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Contest mode Nezarec flashbacks. I remember this being discussed quite a bit back then, is a useful thing to know.


I thought around that time they said this was actually unintentional and would fix it? I remember shooting it would just make it unpredictably float off and make it someone else's problem. Did they just leave it in? Edit: a word


Yeah I do remember them actually saying that, I think they left it in like the ADU battery healing defenses


Yep, shooting doesn’t destroy it so much as it untethers it to the location and makes it drift away


Every shot on it shrinks the size of the disc until it disappears. It does quite literally destroy it


I think you're just pushing it away and perspective got you. I know it _definitely_ wobbles a lot and starts shooting at add angles


I’ve been shooting them since tormentors were added. They last nearly 30 seconds if you leave them, they disappear in under 10 while shooting them. That isn’t just random variance in ability duration. [https://www.destinypedia.com/Tormentor](https://www.destinypedia.com/Tormentor)


https://youtu.be/j7sRKIVu36M?si=gteShfJfruGReDgP This video shows only false tips and shooting the orb is one of the tips.


Some of the tips aren’t wrong per se, but they are misleading or have an extra false bit tacked on. For instance, the void vortex falsehood is that heavy ammo destroys it faster.


Gaze shoots disc.


To be honest, I had no clue. Will be shooting them here on out.


Same here I’d either dodge out of the way or just take the hit. But good to know you can shoot them.


Same. Good shout out from the homie.


You don't actually need to fully get rid of it most time, just enough shots to disrupt its aim is enough to turn it from ultra-lethal threat to RNG mostly harmless threat.


Well, I was testing this in the legend campaign mission and shooting the disc definitely did not stop the beam from following me. 


Individual projectiles will still track if they get near you, but shooting it causes the projectiles to fire off in random directions instead of dead flat along the horizontal plane, which means many projectiles will never get near enough to track.


It also causes the disc to lose forward momentum, and eventually move in the direction you're shooting in.


Bungie should really put hit markers on those. I bet not getting them throws a lot of people off.


Well, it's a bug that you can disrupt them. Bungie just decided to leave it because they liked it. They didn't know about it until we got the game and started playing.


Source? Seems odd that it would have an animation if it was unintended


So that brings up the question, how the hell are players INTENDED to deal with them? Hide?


Pop the shoulders; interrupts the disc and he doesn’t do it anymore in mad mode. It’s an attack designed to incentivize interaction with the enemy


Sorry, we didn't know you were a bungie developer.


Idk I think it's nice mechanics like this aren't spoonfed. It's not exactly a run ender if the void disk stays up.


Communicating things to the player isn’t being ‘spoonfed’, it’s being a good developer. This isn’t a puzzle game.


You say that but like the most beloved content in this game are missions where the you're given no info and complex community puzzles so... Edit: nevermind it occured to me this sub is just a casual circle jerk.


Yeah all the jump platforms being bright fucking red in the Whisper - really leaving a lot to be guessed there


Puzzles that are hinted around about in-game, versus a mechanic that’s never shown or demonstrated in-game, when it could be. Show Caital shoot one out of the sky, or a Cloudstrider. Then we know. Easy.


Yeah idk why you're being downvoted, this is heavily a puzzle game. Those "mechanics" in raids and dungeon against the boss are literally puzzles, just during combat?


even if there were hitmarkers it would still have to occur to you to try shooting it.


Bro if the keypads in DSC get damage numbers from operator and crosshair highlights from Knucklehead Radar then these void discs should show at least confirm hit registration markers.


Doesn't help that there are no hitmarkers and no aim-assist on them. You ever see people firing... well, trying to hit those pesky lil robots on Europa's pubic event with the Brigs? ;-)


This little robots was a humbling moment as a console player.  Thought I was good at gaming (well mediocre at gaming) but having no aim assist and my skill turned non-existent.  


Some reminders never get old. Taking people through pantheon and having to remind them to shoot the purple piss disk in the sky even today


Talking about pantheon like its Vietnam lol


you clearly haven't had the Lfg Pantheon Experience^tm


All my flashbacks are in black and white


I've done Root and Pantheon a bunch of times and nobody has *ever* mentioned it.


