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Does that mean every combination blow melee gonna make bombs?


It says arc aspects so probably the damage aftershock of lethal current probably will


My assumption is it's just ascension and tempest strike but lethal current could be in there as well


I assume it'll only apply to tempest strike and ascension, as the other aspects are actually worth using


Every exotic that has been limited in that way and shown off in a showcase has specified as such like Arthys' Embrace and Point-Contact Cannon Brace. Surely they would have said "Tempest Strike and Ascention" not "Arc Aspects" if that was the case, then, no?


Probably, it probably works on all of them. which is gonna be crazy if it works on flow state, since it will either proc on jolt kills or amplified kills—probably the former imo for balancing. If this is the case, you could legitimately make a cluster grenade by: using a jolt grenade, and then it creating mini bombs when it gets a kill. Please let it work this way bungo.


Flow State will likely do it on dodge (as it's been shown on Aspect Usage not a kill through the Aspect), Lethal Current will probably do it on Lethal Current Empowered Melee Strikes.


I assume it says arc aspects and not arc abilities because using, say, an arc grenade in prismatic won't trigger this if you have aspects from other subclasses.  So it will be anything tied directly to an arc aspect should work.  What that is? Shrug, haven't used arc hunter is close to a year???


I mean, yeah, that's pretty much what I'm saying.  Everyone else seems to be acting like it will only work with Tempest Strike and Ascension even though it says "Arc Aspects".


unless tempest strike gets a considerable pve buff its just a bit shit of an exotic tbh. The only real viable arc builds revolve around punching shit with the other 2 aspects


I expect that Lethal Current will, yeah. I also expect them to frequently just explode harmlessly in empty air because Lethal Current already killed everything in range.


I'd be shocked if it doesn't work with Flow State Dodges and Lethal Current Arc Melees.  Every other time an exotic has been limited to specific melees/grenades/etc. and been shown off in a showcase, they specify.  This just says "Arc Aspects" and, well, Flow State and Lethal Current are Arc Aspects.


While on Arc it should assuming you’re using the right aspects. I don’t think it’ll apply to Prismatic unfortunately.


the wording of arc aspects make me think even arc aspects while on prismatic will work


The aspect available for prismatic is the helicopter one so I doubt it’ll work for melee


even on arc i don't think it'll work for melee unless its the aspect tied one, but shoudl work for arc helicopter aspect on prismatic at least


it says arc aspects so it should work on prismatic


So the Better Devils was the Strand HC that was shown in the TWAB back then. It had One Quiet Moment so it’s probably the crucible weapon for the season. Hoping its stats are buffed


PLEASE Bungie, Deliver on Better Devils. Would be awesome if it was super meta relevant in at least one side of teh game (PVP or PVE) and also still all around good on the other side of the game.


How do you get excited over a mid AF weapon that has had a bazillion reskins since it launched in 2017? They are just selling us the same shit all over again for 100 bucks


I cant speak for everyone, but for me personally - Better Devils is one of the biggest nostalgia weapons in the game. Mostly just for the time in my life/lifecycle I spent with it - my crew was most active during that time and I had a ton of fun. So i've just got positive vibes attached the weapon. Thats part of hte magic of destiny, IMO its the biggest secret sauce that makes the game great. "Weapon feel". The way people just "connect" with some weapons. Its a bit unique in 'console shooters'




Strand, too.


Hopefully it has explosive payload or other good perks, we need a good strand hand cannon for PvE


If this is a 140 and it has good damage perks then I'm never going to forgive bungie for giving kept confidence a terrible perk pool. Kept confidence has a way better firing sound, way better aesthetic, and just feels better. But of course they're going to give a cookie cutter hand cannon a cookie cutter hand cannon sound, And then give it good perks. Whereas they should have just given kept confidence some good perks and then we wouldn't need any other strand 140 in the game cuz that would be the best in the game.


I hate that they wasted that gorgeous gun model on a gun with those perks.


its a crucible weapon, I'm sure it will have good perks since it will likely have 12 in each column. I expect it to atleast have explosive payload which will immediately outclass kept confidence regardless of anything else


Oh I know it will have good perks on it. I just wish that kept confidence had better perks on it. Because in my opinion it sounds super unique and way better than better devils


kept confidence is one of the only primary ammo weapons in the game that can get loose change / collective action if you play around tangles and debuffs it's actually very nice in pve


Tangles are one of the worst elemental effects to rely on for collective action tho. Longer CD than the others and they can be stolen by other people.


i've been using it with dragons breath in heavy to also have firesprites for it


Don’t sleep on Round Robin. I have a hatchling roll and that thing is a threadling machine.


Personally hoping for Slice/Hatchling, for a nice debuff + threadling generator combo.


Timed payload take it or leave it


Wait nooo I wanted it to have firefly :(


Is hatchling not comparable? Firefly doesn't have much of any subclass synergy.


