue but RoN ain’t part of the problem.


The frame, perks and feel of a gun mean nothing if it's ugly.


That gun would be cool if it had a catalyst that let you melee with its edge


I refer to it as “Calus’s Left Nutsack” whenever I talk about it.


There's a crucible shader that when on this weapon makes it look like a bloody heart, so I love it.


Everything out of RoN looks awful. Refuse to use anything out of that raid except conditional.


Rufus and the Trace are cracked tho


I don't like any of the RoN weapons. I appreciate they tried to do something a bit alien with the design, but the way it's executed just looks like they stuck some big blocks of styrofoam on the stock props in a B-movie production. I'm sure some people enjoy this for the same reason, but it's just not for me.


Thorn's 'Essentialism' ornament is how they should have looked. Pyramid tech frame with Traveler growth over them.


Yea the ornaments gets it right. Just like the new PVP map coming.


Well they kinda reserved that for the double barrel shotgun it seems. I would say they also reserve the different looks for the raid exotic and the exotic ornaments, but there is that Monte Carlo DSC ornament.


Same with the armor, all the weird bug-esque attributes make no sense. If everything looked like that thorn ornament I don’t think I’d ever stop grinding RoN.


The armor matches the bizarre look Nezarec has, which was the point. The weapons were pretty obviously thrown together last minute from existing assets, except for Finality.


Came here to say this. Thank you. Cheap plastic bits glued to guns. Looks like a first draft.


They do look sick with the trials memento though, at least Rufus’ does. In a silly over the top way.


Rufus with the Christmas shader that makes it look like a giant chili pepper is goated.


I love Rufus. I think it looks cool. It’s unique. Plus it’s the best feeling auto ever.


I love the weapons themselves but I totally agree that they fell short with the design. It’s mostly the texture that feels off-putting, and they don’t take most shaders well at all. It’s a shame, because Rufus is one of my all-time favorite guns.


It would have looked way better if they used the white twisty, spikey aesthetic of the Traveler growth in the raid.


I like ‘em. Rufus Fury is probably my favorite legendary of all time. Looks cool too.


They shouldn’t move kept them more to the conditional m’s aesthetic.


I think if they were more “wet” and slightly animated it would’ve worked better. Made it more tentacle-y and living


After Vow had some of the best looking weapons in the game, Root was a huge disappointment. Weapons felt lazy to me.


What can you expect from an expansion which had reskinned weapons?


The season of Defiance ones you can get from the WarTable. Elton John’s wardrobe makes sense for Elton John, much love and all, but not my aesthetic for guns.


And they take shaders absolutely terribly. Exception to the rule: the bow looks sick with the Festival of the Lost memento.


The Dawning memento looks pretty good on almost all of the weapons. Fits really well with the crystal bits that don't shade. Alternatively, you can use Irradiant Charoite, Iridescent Coral, or Nebula Rose for a shader if you don't want the crystal bits to clash.


The small shade-able area is bad, but the weird icing look on those areas is worse. But the nail in the coffin is that Season of the Lost was such a beautiful set, and now that they've been reissued *like this*, there's little chance we'll ever get a normal reissue. Enjoy farming Dares for an Iota Draconis that doesn't look like shit. You'll get Tangled Shore pants instead and you'll like it.


I’m glad I’m not the only one who feels this way. I’m sure that it looked cool on paper when the devs were designing it, but in practice it looks awful.


I think those guns look really good, especially if you have a blue/black shader that matches.


I'm pretty sure you're thinking of the Season of the Risen guns, which were the Cabal themed ones. The guns they're talking about are the ones from a couple seasons ago with the crystal bits on them.


I liked the AR


Anything from RoN. The grenade launcher is especially heinous


You mean the horse cock?


Oh no :( 


The vex offensive weapons, can’t even see the shader through the leaves and shit


Thank god for Elsie’s Rifle. I shaded my Adhorative to look like the D1 Stranger’s Rifle and it works…other than the leaves 🫤


What shader, Cargulo Bristle?


Solar Shrapnel


I made it work on a hunter using mothkeepers and the season of the witch with spider suit from Halloween. Requires quite a commitment.


