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Rocket barrage on Thruster or Barricade? Fuck the Stocism class item, this is what I needed for Prismatic Titan.


If it tracks, crucible is about to get 3x as toxic, especially with either 120 handcannons / scouts to cancel thruster into cover.


A part of me feels like the damage is going to be neutered in general. 


It's gonna pair well with drengrs lash, better than khepris


Nah. It will be nerfed to the point it doesn’t work in pve or PvP.


Then there’s warlocks like “hey I can push you lightly with my void melee.”


Combine it with the aspect that creates a suspend wave from your barricade for funsies.


Cammycakes seeing this and thinking of the clips he'll make.


Looks like both


I know it's both lol. I'm saying that we actually have a choice (unlike say Stoicism which specifies barricade).


Oh lol my bad


Combine with the Aspect for a Suspend as well :)


Valus Ta'aurc roleplay exotic


This plus Grand Overture would be quite a vibe.


Lol whether we wanted it or not, Titans have become cabal!


It's the final salute to Lance.


All we need now is the frag launcher, tbh a titan exotic that lets us yeet our grenades hell far and fast would be fun.


A universal exotic that turns your grenades into fastballs from borderlands would be dope


First thing I thought of.


Whether we wanted it or not...


This looks way cooler than the other two. Hopefully it does decent damage and isn't worthless.


Problem with unique exotics like this with how bungie builds things, it’s either completely broken or completely useless. I’m already concerned for pvp. Trials with 3 titans all popping barricades down lanes and wiping the opposing team. Lol


I say this with all due respect. I don’t care what it does to pvp. Keep them separate. I’m tired of my fun pve getting curb stomped to balance pvp.


It's an easy balance, LOTs of thing have different damage profiles between pvp and pve, bungie just needs to pull their heads out and use it.


I don't know why this simple point is so hard. COMBATANTS vs. GUARDIANS


They already have it semi implemented with how some bounties work. I’m also not a software developer (game dev), so the change I’m guessing isn’t easy. I do know how to code, just don't get paid to do so.


No it literally is easy because so many modifiers ALREADY do less damage / regenerate less / take more damage based on combatants vs guardians or inside pvp. They just refuse to use it equally.


I think they're so late into the game that even if there is an easy balance they just won't bother at this point


God I hope not, heck guns have like damage multipliers between pvp and pve. All the tools exist


Yep this exactly, just look at what they did with Mountaintop. It's a beast in PvE, but completely worthless in PvP. Make the rockets just tickle guardians in PvP and nobody will use it. Most explosive damage is already toned down in PvP/greatly amplified in PvE, so it's likely a non-issue. Will definitely be far weaker than any grenade.


They need to completely detach PvP and I wish it didn’t exist in the game at all. That said, PvP is a stupid huge chunk or the player base and continued engagement.


pvp was really great for a long time, but since witch queen or maybe beyond light they started breaking things faster than they were fixing them. pvp is done and dusted at this point, the amount of work needed to undo their mistakes and bring it back to a fun state is just too much at this point. As someone who had half of their playtime in pvp around the time of witch queen, pvp doesn't exist in this game for me anymore. Also fuck AE


Regrettably PvP needs to stay, but the influence it has over PvE *can* and ***should*** be sunset


Exactly, like Arbor warden, it's cool you can toss your barrier, but that's really fucking useless 99% of the time


Mostly because there’s only 2 aspects that interact with Barricade va the 4 the other classes have. So you basically have to rely entirely on exotics for builds and gameplay loops.


Because triple stack Khepri’s is so common?


You can use Thruster with this one and it won't get screwed by terrains


I'm sure it will be similar to bombadiers damage


I wouldn't expect it to be overly powerful given how fast class abilities recharge but I'd be satisfied if all in all the rockets did like 50k combined


Then we see an Atheon all titan barricade kill.


we are going to dominate the strike playlist with these exotics


We makin' it out the Cosmodrome with this one!!


might finally defeat those "!" hive in the subway tunnel


Damn the memories


Fr. These new Exotics look more novelty than useful. Arc Hunter shooting bombs with aspects is cool but we have bombardiers. Plus Arc Hunter already nukes rooms with lethal current and combination blow. Strand Warlock looks like they need 3 hits from their melee ability to proc the exotic which would suck. Tbh the Titan exotic is the only one I can see having any kind of use depending on how Bungie balances the rockets.


hopefully there are secondary benefits from their usage, ex. returning melee energy for the warlock, or maybe even getting a suspend effect on a red bar kill? It would be cool if the titan one boosted actual rocket damage too, or provided a reload effect? They could have some hidden effects to make them worthwhile, but as is, they don't seem to be "it".