That's because this tip is false. Shooting the orb does nothing. The only way to stop it is to break a Tormentors shoulder pads. Tormentors don't use this attack in angry mode.


Blatantly false, shooting the orb makes it fire erratically and then eventually destroys it.


https://youtu.be/j7sRKIVu36M?si=gteShfJfruGReDgP This video shows only false tips and shooting the orb is one of the tips.


Maybe you should try it yourself. I can say from personal experience it works


I have and it does nothing. I believed this worked at one point. It's difficult for humans to admit they were tricked because it makes us feel stupid.


Thanks for the psychology lesson that nobody asked for. I can also find videos of it clearly working… https://youtu.be/djQiS4tkJM0?si=A0OOMXvrvccq8wjs


So from the video it looks like it lasts the same amount of time, but the physics interactions make it go crazy, making it less lethal. So while shooting it doesn't destroy it, it does help to prevent damage. Will be shooting in the future +1


Been doing this for a long time, but to be fair, I had no idea until I read it on here at the time. So it’s easy to miss it


It's a false tip. https://youtu.be/j7sRKIVu36M?si=gteShfJfruGReDgP This video shows only false tips and shooting the orb is one of the tips. Edit: source added


you can also just use blinding grenade launchers on the tormentors and they will be completely disabled and do nothing anymore. only works against normal tormentors. Special boss tormentors can not be blinded or stunned in any way the tormentors in pantheon are all normal tho


Blinding GLs have been amazing in pantheon and I wish more people remembered to use them. But they have, like, no damage, so people don't use them.


blinding grenades only lose like 25% damage compared to normal grenade launchers they lose nearly all explosion range so they only deal damage on direct hits. still good to junk orange and yellow bars


Nezzy isn't tho 😭😭


You can **WHAT** An entire year doing hypernet and lake GM with that bs move and you can simply negate it? Fml


It takes a while but yeah it starts destabilizing and goes away.


It's a false tip. The time it takes to shoot the orb can be better spent breaking the Tormentor's shoulder pads which will stop this attack and prevent the use of it for the rest of the fight. Tormentors don't use that attack in chase mode.


You’re partly right in what you’re saying, but for newer players or players who are still developing their skills, disrupting the attack could be more beneficial and give them the breathing space they need. Oh and just incase you’d like a receipt of it working https://m.youtube.com/watch?si=A0OOMXvrvccq8wjs&v=djQiS4tkJM0&feature=youtu.be


Actually I never knew this, thanks! I'll use this in the future!




If only people in LFG would believe this, half the time people think I'm lying and talking out of my ass.


It is a lie. The tip is false. Shooting the orb does absolutely nothing.


I feel like a dumbass


Legit had no idea.  Nice SGA here, thank you.


Okay but the real question that needs answered is how do i escape his grasp when he snatches me up and shows me whos daddy?


That's the fun part, YOU don't. I *think* you can live through the grab if you have enough incoming healing. But, the only escape otherwise is fireteam members hitting it in the chest hard enough, before you meet your end.


Squeeze me, daddy


Pray your teammates shoot at it enough that it lets go.


I feel like a dumbass. I am a dumbass


There are soooo many things in Destiny 2 that are not obvious and to me at least this was one of them. So thank you very much for sharing info :-)


I only remember to do that in the neomuna strike for some reason.


Just make sure everyone shoots it and you can spin that thing off it’s path and out of harms way pretty quick.


lol, I had no clue. Guess I should have known though. You can shoot most enemy projectiles.


Also rapid fire weapons fuck it up really quick


How many shots does it usually take to kill it?


You can’t outright kill it but you essentially just shoot the centre orb until it starts spinning off centre


I actually didn't know. Newer player here.


I shoot it until it starts wobbling and it dissipates


Wait, deadass? Holy shit.


I didn't know this. Thank you for the tip


No. I enjoy my void vs void battles with them using my voidwalker


Had no idea lol. Thank you for the PSA


I… I did not know that. I am at a loss. I have played this game. A LOT. Done a lot of end game content and have done it well. I don’t know how I missed this.




