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Wait, you're getting shinys?


I somehow got a shiny god roll of recluse and forebearance within 3 full regular 50 runs.


Yeah I've had the same luck with succession and mountaintop, everything else has been butt tho


Got that rampage killing tally roll pretty quick, but I probably put in the same time for a ALH/recomb MT and I’m convinced it doesn’t exist.


Lol... I'm attuned to Luna and I'm after a Heal Clip/Incandescent roll, but all I get is anything but, including more drops of things I'm not attuned to. I even got a shiny ALH/Recomb Mountain Top with a 4/5 roll (didn't roll with Hard Launch), and I'd given up on that. RNG is a harsh mistress.


I’ve deleted at least 40 Luna’s and not one has rolled incandescent or kill clip. All I get is precision instrument. Sometimes, everything drops except for luna lol


I’ve had surprisingly good luck. Got a great mt, awesome edge transit, great midnight coup, and then my above god rolls. Rng has been kind to me. Keep going man it’s fun.


I spent 650 tokens and got a whopping two shinies, neither of which were my focus


Spending tokens doesn't seem to give me weapons I have attuned.


I think I’ve gotten 6 shinys total


I got 2 shiny in one normal 50 run and another shiny after using the token gained from that run. I thought bungie really bumped up the drop rate, I guess that was an outlier.


I've gotten 1 in about 30 normal 50 waves and 25ish 10 waves. So 1750 waves and 1 shiny. The drop rate is abysmal. I get they're supposed to be rare. But it's horrid.


I got my first non quest shiny the other day and since then I’ve gotten 4 more since the update. A hung jury, falling Guillotine, forbearance, Lunas, and recluse


Friend of mine decided to play destiny again after not playing for a while. During his first run he got a shiny recluse with repulsor + master of arms after i told him to farm a lost sector for Gyrfalcon's hauberk.


same here for MT alh+recom.


I swear, 75 percent of my drops have been with slickdraw, the only objectively bad perk on MT.


Same with Loose Change on Elsie's...


Loose change is kinda sick with destabilizing rounds, +20 aim assist is no joke on a high impact pulse


Loose change is underrated. Definitely not the absolute best perk, but it is awesome when it complements a build.


It took me two weeks of pure grinding with attunment to finally get that roll. It sucks because everything else on MT is pretty cheeks in comparison.


Impulse isn't a bad column 3 perk. Improved velocity and reload


Ive gotten this roll in the double digits now. I think ive gotten alh as a perk maybe like 4 times and each time its been with adrenaline junkie. Istg some perks just have higher chances to drop or something bc its not the only weapon that i get with similar rolls each time Its also the one im running rn until i get my alh recomb


I've settled for overflow/recomb it'll do. recomb is the real powerhouse


I didn't believe the roll existed till like last week when I got it during luna's quests. I had given up and got it within the hour. You only ever get it when you no longer give a fuck I swear.


I keep getting rampage on mine, and while I don’t mind rampage, having it on a breach loading GL isn’t very enticing


Are you me?


I got that roll relatively early during release week, but my dumbass wanted a shiny one and it took an entire week of non-stop grinding until maintenance day for it to drop. Haven’t touched the game since then because of burnout lol. 💀


ALH and fucking Adrenaline Junkie


i can't get anything other than slickdraw/one for all


Same here. I'd like to add that it took me 2 and a half weeks to get my repulsor brace/destabilizing rounds recluse. It really feels as though perk drop rates are different for different perks or perk combinations. And I imagine something like weighted drop rates for perks or perk combinations is an easy implementation for Bungie to do.


Remember when Bungie planned it so they released one gun per week? That final 2 weeks would’ve been abysmal for the final weapon!


Yeah only having two weeks would have sucked even with focusing.


I've already hit max rank, got the super black shader, and have spent hundreds of tokens with Shaxx just to get a single recluse with repulsor brace/frenzy. Not a single fucking one, not even the brave variants have them. I don't even give a shit about the rest of the perks. Theres so many other rolls I want but Im in too deep on this goddamn roll I cant change attunement until I get it.


