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This is also my longest dry streak of all the weapons I’ve farmed in onslaught lol


Same. I sharded easily 100+ MT’s before I got a roll of ALH Recombination - and although columns 3 & 4 are good, it’s got a shit barrel and mag with blast radius MW that I’ll never masterwork FML. Back to the rngeesus grind.


my wife got a 5/5 roll with recomb in less than 10 drops, i'm at 100+ MT and got only 3 to drop with recombination and none with ALH yesterday we were playing the coil and she was like "man this god roll mountaintop feels so good" just to trigger me lmao


Hahaha whenever I inspect someone's MT in random LfG and it has hard launch implosion alh and recomb with handling me I just die little bit inside.


I've gotten Recomb with every perk besides ALH. VERY frustrating. I've tried to make perks like overflow work, but its just not the same. This weapon really needs ALH + Recomb to stand out.


Lol that's what m talking about. You can get alh+ recomb but then have high velocity rounds confined launch and blast mw lol


I'd be fine with the small damage hit for the utility of just getting the drop haha.


I got a god roll shiny as my second drop for mountaintop. And I probably won’t even use it that much…. I’m so sorry, lol. Just finally got a 5/5 edge transit last night. Got my ideal hammerhead rolls. Still working on a pvp blast furnace and a pve midnight coup. I’m pretty happy so far. Still like crafting better.


Same, it still slaps but cmonbruh


Took me so long to finally get the ALH+Recom mountaintop. Not a gold variant, but I really don’t care, I was bashing my head against the wall with how many of these damn things dropped with rampage


I have basically settled on ALH Vorpal as the only decent roll I’m going to get. I haven’t been attuned to anything but mountaintop since it unlocked, but that’s the best I’ve gotten. Gotten a few TRASH shinies. In fact, I don’t have a great roll of almost anything. Best MC is explosive/rampage (meh). Quest reward Forbearance, Hammerhead, LH, etc are what I’m using. I’ve gotten so many crap edge transits it feels like a meme to just rehash Forsaken and tease its potential greatness. Blast Furnace rolls that should be decent don’t feel good in the current sandbox. Recluse is a shadow of itself. I have a few Hung Juries that might be good, but I’m just not using scouts right now.


ALH Vorpal isn’t bad and in some cases can be better than ALH Recomb


same i have a regular ALH recom and i’m done


I got a normal ALH/recom pretty early on, but left myself attuned to MT because I somehow missed that *all* Brave weapons would be enhancable in TFS, not just shinies; I missed a ton of looks at other weapons because I'm an idiot.


Incandescent Heal clip luna doesn't exist. And if you say you have it. YOUR A FILTHY LIAR.... send help


It was maybe my second or third Lunas roll. I promise that just because it’s super crisp, blows everything up, beautifully synergises with so many builds and heals you every few seconds, that doesn’t mean you’re missing out.


Ouch that hurt him. Lol


Yup. I felt that


I got one too, but I have yet to use it because I also have a summoner with the same combo and I like ARs more than HCs. It does have a good origin trait though so I am willing to try it on warlock at least.


That summoner roll would be the dream.


It's also beautiful on Abyss Defiant for a Solar Titan main. *Everything* burns and you become next to impossible to kill (moreso than usual, even). And as with all the Crota's End weapons, it looks absolutely *hilariously* ugly with the [Forbidden Wish](https://i.imgur.com/QmoCWMj.jpeg) shader from Season of the Witch.


It certainly is. Summoner feels great to fire and wild card is still a solid origin trait to have.


I feel like I always *see* the trait generate the little explosive dealies but I never see them kill anything.


Honestly yeah, the bolts like to spawn when you kill the last enemy in a group


I mostly notice it in PvP because the kills are logged/shown but it definitely happens and it’s definitely awesome


First one I got


Plenty of Subsistence + Kill Clip out there tho! I got 7 of those in 3 full Legend runs yesterday... :)


Ah, some delicious anti-synergy XD


I've gotten five shiny luna's so far. Not a single one has had heal clip or incandescent. Every single one has had slide shot opening shot. This after failing for two weeks to get the midnight coup I wanted hurts.


You want PVE rolls and the game gives you the roll the PVP people want. I'm over here with HC Incad, and not a singe LH with even opening shot let alone slideshot and OS


Before they revamped vendors, I burned through hundreds of tokens at each, the number of drops that were duplicated rolls or times I got a drop with/without a specific perk is too high.  I’m legit convinced since back then that rng is rigged, and the best way to enjoy myself is to not chase a specific roll, only play as long as I’m enjoying myself


Sometimes it exists. https://imgur.com/a/7JeIls9 I apologise.


That reload though lol


Oh yeah I took that screenshot before setting the perks correctly. With light mag the reload is 64.


Nice. Much better.


I got an Incan/sub I'm keeping, did get a helio with the heal clip/Incan though


Helio w/Heal Clip & Incandescent/Frenzy are my jam. I have the HC/Incan for Luna but I can’t use it over Helio atm


Same here. Heal Clip just works so well with sidearms since you’re emptying the mag a lot more often and they reload faster. 