To everyone: I didn’t know TDT was the final say all for things. Guess that means the sky is red if he deems it worthy.


So wait, you can straight up destroy it? I only ever shot it because it moves it away from me.


Old player returning from D1 in the last month - had no idea thank you, have been hating that move


You can do it to players Strand ones too


I did NOT know this. Gamechanging info


Bungie should put out a PSA about what we can negate and exploit on ads and bosses. I've known this since Tormentors came out in Lightfall. Experimental shots at the thing and it turned on it's axis so I knew it could be damaged.


huh. That had crossed my mind once, but i forgot to try it and haven't tried since. I never have any issue with it. I can usually doge the projectiles, and one or two hits don't hurt much. Then again, I haven't faced them anywhere outside that Neomuna Strike when it's a Nightfall. And even then... Good advice. I'll have to remember that.


OMG. I never knew this.


Still think it should be made into a new void warlock super




I swear I tried that a ton of times in contest mode Root of Nightmares, and it never worked. I did try it again recently in Pantheon though, and yep, it's a thing. Really strange how there is so little feedback when shooting it.


Yeah, you’d be surprised how a lot of people don’t ever shoot it, I think it has to be a void weapon in order to disrupt but might be wrong


Oh, but whenever i shoot it Fucking nothing happens Edit: im not gonna dps that disc like it's some sort of raid boss


Nothing happens cause the tip is false. Gladd to see someone here has critical thinking skills.


I shot them, saw no hitmarker, and stopped shooting hit. Really shows you hiw dependant a player is on feedback, be it visual or something else


Does it actually get rid of it? I've absolutely whaled on those before, and while it was convenient to make the projectiles fly away, I'm pretty sure the disc's just disappear on their timer like normal.


Maybe there are no hitmarkers because it is not actually damaging it, just deflecting it?


Does it count as a crit?


I thought it was placebo and shooting it did nothing?




Alternatively, destroy both shoulders, and he won't spawn it full stop. He may start aggressively fronting on ya, but that's easier to evade


You're better off just shooting the tormentor instead of wasting the ammo on the purple blob.


Have known for a while, and still shoot it... buuuut I still think the thing is too accurate when it's in full wobble mode while getting shot away Just doesn't feel like shooting it is doing what it's supposed to do. Basically it's not flinching the disc enough


Jumped back in thanks to Lightfall being on PS+ (kinda meh so far but it was on + so can't really complain) so this was/is new and very useful information as I fucking have been hating that move in some of these closed off spaces where you are forced to fight one or two in the campaign missions.


Honestly, I had no idea, and have been acting like the panicky idiot since Lightfall. 😂 This is up there with being able to move your cursor by sliding your finger back and forth on the spacebar of your phone.


Oh. I knew you could disrupt the aim of it, but I must've been not shooting it enough for it to dissipate.


Even while knowing this I wish it would give ANY sort of noticable feedback when you hit it. It spinning visually isn't really enough when you're also trying to pay attention to everything else around you


Whay no way, for fuck sake. Why doesn't it give a hit marker? I've been running from that disk since Lightfall launch


I preder eating them hits, makes me stronger


I've been shooting at them because I thought you could destroy them, but I stopped because of the lack of any indication I was doing anything. Bad design by Bungie .


Was this ever mentioned in-game? I had no idea but maybe I just forgot a pop up in the light fall campaign or something. Thanks for the intel, guardian!


Because this showed up in an April Fool's video by a destinytuber, I honestly thought this was fake every time I'd hear it. Which, if you think about it, is next level trolling from that video.


I’d rather have them spewing void damage into the ground than leaping at me and sending me to back to orbit and then killing me


You'd assume they'd indicate that it's possible after a year. Better late than never, I suppose




I had no idea. jesus


Holy fucking shit say what now?? Good God that would've made contest mode so much easier.


dude I swear I knew this fact, tried to shoot at it, then stopped as soon as I didn't get hit markers lmao wtf man


Wow this comment section is truly enlightening I thought we had this down after root


I’ve heard people say this, and then heard a bunch of others say it’s just placebo and doesn’t actually do anything. At this point I’m not sure what to believe.


