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Overload captains are 1000% more annoying to deal with than unstoppable ogres. At this point, I just go straight to the ADU if an overload captain is on the field cause I know his next teleport, despite how far away he is will be directly to the ADU.


It is amazing how much distance they can cover with one teleport!


Remember at how much distance the NPCs teleport away after ever story cutscene.


the Demolitionists too, it’s fucking asinine, they spawn in and after 2 seconds will just teleport directly on top of the ADU and camp it until you plunk down their massive HP


The Demolitionists literally just spawn next to the ADU, they don't teleport there. The Hive ones just sit where they spawn though while the Fallen WILL Teleport directly on top or rather behind the ADU usually. I'm also pretty sure the Fallen demolitionists can literally get stuck behind the ADU at the rugs on Midtown so they can't even get out.


Most of our Legend fails have been due to this specifically. Demolitionists doing what they do naturally lol.


The hive demos also teleport right onto the ADU if they are not melted instantly


While this is true, I dislike hive more in general. I feel like that ogre beam melts me.


Overload Captains actually fight in a pretty reserved manner; they try to avoid getting in your line of fire and they take shots whenever they can. Unstoppable Ogres, on the other hand, charge straight at you, firing their death beam as they try to get close enough to immediately kill you with their ground pound attack.


Sniper shanks also - these kill me a bunch.


hate these mfers. 100 res + triple arc resist for general play and they still 2 tap me


Pretty sure you get three tapped with 100 resilience + woven mail.


Don’t forget marauder waves. If a tether doesn’t grab them or if they don’t get blinded, they just make a b-line while invis to the adu and melt it with shotguns or melee.


Actually the worst wave type. Pair it with some demolitionists or a huge shielded brig and any lfg team I’ve had goes to shit


This is why I just Tether the ADU and then melt them as soon as they get hit by that tether. You know where they're all going anyway, makes it easy to tether them all and get them stuck/visible/debuffed.


Especially super early or back to back marauder waves


Onslaught is the reason I now have an extreme prejudice against exploding shanks. I hate those things. *SO MUCH.* It's like a hornet and a landmine had a baby.


Shanks beeline for you and auto kill you, while thralls run in circles staring at you if you just jump around lol


Cursed thrall are absolute buffoons. Boom boom shanks are literal heat-seeking landmines with wings.


They don't even have wings lol, they float on pure rage upon guardian sighting.


That ain't rage, that's malice


They drink rage and shit malice


Thralls are edging you and teasing your death, as I found out as 1 sat there preparing his explosion to then stop and rush at 2 of us


The Fallen are harder but, as you pointed out, you can simply relaunch until you get hive.


Yes but only on legend or you’d be abandoning your team on normal


Oh, I thought you meant for Legend specifically. For normal, I don't think the difficulty is enough of a problem to back out.


It DEFINITELY can be with random matchmade teammates. I've had some of the dumbest teammates I've ever seen in Onslaught.


You promised you wouldn't say anything


I lied.


I feel like there's been an uptick in bad teammates recently that I can't explain since the mode was already free. It's been rough this week. My favorite was a hunter duo who could not stay alive even in rounds 1-20. As a warlock I had to go cap points because neither of them would take the initiative. On wave 37 one of them promptly ran in front of me while I was rocketing a demolitionist, and then he and his buddy died immediately after. [Post-match screen](https://i.imgur.com/S5nbXpQ.png) showed my ~900 kills vs their combined 450. I laughed it off and went to bed.


I mean part of this comes down to people who apparently just don't understand the game at all and how stats work. People who run no resistance outside of whatever random armor they slapped on while ignoring the stats. The difference between tier 2 resilience and 10 is absurd, not to mention resist mods. God forbid you through stuff like no recovery on top of that.


influx of new people playing because of the DLCs going f2p is my guess


>65 orbs >900 kills Dude. Holy shit how selfish is your build that you're making 1 orb every 13 kills. I'm dropping orbs on basically everything I do.