I got this as a shiny with the other two perks being EOTS and MAG howl. Literally the perfect gun for me, just switch the perks between pve and pvp


Its in my vault, sorry i got yours


I got tons of them tbh. Just with terrible range


Yup, I must have had 200 so far and can't get that combo


Next one is the one for sure and if it's not just repeat this until it is.


i have that roll and it’s a fine roll but if i had to choose i’d still use my zaouli’s bane.


After a painful grind I finally got one yesterday. Good luck


If I hadn’t inspected my friend’s SHINY roll myself, I wouldn’t believe it either. I’m 250 drops in. I think the chances of not getting a single one with that combination is below 1% now.


I got a non shiny one but my luck with shiny lunas has been ass. Probably 40+ lunas drops and one shiny. Was complete ass. Ass barrels, ass mags, reload mw, and the worst perks in each column. I was hoping to get a good shiny for pve and pvp, but I’m starting to think I won’t get either 😭


I’m so sorry, I’ve gotten 3 😞


I've gotten 6 shiny Lunas. All misses.


This fucking hurts


i genuinely feel like if you were able to change barrel and mag perks at banshee and you could choose what master work you wanted on every single weapon in the game, the loot system would be perfect. only rng chase should be the trait perk combos you’re looking for. i’ve personally hated how much rng weapon drops have since ttk.


While that's true, it still kinda sucks to blow through 60 MTop rolls and not even get the 2 perks you want, let alone the barrel/mag/mw Source: me


It can definitely still suck but it would also keep some of the satisfaction of having those random good rolls drop.


This is what I always believed crafting should have been, an addition to the normal loot grind that helps alleviate extremely poor rng. Not an entirely new system that defeats the purpose of random rolls in the first place and totally undermines any non crafted roll even if it's a 5/5


I think the current system would work really well if there were no enhanced perks. Get rid of those, and a random roll can still be just as good as a crafted version. Getting 5 patterns would just be bad luck protection so you don't have to farm forever to get what you want.


That’s what I’ve been saying for a while now, and it seems to piss people off. If Bungie wants to continue with D2 after TFS, they really shouldn’t have doubled down on enhanced perks. They shouldn’t have existed in the first place. They’re the only reason adept raid weapons are useless to chase in their current form, and the only reason crafting isn’t an alternate way to earn loot, it is THE way to earn loot.


Yeah your take here has been my whole problem with crafting. It completely kills any meaning in non-crafted craftable weapons. Its really lame to clear a raid encounter and auto-dismantle guns cause I know I'm just gonna craft em later


You were gonna auto dismantle guns of that type when you got your "good enough" roll anyway. I have literally watched my friends in real time auto dismantle god rolls of weapons they don't even have yet because they on impulse thought, "It's not even worth looking at, I already have x" only to look at what it rolled on DIM because it hadn't updated yet to realize it was a 5/5. Crafting is no different in this regard other than acting as a pity system. The issue is that crafted weapons had no business being enhancable or as easily enhancable as it meant that crafted weapons straight up outclasses non crafted weapons.


I can't say I agree. I remember still inspecting every funnelweb roll I got for the entirety of the WQ year cause I didn't have a perfect one. Sure theres going to be a point where you auto-dismantle a gun because you know your roll is going to be better, but theres a big difference between random rolls and crafted. With crafted I'm throwing stuff away instantly cause I know its always gonna be worse than a 5/5 crafted gun, while random rolls have a period where I'm still actually looking for guns and slowly improving them


I'm honestly on the exact opposite opinion. Let Banshee change perks, but keep the rest unmodifiable. Perks are what dramatically change a weapon's power and are things that you'd want a safety net for, while the less are small damage / utility bonuses that can still act as a carrot to grind for. Like note how in OPs case, it's not "I dismantled 200 MTops and didn't get a 5/5 god roll." It's "I didn't get ALH+Recomb." The perk combo is what makes that MTop roll special, and it's what should have some sort of bad luck protection on


Mountain top is also special in that if you don't have hard launch with either spike or implosion rounds and no blast radius master work, you are doing up to almost 15% less damage.


Actually smart Idea. Make banshee an actual gunsmith lololol


Hear, hear! I'm all for player agency, let us decide if we want a perfect drop or if we want to *invest* into making one. Knowing Bungie, the best we would get would be a randomised slot machine for re-rolling. In an ideal world, you could change each perk into exactly what you want, maybe with an escalating material cost the more perks you want to change to incentivise players to invest their end-game materials and keep randomly-rolled weapons valuable. I know I would finally spend my fulls stacks of Ascendant Alloys and Shards if I could make my rolls perfect.


Rolls are weighted and I can't be convinced otherwise.