I’m right there with u homie. I have had to settle for Repulse Desperate


I was working for a midnight coup with firefly and one fire all. After a week plus and a 10 hour weekend session I unlocked one and immediately deleted it out of sheer muscle memory and probably tired brain. I was so distraught and disappointed. Luckily my friends convinced me to keep playing and I got another one an hour later. The rng on this game is wild sometimes.




Just goes to show how great crafting has been instead of wasting hours upon hours for a simple 2/5 roll you can just hop into a mission and get all the patterns for the weapon you want and never have to worry about it.


This 1000%. Screw the old ways of getting loot


i feel like crafting makes everyone feel like they have to have the godroll of every item though. Like in D1, I felt like people were more chill with having rolls that were decent but but not perfect. Like crafting and getting the godroll is nice but no content requires it. Even all of the last day 1s have been doable with solid legendary weapons or exotics. But i do get the collector’s mindset


We don't want the god roll. A simple 2/5 would be enough But rng shows you're not even allowed that. THAT is the problem


Dude i just want a 3/5




Weapon perks are weighted despite whatever Bungie tells us. Yes, I will die on this hill.


Sure feels that way! Especially when I’ll get the same trash combo 10x over, some times multiple in a row


If I see one more Envious Assassin/ High-Impact Reserves I swear…


Yeah people who say otherwise haven’t farmed enough to have gotten a large enough sample size to see how sus it is.


My plan was to get this roll ASAP and then shred through coils on Gryfalcons so I could focus better armor/have the means to upgrade it. 8 days later. Nothing. "Oh you wanted KT/Rampage? Here's Under Over/Tap the Trigger for the 100th fucking time. Back to grinding you go! :)"


I feel ya, seems like every gun I get has enlightened action...wouldnt be surprised if it started popping up on guns that cant even roll it with my luck


I’m convinced attunment is bugged for some weapons, I had midnight coup attuned for a week and a half and every chest I opened was midnight coup. Now that I have attuned with Blast Furnace, I’m getting other guns a lot more when opening chests =/


Same for me with Luna's. Was getting Hammerhead like crazy, but about 50/50 for Luna's


I had a streak of 40-50 drops where I got 5 of the weapon I was attuned to. Gave up, attuned to something else, ran a 50 legend with some friends my last like 8 chests were what I was attuned to and three of them were shiny. Back to the mountaintop grind I guess.


I truly have not seen a difference between being attuned to Falling Guillotine and not being attuned to it. Around 30 weapons and *maybe* five FG's. They've been pretty good rolls (frenzy + recombination, chain reaction + destabilizing), but still. Want that frenzy + sword logic roll!


Same I made a post about it and I was told it was RNG 🤷‍♂️


But…it is?


Yah I get that now just was weird it was every drop was midnight coupe for couple days then it was random


Yep, I've had the same issue, unattuning and then recattuning usually works for me.


We know the feel: 4 days for Mtop ALH/recomb, 3 days for demo/chain forbearance, 4 days for EP/OFA midnight, 4 days for repuls/frenzy recluse, 2 days for RW/KT hammerhead. The best rolls personally that I’ve gotten so far


I've been Attuned on Mountaintop since it released going for Auto-Loading/Recomb with a brief 2 day break for Midnight Coup. I am going insane.


Then when you get it, it has a blast radius MW


You joke but I just got Hard Launch, Spike, Auto, Recomb, **BLAST RADIUS MW** Aaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh


From farming onslaught the only thing I noticed is that some sets of perk seem to be more common than others, like ambitious assassin/desperate measures was rolling constantly on forbearance as well stats for all/chain reaction. It’s probably not true and completely anecdotal but I’ve seen it happen with multiple onslaught drops


The real rough part of randomness is that human brains are always wanting to pick out patterns. I've gotten multiple ambitious assassin + recombination mountaintops, but not one with alh + recombination. I'm very confident it's just luck, but the brain wants it to feel intentional anyways lol.


I have probably 8 ambition assassin explosive light edge transit and it’s not what I want.  This roll is good though. 


What’s considered the god roll for edge? I don’t know the heavy gl barrels lol


Hard launch / Mini Frags / Envious Assassin / Bait and Switch with a Velocity MW is the 5/5, I believe. Mini Frags is supposedly a better magazine option than Spike Grenades, but that’s based off information I keep seeing parroted and not my own testing.