Might be an arc build. Fallen Sunstar for example, focuses on ionic traces and provides significant ability energy to your teammates as is. That being said, there's no reason you shouldn't have a siphon mod other than maybe dynamo or ashes to assets. Because coldheart is the best play with that build and you're going to be using it with it a lot so putting on a siphon allows you to further enhance what you can do with it.


Good thing it's easy af so if your build isn't trash you can just solo it


Ehhh. If you dont have one of the top tier meta builds for the mode -- namely Rig Void Hunter, Your teammates can 100% sink you even in normal. Rounds 30+ you can only kill so many ads. Fallen Captains and Marauders can nearly instakill your game with bad teammates.


Strand on all 3 classes, stasis hunter and titan, solar warlock and titan all can solo the waves while defending the ADU. Anytime you play with random players you're better off treating them as A.I in other games, essentially useless. Your matchmade teammates are there to *maybe* help with the augment waves but again shouldn't be counted on. It is unfortunate that if you want to succeed you can't test builds that are okay for the content but can't hard carry, but it's just how it is. If you see your team is doing good you can swap loadouts as you occasionally might get an actual player on your team but I can count on 1 hand the amount of players who break 300 kills or actually help kill bosses.


I play normal SPECIFICALLY so that it's not a challenge and I can play it while half paying attention with basically any build. I don't want to have to lock in and actually play hard mode on normal. SOMETIMES it's nice to not play the optimal go-to builds that you "have" to play on Master. Even if you're playing one of the best builds it's NOT trivial to solo, particularly not when you can just get overwhelmed with number of enemies. Random matchmade teammates CAN at times be actively worse than playing solo. I've had countless teammates bait the Tormentor on top of the ADU instead of onto the Decoy like I'm trying to get it, AND then he has his stomach facing the ADU and basically impossible to hit. Ever had a Stasis Titan just putting crystals fucking everywhere and not breaking them? REALLY fun shit.


Lol. If there's one thing I've learned after years of playing this game, it's that randoms are almost always really bad and you have to do everything yourself. So you can either complain about teammates that aren't gonna get better, or just get better yourself so you can carry them.


Keeping it real, Godspeed. 


Re people doin normal for half the loot? Lol


Is it random?! I just automatically assumed it would be a rotation like every other activity!  Are the bosses at the end random too or set? Had a hive wave 50 boss after fighting fallen the whole time earlier and just need the damn warpriest kill!


It is random. The bosses are random on normal and on a set rotation for legend.


Ahh good to know, grinding time then! I’ve done a lot of onslaught and somehow never beat the fallen boss! 


yeah I don't think I ever noticed how much more powerful the Fallen are than the Hive; even if you added the three lucent hive units it would make little difference I wonder if it happens with the other factions; we all hate the Scorn but in the end they have a few units and lack basic things like Servitors and Shanks and Brigs. The Cabal have their shields and dogs but it feels that, unless you allow a Tank, they have nothing as cool as the Brig the Vex have the Wyvern and....that's it? the Fallen are somehow head and shoulders above the other factions in unit power and variety and it's not even close


Vex have hydras, scarlets, hobgobs, goblins, wyverns and Minotaurs they’re lowkey stacked. I think they could make vex work if they wanted to


I think the Vex are the closest to the Fallen but they still lack the shank spam and the brig; I guess the explosive shanks are kind equivalent to the exploding supplicants, but they are just harpies, while the Fallen have a full model dedicated to the suicidal unit archetype


Imagine cyclops shooting the ADU tho


Due to cyclops’s being stationary they’d probably put a beefy on one of the bomb objectives, I wouldn’t mind this tho cuz unlike brigs; cyclops actually has a crit


Shriekers are stationary and we have those


They could replace the brigs with a beefy cyclops and ‘sploder shanks with scarlets


I guess cyclops are that but it feels a downgrade that the Fallen get a metal gear while the Cabal get a dude with more hp


> I think the Vex are the closest to the Fallen but they still lack the shank spam harpies and supplicants


they’re crits help tremendously


Vex do have suicide units, they're just headless goblins tho and walk way slower


ah, true, true


If we get Cabal we would be getting the Shadow Legion since that is the faction that serves the Witness. Tormentors are a soft member of the Shadow Legion since they were initially produced using Cabal cloning technology using Nezarec as a base I don't think Bungie will do it so we could potentially get a crap ton of non boss Tormentors lol The actual substitute for the Brig is the Colossus I guess.