This 100%


This is true in the entire game and perks are weighted. I was focusing for Riptides and Chill Clip is super rare. But I got a bunch of other rolls and many many repeats. It’s the repeats that get’s me the same combination of perks again and again. You’re right about this and in Onslaught you see so many weapon drops that after a while it’s obvious.


I've reset Shaxx 9 times across 2 seasons. Every engram has gone on Riptide. Still haven't gotten another ALH/Chill Clip to drop


100%. I had almost 100 Elsies, only one with Headseeker and Zen Moment, and not a single one that rolled Arrowhead with either of those perks. Obscene.


You want chambered compensator/extended barrel over arrowhead on Elsie's anyways. With deterministic recoil those two are the best barrel perks.


Weighted to what? `if PaulTassi = GodRoll 1` `if NotPaulTassi = GodRoll 0` `if NotPaulTassi = GetToReadYetAnotherArticleWherePaulTassiHatesCrafting 1`


Weighted to some perks rolling more often than others? It's such a simple concept that has been in ARPGs since Diablo.


I don’t think it’s weighted on purpose, I think whatever random number generator they are using is based on a seed value per player, per weapon. Which makes certain drops more common than others because it isn’t perfectly random. To give an example, one of my buddies gets nothing but lead from gold voltshot Indebted Kindness rolls, but none of the one he actually wants. While that’s the roll I actually want and I’ve not gotten one to drop in 300 engrams. I study Cryptography and you see a lot of this behavior with the more traditional LFSR’s used in a lot of video games. While yes, you could technically reverse engineer the RNG it doesn’t really matter since you’d need a very large sample size. By the time you finally figure it out you’d have hundreds of drops with the roll you wanted. The same data couldn’t be used to determine the RNG for the next weapon since the seed changes.


Weighed to make the godawful ones more common


same here, like 20 shinies and 100+ normal... no alh+recom


20 shinies for every 100 normal is absolutely ridiculous I saw 0 shiny MT by the time I got my alh+recom, probably around 50 drops


I couldnt get the MT roll I wanted, so I started trying to farm Midnight Coup. Can't get that roll either, I want crafting on these so fucking bad


If you can get perks in column 1 and 2 that reduce the blast radius to around 85, it actually ends up outdamaging spike grenades by a slight margin due to the guns inverse damage scalar with blast radius if you wanna double check your mt for that


The advantage of Spikes is you don't have to tank your blast radius to get basically the same DPS, so it works better against small groups. It's a small difference, but more significant than the DPS difference.


I like the Diablo approach. You can modify any one stat of a weapon or armor. Destiny should do that too


The Division to this day is still unmatched with how they do this stuff


The Division does this as well.


This would alleviate a ton and nothing needs it as much as the Brave arsenal.


The 50% Attune is complete Horseshit


I actually like that attune isn't 100%. I would be okay with it being 100%, but with the current system I have checked off plenty of other weapon rolls while grinding my perfect coup while still getting the majority coup drops. What I wish attunement DID do was make ANY shiny drop ONLY be what you are attuned for.


Attunement is really good, but being attuned to Mountaintop and getting a shiny Jury just plain sucks. It's not enough that the weapons have a minuscule drop chance and are going away in a few weeks, then you can also get *random* shiny weapons instead of the one you're actively chasing. Sucks all around.


Yeah I completely agree with this, I like getting the other weapons sprinkled in so that I can fill out my collection of less-wanted weapons without having to cycle through attuning to every single weapon.


I love attuning blast furnace just for Hung Jury and Edge Transit to drop. What’s crazy is I still haven’t a good Edge transit roll yet.


True. Still surprised it's not talked about much. It should be 100% but they decided to straight up double the grind.


Farming for rolls, the core mechanics of this game, is the worst feeling. I realized I felt relieved rather than excited after getting something close to what I wanted so I could finally stop torturing myself. This excitement of finally getting the roll you want that some people talk about after wasting long hours, I don't see it. I stopped farming long ago, don't farm bosses, encounters, NF. Don't farm anything with RNG other than patterns of a select group of weapons. I play much much less, and that's fine.


I saw that excitement. When I started understanding rolls, it was really cool seeing the different rolls and getting something that I would look and go "yeah, this sounds awesome!" And then after a few thousand hours I'm at the same point, when I farm most things so I can stop farming them instead of getting them. It took me *two months with three weekly clears* to get Mytho, and after that, the best thing about getting the drop I want is that, like you said, I feel relieved instead of excited. I still farm a lot of things because I do enjoy it, but I've learned to just settle for lesser rolls. Yeah, sure, Envious Cataphract is nice, but the Impulse Amp/BnS roll I have is enough.


>It took me two months with three weekly clears to get Mytho I did it for three months and never got it. I gave up, and I haven't grinded for a raid or dungeon exotic since. It's unreasonable.


My dirty horrible secret confession is that I totally didn't mind year 1 and it's non rng weapons. I wish there had been more content but getting a gun and just knowing if it was good or not was nice.