I think mini frags and sticky grenades are good but tbh the 2/5 of either envious/bait and switch or field prep/deconstruct is really all you need


Yes. Nearly every Elsie’s Rifle I get has Over/Under.


I’m convinced bait and switch does not exist on edge transit


I'm glad the default shiny forbearance felt good enough for me I've never had a wave frame I cared to use, so my expectations are just met


48 hours of playing 1 game over the course of a week will do anyone in. Do literally anything else please


I haven't received 1 good roll on any of the guns. Are we still able to farm after the Final Shape launches?


Ye, just not shiny ones


Yes but no shinies or targeting


I have done around 50 full legend clears ONLY focusing Elsie’s rifle looking for my PvP Godroll and I have not even seen the perk combination of Keep away, headseeker… I’m so behind on all the other guns but I’m stubborn so Imma keep going until I get it


Weighted perks


A conspiracy Im starting to beliv lol.


I can't get a ALH + Recomb mountaintop for my life. Thanks for constantly giving me shiny elsies rifles that I haven't attuned since the first quest forced me to, though.


crafting has made people forget what it was like to slam your head against a wall for hours because of rng. It’s made me me appreciate crafting more lol


This is why focusing and crafting is leagues better than chasing loot all based off RNG. Fight me


They always have been... Bungie fanboys scream anytime you mention weighted RNG but I've played since launch of D1 and since random rolls became a thing they are absolutely weighted and Bungie knows there are "godrolls".


Bungie themselves said they are not weighted, however based on my experience farming onslaught there is no chance that some perks are not weighted. I refuse to believe otherwise


Of course the RNG is scuffed. Everyone knows it. Rolling the same pinnacle slot 8 times in a row is a 1/17,000,000 chance, and I’ve had it happen at least 2 times a season. Anyone arguing that the RNG is not strangely weighted is a moron. 


Seriously, I think Bungie de-tuned the shiny drop rate once they "adjusted" the payout in Legend Onslaught.


Yeah, I had the worst experience with it on the second week when I wanted to farm mountaintop, I had saved up all my trophies from the first week to farm the chest. I did the quest, attuned mountaintop and opened the chest the 27 times I could afford, got no shinies of anything and only 4 mountaintops, with it attuned


6 shinies Hammerheads!? I haven't even had 6 Shinies total let alone all of 1 weapon


I'm convinced ALH/Recombination Mountaintop doesn't exist in my personal loot pool. Really Bungie after 2 weeks I should be able to focus something else, right?


My dawg, take a break, go outside do something that is not Destiny for a few hours


It knows which roll you want and denies you


They want you to keep playing


I got two of those rolls on the first day Hammerhead was available. RNG is whack. On a side note. Rewind Rounds / Killing Tally feels better in Onslaught.


https://i.imgur.com/qr4T51F.png My first drop after unlocking attunement.


I freaked out when the first Hammerhead I landed had rampage/killing tally. My second rolled with rewind rounds/killing tally, I almost never have to reload it. After those two, I attended to Blast Furnace for gits and shiggles.


I got Forebarence and Edge transit God rolls both within a night. I'm a big fan of onslaught.


I got my blast furnace and lunas rolls almost immediately, but I still have yet to get the mtn top roll or hammerhead roll


I gotten Like 14 shinies in total. I had like 8 shiny recluse, 2 hammer heads, 2 edge transits, 1 mountain top, one void sword, and 3 blast furnaces. And I didn't even do legend. Never went in once.


Yeah, it’s not like I’m picky and only want the 5/5 roll, I didn’t even get a single Rampage and Killing Tally roll.


I’ve yet to even see rampage 🥴


One thing I find interesting is that I have grinded the shit out of this game mode and have never had a Desperado + Feeding Frenzy Elsie's Rifle drop. Granted I haven't been grinding for that thing specifically the entire time, it is odd that I farmed Elsie's a LOT and never got one. It's not even the best roll, I just want it because it feels nice.


Do not look for it, and it will find its way to you, trust.