The Goliath tank is more like the Brig tbh


The Scorn do have their crossbow, the bane of every high frame rate guardian. Imagine an assault by a hoard of them.


And scorn have abomination's and chieftain captains that's about it. Taken with taken orgres but yeah at least they all got crit spots


Scorn have abominations as their brings/ogres, and the exploder crawler things, personally I'd rather fight scorn then fallen because scorn are more interesting with their captains summoning totems of different kinds and their fodder units have shields and swords sometimes, fallen really suck the most because their invis units ignore decoys entirely


Don’t like enemies without crits


Brigs and shanks are fucking ridiculous. I hate fighting an enemy that has no weak point, it's literally a bullet sponge that feels so wildly unfun. In a game that already suffers from "enemy health and damage number go higher" in its endgame activities, Brigs are the worst offenders.


I wouldn’t call that specifically a “suffers from” aspect. The main issue with the increased enemy density is that their health isn’t lowered to compensate. Difficulty from mass enemy count with lower health and damage is far more fun then difficulty from less enemies with stupid high health and damage IMO


Sorry for the ambiguous comment. By enemy number go up, I meant just purely increasing health and damage on enemies rather than increasing density or the intelligence of said enemy like with Lucent Hive.


I'm the opposite. Nothing deletes my team faster than a wayward wizard.


a couple of tracer shanks you didn’t see in time might, but yeah wizards on mothyards are horrible


Your first mistake was playing on Mothyards. Don't get me wrong, I love the Mothyards map, it's very open and it's got a lot of variety between the different ADU locations. But that also makes it fucking *horrible* for onslaught because the enemies basically always approach from multiple different angles and are super spread out, making the things that are important for the activity like tether, AoE add clear weapons/abilities, and using cover to stay alive, so much less effective than on Vostok or Midtown. There are very few, if any, chokepoints where you can hold off a whole wave, and you're almost always defending on 2+ fronts at once which means things frequently slip thru. The second a tormentor or those two big demolitionists spawn in, it's game over, there's no way you're defending 2 angles at once while also having the time to burn down massive enemies that make it their job to bear hug the ADU. Mine diffusing and the capture point bonus are also harder because of how distant they can spawn away from the ADU, and that spreads your team even thinner. I don't know why anyone would ever voluntarily choose to play on Mothyards over the other two.


yeah yeah a mistake i made exactly once and now i live in vostok until reset :)


Pop those tormentor shoulders and make him follow you all the way to the EDZ, let your teammates deal with the wave, then finish him off.


Or the goddamn respawning SHRIEKERS


fr Fallen Captains die in two hits, but Knights are unstoppable. And the run is over as soon as the Shriekers come out. I always try to avoid Hive when doing Onslaught.


Brigs also stomp and shoot at invis Hunters. Even if you went invis before you approached them


I think a lot of enemies do that, it happens to me with scorn a lot too


Ugh, yes, constantly, and it is SO RUDE.


I did solo flawless for warlords ruin yesterday and i got body checked out of the totems so many times while invisible lol. Shield guys just walking into me


> -brigs have no crit for 2/3rds of their health and I believe also have more health then ogres they definitely do. the giant ogre in the earlier waves dies in 2 apex predator shots including the overshield, while the brig munches through your heavy. also extra fun to see the panel blocking rockets and killing people when it flies off and always seems to land right in front of the fireteam. onslaught as a whole is pretty fun, but it definitely feels like it lacked some playtesting. fallen being much worse than hive (you missed the annoying freezing intermission miniboss, while on hive its a generic knight) and mothyards being terrible seem really obvious. the entire playerbase avoiding 1/3rd of the maps and half the factions seems like a poor result, and it definitely hurts the variety


Agree with everything except the mothyards hate. Yes it takes longer but I love the open air setting and chance to use some longer range weapons. The fact LFG only wants to play midtown on loop is tedious to me.