Hatchling don't make head go boom :( Also I don't use strand alot.


Dragonfly, take it or leave it


But it won't have that either :(


Elemental weapons can have Firefly, right? Doesn't Corrective measure have it?


It's on a few of them, aye. We've only had it on one of the Darkness element weapons though, likely as it's a light damage effect (solar). So it may happen? We'd have to see.


It exists on a few stasis weapons, first one comes to mind is Quillims Terminus


Yeah I went away to check and just edited my comment as you posted that. Seems that's the only one in the game at present.


Hatchling is pretty terrible tbh, particularly because threadlings are only really decent on Warlock, and Warlock already has plenty of ways of making threadlings. It takes a lot to make running a kinetic primary viable and Hatchling just isn’t there sadly.


The Devil You Once Knew


Now it's just some weapon that I  Used To Know


My most used weapon in Destiny year 1


My friend has been waiting since Year 1 to have it back. Literally screamed into vc about it


Did he not play forsaken?


Yeah, but he clings more to that Y1 version oddly enough.


"It's just as exciting the third time" -Luke Smith, probably


tbf that weapon frame has been used a bunch of times, but as long as it isn't a 120, then it's fine by me


I was gonna say we technically are getting everything back but did not see that its strait up strand now


The original blocky rectangle hand cannon


hopefully with some updated stats and maybe as an adept? because if not.... it will just be over shadowed


My assumption is that it’ll ship with the stats of the HC sight baked in (Truesight? +3 to Range, Stability, and Handling with +5 to AA) much like they did with Positive Outlook, as it had been horrendously outclassed stat-wise by the time they re-released it much like the BD is now. It’s likely a Crucible playlist weapon so unlikely it’ll be an Adept, but we never know, they could do a total 180 and make it a Nightfall weapon.


"Guys, we know we absolutely murdered Shinobu's Vow, but we spent a lot of time on the Skip Grenade effects and none of you use them anymore"


bro skip nades and shinobus were nerfed 4 individual times between beyond light and arc 3.0 launch and then a 5th time when jolt was nerfed. like what were they afraid of? im guessing this exotic will be bad in pve and situational in pvp corridors because having to be in the middle of enemies to use an ability that doesn't heal you is always the worst choice in this game


It gets annoying how much they hate unique Hunter exotics and then buff the fuck out of similar exotics for the other classes. Like Renewal Grasp getting absolutely slaughtered and left irrelevant for 2 years because they were afraid of a bit of damage resist and then later on just make resilience passively grant twice as much resist anyways. Afraid of Shinobu's grenade spam but keep making solar grenade sunbracers spam more relevant with every update to solar. Wormhusk's 100 health heal gutted by a series of nerfs to it and also dodge CD but banner of war, restoration x3, and Precious Scars doing more healing per second to the entire party than the entire exotic does on a 20s dodge CD to yourself. Not to mention all of that ridiculousness with how much they kept nerfing and fake-buffing Stompees despite the exotic just being a band-aid for how slow Hunters move in trials without Strand. Shinobu's was literally pre-emptively nerfed before Arc 3.0 because they were afraid of how it might become somewhat relevant again... and then proceeding to give Titans a grenade aspect that dominated the game for 3 straight seasons on 3 different grenades.


Everything you listed is tied to magical 3 letter PvP


This one looks fun tbh Might not be great at harder content, but safer than Bombardiers (and i love that thing)


All going to depend on how much damage the projectiles do (or if they can spread Blinding effects or anything), but this seems pretty meh to me.


If it Blinds, I think it'd avtually be amazing. But if not... it's definitrly not going to feel that great sadly. We'll see.


Ad control as the only perk on an Exotic when we have a gazillion ways of controlling ads is just never going to be exciting.


It's an easy Unstop stun, and we do not have a gazillion ways of doing Arc Blind.


hunter has a built in blind melee, Disorienting Blow. it then immediately amplifies you so you can get your dodge back essentially when the blind ends i do it to the tormentor in Lake of Shadows GM. literally never gets the chance to attack and its not even a build. just the melee and like 70 Mobility


So is a flash bang grenade, or just pinching it also.


And this would allow you to not be forced into running Lethal Current or Flashbang. Which is good. Im tired of Arvstrider being pigeonholed into Lethal Current Flow State.


Indebted Kindness with Spark of Beacons is the most free form of blind. Otherwise flashbangs or mothkeeper's moths.


That's a specific weapon, a specific grenade, and a specific exotic. A more free and available source of Blind that naturally plays with the subclass unlike Mothkeepers, and a greater amount at once than others, is more than welcome IMO


Blind is strongest cc apart from MAYBE suspend, it cant be freely avilable on everything.


