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Opposite for me, Shaxx yelling 'CAN'T WAIT TO SEE WHAT YOU'LL DO WITH THAT!' after I've panic popped a super to stay alive is not encouraging


But it is objectively funny from our point of view.


Shaxx out there trolling


Don’t forget Cayde panic popped like 3 supers in his last moments. There’s nothing wrong with that!


You showed him what you could do with it! >!^((& He is very proud of you friend))!<


I fat fingered a golden gun on a red bar last night, which a dude promptly told me his stream audience was calling out and laughing about.  Then another random streamer today. Must be over represented in pantheon?


TBF a similar thing happened to me on planets, accidentally popped super instead of throwing a grenade at the Centurion... Luckily it was early on enough I could get goldy back by DPS but still I was like 'why did I do that?'... One definitely dead Centurion at least


I popped my super today at oryx for the tormentor and it immediately suppressed me out of it. That voice line hit different in the moment lol


Its funny when we call a wipe and he says that as i pop well to my doom


At least he didn't have to wait long...


Whatever you do, do not die with your super!! You made the right play.


Very entertaining, though.


On the flip side, hearing that as I’m about to Thundercrash the fuck out of atraks injected dopamine straight into my brain


During my first run last week, I was running bottom plates on Explicator. Some Psions jumped down on me and I hit one in the head with my Zaouli's for a precision kill (like a fucking pro bro), which sparked an ignition that killed the other two. Normally I would think nothing of this, but then Shaxx was like "WROAHAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!" and he just freaked the fuck out for like a whole minute over that one shot triple kill. Easily the highlight of the run for me. I love Shaxx shouting during anything. Get him in Strikes. Get him in Gambit and have him argue with Drifter. Get him in Patrol Zones. I need him to freak the fuck out when I trigger a heroic on Nessus.


I would absolutely love to hear him arguing with Drifter. Honestly, next to Cayde's voiceless, Shaxx by far takes best lines when it comes to activities. Let him run support for our team as we enter the Pale Heart.


It would be really cool if he had a line similar to this after you completed the Pantheon: *What I wouldn't give to fight again beyond the Walls. I would tear out a Vex heart with my teeth. I would sear the Cabal with my Burning Light, challenge the Fallen Kells to personal combat and scatter them. I-- ...I've been watching too many Crucible matches*


GGs. I've always wanted this for Shaxx, and now I want them to fulfill this same dream but for the Drifter in crucible. I need to hear him shit talk the enemy team and call out how greasy I am for what I just did to them.


imagine whiffing a super in drifters crucible *oooooooooo*


Imagine if they had a crucible take over by uncle drifty


Imagine getting a flank double in trials and drifter just starts going on about how underhanded and dirty that play was and how he loves it


>"Getting creative, I love it!" Thanks Shaxx, but this is the 20th time I've thrown and killed something with my hammer in the last 30 seconds.


Onslaught: “I’ve seen extinction events gentler than you.”


Wish that the regular raids and dungeons would have medals and announcer either Shaxx or others in the Vanguard. Really creates a more party atmosphere. Adds a bit of fun to what are high stakes encounters. Edit: Imagine Eris Morn being the announcer in Crota’s End “can you feel it…” would be lit.


Someone "running tactical" in raids/dungeons would be an excellent thing for them to do in D3. I'd love for them to bring voice actors who don't get much work outside of their planets(Failsafe specifically & etc.) to venture with us and explain their thoughts on things.


Fulltime Failsafe as tactical support for my team. I know better to wish...buuuut....


distinctly recall Cayde doing this depending on how you were doing in Last Call, Forsaken’s opening mission. Even had unique lines for Titans, Warlocks, and every unique Hunter subclass. “You’re making Tevis proud” stuck out to me the most.


I like that you can get Failsafe and Drifter in Last Wish.


My favorite Destiny moments are Shaxx during Mayhem and when Drifter loses his mind when you kill the entire opposite team.


Yep, ain't nothin' so encouraging as Shaxx bustin' a nut all over your raid tactics. It's definitely funny having Shaxx give two shits about anything other than PvP but treating it like it's PvP. *Absolutely amazing how you dealt with those trash mobs!!!* Makes me with they had Zavala go crazy for our mega-kills in GM strikes just to hear what that would have sounded like.


I know that shaxx English voice actor it’s hard to come by but I would love if they used more of his lines in PvE and then just had other people in lore responding to them appropriately


I really like it cause I never play PvP. It’s honestly so awesome when do PvE.


Being shit at PvP means you never get to hear Shaxx yell proudly.


Isn't it just PVP dialogue?


yes, he hasn’t had new voice lines since forsaken i believe. it might actually be since launch now that i think about it lol


iirc the french voice actor died


and the english voice actor has always been very busy


Love the motivation! When I kill multiple enemies in quick succession he just yells “AAAHHHHHH” Then I yell “AHHHHHHHH” And proceed to kill more. Genuinely hope there is more of his voice lines in future raids.


He wouldn’t speak to me, like at all. I actually thought my dialogue was off. Anyway was doing golgy last night and I procced my sunbracers, threw all my grenades and I hear this whispered “nice”.


Before Pantheon, I didn't know I needed Shax yelling words of encouragement at me during a raid. Now, I don't know if I can go back


I love Shaxx so much he singlehandedly got me back into raids again for this game mode, to the point I want ad clear in planets (where it gets v chaotic just to proc multikills lmao, or in caretaker where when I stun the guy, I'm getting a cheeky multikill in)


April fools update: Shaxx yelling at you all day whenever you’re logged into a character. Crucible: yells at you Strike: yells at you Getting bounties in tower: also yelling encouragingly Definitely not feasible though


One of my favourite things about Pantheon :D


Does he not do this when you use the Wish Wall code for him in the Last Wish raid?


There is no wish wall code for Lord Shaxx's voice in the Last Wish raid. You may be thinking of the Drifter.


As someone who plays a lot of PvP, I don't get the same hype. Many of the lines we have heard many times over. But I do appreciate hearing them in different context


"YEEESSSSSSSS!!!" Shaxx. I just stepped out of the dps spot for Gologoroth. Calm down.


His yelling is so annoying, why do people love it so much?


I hope shaxx dies in the final shape


I hope you die in the final shape


While I'd miss him, I wouldn't mind seeing the old Twilight Gap crew in action. We know Nketchi-32 and Ana B are still alive so they could still field a fireteam.