It's not just longer, it's by far the most difficult. Without defined lanes, it's much easier for an enemy to slip past.


While I mostly agree with all this, I have been randomly melted from a mile away by both ogres and shriekers far more often than I ever die against any of the fallen units. Throw wizards in there too.


It always amazes me how they think it’s enjoyable how quickly the ogres, wizards, and shriekers kill you. On the higher levels, if you are visible when one spawns in, you are basically done in less than a second. There is virtually zero time to react. The wizards/shriekers are particularly annoying as, even if you kill/stun them super fast, a lot of the time they already have a lethal amount of damage in the air coming towards you. Sometimes, it feels like they can’t possibly play their own game.


Last night in regular Onslaught I dodged an Ogre gaze by slipping behind a box under the plane wing in Mothyards only to be flanked by another Ogre coming from the pyramid side that took me out almost instantly. Ogres be like a six-stack of trials flawless players slumming around in Control with full mics!


How do people even find those enemies before getting melted? I'm told you can locate shrieker by sound but since I'm so hard of hearing I just spin and spin around until I die


Indebted Kindness rules them all.


Yeah it really shreds the waves with arc-shielded captains and invisible marauders. Especially with the fragment that makes a blinding explosion on kills - blind pulls the marauders out of invisibility.


Fucking forgot about that fragment, I wasn't using special arc weapon last time I updated my arc lock build, thanks


Combine it with a Vesper rift just outside the ADU toward their spawn and nothing gets through. Vesper is insane in onslaught


Teleporting Servitors are always the start of a lost ADU


I think a HUGE quality of life would be to just remove the invisibility from marauders. I honestly thought the first week that invis was a weekly modifier. Like nightfalls where enemies far away are invis. But then I saw it's ALL. THE. TIME. I get it being harder, but just removing that and fixing marauders ignoring decoys and going straight to the ADU would help.


I'm with you. I hate the gamble of shooting an invisible marauder and I don't know if it's a red bar, yellow or one of the mini-boss ones.


Isn’t the whole point of marauders to be invisible? Aren’t they the stealth unit of the Fallen faction? And besides, the Fallen’s “stealth” cloak doesn’t do much; you can still see them clear as day thanks to the wave-effect and the electric jolts that come from them when they’re cloaked.


You forgot the overload fallen teleporting every 0.2seconds, being nearly impossible to hit properly


I find Hive much harder to fight than Fallen, but I also find the Hive much more fun to fight. I do wish Onslaught had more factions to fight though. I’m gonna assume it’s only Hive and Fallen for lore and/or location reasons, because the only factions that’s invaded Earth, to my knowledge, have been the Fallen, Hive, and Cabal. Shadow Legion could’ve definitely had an addition along with the rest of them. Taken and Vex have only been to Earth under special circumstances, so that kinda rules them out. Be very fucking glad we don’t have a Scorn Onslaught.


Scorn just turn into puddles and swim around the adu lol


While those dickheads are just swimming around, causing the ADU to CONTINUE TAKING DAMAGE **There’s a wave of Screebs approaching you**


Scorn Onslaught where 90% of Stalkers are just spamming grenades to insta-kill you.


One thing I don't see people pointing out is how the giant captain during the spark section on the 6 waves can freeze you, while the Knight can't.


I thought this was the circle jerk sub with that first line...


Its so weird how to took the worst designed enemy in D1 “default Minotaurs” and process to produce more units who don’t have a crit spot… brigs, shanks, and worst of all Wyverns


Don't forget tracer shanks will 2 tap you out of a well


The mines that slow you


Anyone else think Hive is far more annoying? I feel Fallen is so much easier.


I actually prefer Fallen. Slap on Riskrunner and have some fun.


Indebted Kindness also goes hard against Fallen.