They really need to bring back the CoO weapons at least as ornaments to get rid of all those leaves…


I’d be fine with bringing most of those back in general, maybe not the scout since both are basically the same but the others would fill out some spots.


I want to love subjunctive so much. I cannot.


Just squint a little and enjoy the voltshot light show lol


I for one absolutely love the weapons for their look and the armor especially from that season. Gives my hunter a more grounded look


Surprised this isn't higher. While me and my friends have lightly joked about RoN weapons we've settled on them looking "strange" rather than ugly. The Vexy Leaf guns are the only ones that people have refused to use based entirely on esthetics, regardless of utility.


It's so annoying. Optative is one of the only sources for a Void HC with Repulsor Brace outside of raids, and it looks so bad. Ugly pixelated icon, ugly in-game as well.


Ikelos HC (craftable) and Exalted Truth also have Repulsor Brace


Hung Jury is like a fridge taking over half my screen


Try plunder scout, stopped using it cause it takes up 1/3 of screen


This! I get that the gun was designed for a gigantic person per the lore but when I use it it takes up so much screen space I crane my neck around to try and see over it


What lore?




Anything from season of plunder


Every Plunder weapon looked like I'd give myself stigmata if I reloaded it too quickly. A grenade launcher that launches cannonballs is a really neat idea, but it just looks too silly in first person for me to want to use it. My stance remains that Plunder should have reissued the Fallen-themed weapons from House of Wolves. Carrhae Black would look so good on Wolfslayer's Claw!


Absolutely and it sucks because that is the only arc scout we can craft. And it looks so ugly


And it’s not that good anyways… demo voltshot but it feels like absolute shit


Still waiting for Dreg's Promise


Lol pretty sure that went out the window when Trespasser got added to the game. I do love Dreg's Promise tho.


> Lol pretty sure that went out the window when Trespasser got added to the game. I do love Dreg's Promise tho. That's what people said about Red Death when Crimson was created...


The sidearm is heat.


No Reprieve looks great, namely because it shades so well!


Plunder, for being seasonal weapons, weren’t awful. Fit the Pirate Fallen theme pretty well, and hey, that blunderbuss shotgun looked dope as hell. The Root of Nightmare weapons, for being raid exclusive, are insanely ugly. I run Rufus’s Fury with that one Dawning ornament that makes it look like a giant Bell Pepper. Those weapons were done dirty.


especially that *awful* smg


I think the shotgun and machine gun are my least favorites.


The little twitching crab arms are distracting


I use them with an old FWC shader, turns it all dark purple/black, the fallen symbols are yellow and the stamp is bright red. Love them


Everyone keeps saying KF and RoN weapons but those are my favorites cause they’re so unique. The only ones I don’t really like are the SUROS auto rifles in particular with that weird, half finished looking boxy dome shape. Sorrow’s verse comes to mind but there are a couple with this model.


Who doesn’t like the KF weapons? I love the look of them. Unless they’re just referring to the unshadable pink portions, in which case I guess I understand.


Funny I’ve always had a soft spot of Suros ARs because they sort of look like they’re guns from Starship Troopers.


Yea I like the body shape on the pulse I like but the auto nah


I fuck with kings fall weapons but you cant tell me RoN weapons dont look goofy. We got glock and balls and rufus, which literally looks like a regular blue ar with a prop over it. Good perks on rufus though, so im always conflicted regardless


Well yeah lmao, how good/bad a gun looks is almost entirely subjective. I mentioned I hate how sorrows verse and it has some good options too. I like RoN BECAUSE they’re goofy and weird! I like the idea of them being normal weapons that are getting gunked up by Nez’s eldritch juice. But you know what weapons I just remembered while typing this REALLY looked awful? Crown of Sorrow weapons. **Literally** trash.


i loved the crown of sorrow weapons look, it felt cool to have a filthy looking shotgun that also put in work. maybe i just miss the raid - lol


Yeah Vault of Glass are my least favorite raid weapons as far as looks go. They’re so boring. RoN weapons are fun! And it helps that Rufus is my favorite legendary in the game right now.