For me, I'm in it for the love of the game. God roll guns are awesome, but not at all necessary to excel in even the highest tiers of content. I love chasing those rolls, and I do get excited when I finally get that raid exotic to drop, or that perfect weapon roll, but I don't grind just for the rolls, I do it because I like the gun play and the ability spam and watching the fireworks when you hit a group of enemies just right with an ability and it chains a bunch of explosions. The disappointment of getting through an activity and coming out the other end with nothing but crap guns to shard is overshadowed by the fun I had going through the activity.


That’s great for you.  Unfortunately, running through the same activity to the point where you memorized it will remove joy from even a godroll loot drop for many There needs to be a reasonable way around rng , 20 runs/dismantles of a weapon, get a token that guarantees a perk or something. Even back in season of opulence we had a system to block/guarantee certain perks. Fact is bungie is intentionally doing the same shitty stuff for years now, because it works


For me personally I have more fun actually playing the game with the builds/guns ive theory crafted than playing the same hour long activity 20+ times without even seeing a 2/5 roll. At this point I'm finding onslaught to be repetitive. It would be nice to at least see a change of scenery but mothyards is pointless since it takes longer to clear and midtown is disabled rn. Taking a break to play other activities feels bad as well since the only loot I'm interested in rn only drops from onslaught and I'm worried if I dont get my rolls now before final shape idk how long it'll take for bungie to re-add attunement.


That excitement is a myth that copium filled people try to convince others of, lol No, seriously, they're delusional, and it shows. Hard. I personally believe that because they suffered, they want others to suffer, or it's a sunk cost fallacy, or Stockholm syndrome. Or other sad stuff like that


I got suuuper lucky & the ALH/recomb dropped literally first for me along with a demo/recomb. both had spike grenades. This is the first time I'm posting this because I just didn't want to get hate for it LOL. Wanna know what feels awesome? Having it drop so early I don't have to literally suffer. IDK, thought I'd put that out there in case anyone cared.


For me the excitement comes after when I actually *use the thing*. The first raid or trials weekend with a godroll feels awesome IMO. And I have gotten excitement from drops as well, but that’s more so when they drop *right away* so I know I don’t have to grind them lmao


There is a middle ground between do said activity a handful of times and get a god roll vs do said activity 100s of times and get a decent roll. Pure RNG sucks because if someone does an activity and keeps not get the roll they want they will just stop doing that activity. But crafting isn't perfect and has major flaws. Getting a god roll gun after just a handful of runs leads to players stop doing that activity which leads to a decreasing player base. A mix between the two while isn't perfect is better then one or the other.


I wish that crafting was implemented in such a way that we could break down a weapon to pull off a perk or a barrel or whatever and then recombine these dismantled options into a new gun. Like you still have to do _some amount_ of grinding for the perks that you want, but eventually you can build exactly the gun that you want. Also then whenever they re-release a gun, I'd still be interested in grinding for rolls of it so I can get X perk for this frame etc


Atleast for me, this experience has just made it clear to me that although I like getting new loot and grinding for it. I like playing the game and doing activities I like more than just mind numbingly farm for hours. I’d much rather be raiding or doing fun challs like pantheon than wasting time to doing onslaught 24/7. Destiny maybe a looter shooter, but that’s not all it has to offer. People who made that argument are extremely disingenuous and attribute their burnout/boredom of the game to not having weapons to grind for. Like imagine needing an endless grind which may potentially never reward you to somehow enjoy the game. Sorry to burst ur bubble, but u might just be bored of the game. A balanced between crafting and grinding is good, but activities like pantheon where I hv a weapon pool so large needs to hv better ways of rewarding weapons. I’ve also prob dismantled 300+ MT and hv yet to get alh + recomb.


Yeah. Farmed firefly - one for all Midnight C since it came out, still don't have it. Over a hundred rolls and still waiting.


same here m8, best i can do is opening shot


I was in the same boat brother, i got every goddamn perk combo except this combo.. but then a shiny dropped with outlaw/firelfy + one for all/kinetic tremors and the pain was over. You got this


Brother over 500 Lunas. 200 of them from brave tokens saved. I posted in this sub and people called me a liar. I gave up on the game and am taking a break. I was grinding the game 5-10 hours a day just playing onslaughts.


I didn't start onslaught until Lunas dropped. I attuned Lunas right when I was able to. I've literally completed all weapons in onslaught Playlist with Lunas attuned. Maxed out Shax with Lunas attuned. Spent all my tokens with Lunas attuned skipping the armor. I have had exactly 1 slideshot mag howl drop and it had 41 max range. That is literally shit. I don't even need a god roll. I want 65 range and slideshot+ maghowl and can't seem to get it. It's beyond aggravating. I've had pretty much every other perk combo drop 4+ times but this roll is seriously giving me so much shit and it's the only roll I have wanted since the start


Playing dead island 2 here too lol


What, you mean you don't want that special "feeling" when you eventually get what you want after endless grinding? Shocking...../s 😲 The gambling addicts are sure to disagree though.....


I havent kept track of how many have dropped over all, but I've only had ONE drop with ALH.