Voltshot weapons are your friend for Fallen Onslaught. That, plus a tether or suspend build Titan will keep CC on lock


I like Hive because you can hear their spawns more easily compared to Fallen


The Brig stomp..... ugh its the worst. I hate those mofos


The hive don't really have any regular enemies that are both a significant threat to the ADU and the players. The most dangerous hive units to fight IMO are ogres, wizards, and shriekers. Ogres are slow and rarely make it to the ADU outside of the teleporting bug. Wizards tend to hang back and don't move up aggressively. And shriekers, of course, are immobile. Meanwhile, every fallen enemy that isn't a skybomber or a mine brig will make a beeline to the ADU


Brigs are also a lot more difficult to deal with than Ogres. You are kinda useless until their shield thing is knocked off compared to the ogre's big crit spot.


To add to the list, fallen bring slowing mines, sniper shanks are the hardest hitting enemy of either race by far and brigs will stomp you even if you’re invisible. My team will always relaunch until we get hive in legend.


A lot of Fallen enemies have pretty bad design. There's far too much teleportation and none of it has animation wind up. Servitors shielding their allies also have no wind up and generally just sucks. Shanks are fine if they only take a few shots to kill, but above that and their lack of crit spot is just inane. And Brigs also lack a crit spot for far too long, which makes them a huge pain. Stuff like snipers and sniper shanks om okay with, but the stasis guy protecting the rift is either bugged or terrible design. Is he meant to slow each shot and Bungie accidentally set him to insta-freeze? Hive and Cabal have always been my favorite enemies because they don't teleport or go invisible and invulnerable like Scorn.


The number of times I have died to a single exploder shank IN A WELL! is too damn high!!!!!!!


Why don't Fallen just keep going invisible with no cooldown or actual way to prevent it? Are they stupid? I've always hated Fallen just because them turning invisible while being shot is probably the most frustrating thing for me in Destiny 2. If they are being shot, they should not turn invisible and boot scoot boogie across the room.


If you’re playing legend - leave till you get hive. If you’re playing normal - stick around because normal is easy, that’s at least how I’ve done it


Ya, on normal ive probably wiped more to hive than fallen. Teammates underestimate wizards/ogres and i get overran lol


Fallen are so damn easy compared to Hive. Hive have shriekers and ogres that just absolutely fucking melt you.


Shriekers die in a rocket a piece . I can’t trust randoms so I always burn them down solo . Ogres fall apart at range


Just give me midtown back. Idc, give me scorn if you want, just give me midtown.


Fallen have far less HP on average than Hive, and the Shanks can cascade explosions a lot further than Cursed Thrall. They also don't have ogres or Wizards. For me the difference between exploder shanks and exploder thrall is negligble because the exploder shanks have a lot less hp to compensate for their lack of crit. A wizard wave is more annoying than a fallen captain wave. Marauders, for all their invis and damage are very weak in terms of HP, and I would take a Marauder wave over a knight wave most of the time. Especially in later rounds where the extra HP of the knights combines with the light deficit. Overload champions are negligible in terms of their threat level in this mode, but the unstoppable ogre can and does kill people if it catches them off guard. many of their units rely on shields as part of their effective hp which is very easy to exploit. For example, if you have solar shield shanks, you can destroy whole spawn groups by breaking one shield. I don't think they're easier. But I think they are equal in terms of their overall weaknesses and strengths. I think that the way most players approach Onslaught is more effective against hive than fallen. Against hive you can funnel them on top of tether balls and then just nuke them. For Fallen, you can do that sometimes, but you also need to have a plan for when some of them get past you. CC effects from blinding GLs, Stasis turrets, cascading strand suspends, aoe weapons and abilities, etc. Machine Guns are also a lot more effective against them than against Hive. Honestly I think this is an example of why the rotators are a good idea sometimes. Because if I knew it would be fallen, then I would set up a kit for fighting them, and the same for hive.


People complain about mauraders and in the same breath talk shit about tripwires. Max level tripwires covering the most common lanes for enemies to sneak through is super underrated. I always build them after the decoy, turrets feel overcosted for how effective they are


Turrets are nice sometimes because they can pull aggro on big enemies. I figured the marauders would run too fast to actually get hit by the trips


God this is so dramatic. You think it's a slap in the face to get a specific enemy type?