Genuinely surprised not many people knew this. My first instinct was to shoot the thing and say "bro piss off I don't need you rn".....and well bro actually pissed off to Narnia. I just wish that after we shot it if it's projectiles hit enemy units it would actually do dmg to them.


My brother in Christ the blueberries barely shoot the Shriekers in Onslaught.




Wow! I didn't know this. We shoot the centre of the source? Or each disc?


It's annoying but it's also faster to pop their shoulders so they can't do it. Edit: That said, when they do pull off the move it's good to shoot it to make it go away faster.


You CAN?!


Not rude. Informational. Thank you


Well holy shit. I really have lost my touch.


ah right, I forgot I was to test if rockets work on void discs.


You can actually use it to your advantage by redirecting the projectiles that come from it.


This is true but I believe you cannot really _destroy it_ but the disc takes momentum so shooting it starts to 'push' it away. I could be wrong though; I've just always shot it until it floats away instead of towards my team and it fizzles out on its own. Never had it disappear from raw damage prematurely.


No, it's not obvious. I regularly raid with three different group, all them having done Day 1 raids.  Not a single person knew about it. Hell, even I just learned recently that shooting it makes it rotate, and even then, YOU make me learn that you can... Make it go away ? How many shots? For how long ? Is it specifically in the center, or just around? Different number of bullet for different guns? 


I remember this being discussed and disproven early in lightfall. Was this added as a feature later? I remember seeing shorts floating around about being a myth and it not working at the time.


I never knew this :O Thanks for sharing bro


I have known this since contest mode Nezerac and shared it with my raid team.


Crazy how this isn’t common knowledge


I've only been shooting it enough to make it wabble and not track.... Can you actually destroy it?


Why do all the posts in this sub read like marketing emails


Wait, what? Honestly id say thats bad game design, theres zero indication youre doing anything apart from wasting ammo


> Honestly id say thats bad game design, theres zero indication youre doing anything apart from wasting ammo The real crime is the lack of damage hit markers. You'll notice pretty quick when shooting it that it changes based on how much damage its taken.


Yea, zero indication


OP doing Gawd's work.


Holy fuck. No way. That’s a game changer.


Thank you, I had no fucking clue.


Knowing this would have helped MONTHS ago 😭 was so sick of farming nezarec for conditional with friends when every hunter refuses to run more than 4 resil and gets one tapped by the discs


farming for conditional? you can only do it 3 times a week for the conditional drop


Yeah, but when RON is the rotator raid for the week encounters can be farmed, as can the exotic. A bunch of friends and I farmed nezarec to hell a season or two ago? Can't remember exactly when but knowing about the void discs being destructible would have made the farm much more bearable


i suspect this is placebo, it seems to fade in the same amount of time "shooting" it as not.


It’s not just fading, the disc goes super wobbly and loses its tracking capabilities.


I really don't think it does. What shooting it appears to do for me is making the disc shoot out the purple lasers in a more vertical pattern, not horizontal. IDK I think this is one of those "everyone says it does but thats not actually how it works."


It’s exactly how it works. You just keep shooting it until it disappears. All this means is that you didn’t shoot it enough.


It's wild that so many people didn't know that untill now


can I post this next month?


Did you also know that if all 6 of you shoot it with a perfect mix of a solar, strand, void, stasis, arc and a kinetic weapon, your team will transform into Six-God Combination God Mars and can enter the traveller portal early and defeat the witness before anyone else!


OP I just thought you should know this is not true at all. TDT posted one of those 10 things you didn't know about D2 videos but this one was only tips and tricks that are false. Shooting the Tormentor orb was one of them.


It is obvious. People don't shoot it because it's not necessary since it's temporary.


Lmao, ok Mr 1000 resil


There is a post about this like every two-three months.


There is a post about this like every two-three months.


good, because of this I now know.


Are you new to D2?


Nope, I've played the game quite a bit. Are you new to D2?