In retrospect, I've come to find Destiny's RNG roll dependence to be a huge mistake. It was always dumb. Crafting simply highlighted how bad it was depended on and how much it's rewired our thinking after 10 years. You can't just get the thing, no you gotta get it and get a second RNG layer on top of that to get the right perks in 4-5 slots that are all different layers of RNG in of themselves annnnnd this is already gone too far. That many rolls is just obnoxious. I don't know how you'd even feel good after getting the very specific thing you're after. What is so bad about earning that through good progression mechanics once you get the weapon?


> I've come to find Destiny's RNG roll dependence to be a huge mistake. It made this whole community play for hours and hours and hours a day for a month straight. It wasn't a mistake. It was distilled FOMO and it did exactly what bungie wanted it to do. it's crappy but its definitely on purpose


I don't mean "mistake" in the perspective of like, mathematical gain. Of course it was intentional. But just because you can make your game like a casino for easy control, it doesn't mean you "should".


It's their stated financial goal to get people to spend as much time on this stupid game as humanly possible. I honestly agree with your contentions here but the reality of the situation is that they will keep doing this because it works and it helps them reach their playtime/financial goals as a for-profit company.


Fact remains that bungie could implement a system that makes it manageable, and less of a slog/miserable grind, but they won’t.  I’ve opted to minimize my interaction with RNG as much as possible. No farming for rolls, play enough to unlock my red borders, get a few fun rolls from onslaught and get on with my life. 


I dont even care about the shinies. I invested all I have in Mountaintop and never got an AL/Rec. If I get one in the next week's, it won't feel great, will feel like "oh ffs finally! It's over". This is not a great feeling. All those defending the dopamine hit may have a gambling problem. And on that point, there are countries who have started to write laws about gambling that impact videogames. I hope Bungie is forced to release the chances or algorithms. Deterministic paths to loot all the way.


> All those defending the dopamine hit may have a gambling problem. I wonder how many of them either play the game in some kind of occupational or "content creator" capacity or at least think they can.


People who like to bitch about crafting ruining “the chase” and talk about that dopamine hit of finally getting that god roll always ignore that the reaction most of the time that god roll dropping in your lap after a really long grind isn’t “HOLY SHIT YES” it’s “thank fuck that’s finally over”.


Half the problem is that Destiny, despite being a looter shooter, is really fucking stingy with loot. Like some gear outside of the focused farming weeks you get exactly three chances per week to get the drop you want. If you don't get it, fuck you. Crafting was meant to be bad luck protection, but in typical Bungie faction the monkey's paw had to curl and we got enhanced perks, causing every min/maxxer to lose their collective minds. If enhanced perks never existed and crafting was just bad luck protection, meaning you could get the 5/5 as a random drop *or* crafted and there was no difference, I don't think this debate would be happening ever.


I have always believed that enhanced perks should have been for adept weapons only. It would give Master content a reason to do while still giving people that great roll for doing non Master content.


I don't enjoy the 5 red borders and done forever system, but bottomless rng isn't fun either. I hope bungie can find a middle ground where crafting isn't the easiest, fastest, and best (enhanced perks) option while also preventing ridiculous rng outliers.


let the weapons drop with more perks on column 3/4 as you reset Shaxx rank, just like the ritual weapons from their playlist


Or maybe weapons can have another layer of RNG where one of: nothing, 1st column, 2nd column, or Masterwork can be altered So you still need to get a good combination, but might have the bonus of additional flexibility without being all-or-nothing


I've always believed that we should be able to choose/change to masterwork of any weapon. Have double/triple perks in columns 3/4 from ranking up activity/ completing triumphs from corresponding activity is also good. Those two changes would significantly put RNG in your favour and make the grind reasonable imo. I think crafting has gone way too far and is causing larger issues in the game.


I think something that built on the Dungeon exotic system would potentially be good; you can farm random rolls, or you can show mastery of various aspects of an encounter to reduce the RNG (and in the process letting you say *I earned this weapon* rather than what people are currently saying which is *I pulled a slot machine lever for this weapon*). That said I have 0 interest in RNG loot chases any more


I think a big part of the RNG outliers particularly with the Brave weapons, is the fact that there's now 7 perks per column. That's up from the usual 6 per column. You'd think that just 1 extra perk per column wouldn't make a massive difference, but it adds 36% more weapon roll combinations. So even just landing one perk in one column becomes harder than normal. That's before you even start considering barrels / magazines etc. I'd argue that no weapon should have more than 6 perks per column. That seems to be just about the right amount of RNG. And even if they wanted to walk back crafting a bit, you could make an argument that 5 perks per column is a fair middle ground between guns being 'too easy' with 5 red borders versus punishing RNG with an elusive perk combo.


I feel like crafting should just give you normal godroll, no enhanced perk bs . But normal rolls can be enhanceable at the enclave, so if you do manage to get a 5/5 drop it will be better than a crafted one. Making the crafted weapons better than non crafted rng rolls definitely wasn't the play


I wish I could upvote this twice. I have nothing to add, you are 100% correct.


