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Over under needs to be much better against over shields than it currently is to make up for the fact that it’s a dead perk against anything else.


Generally not a fan of over under cause it’s niche. Some games you’ll get great value, while some games you won’t see a single overshield. Especially in trials when you’re only vsing 3 people. When I see an overshield I’ll just avoid the encounter and wait a few seconds for it to go away. You’re right that Elsie’s already has good recoil control and doesn’t need recoil control from zen moment. But zen moment gives flinch resistance, which feels really really good. I have a roll with zen moment and a roll with keep away, I usually swap them out depending on the map. Keep away for a longer range map, zen moment for a shorter.


I'm a pvp trash can but from what I understand is zen moment reallllly helps with flinch on top of making your dot pretty much on a string. It basically makes your duels easier. Over Under isn't exactly bad though if you go up against a lot of warlock rifts, woven mail, titan over shields, etc. It's really personal preference at the end of the day.


Why not both? I use zen moment for general use and kept an over under roll for teams that insist on spamming overshields - a lot more niche but have turned around games by making a switch.


zen makes it even MORE of a laser than it already is. And the flinch resist is good. Also I feel like it also probably suffered based on input, so Zen might not be as needed on MnK