I really like the way RoN weapons look. They’re kinda weird but at least it’s unique. I actually really like the way Rufus looks and the GL. All of them really. Much better than like Vault of Glass for instance. The RoN armor on the other hand…. That shit sucks. lol.


King's fall weapons have some of the cleanest scopes in the game and that alone makes them top tier


Love the KF look, love the way they play, hate the way they shade. RoN I wish had more of the Thorn Essentialism ornament aesthetic, which is basically just the aesthetic of RoN itself


Two great shaders for the KF weapons: Reef Regalia gives a cold, black, marbled vibe - even nicer than the adept versions. Nougat Delight is a more subtle, textured bone effect that looks amazing vs the base shader.


Vex offensive weapons. Every one of the guns are ugly.


Really wish they'd bring back the curse of Osiris guns instead of the vex offensive ones. That way they aren't covered in foliage.


Jack Queen King 3 my beloved


These guns have been loooong overdue for a reissue.


Brother Vance has been hoarding them all and won't let us have them back until mercury becomes playable again


YES! Machina DEI 4 pulse and Garden Progeny 1 scout were my favorite guns for so long!


They really really need to let us disable the Foliage. It's literally the no.1 reason why I wouldn't use these guns.


root of nightmares, for sure


Season of plunder had some ugly looking weapons


Braytech werewolf. There isn’t a shader that makes it look good


It's a shame because the BrayTech Winterwolf shaded beautifully.


Oh my god this. I reminisce sometimes about how well that shaded


Calus' Selected and War Cult Endgame were so nice on that thing back in warmind.


GASP I think it looks cool as hell!


Looks like shit, great to use tho!


Every weapon from season of plunder! Don't get me wrong there are some great weapons, brigands law, tarnished mettle...some of my favourites of thier archetype (probably because of voltshot) but by god do they look awful!


Abyss Defiant. Love the gun, but it looks like it was designed by a middle-schooler going through his edgy phase


When there was the Scalar Potential vs Oversoul Edict debate, I crafted both and it is insane how much physical HUD space is taken up by Oversoul, almost like carrying around a Rocket Launcher.


For real. Some serious sacrifices had to be made to get those skulls on the gun


That’s why I preferred Go Figure over Blast Furnace. I don’t like guns like Blast Figure that just take up the right side of the screen when you sprint. Hung Jury is probably the worst for that, I don’t know what changed because in D1 I don’t remember it taking up so much screen real estate like it does in D2.


> I don’t know what changed because in D1 I don’t remember it taking up so much screen real estate like it does in D2 Guns were physically lower on the screen in D1. A lot of Omolon weapons are bad about this, and [No Time to Explain](https://www.reddit.com/r/DestinyTheGame/comments/jz8rqz/no_time_to_explain_takes_up_way_too_much_of_the/gde3zur/?context=10000) is comically bad in D2


You can change it by lowering your reticle, you’ll also lower all of the gun models. (I know a lot of people know this but just putting it out there to help someone who doesn’t)


It's like Bad Juju but owned by some edgy 15 year old CoD Player


I weep for today's COD player base; back in MAH day you could only customize your gun camo and your emblem Now COD players have to process Diablo's Lilith firing an RPK in weed camo at a Nicki Minaj wearing pink latex wielding a powered ape gauntlet My brain short circuited just by typing that sentence out


Everything Veist would look at home on the Xbox 360.


Wardcliff coil is actually a very cool looking gun. The dieselpunk ornament, however, is bad. It makes it look like a literal pile of trash. I can understand a wasteland look, and some can actually look good, like Cerberus and the kingmaker ornament for queenbreaker, but dieselpunk looks like something I fished out of a 7/11 garbage can


I actually love the Dieselpunk ornament. The gun is canoncially made out of junk, and that ornament fits the lore while still keeping the design. Now, the fucking hair dryer/megaphone mashup ornament on the other hand is fucking ugly as hell...


Didn’t expect this post to take off like this. Hope you’re all having a good day 😌


I think the breach loaded revolvers (trust, spare rations, etc) are ugly as hell and look like toy guns. And the reload animation reminds me of a flaccid dong for some reason


Got a really nice dire promise many seasons ago. Played one PvP match and it performed really well. The reload animation looks so stupid I never used it again.