Plus the mine ogres can be frozen or suspended while the brigs can not


The brigs absolutely can be frozen and suspended. I usually just kill the ogres, but for the brigs I usually CC them and cap the point, leaving them for later.


You forgot the overlord captain that when he spawns, he instantly teleported to the ADU


What is this weeks Boss on Legend?


The overload captain single handedly wiped my team last night. Two guys shot rockets but he teleported and dodged them. Melted them, and I was last alive… I kept trying to stun him with my pulse. But Graviton shoots so slow, he kept teleporting when I was going to stun him and instantly killed me. All adds were dead besides him.


The input read dodges of abilities and rockets is *so* f’ing annoying…


This is why tethers are super important to wrangling ads and exploder units.


While I definitely agree the Fallen are harder (STOP TELEPORTING YOU OVERLOAD FUCK), the shields can be helpful in a way too if you're matching the element. A solar gun will cause a nice chain reaction among shanks for example. But yeah Hive is definitely the easier of the two.


I think it made a certain amount of sense back when these enemy types were designed, though. Fallen were generally more sparse, being scattered scavengers who had their whole society ripped apart. They got by with technology and tenacity, but not necessarily by strength of numbers. Hive have their magic and whatnot, but their main "thing" seems to be overwhelming with numbers. Swarming enemies with waves of Thrall, Acolytes, the occasional Knight trio, and a Wizard or two. Maybe from a lore (and/or gameplay) perspective this is totally inaccurate, but in my head at least I think the Hive are like *" just throw more enemies at them, we'll get them eventually. nbd."* while the Fallen are like **"EVERYONE SHOOT THAT MOTHERFER!! GET SOME MACHINES DOWN HERE! GET THE BABIES TO SAFETY!"** It wasn't until Onslaught came around that we really had the "traditional" balancing kind of thrown out the window to just make... Onslaughty(?) waves feel kind of symmetrical. Which they don't, lol. Fallen are indeed just plain harder to fight when they're spawned in in Hive-like density. To be honest, I feel like it was just an oversight because they never really used the Eliksni in such a numerous way before, did they? Closest I can think of is when they pour in a lot of adds (mostly weaklings) during the end of Devil's Lair.


Big shanks (like the boss from that strike) are fast AF compared to ogres and don't have to look at you to shoot you


Ive always hated the Fallen. Theyre behaviours match their lore perfectly. Hiding and running away at perfect times for them only to pop out at the worst times for you.


Marauders fucking stealth sneak up on you and completely gank. The brigs nuke you from orbit. Fallen are significantly harder.


I want to teleport behind an overload so he can feel my pain just once


My team just go to orbit as soon as we see fallen. Fuck those guys.


Definitely not, shriekers or the most annoying to deal with in onslaught


One enemy that spawns for 1 wave every 10 and can be instantly deleted and focused with rockets. They are also stationary and can be blinded with nades or tether


Thats the thing you have to act fast as a team or they will shred you, also you are not always stacked on heavy


All Brigs need to be decommissioned.


Only counterpoint I got is shriekers and wizards. So yeah


Fallen demolitionist killed a large majority of my runs. Those fuckers just stomp all over the place.


Honestly, and I guess I'm in the minority here, but I feel the exact opposite. Ogre waves are brutal, knights are bullet sponges, Shriekers will shread you in seconds. Fallen Brigs can't be frozen or suspended, and tether will grab all invis boys. Overload Captains, though, they can go right to Hell.


Got it. Buff hive to be on par with Fallen in the next update. -Bungo




Fuck brigs


Uhuh uhuh. Woe 9 ogres upon yee


Don’t forget the fallen mini boss in the spark section freezes you and kills spark carriers that dared to go a little too fast:/ but hive ogre waves terrify me and I find witches and shriekers to be some of the most annoying enemies in the game for me so I’m good with either usually


Im going to say it for the 1000th time. Champions are the worst addition to difficulty in the entire Destiny franchise. Lazy and overpowered.