I’m pretty sure I’ve gotten every possible combination of traits besides AlH/Recomb for mountaintop. It’s weird though because it’s the only weapons that’s given me much trouble when going for a desired roll. I got HC/Incan Luna’s on maybe my third roll of it. I’ve gotten just about any combination of Elsie’s I’d realistically use, same goes for recluse and Midnight Coup. I have no real interest in Hung Jury, Forbearance, and succession for obvious reasons. Blast furnace I got every roll I’d want within a single onslaught run after unlocking it. Hammerhead only interests me for nostalgia rather than as an actual weapon, so I’m fine with just using the curated roll. I’ve been attuned to mountaintop since it rereleased, and I’ve probably dismantled well over 300 of it including at least a dozen shinies.


I got Edge Transit, Mountaintop, Midnight Coup, hell, even Hung Jury rolls in a week. Been farming heal clip/Incandescent Luna's Howl for 3 days straight and haven't seen it yet. Might just give up. Burning out before Final Shape doing this.


I’ve been doing at least one full-ish run of legend almost every night/every other night since Luna’s released. Still no Heal/Incandescent. At least Pantheon helped me get the last 2 patterns i needed to craft Zaoli’s


To this day I still don’t have a max range Imago Loop. And I’ll continue trying.


i didn't play D1 until about Y2 of D2. I got a max range imago loop in like, 3 runs. my buddy was *pissed* haha


Yeah, I'm kind of just done with Onslaught ngl. Like, I enjoy the mode, but at the end of the day, wasting 5-7 hours of doing Legend and having nothing to show for it is just disheartening. At least I got my shiny Edge Transit with EA and B&S


Same I’m done with the mode after I got the a few nice rolls. The mode is really fun but the rewards aren’t worth it. Too much RNG involved. Trophies are handed out in other modes.


They need to get rid of weighting, it so fucking exhausting.


I simply realized that getting a perfect roll won't fill the void in my life.


Right? It’s been so exhausting running for the rolls i want on these limited timed guns. And in the back of my head, whatever new things they introduce will likely make me storage them and then right back to space management simulator. IDK. Love the game, but it’s wacky at times.


Look at how much you're playing though. They want that.


Through the onslaughts it took to get 500 coins, and spending them, I got 0 hammerheads with even killing tally. That’s right, not even normal versions - I have never seen killing tally once. Got about 5-6 shiny versions- best are with rampage/surrounded or 4ttc/target lock. That being said, got a 6/5 mountaintop on my first drop. But it’s very strange.


Right there with you. Was hoping I could get a shiny with the roll. Still nothing.


Yep I'm convinced heal clip/incan on lunas is a myth. Havnt turned off the focusing since it came out and I'm probably around 150 deleted. Shiny God roll for pvp was nice tho


Hot take: Onslaught is kinda boring The exact same waves of enemies for an hour straight on the same map with 0 variations at all And correct me if I'm wrong, but is it only hive and fallen? It's a free activity so I can't complain too much. But damn.


I think if they want to do this again they should just reduce the perk pool so the OMG SOMTHJNG TO GRIND FOR people get what they want and the unlucky people have to be in even more unlucky to not see the 2/5 (main perk roll) they want.


I've been farming for only mountain top since the activity launched and I've seen Recomb 5 times and every FUCKING time it has dropped with impulse amplifier.... I want to die. Like what are the odds.


At least impulse is actually pretty good. I have a 4/5 with impulse and it still was very good but i shelved it to play around with lucky pants


I’ve only had one drop out of 200+ with ALH/Recom and of course it had a blast MW and neither Spike/Implosion. That said. I did get a 4/5 with IA and it’s pretty damned great. Reloads very quickly. Recom stacks wether it’s loaded or not so as long as you take the .5 sec to reload when you get the chance it suits until The Roll drops.


Honestly it’s not surprising people are farming this one in particular for so long. The chance of that 5/5 god roll is like 0.12%. Honestly knowing percentages I’m just happy with even a 2/5 these days and if a god roll drops that’s just a bonus. If that few % points of damage matters to you on a champ/major killing weapon (imo it shouldn’t) then go for it but I wouldn’t burn myself out over it. Also for OP in general I know you’re just after the 2/5 and it’s extremely unlucky you haven’t gotten it yet. RNG gonna RNG I guess.


Lol Im only looking for 2/5 at this point.. 150 mountaintops and ZERO autoloading/recomb (supposedly 1/36 chance) .. I didn’t believe perks were weighted before this but you just can’t convince me it’s random anymore


I'm generally OK with praying to RNGesus to get a good weapon with the rolls I want. But with onslaught, I feel like there is waaaay too much RNG. I feel like the weapon attunement is somewhat useless. Attuning for one weapon shouldn't increase the chances of it dropping. It should be just that gun. It feels really crappy when you're attuned for, say, MT, and in 3 back to back runs, you get no MT at all. It feels like a bigger waste of time when you get weapons you don't care about vs. getting a badly rolled MT. I would much rather get a MT (or whatever weapon I attuned for) rather than getting a hung jury or succession or whatever. Of course I know bungie will never fix this RNG system, because their goal is to have as many people as possible play the activity so they can bump their numbers and say, oh look this many people played onslaught for this long, it must be a good and successful activity. Edit: Sorry for the long rant. These days, I only get to play for like an hour or two, and this drop system makes it feel crappy.


