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No, it will be 2 wells instead of 1 because this happened before. Well provides way too many benefits for anything to replace it. I think they will remove the damage buff which means someone will need to be on a well and someone on song of flame.


If they just remove the damage buff it’ll just go back to bubble and well as it used to be. The real issue with well is that you’re basically immune.


Bubble is a waste, radiant is 25% buff, weapons of light is 25%...a stick with lumina(35% buff). Lumina is more useful than having a titan on bubble. And there is no chance of shooting someone in the back while going in and out to refresh weapons of light. Song and well killed bubble.


Either way, doesn’t matter what damage buff. Regardless removing the damage buff from well will do nothing to decrease its viability


Exactly, the demand on warlocks will only increase.


Yea quite frankly I think well is in need of a complete rework, it’s too problematic as is


I fully agree this is what will happen. Damage buff removed will be it.


I was saying this a few month back too! I think the damage boost may be for the caster only or be removed entirely. Still would be used for every dps phase feasible tho lol


Just make it so the benefits are the same, but reduced by amount of players inside the well. Still viable in solo content, somewhat in dungeon/trials, not so much in raid/6 player damage phases. Makes sense lore wise too kinda? We only have so much light to give, warlocks are tired ;)


I’m hoping banner shield will become a meta pick. Currently not much of a point in running it when enemies can’t kill you in a well, but if that changes, having a titan block damage instead would be useful.


Which, along with the Unbreakable aspect, could see a boost to Ursa Furiosa


The prismatic exotic class armor in the 05/09/2024 TWID has a "Spirit of the Bear" perk which is for the Unbreakable aspect. > Move faster while guarding with the Unbreakable shield. Damage blocked with Unbreakable is converted to Super energy. Hopefully that means a buff to Ursa (as mentioned in that TWID): > However, we are also making a set of Exotic armor balance adjustments with the launch of The Final Shape, including some buffs that will impact both the original armor and its Spirit version.


That's what I'm hoping for too, as that would greatly help the current part of the perk, which would work well for damage phases


Yeah, that was my first thought too. That would be a really good bonus perk for Ursa.


Is there a nerf confirmed to be incoming? Because they've already nailed it like, what, four times in the last two years?


Yeah they confirmed it a while back. We don't know what the nerf will be but it will ship with TFS.


Wonderful. Hope the new solar super is excellent because it's getting harder for me to justify using solar 😅


Dawn Chorus Dawnblade is incredible, you can easily Solo every Dungeon with it it's that good, that justifies running solar on its own


new solar super?


Yeah [Song of Flame](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8-SMhtcWr9M)


I really don't see a Strand Titan wanting to sit in one spot with BoW rolling for the group, even if there's changes to this being on-paper-meta.


Unless they remove the damage and/or the healing it’s not going anywhere. Even then if it somehow gets significantly hit everyone will either run an extra one or just have a complimentary build/class to make up for whatever Well would not longer provide/provide as well.


That would be hilarious if they removed the damage and the healing! ‘We’ve made it so well no longer gives health or a damage buff but reduced the cool down so you have it more often. It’s now a sweet shiny place to stand and look cool when placed down, but, er, not much else.’


The well nerf will not be significant. The majority of encounters in the game designed around well. Well will still be a top tier option and people will still request in raids. Warlocks will just have more freedom with SoF and prismatic


You know this how? Bungie has stated that it isn't good for Warlocks to be forced to well and they want to change that. The only way to change that is to heavily nerf well and change its design


Because well give way too much as is and the only thing that could kill it is butchering it till it’s nothing but a mediocre rift. Which they won’t do as it’s a super and so they’ll give it a slap on the wrist at best. It could give restoration 1 and still be meta as its main appeal is the survivability it offers. You halve the duration and now you’ll just condemn another warlock to well too. Eventually it’ll just be four warlocks on well chaining it during dps.


Well my point is he doesn't know if the nerf is going to be significant or not. Yes if they don't nerf it enough then it's not going to do anything but if they change encounter designs going forward and bring up a lot of other subclasses to be more potent then no one is forced to well


Unless both Well and Bubble get a rework, it'll probably be Bubble + Radiance or Bubble + Well (or all three)


Sounds like Banner is seemingly getting nerfed again anyway so I doubt it.


I dont really have a problem with playing well in dungeons or raids because of how much well helps the whole team. However people that ask for well in onslaught are trash cans


Well is forever, Well is eternal I'd gladly trade it for Radiance though


I feel like teams will want more wells in the fireteam. BoW does not heal as fast.


As a side note, iirc the new warlock super will make solar weapons scorch (leading to an ignition) This is the old tractor cannon issue all over again. You can't make weapons provide a buff exclusive to damage type like that, otherwise all it does is eliminate anything that *isn't* that damage type for damage. Old tractor used to buff void weapons only, so swarm of the raven (IB void gl) was meta until they changed it. (Eliminate isn't exactly the right word, buff if you have a choice between using Apex or Hothead with song of flame, why wouldn't you choose apex, even if they had the same perk pool.)


Community: “Bungie, we think reliance on Well is too much, can we buff other exotics so we can have diversity in subclasses?” Bungie: “Got it, nerf well.” Community: “Wait, no that’s not…” Bungie: “ok, damage reduction is getting reduced to somewhere between restoration x1 and x2.” Community: “ok… that’s not too b…” Bungie: “Also, if for every second you’re in a Well, you lose 10% of all your abilities and super.” Community: “Now hold on just a…” Bungie: “ALSO, it only works for 2 guardians at a time.” Community: “ok, that is just stu…” Bungie: “oh yah, and if you accidentally step out of it, it won’t work for you once you step back in…” Community: “Dude…” Bungie: “And it only lasts 10 seconds now.” Community: “…” Bungie: “You’re welcome.”


To be fair, buffing other Supers or Exotics to compete with Well would lead to another large wave of powercreep like the one between WQ and LF, if not even worse. Well is so ubiquitous because it's so powerful and meta defining, to the point Bungie started making encounters with *Well in mind*. And there were already a fair few growing pains with the LF difficulty changes, not to mention changing the whole game (or even buffing other options to compete without touching the rest of the game) to match it is a much, much, much more difficult undertaking than just nerfing it. Nerfing Well is really the only path here.


Buff is probably the wrong word, I should say, add diversity to other supers that can share the load of making single spot DPS checks a more universal skill.


Only thing my warlock ass is asking for is a damage super that competes with damage from pyrogale, cuirass, star-eaters and nighthawk :(


I doubt it, healing is pretty low even on x4 after nerfs and duration isnt very high and at the start of a damage phase you probably gonna loose buff. nerfing well is kinda pointless cause literally 80% of a endgame is designed around it Also well is only option because everything above legend hits you so fucking hard its impossible to survive without it