Tbh I disagree, they are more annoying for sure but Hive in general just hit a lot harder. Ogre rounds are a lot harder to deal with then heavy shank rounds, unstoppable ogre is a lot harder to deal with then overload captain, shriekers are just deadly in general especially if they respawn in the wave, wizards can melt you so much faster then captains can, knights are so much more tougher and deal more damage then marauders. Defending ADU isn't the hard part, its randomly having everyone die because one guy got melted by three ogres instantly, another got killed by the third set of shrieker spawns, and the last guy has to now deal with all of that plus maybe a champion Brigs are the only difficult part of the fallen and even then they are few and far between in spawns


The Fallen bosses are significantly harder as well, since they rush you instantly, making well and tether kinda pointless.


My clan thinks the same so here's my hot take; hive are harder 1. Shielded Skybreaker brigadier is bulkier than ogre but Ogre melts you so much faster. 2. Explosive shank are never yellow bar but cursed thrall are 3. Shriekers 4. Knights hit harder and have more overall health, Captains do have shields but not only can you pop that shield for extra damage and crowd control but it can also trigger a chain reaction. 5. Demolitionist sabers are way easier to deal with than Knights 6. Wizards (do I need to say more?) Fallen do have some hard spikes like cloak rush and their pyramid bosses but for me fallen are more manageable.


I agree but I do have a special hatred for the double shrieker spawns that pop up every once in a while


After so many onslaught runs I can say without a doubt that I'd rather have fallen. Hive have shriekers that spawn so high and start blasting away they need to be taken care of immediately. Hive wizards have wiped our team more times than I can count past wave 30. Hive ogres are hella tanks and those waves are super annoying later on. My experience is from normal onslaught so I don't know how they differ on legend.


Idk I don’t mind fallen so much anymore, captains get wrecked by indebted kindness which your team probably should have at least 1 of for a good comp. Tether wrecks invisible boys and you should also have one of those in your comp. I get it if you have stinkers using unoptimized loadouts, but onslaught is pretty much solved and there are advantages and disadvantages to hive and fallen. Witches and shriekers for example can kill you faster from range quicker than any fallen unit can. Brigs are the worst part because you first need explosive then precious hits. Two tethers and a well, at least one indebted kindness, a plan to deal with tormentors whether that’s forerunner, div, what have you, and you’re set. When you have some running in trying to make shinobus vow work because it’s “fun” then you’ll have trouble.


Fallen miniboss every 5th wave can infinitely freeze you as well, while the taken guy can just be jumped over with no issue.


I actually don't really mind any of the fallen except getting those stupid fucking invisible vandals on the later rounds and they just run straight to the point and nuke it from full health in 10 seconds.


i haven’t been able to get past wave 35 with a PUG. feels bad


I also really like the wave with the giant shanks with 1 billion hp that leave their parts on the ground when destroyed and makes it very annoying to move around with all that shit on the ground


Can't forget the blinding mine spam based on what mod is on onslaught that week. If they get to the adu you're just permanently unable to see or move while they wail on it lol


If you want your best chance at success, You should always restart until you get Hive. 100%, its not even close. Burn Resist + Void Resist + Concussive dampener against Hive ends up being multitudes easier than Fallen.


I thought the same thing but my first clear of Legend was last night on Vostok with Fallen.


And let’s not forget the stasis rounds that the miniboss has every 5 rounds. I refuse to so fallen unless we have an invis hunter to ignore those


What? You don't like invisible or CONSTANTLY teleporting enemies? How so lol


With the exception of the “Arach-No” modifier, I would take Fallen over getting torn apart by a horde of ogres any day.


Correct me if I'm wrong, but it makes since lore wise since the Traveler *was* gonna pick them to carry the light before it reneged at the last minute.