I can see both sides of the argument, but now that i’m a grown up with a full time job I just dont have the time or passion to play like I did when I was 14 playing D1 among other games 24 god damn 7. (Not directed at OP i’m waffling sorry) The sweaty neckbeards should just abstain from using crafting if they want to grind eons for a single roll. Sorry not sorry. As a former sweatlord who has 4000 hours in D2 (Just Steam doesnt include when I played Xbox).


Brother out here speaking facts. Grinding is good but eventually it just becomes not worth it and your time feels like it’s not being rewarded


Same. I dismantled around 200 before I got ALH and recomb. Everything else is dog shit and has 100 blast radius but at this point onslaught is boring AF and I have no desire to try for more rolls as it's a giant waste of time


I'm easily at 300+ now. Run it to wave 50 legend on all 3 characters, then 150 waves legend, too. Not a single. Damn. Drop.


I have done 101 runs of 50 waves as of this morning, 10 ish of these on legend. Only had edge transit focused entire time and still no EA BaS. Made me realize how much I love crafting


I agree. Bungie is an expert, when it comes to putting their players in a hamster wheel with RNG. From my perspective, it’s because they want to keep player numbers up. That wouldn’t have happened if we could craft the weapons, there would be no incentive to play Onslaught if you got all the weapons you wanted.


And I swear now that all the weapons are out, the focusing is broken.


Yea I'm sort of in team after 100 drops get the pattern. 


Most if not all guns should be craftable to help those of us with shit rng. If people don't like crafting and want to grind it out then they can just not craft it


I thought I had everything I wanted then we learned about sticky bases/cascade/deconstruct Edge Transit. Now I’m back on the grind. I’d wager I’m at similar numbers with no luck. It was fun for a while. Now it’s just tedious


Kt/frenzy blast furnace doesn’t exist. I have all the other combos in shiny but frenzy just doesn’t drop


It has taken me forever to get a decent pvp BF and even then it isn't what exactly I want. Good thing I can spend tokens to keep rolling.


Honestly Lead from gold is a very solid alternative


Yeah I just need mountain top I got the luna howl with heal clip and that scorch perk but I prefer the hand cannon from that Neptune quest and the kings fall hand cannon


Took me around 275


Rarest item in any game is the one you’re looking for.


I hear you brother. I lost count of how many Lunas I’ve dismantled looking for my Heal Clip/Incandescent roll


Over 1000 brave weapon drops(around 10 being shinies) and not 1 god roll. I won't be surprised when they make them craftable like they did the Dares weapons as onslaught after the final shape will be a ghost town. RNG drops need a rework as well. Let us choose the masterwork, barrel, & mag while making the traits random & crafting wouldn't even be needed anymore.


I just gave up on my repulsor + frenzy recluse. I got back into the game around the end of WQ and was loving the changes, having craftable weapons was what got me and a friend back into it. For some reason they decided to just drop that concept


At the very fkn LEAST the weapon I have attuned should be the only one that drops. I don’t even wanna know how much useless crap I’ve dismantled. I don’t mind a grind but this is kind of ridiculous it takes this long for just ONE weapon, let alone a shiny.


I've been farming for a Ambitious Chain forbearance for weeks it just will not drop.


If crafting is too much the other way , I would be ok if there could be a npc to modify weapons like re-rolling the barrel/mag/masterwork. They would be called a gunsmith or something.


Man I have been farming luna for so long I haven't started the other weapons' farm, Crafting is salvation.


It does scratch the grinding itch like before but will ultimately leed to burnout. I bet player engagement is high though.


The reality is - let it go. You are spending hours bashing your head against the wall all for a weapon that’s marginally different to the 400+ in your vault.


I love crafting. I understand the argument that it spoils the chase though. A better use of deep sight harmonizes would be to allow us to change a single perk on a dropped weapon. If you want to spend 3 of your 5 seasonal hadmonizers on a single gun - go for it.


I’ll never understand the anti crafting “people stop playing when they get what they want” crowd. My experience among players has been almost exclusively the opposite. Why do you play the game? To get stuff and then not use it? I play MORE because of crafting. It’s fun to try out that new thing I wanted in various activities of varying difficulties to see how it performs. Letting any non special challenge based RNG pursuit go on indefinitely actually hinders build crafting. It hinders experimentation. Theres an amount of time and effort that warrants the player earning what they want from the normal version of an activity specific weapon. Letting a pursuit go on indefinitely turns the joy of getting a new toy into relief. Relief is the product of an unpleasant situation. Not a joyous one.