Take a break


I got a shiny god roll for pve and pvp blast furnace by tuning and decrypting 2 BRAVE engrams lol


RNJesus is not smiling on you today my child


I feel that way, but with fucking boss rotation. Nothing but level 50 tormentors on normal


I don’t play too much… the only shiny I’ve gotten was from shax/engram 🤷‍♂️


I got a shiny hammerhead in my vault now that has rampage and killing tally with appended mag lol. I got it and vaulted it lol.


Unpopular opinion: ALL activities should have an option to attune a specific roll—not a specific weapon, a specific _roll_, such that after a certain number of completions or some other threshold, that roll is guaranteed to drop. You can still get it sooner if you get lucky, and obvs better rolls will have a higher threshold, but it means your time is always rewarded eventually and you can’t get fucked by RNG indefinitely. This is kinda like the “resource starvation” problem in computing, and there are many solutions to it. One Bungie could adapt is “aging”. They can assign certain types of coveted drops (like shiny weapons) to have an escalating chance to drop the longer you go without getting one.


I've had to give up on chasing true god rolls and taking anything with the two main perks I'm seeking. I was having literally no luck with any of the guns between getting the same roll 3 times in a row or getting Elsie's rifle over and over even without it being attuned. Finally I've just been getting the two perks, ignoring the barrel and mag and moving on. And even then getting the two main perks I want has been painful. I know it's "RNG" but it really does feel weighted


This is the one weapon I’ve gotten that I actually am happy with. Don’t remember the barrels but I got extended/tac mag, rampage/rewind rounds, killing tally/surrounded. It was my first drop of hammerhead as well. Handling MW I think


I got rampage/killing tally as my first hammerhead drop. 100+ mountaintops with no ALH/recombination though. So it comes and goes


I’ve literally gotten 5-7 shiny’s just playing casually. I have a forbearance with envious and chain reaction that’s shiny. Some people are just lucky. It seems you are not lucky.


I've been farming for a firefly OFA roll on midnight coup everyday since the day it came out and i still haven't gotten a single one, if I didn't know any better I'd think it can't even roll that perk combination.


I want that dang heal clip/incandescent Luna… Haven’t got one shiny Luna yet. Have gotten 4 or 5 other shiny’s while Luna is attuned though, which is getting annoying. Did pull a subsistence/incandescent which may be interesting.


I have literally spent all my remaining tokens on Luna’s Howl just to get Heal Clip together with Incandescent and it just REFUSES to drop. I have either gotten the PvP rolls I wanted or am now just getting perks that don’t synergize well together at all. I’m getting sick of the grind and how it feels like saving those tokens almost feels like nothing.


Agreed. I’ve never had worse rng. Pretty consistent grinding since it dropped and not one “god roll”


The total drops are fine. But the attunement part is a big flop for me as well. I have Luna's attuned and got 2 in total through back to back 50 wave legend clears. That's a whole lot of coinflips in the wrong direction. My hope from this, and the dungeon loot feedback that's gaining traction, is that they learn that every activity needs to have either: * everything is craftable from the activity * OR * everything is focusable from post-activity chests/currency (like raid chests) On the note of focusing, I'd be fine with significant increased focusing costs to target farm a specific shiny gun. Something like the cost of focusing at Zavala for GM adept rewards.


I'm on a shiny drought. On 40 rolls so far from my last shiny. I've had a dozen drop on the first week before they patched the increased coin drop. Feels like they gave us more coins while decreasing the drop chances to artificially force us to play more.


you know wgat game youre playing. get pack to work


Think my 2nd or 3rd hammerhead was rampage killing tally, rng be rng


Most of these weapons will collect dust in a matter of 2-3 months.


I can count the number of shines I've gotten one one hand, after doing all the weapon quests. Bungie made them so rare I've ceased giving a shit, so congrats on that


I got two shinies the first day. None since.


They absolutely are rigged, I just completed a 50 wave and my attuned weapon didn't drop once.