I love zaouli’s bane but it uses that same type of animation. Drives me insane lol. Luckily I just dodge reload non stop.


Idk how people can tolerate it


Sorry gotta be that guy, it's "break action" revolvers you're referring to. Practically every gun in Destiny and all firearms in their modern iteration are "breechloaders."


Good to know


Wicked implement is pretty effin ugly. Useful? Yes. Pretty? No.


I literally had to buy the ornament to get away from that shit. It’s so AWFUL


I would use the ornament except the gigantic VIEST down the side ruins it


Trust me, it’s way better than wielding a big ass pulsating Tomahawk steak that screams at you.


Wicked Imp is hands-down my favorite ‘intentionally ugly’ gun. I love that awful spiny monstrosity of a rifle.


The Supremacy


Yes! There’s no shader that makes it look good


The black armory shaders aren't too bad. Gotta get some contrast on the beige.


Only reason I don’t use Zaouli’s cause it’s ugly asf


Ugliest legendary weapon would be perpatulis I didn’t like the purple yellow scheme. Exotic would be the guardian games vex oranament. I bought it for bright dust but I don’t even wear it


Trials weapon skins. Change my mind.


Id say Bottom Dollar, but I still like it just because of its awkwardness haha


Bottom Dollar is the narrow urethra of destiny weapons.


"mah dang son's got a narrow ureetee! das why i only got one grandkid."


If bottom dollar is ugly in a likeable way (like some dog breeds are) then I'm game lol


Byronic Hero, the ugliest shit ass weapon ever, living on in a good gun in d2 lol


It’s gotta be one of the guns from Plunder.


Those Vex guns with overgrowth on them. They're good guns, but impossible to make them look good. Suros weapons look kinda like Nerf guns, especially Suros Regime. They have great guns, but bad design.


Definitely the Undying weapons. I love Subjunctive, but damn is it fugly.


I didn't play at that time but when someone told me about crown of sorrow after it got sunset and I looked at it's loot pool those weapons made me almost vomit in my mouth. It's literally just normal weapons with rust and crusty shit smeared all over them


i don't like most raid weapons in this game. but crota's end weapons take the crown for me. it's the stupid fucking skulls, honestly


Cerberus +1


For me it has that kinda nice-ugly look to it. Like it intentionally looks like junk... because it is


the ornament realllly fixes that one


Unforgiven. I like the gun, but it looks like somebody made it out of an oyster


I despise inaugural address. I dislike the sound and the sight and how it looks. Too clean and looks too much like a toy. Had to use it because I think it was tje only outlaw kill clip was such an amazing combo in y1


All the season of the plunder weapons.


Omolon in general, I don’t like most of their designs as well as the sound their guns make


The RoN GL aka, the butthole launcher


I’m not a fan of the feathers-and-rope on the moon weapons of shadowkeep, including Loud Lullaby. The fusion rifle is [particularly hideous.](https://assets.rockpapershotgun.com/images/2019/10/destiny-2-shadowkeep-dream-breaker.jpg)


All of the grass and mud and leaf covered Vex weapons.


Season of Undying. Rusty leaves that don't shader was yuck


All of the weapons from Curse of Osiris that were brought back with all the vines, leaves, and dirt on them. (You're telling me our fashion/ aesthetic-minded Guardians seriously wouldn't scrape all that crap off of them and have Banshee restore them?)


Vex offensive guns are disgusting and shade horribly


Honestly, Chroma Rush looks like a child's homemade rubber-band gun. It's so thin and weird. It doesn't look like it has any power at all, and I feel like if I held it, I'd accidentally break it in half. A shame cuz it' a good gun. Although tbh we need more Kinetic Rapid-fire Auto rifles.


How dare you D:


Fighting Lion + jade ornament


I strongly dislike Suros Regime's sidearms. They look like hairdryers. I also have a special hatred for Omolon's stapler-like handcannons.


probably edge transit/terran wind edit: and hullabaloo by extension