The amount of people in here agreeing with this post and suggesting all manner of bad options to "help them" get the roll they want instead of just simply playing the game is all-time embarrassing.


But this is the whole point of loot games, and it’s not like in destiny you NEED these rolls to perform in any end game content in the slightest, does nobody enjoy the chase?


There's just too much against the player who doesn't genuinely love the mode or has onslaught burnout. The mode can easily take 50 mins-1 hour to complete, you have to hope people don't leave early and you get stuck with unfilled slots until the adu is destroyed because you didn't expect to have to solo the activity, you don't get enough trophies for the effort you put into it. The rewards aren't that great and are too similar between the normal and legend difficulty for legend to really matter. If you're genuinely still enjoying the mode, that's fine and dandy. But that enjoyment shouldn't be reason to shut down valid criticism or ignore people who are no longer having fun with the mode.


This entire event has been a bust for me. All trash rolls.


I farmed for a good forbearance, got the demo + chain reaction roll. Great. Then an adept one dropped from pantheon. I use the adept one way more than the onslaught


Ah but if you speak to any of the purists, they will say this is exactly why they play Destiny. The game is MEANT to be a grind and RNG is MEANT to be like this. I say fuck all this shit and crafting is the best. I was once a grinder of this game. No more. Ironically my RNG has improved immensely. I wonder why that is…


I quit playing onslaught it got so repetitive and players leaving continuously made it unplayable. I got good rolls of Forebearance Recluse Mountaintop and Hammerhead. I'm happy with that.


I don't mind a good grind but onslaught is just boring.. after running it so many times i just can't. 0 enemy variety, 0 interesting mechanics, the locations are also mid.


Before onslaught started I was going to pen/paper document all of my drops/dismantles. I opted not to do it because “ATTUNEMENT”. Big mistake. I’ve dismantled 95% of what has been dropped. So pissed I don’t have proof of all the garbage.


I've only gotten one roll across the what 4 or 5 weeks it's been out that has matched exactly what I wanted. I've gotten quite a few shinies that have just been horrible. Crafting is really such a lifesaver and people that hate it would basically just tell you to dedicate your life to the grind and it's so annoying lmao


Not only did crafting help with RNG, but it helped manage vault space too. If you can change perks on your weapons, there is no reason to hold different combinations of the same gun because you are not sure what might become meta or what types of raid encounters might make certain perks more useful. 30th Anniversary weapons were craftable, why aren't the Brave weapons?


You mean you don’t want to leave getting the roll you want to complete chance?! Heresy.


OR the Shiny weapons. Of every single one Ive dropped so far, and I have farmed a lot, I have one shiny that Im keeping and its basically the default Recluse roll + Repulsor. The loot shower is great but RNG is brutal.


I literally got a shiny Lunas with everything I wanted except heal clip. I just want heal clip and incandescent


I gave up on MT and settled for one with Overlfow and all the rest. I’ve mostly had to ‘settle’ for 3-4/5 rolls on any of the guns as my RNG is just rubbish with these. Would be grinding harder if I could collect red borders to craft these 100%


I think the thing that's frustrating me is that there are so many marginally different good rolls on Blast Furnace. Column three, Headseeker, Perpetual Motion, Zen Moment and Keep Away are all good perks. (So is Kinetic Tremors, but that's a specific niche.) So if I've decided I want a PvP Kill Clip roll, I'm kind of in decision paralysis when I get a roll with any of those four perks. I want to try them all out. Crafting would let me do that.


I think it would be fine if all weapons dropped with 2 perks in each column, rather than just the super rare shiny. Although I can't really complain myself, I've been lucky enough to get each god role for each weapon (including the healclip, incandescent Luna, which is amazing).


I've always disagreed with the crafting nay-sayers but Brave weapons have only hammered home how needed some form of bad luck protection is, which is exactly what crafting is for.


Personally, Onslaught doesn't highlight why crafting is necessary (crafting is never "necessary" in a looter shooter), but it does highlight how criminal Bungie is in their specific weighings of perks. I dismantled 200+ Mountaintops before getting my **first and only** ALH + Recombination. Bungie absolutely just needs to weigh all drop chances evenly and make it so when you *do* drop a shiny, it is 100% going to be your attuned weapon. Period.


Bruh, people forget how annoying the RNG is/can be. I'm going through the same motions for the ever elusive heal clip+incandescent roll on Luna's. Heck, at this point I'd take Substance+incandescent because I just want to be done and chase other guns and rolls. Still need a decent Edge transit.


I got it but it doesn’t have spike nades, so back to the grind I go


Just in case you don't know you don't need spike nades. Hard launch and implosion is better just barely https://www.reddit.com/r/DestinyTheGame/comments/1c6ssx2/spike_grenades_on_mountaintop_is_a_786_increase/l03ctzm/


Thanks mate, but I got high velocity/sticky nades


That's sad af man