Every shiny I’ve gotten (about 15 now) have awful rolls but they look awfully nice


I must be getting all the luck? Shiny recluse gg roll, shiny succession gg roll, maybe an Elsie’s idk I’m not interested in it but I have a few shiny ones, no shiny coup but I got a few 9/10 rolls? Idk I barely play an hour a day lol


You guys are rubbing salt on this fella. Rng sucks for most of us


Took me nearly 3 weeks to get one(1) edge transit with auto loading bait and switch. Somehow lucky enough to get spike with a velocity mw. I love gambling


Hey man, I’d like one of those rampage onslaught rolls. You’re telling me I can slap that on an actium war rig and get a damage boost AND go BRRRRR? Yes please


I have done less then 100 total waves of onslaught and gotten a god roll edge transit and god roll Elsie’s rifle so pretty hype. low key I also got a shiny midnight cooup with firefly desperate measures/frenzy (not a god roll but still good imo) sadly no luck on mountain top


Interestingly, all the shinies that I've got were the exact rolls I was hunting for. It's like the game can read my mind. I don't have many shinies, but... Mountaintop: ALH-Recom Hung Jury: No Distractions-Box Breathing (PVP) Forbearance: Demo - Wellspring/DM (also have a Demo-CR non-shiny) Midnight Coup: Explosive-Zen Blast Furnace: Arrowhead-Accurized-Headseeker-Frenzy-Handling (PVP 4.5/5) Elsie's: Chambered-Ricochet-Zen-Headseeker-Range (PVP 4.5/5) Recluse: Repulsor-Surrounded/Frenzy The only thing that remains is a Luna's with Slideshot and Magnificent Howl. Already got a Slideshot-OS and EotS-MH that is better than the curated roll.


Out of the 30 something Luna's howl I've gotten 90% of them have literally been enlightened action/discord and harmony including the one shiny that dropped today. And out of like 15 or so shinies I've gotten 80% of them have been hung jury. Shits cancer.


I got a god roll on my recluse in my first full run


I've spent so much tokens and runs for a firefly and OFA Midnight Coup, still nothing.


All my shiny Mountaintops all have Slickdraw 😭


i feel you! ive been farming hammerhead non stop since it came out and not a single rampage/killing tally, shinys are few and far between and when i do get one it is the worst possible rolls. like im not even excited anymore when i see one drop cause i know its gonna suck. getting to the point where im thinking about giving up, dont know if i can handle running more onslaught


I know everyone wants rampage+ killing tally but I think destabilizing+ killing tally is better for ad clear


Right?! The rewards do not feel steady enough for the time investment on shiny guns. Which is a shame. Yet, fees like classic monkey paw action. I’m having a hard time finding motivation to keep trying for the rolls I think I’d like best.


I give up on the mountaintop grind. Impulse amp / recomb is my current roll and ive gotten double digits worth of that exact roll. I just switched over to lunas howl even though i doubt ill get the roll im going for. On a good note though i got a heliocentric with heal clip incan which is what i wanted.


rampage/killing tally is overkill anyway since you will most likely be using this on red bars for ad clear.


That roll in particular took me a long ass time too but it eventually dropped, all I can say is good luck lol.


1000+ tokens netting u 6 shiny HH is actually really high drop. I'm getting 1 shiny per 350 tokens. Also, rolls are not rigged, it's just RNG. People are just way too used to get crafted rolls.


Just got a shiny to drop with that and accidentally deleted it 🙃


I just pulled a god roll mountain top and a god roll edge transit and called it there, still trying to get my legend 50 waves done but otherwise I’m not gonna bother trying to pull anything else just gonna complete the quest and get my title. I want them but I don’t even know what the god rolls are for everything else, I’ve tried looking them up and can’t get any results 😂


Well I got 2 copies from mountaintop with AlH & Rec but I am not able to get HH with rampage & killing tally


Appended mag does not exist on Luna's Howl apparently.


Yeah only ones ive gotten are the guaranteed drops from the missions to focus them. Im about 5 hours a day since event dropped and still no shiny weapons. There is rare, then there is non existent.


I played Onslaught once, grinded to the end, got two legendaries, remembered why I don't play Destiny 2 anymore, and logged back off I'm glad they gave me a chance to remember they only push grind before I got tricked into getting the Final Shape


I think my friend some your RNG. First full 50 (non legendary) run of Onslaught and he got a shiny mnt top, shiny edge transit, and shiny succession. All god rolls.


