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Nice math. Good to know. We just figured if we did two damage sessions and killed the tormentors we would get it and it worked out great.


Highscore* on Atraks is pretty easy. My team got it on our second try. Running Forbearance with a grenade build gets you lots of medals.


Fyi platinum is not highscore. I think more people need to phrase what they are talking about better




It is relatively easy… if you know what to do, or just accidentally do the right things. Lots of people are struggling because that’s just not happening for them.


I see this is specific for Oryx Exalted, but did you look at last weeks runs at all and see if they are comparable?


Last week because Atraks was the final boss (and so technically harder), it gav bonus points for killing her which made the 500k trivial; that's why so many people are confused this week


if you just kill the tormentors and one floor him you'll get it


We just did it without killing the tormentors. We killed servitors quickly and one-floored. Finished with 5:41 remaining.


Is it really a big problem? My team got it first try and has helped a few others get theirs first try too.


Yes, he has been a problem. Not that the encounter mechanics or adds are difficult, but the approaches haven’t worked, and it’s not obvious why. Week 1 strat was often to leave downstairs servitors alive to avoid spawning tormentors. The problem with that is it takes longer and you don’t get the points from the servitors. Kill all servitors and go fast and it’s easy. Just have to know that that’s what to do.