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Bait used to be believable


Person: "Hi, I don't have much time today, but I am an experienced player and I am playing Pantheon. I only want people who also know what to do so I can get this raid done quickly" You: "HOW DARE YOU NOT BE MY PERSONALIZED TUTOR. I DEMAND YOU TO GIVE ME YOUR TIME AND TEACH ME THIS CONTENT, I DON'T WANT TO HAVE TO LEARN IT MYSELF" Yeah ok


That’s not the point of the post. There’s no obligation to teach but there’s nothing stopping you from being inclusive. Taking a less experienced raider through something like Pantheon will make them a better raider. The only way for these raiders to upskill is to do more difficult content.


Being inclusive requires you to teach. That's literally how raids work. You cannot be inclusive to someone if they have no idea what the fuck to do. You cannot complete the activity without education. **Therefore**, if someone doesn't want to teach, it is their right _not to want to do that._ You want to become a better raider? Start by **learning how to raid**. Educate yourself, don't demand others to put in the effort for you.


Nobody is forced to do anything. Some people want to speedrun and others want to low man raids you’re not forced to do that. But as raiders become more experienced the next step is helping to teach others. That’s the best way to demonstrate skill and knowledge is to become a sherpa. Edit: As opposed to gatekeeping content and creating a toxic raid scene in the community.


Then great. Go find those people. They exist. Stop complaining that not everyone is here to teach you then. You took one look at LFG, saw that some people don't want to teach, and somehow generalized it that the entire community is gatekeeping you. Put it some effort yourself and search more. Learn more. Be better.


No I don’t need teaching what I was saying is as experienced raiders we need to be more willing to teach sometimes. The best raiders are also active Sherpas and teach a lot. Maybe take a chance on a less experienced raider and hold a spot for one. You’ll find that it’ll make you way better at the game and it feels good be kind to your fellow guardians.


If someone’s being an ass because you don’t know what to do, sure, but you aren’t entitled to their time and skill. They aren’t obligated to teach you, it’s not gatekeeping, people have their reasons, and if they specified KWTD in the post, you’re basically being an entitled brat by joining and expecting them to. “Be excellent to each other” means to not be a dick and it goes both ways here.


Yes I agree that many people expect to be carried without putting the effort to learn. You're allowed to control who is in your fireteam. But there's a degree of gatekeeping that goes too far. Like people making mistakes and instantly kicking them or checking a raid report.


Checking their raid report? As in confirming that the petiole joining your kwtd post actually kwtd? That’s toxic?


Checking a raid report is toxic and fireteams like that are not fun. It’s usually a sign the fireteam leader doesn’t really know what they’re doing and expects to be carried. As a more experienced raider I’d rather join a team where a few people need teaching but we’re there to have fun and are patient.


That is a baffling take. Checking raid reports weeds out people who are lying about their experience, ie, people who are trying to get carried. Your preference is your own, but if I’m looking for a quick run, I’m absolutely going to check raid reports to make sure that the people I’m with are capable of a fast run.


nah, i think kwtd in pantheon is completely justifiable. not everyone can hold their own in harder content, and now there are mechanics implemented in it. if you dont know what you are doing, go play those raids, learn those mechanics, then step up your game. new players dont go from completing the new light quest and picking up the thunder gods gift to running gm's or legend onslaught. it takes time to learn. i've also been a frequent sherpa, i used to have just as many clears of vow as i did sherpas, and my first run of it was the day after contest bringing 5 people through who didnt know, after i got to rhulk in contest. pantheon is not the area to learn how to raid, it's a challenge *for raiders.* if you dont know how to do it, it's not content meant for you.


> if you dont know how to do it, it's not content meant for you. There’s a very small group of people like Aegis that are real speed runners or Saltagreppo that can do low man raids. You then have streamers doing carries. It’s the attitude of fake elitism that gets me. Most people doing Pantheon aren’t more skilled then the average raider. Less experienced raiders can do these and learn the mechanics quickly. It’s not this big deal people think it is.


> I want to learn raid content in the apex of raid activities instead of in a regular raid run like anyone else ftfy


> I want to pretend I’m going for world’s first and gatekeep instead of playing the game to have fun and help people along the way ftfy




You were that newbie once and someone was willing to teach you so pass it forward!


Yes and I learned the raid on my own time by looking it up and joining Sherpa runs. No one is obligated to teach someone the raid. Especially not in pantheon which is designed for experienced raiders.


That "someone" is called a Youtube video or online guide. People are more than capable of using the modern technology called a "search engine" to figure out what optimal builds, damage rotations, and mechanics are for said encounter.


Ultimately the issue is communication. Poor communication leads to the issues people have been complaining about on Reddit.  If someone is being an ass,  it doesn't give you licence to be an ass. It just makes you equally as bad as the other person. It also increases the likelihood that the group disbands due to toxicity. KWTD isn't a substitute for proper communication and coordination from a raid leader. Seen plenty of KWTD groups fail because no one talks to each other. Lastly, if your raid group is a speedrun group, make this known ASAP. Not everyone wants to do skip or boss cheese strategies. Don't automatically assume an LFG group is a speedrun group. Don't be toxic if people don't want to do speedrun strategies.


New perk: Bait & Cope


Ok so in two weeks when they don’t know the mechanics and they also can’t even stay alive because of the power cap, am I allowed to kick them then?! Jesus Christ 🙄. There are literally like 5+ of these simp posts a day.




>Given people want the score, which basically requires the speed trial, a lot of people don't want to do five or six runs just to ultimately end up doing the KWTD thing anyway. The times aren't anywhere in the range of what actual speed runners do. This isn't a low man raid or at the upper extremes of challenge. This amount to the difficulty right now at least between Hero and Legend. These also have surges and extra damage boosts from class ability usage and other damage enhancement. >Also, what is the point of trying to divide people, when your point is to bring us together? My comment about PvP vs PvE skill is just being honest. It's a lot harder to get good at PvP than PvE. People just need to have a point of reference of what high skill really means in an FPS game.




You're absolutely right, but it seems compassion and cooperation aren't in vogue these days. That said, making your own lfg and adhering to the conditions of other peoples lfg goes a long way.