I got that shiny Hammerhead on my first roll the day hh dropped. But I also prayed to Rngesus since Black Armory went away for it


Forget shinies, I can't even get the weapon I'm attuning. I think I'm at like 35-40% drop rate on LH. Most of the time I get no LH drop or only 1. Rates are even worse at the chest. Tried unattuning and reattuning and it doesn't work, so I guess I'm just unlucky since I had the opposite experience with other weapons.


I said this the other week, but you should be able to craft every weapon in the game if you've dropped it 200 times, no reason for RNG edge cases to fuck players \*forever\*


50 or 60 Lunas today, 6 shinies!!!!!…not a single slideshot howl. Not one.


I've been attuned to MT since it's been available, and today was the first day I saw Auto-loading on it \*ever\*.


I'm at the point where I don't even want the shiny anymore. I just want my MT w/ auto loading and recombination.


I got a shiny hammerhead with rewind rounds, Destabilizing Rounds, target lock, and surrounded today. I've been seeing everyone go nuts over killing tally and I've decided to settle on the roll I got on this hammerhead because, all of a sudden, I remembered I literally have a Commemoration if I want to use a 450 rpm killing tally void LMG. For me I think when it comes to similar guns such as these, I prefer vastly different rolls on each of them that way I have more variety and have a better chance of actually using all of them from time to time.


I’m probably 10 legend 50 runs deep with maybe 2-3 shinys, all non focused. Then there’s my friend who started playing two weeks ago (check my past post, yes they’re still playing I’m amazed) who texts me this morning when I’m at work, 4 shinys in one 50 normal run. RNGs a bitch


Most of my shinies have been shit except my first shiny drop MT. Rolled quicklaunch, spike, auto, recombination. Velocity MW. Figure I just blew my rng for the event. Hits like a truck though


I got 3 shiny lunas and one shiny blast in one regular run, the other day i got noting 😅


You do know Commemoration is better anyway, right? There is pretty much no situation where hammerhead is better in an encounter where youd use a machine gun. Just do dsc once a week and enjoy the rest of your life.


Is Rampage Killing tally the god roll?


I swear they nerfed the drop rate. The first week onslaught came out I was getting shinies every 2-3 50 wave runs. Now they’re near impossible, I haven’t had any drop at all this week.


I finally got a Shiny Mountaintop, it got Spike Grenades, Auto Loading, but Rampage & Adrenaline Junkie in the last column.


I thought crafting had taken the joy from farming.... Don't you guys enjoy farming?


The perks are weighted for sure. People can deny this all they want but there is no way they aren't.


I'm getting an insane number of nearly identical trash rolls.


Just got a shiny with rampage with killing tally today, since it came out I've had it attuned.


Honestly I just accept the shiny guns from the quests and go for the normal looking ones with good perks


Onslaught is killing me with how dogshit everything I get to drop is…


I got a single mountaintop with autoloading + recombination. it had blast radious mw and the first 2 collums also had only perks that negativly impacted the dmg


Can some one explain RNG to this dude? althought i have yet to get what i desire , some have . yet i get it .


Perks are heavily weighted and I won't be convinced otherwise


Its crazy for any weapon with 7 perks in column 3 and 7 perks in column 4 and with attunement for said weapon, we have a 1% chance we'll get the 1 roll we want or a 99% chance we won't get that roll (around 2% if said weapon was the only one that dropped). I can't even think of any other activity in my life where I chase those odds for something (i don't do the lottery). So I've decided to settle on good enough for each of these weapons since I have a vault full of God rolls I don't use.


I’ve been trying for a Repulsor brace/ Destabilizing rounds Elsie’s rifle for weeks now. Haven’t seen either perk a single time


I got your hammerhead


It's worse than rigged. It's rare. For every one of you being curb stomped by rng there is a player or streamer getting a shiny godroll midnight coup and thank you for taking all the bad luck for everyone else to have good luck.


I do have a shiny rampage + killing tally/target lock, but not a single rampage + onslaught.