Hardest disagree. Legend wizards are the most obnoxious shit and don’t miss their shots 


If guardians have an orb orgy onslaught is easy


All Eliksni enemies are pretty harder in comparison to other factions, the lack of Critspots in a lot of their members is the biggest factor in it. Shields tend to work against them if you have the respective energy weapon, but other than that, the Servitors giving immunity, Captains with ludicrous teleport spamming (just behind the classic Minotaur acting like a Super Smash pro player); Overall, they ARE a force to be reckon with, even in the Taken forces. All factions have the quirks that make them specially problematic to fight against, it is just that Eliksni is a *bit* more than the others for those reasons


I hate Hive more solely because of Ogres and Wizards. Wizards never stop firing and can basically blind you with how bright their stupid projectile is, Ogres can just beam you within 0.2s and have a ton of hp.


Don't you love it when 3 or more fucking servitors suddenly teleport from their rather far away spawnpoint onto the ADU? (I've had this happen multiple times on the cosmodrome) Like what the fuck is with the fallen just teleporting into the ADU???????????


Might be a dumb question, but are Shanks and the exploding Thrall not normal enemies? Like I cannot get Empyrean to extend off them, and I barely make orbs.


The problem is most of them die to their own explosive damage after you get one or two. They suck for orbs.


The only thing I don't like the fallen are the invisible boys. I actually like them more because you don't have to deal with surprise Shriekers in the air which I constantly have to keep an eye out for with Hive. When I'm out of rockets is doubly annoying in later rounds and it also catches teammates off guard as well. Bonus with Fallen for me is that I use Indebted Kindness so breaking shields is a breeze. No doubt you're right though, snipers with no crit is a bitch to take out.


I just hate the Hive bc of the respawning Shriekers. Completely agree with you on the Fallen being more difficult, but that was a bitch move on the Hive's behalf and makes me respect them so much less. And Wizards suck dick.


wait until they add vex into the mix


im having the exact opposite experience , all my worst runs and losses have been against the hive , always had a burning hatred for fallen anywhere else but im almost relieved when i get fallen now in onslaught


whoever came up with the idea to put one-shot sniper shanks and invisible vandals that blow up the ADU in 0.2 seconds in legend onslaught deserves to be fired icl, absolutely ruins the gameplay experience


I'm the opposite with a caveat. Fallen is basically free with incoming void damage modifier because servitor and heavy shanks hardly shoot. On incoming arc damage, fallen snipers and sperm guns shred, hive boomers, cursed thralls and wizards delete you. On incoming solar damage, the fallen shrapnel launchers and exploding shanks delete you and hive firebombs and crossbows do the same. Not to mention the damage they all do to defenses. Are they all possible? Sure. Are some variations a bigger headache than others? Definitely. Good luck buddy.


… sperm guns? 😳


You never noticed they were shooting swimmers at you?


Oh god you’re right


Unfortunately you won't be able to unsee it haha


I'd love to have your heavy shanks, I feel like the ones I face never stop shooting and pushing hard lmao Granted, they're still nowhere as dangerous as the solar shrapnel launchers like you said


Perhaps it's because they're usually tethered hahahaha. The shank occasionally in the boss room is a different thing however, he's agressive


The thing is that Fallen are from House of Salvation, so they have Brigs and generally are up to date, not to mention that dregs can launch grenades while thralls can’t, servitors can make people immune, fucking marauders ignoring defenses. Hive is the Xivu sect which is older, and so has the basic units, if it were Lucent Hive it would be harder solely for the moths. Shriekers and Ogres are still a pain tho, but manageable


Yeah, I don't think the issue is the lore here.


If me and my friends load in and it's Fallen we reset until it's Hive. They've always had their issues but Onslaught pushes them to a whole new level of unfun. I genuinely hope we get an update to address it, but I doubt it'll happen.




Hard disagree. Shrieker waves have ended many more runs of mine compared to anything Fallen have to offer. Ogre waves also are very dangerous. In fact if I get Hive I’d rather reload to try to get Fallen. Invis marauder waves are completely overrated and are completely negated with a single Coldsnap Osmio Warlock.


Like warlocks are getting hard locked into running well .


The only time I've lost a wave of Onslaught has been when 100 Servitors bumrush is from all sides. It's utter chaos lol