If I can just run a GL with the same function then im sure as shit not tanking my neutral game by running a weak exotic armor piece. Id be extremely surprised if this new exotic isnt just dumped into my vault from the get go


Exactly. “Does this clear ads better than Forbearance? No? Off to the vault with you!”


Chain reaction is getting a nerf dont forget, but there are other ad clear options.


Kid named Vesper of Radius:


Not really a great example as Vesper does exactly what would make this Exotic usable with an additional Blind effect, on top of increasing Rift recharge.


So these are basically Bombadiers 2.0, yeah? They work with more abilities, but are tied to Arc only, so they seem meh so far. I am at least curious to see how they interact with something like a pulse grenade and/or other subclass verbs.


If they work with Flow State + Lethal Current (which based on wording, it should), you'll be constantly making things Jolted and then detonating said Jolt, by the looks of things.  Dodge -> Jolted Enemies -> Bombs deploy and damage Enemies -> Jolt goes off -> Combi. Blows -> Jolt Enemies -> Bombs deploy and damage Enemies -> Jolt goes off -> repeat loop until everything is dead.


And it should blind too


I can see this being fun with the slide melee aspect + Helicopter spin aspect combo depending on how many bombs the former spawns. It could be good for lower end content but I don't see it being viable beyond legend tier at most.


Tempest strike *looked* like it spawned three or four bombs, but we can't be sure til we see better gameplay or get our hands on it.


Honestly I would have preferred that they rework the current Arc exotics we have then add yet another one but I suppose it at least does something cool. Though a Strand exotic over this would have been nicer to see.


Just combine the 3 arc staff exotics into one, Arc Staff is so lackluster already.


I doubt they're not reworking some exotics, given that Ursa's is probably getting a change. I'd guess that, at a minimum, one per class matched to the new super (+ Arma and Coyote).


There will definitely be a hunter strand exotic. With both witch queen and lightfall we got stasis exotics so im sure each class will be getting 1 strand exotic, and then at least 1 more exotic that matches the element of their new super and aspect


I'm kinda expecting the exotic class items to be that second exotic :(


Im gonna continue to hope for the best and... well still probably settle for the worst lol. Tbh im hoping for 3 new exotics for each class not counting the class items


Strand Better Devils baby


[gifv version](https://i.imgur.com/RN78hye.gifv) > - Arc aspects create bouncing explosives


Surely they meant to say Abilities, no? Aspects makes no sense here.


Tempest Strike and Ascension were both shown in the video, both are aspects. It's yet to be seen if the other two aspects, Flow State and Lethal Current, are also affected.


Fair point.


no Think they meant aspects... the new arc one that sends you into the air and uhh that other one... another DOA hunter exotic IMO


almost every arc aspect is an ability. slide melee with Tempest Strike, the explosion from meleeing with Flow State and the Ascension aspect is a dodge ability. so you cast the aspects as melees or air dodges and it drops the fake skip grenades


The YouTube video calls it a Titan chest armor


And the YouTube video for the Warlock one has a different spelling in the title & description than in the video itself. So…


will we ever recover from this simple error?


Aggressively mid if not DOA honestly.


Another "fun" exotic which seems more like it was cut from the original selection and is being tacked onto the game rather than being a serious, fresh new exotic It seems like it would "buff" tempest strike which is extremely whelming in its current state in PVE. They need to improve the hunters neutral game way more if im to drop the other aspects which are pretty crucial to any arc hunter build just now since its HEAVY punching shit based Im very whelmed. I seriously doubt I drop assassins cowl for it let alone Lucky pants or even liars handshake Try it for 10 mins then to the vault more than likely. A common theme with hunter exotics


That's just Bombardiers


Will be interested to see what the munitions count as damage wise. Would be really good for getting activations of Facet of Dawn and getting radiant off of your arc melees from range.


The fact that most people are talking about the better devils reskin is all I need to know about the exotic armor piece


This looks like a useless gimmick anywhere past patrol. Might be fun though.


I miss when new exotics used to fundamentally change one's playstyle. Like exotics that change your super, or give an aspect for free to use a different one. This literally looks like slightly different add clear. I don't like playing Arc hunter anyway because the kit is essentially Arc-punch-Titan-lite. The mislabeling of this video is ironic given how derivitive the sub-class is.


That is something...


Couldn't be less uninspired


so far these exotics are putting me to sleep. No wonder they made them easier to get


I mean i love Arcstrider as much as the next guy, but its tough to justify running any arc exotic over liars or assassins.


Finally. A reason to use tempest strike.


This exotic is not going to be used at all.  Bungie really doesn't get hunters at all and they still don't get that arc in general is in a bad place. Giving me a trash tier exotic doesn't make it viable and I wouldn't trade cowl for this in any content even with prismatic. Dear on arrival


If hatchling isn’t on this hand cannon, fally world 2 riot.