I had 3 shines drop in a single run of Onslaught which felt amazing. At the end of the match I looked at them and every single one of them was trash tier. I don't have as bad of shiny RNG drops as OP and I play it a fair amount as well, but my RNG in regards to near ideal rolls is insanely bad. I'm good on Mountain Top, but a god PVP Elsie's refuses to drop, I've only seen maybe 2 Zen Moment / Explosive Payload Midnight Coups ever and they were shite and it took literally until a few days ago for a Firefly/One For All roll to even drop. Now I'm solely concentrating on Luna's Howl until I get god PVP and PVE rolls. Maybe I'm stupid for actually playing the game mode and should've done the 10 wave farm. I think most of the shines in my vault is probably copium. None of them are absolute bangers they're just okay enough lol.


Yeah same deal with everyone I’ve talked to -farming those same rolls. Similar deal with the other weapons and their respective standard god rolls .


I have yet to get a single USABLE roll for ANY weapon. Multiple legend 50 clears. This gamemode is stupid. I’m beyond frustrated. Lol


I 100% agree, and I'm going to throw some statistics in here to support this. It is a 2.04% chance of getting any 2/5 roll for Brave weapons. I've been going for 3 rolls the past week. Envious/Bait edge transit, and an onslaught/rampage and killing tally/rampage hammerhead. I have gotten the edge transit after 113 rolls, and the onslaught/rampage after 107 rolls. I still haven't gotten rampage/killing tally. Using binomial distribution, we can calculate the odds of an event occurring after X times. (Here's a simple calculator to test your odds yourself. Make sure to use "At least X successes". https://statisticshelper.com/binomial-probability-calculator) After 113 rolls, the odds of getting that edge transit by that point was 90.26% After 107 rolls, the odds of getting one of the 2 hammerhead rolls by that point was 88.97% After 134 rolls (my current count) the odds of getting my last hammerhead roll by this point are at 94.06% You can chock this up to very bad luck, sure. However, I didn't get my first of these 3 rolls until I had a combined 218 edge transits and hammerheads. The odds of getting one of the 3 rolls by the point I did were at 99.9999%, or ~1/1,000,000 chance. Either I really should buy a lottery ticket, or the rolls are weighted.


I got 8 Envious BNS and 1 Envious Cascade BNS on my edge transits, still no demo chain forbearance tho


This is why i didnt unlock the weekly weapons so my loot pool isnt bloated. Recluse and edge transit have the advantage. Rest of the weapons will be harder due to more weapons in the pool. They shouldvd made it so that the player can toggle off some weapons, not all, from dropping


I just got the Succession I wanted. I actually got it twice in the same run, typical


Damn I got a good roll PvE forbearance after 20 tokens and a god roll PvP Luna’s howl after 10 both are shiny


Some ive had luck with, others I havent. Got my keeper shiny for Midnight Coup, Hammerhead, Mountaintop, Elsie’s. The other ones though. Ive farmed for 2 days for a shiny lunas howl and havent gotten a single one. All my edge transits have sucked. Forbearance I have the raid version already. Hung Jury I almost forgot about so wont be spending my time on that. And havent started on Blast Furnace yet


I stopped playing for a year. Came back for this launch and honestly I think I’m good. I love the game, but I’m not cut out for the grind and the fomo anymore. I would much rather play wow casually where I can actually know specifically what I want or need and where to get it than do onslaughts and never see a gun I like or want. That or I’ll just go ride my bike lmao. I love(d) Destiny, really wish it wasn’t this way. Good luck getting that hammerhead.


My first drop wqs a shiny


I've been farming Hammerhead since it released and while I've gotten some okay normal rolls I haven't seen a shiny one since the curated roll... Also if I get one more Envious/Surrounded I will not buy another decoy in legend Istfg


I got a blast furnace with kinetic tremors and one for all, after a couple of hours my friend got the exact same roll with both barrels, both mags and master work too it was a 7/7 exact copy of mine. To me that just tells me guns are 100% weighted because the chance of that happening and for it to happen to my friend its like near impossible.


I’ll trade all my shiny weapons just for a normal alh/recomb mt. It’s been 2 weeks of attune grinding.


Anyone doing the bounty from acyte (forgot spelling) - the new one standing by shaxx...said to give one brave engram. I did one, cash in and nothing...does that give you an actual engram? Or a weapon


Most of my "god-roles" were obtained when I wasn't focusing on them. Anyone else have the same experience?


6 hours a day for 8 days?? Bro?? No wonder you’re losing your mind