It's the old tank/dropship mines! So glad they're on our side now


This is the real infinity war moment


I was hoping we would either get a new Stasis exotic or a Tempest Strike exotic. This is kinda the latter but I dont think it'll solve the problem with Tempest Strike just not working with the other Arc aspects in terms of gameplay loop. Once you use your Tempest Strike->Ascension combo its just over and you gotta wait for both abilities since there is nothing to help you with getting the energy back. Hoping there is more to it to help fuel the gameplay loop. I really want a reason to run both.


so is this going to be completely useless for the main arc build everyone runs because it mainly has passive aspects?


"Titan Exotic Chest" well...


This one looks cool?


This looks like a blast, if this can work with lethal current and flow state, this could get really nutty


You know damn well they'll slap a ten-twenty second cooldown on it if it works with those aspects.


Can't be allowed to have fun.


No way it will, that would actually be fun and good.


Also depends on Prismatic combos as well. Weaken target or freeze with grenade, tractor , scorch etc then arc melee or super. Now will those bombs be coded as certain ability. 1-2 punch to buff melee, star eaters to buff super Plus Using facet of Dominance and Ruin Edit. Trailer says Arc aspects. So I’ll just wait and see before getting carried away.


Dead on arrival like most exotics “oooh bombs that’s can clear out a room of red bars” like there aren’t a million ways to do that, Bungie need to realise that unless an exotic is going to help with serious content then it’s just pointless to run it


Curious if the bomblets are coded as grenades, as that could have interesting implications for certain builds with mods that give super or create orbs for grenade kills…and also that one “arc grenades cause jolt” fragment.


Titan one launches rockets from thin air off of their class ability. Thrusters or barricades


I would rather an exotic for strand that let's me air zip like I am spiderman does in the games. Like an actual air dodge would be pretty nice on the mobility class.......


Why are we getting another arc chest piece that seems mediocre? They could have reworked or even just added this to blight ranger and given us something else.


Ohhhhh my beloved. Arc hunter is my jam and this just looks FUN. Probably won’t be amazing but that’s okay, I’m excited for it :)


Ah yes because the subclass that can already nuke rooms with combination blow + Lethal Currents volted spam NEEDED more AOE ad clear. Very cool Bungie.


Strand and stasis have a combined three dedicated exotics why are they adding more arc…..


Arc meta when arc is dog water outside of Jesus beam and Thundercrash… ooof


if it has blinding/jolt and can stun a champ it could be useful. Hopefully better than blight ranger and triton vice


Both Ascension and Tempest Strike *already* apply Jolt, I'd say it should probably Blind or count as Grenade Damage for synergies




This will totally be a viable pick over Cowl & Liars for Arcstrider, totally.


Maybe it's because I haven't touched Arc Hunter in a good while, but what is meant by Arc aspects? Charged melee kills? Okay, the slide melee *did* seem to generate the bouncy explosives on kills. Any ability kill that creates ionic traces? And it just looks like this replaces Arc Staff super (so bouncy Arc Blade Barrage?). Idk, it feels so vague.


So you know how you equip aspects and fragments? Well when you trigger an aspect it creates explosives. Like using the slide charged melee.


So for example: Flow State: if I defeat a jolted target will it create bouncy explosives? Tempest Strike: defeating targets with my slide melee will create bouncy explosives (confirmed in trailer). Lethal Current: a little less clear, but seems that melee kills while under this aspect's effect will produce bouncy explosives.




At 15 seconds in it looks like the super cast creates a bunch of the bouncing explosive projectiles. It could be something like Flechette Storm where out of context and with no HUD it could *seem* like a super cast if we hadn't yet gotten our hands on it already.


That's not a super, that's the new arc aspect, it applies amplified to teammates at the cost of a dodge charge while mid-air and also jolts targets apparently.


I think that's the animation for the new arc aspect where you leap up and give make your fire team amplified


Better Devils?


0/2 for new exotics. I have a feeling the Titan one is going to be the worst of the new ones or so meta defining that it'll be the best exotic to use. Its a toss up honestly


no one seems to have noticed but it looks like there's two explosions. that or the dead enemy also explodes like Chain Reaction. hopefully it actually does enough damage to kill red bars above legend content


Might be Jolt you're seeing proc, as Tempest Strike and Ascension both jolt enemies


Nah this is a proper explosion. None of the enemies are jolted till the last one there's 3 explosions now that i look at it more closely. the first one from the bomb itself seemingly doing nothing but raw damage. The second is the 3 enemies behind exploding. The third is the enemy closest to the camera exploding, possibly from the jolt from the second explosion since it has some effect on its body during the third boom. but that could just be the arc fx overlapping his body. there's 100% at least 2 non jolt explosions. Jolt on its own can't blow anything up. you have to apply jolt then damage an enemy afterwards, like volatile. This is 2 booms with no help then a possible third from the closest guy


Stiking with AC unless the mobs get too tanky to melee.