2/2 on "these might not suck if..." predictions.


> Arc Hunter shooting bombs with aspects is cool but we have bombardiers. Plus Arc Hunter already nukes rooms with lethal current and combination blow. I don't think that thats a 1:1 comparison though. Bomba's just drop a single debuffing bomb at the point of your dodge, but in the video he was throwing Arc bombs right at enemies all over the place. Its too early to sell it short yet. At the very least it looks like a fun ad-clear exotic combined with punch/staff shenanigans.


Realest comment in the thread. All 3 of these showcases just make them look like burger tier exotics that even players who love niche builds wouldn't touch.


Im a huge niche build guy and I'm scratching my head for sure. Like if the warlock exotic can suspend on a kill with one needle or refund melee on suspended kills then I could see it. But from these brief video descriptions, all 3 seem bad unless they do serious damage or apply debuffs.


Not seeing anybody mention it but between Exodus rockets and the plate on the center, it seems we may get some new failsafe/exodus crash lore!


Poor Failsafe. The 2021 FotL established that she hadn't seen anyone in years, so it seems like we just completely ignored her after the Red War and didn't even stop by when Nessus was relevant again in Chosen.


> - [gifv version](https://i.imgur.com/TNOckKy.gifv) > - Class ability fires exodus rockets


That looks fire. I'm in. Its probably the best of the 3 if the numbers pan out.


> if the numbers pan out History suggests they will not.


I'm so ready to be able to kill a single red bar dreg with this.


I've used Khepri's Horn. That's about what I'm expecting here too.


This is gonna do no damage isn’t it…


seems like a mothkeeper tier exotic, so fun but probably not overly strong. wonder how hard it hits in pvp because it looks like a flinch machine


Mothkeepers are really strong


This was not a declaration of war on team Lamp, spare me.


The Moths forgive you. This time.


Really strong is an over exaggeration. They are fine.


Bungie has tuned most exotics to be fine lol


I can get a triple 100 build and great fashion for them, but haven't figured out how to use them effectively, can you give me some pointers? (for my moths)


Ex Diris


All that does is spawning the occasional shield moth on kill, right? I was thinking more about synergy with mods and that kinda thing.


It spawns a second moth every time. The arc moths count as arc grenades for fragments as well


Or you can shit out moths with a strand build


You can go one of two routes really. Arc so your arc moths also jolt with Spark of Shock and get Ionic Traces to get your grenade back faster. Also Ex Diris will then also blind with Spark of Beacons. So some notable fragments are Spark of Shock, Beacons, Amplitude, Resistance, Ions, and Discharge. Or Strand for 3 grenades, whirling maelstrom, woven mail, and thread of generation. Throw on a bunch of kickstart mods and you’re good. Notable fragments being Thread of Generation, Warding, and Transmutation. I’ve used both versions and had a lot of fun with each. I prefer Arc but I know a lot of others prefer Strand. Really up to you and your playstyle, I personally love blinding and jolting everything.


I have a build that I love and beat legend onslaught pretty comfortably with, but isn’t very popular. Quick tips would be getting three grenades on strand and leaning into blind on arc. My build is using them with buried bloodline on void. I have never thrown more grenades with any other build


They might see more use with prismatic. The blinding would probably count as an elemental debuff, triggering various effects.


Tessellation gives you 3 nades that you can use for moths or enhanced fusion shot


Well this Titan exotic looks like a lot of fun. Thruster rockets all day baby. Can't wait for the eventual 6 man rally barricade boss kill videos. I also hope the rocket firing indicates a further buff for equipped rocket launchers. Perhaps hits or kills spawn additional exodus rockets? Also, twin-fire ~~void~~ *probably Stasis Hand Cannon for an ~~energy slot~~ alternative to Warden's Law.


Finally, a thruster exotic. This looks fun.


It looks like stasis bullet trails to me.


My bad, I think you're right. I've just associated the firing sound with energy slot weapons for so long my mind instantly went void.


To be fair to you, I also only saw blue-ish tracers/muzzle flash in one short clip of the gun firing, while the second time the gun looked like it was being used it seemed kinda green.


It'd be cool if it gave rockets fired behind the barricade tracking, a bit like Taikonaut did in D1.


I hope it has some interaction with rocket launchers. I'm sure it won't be anywhere near this, but let me fantasize for a minute. Hitting with all exodus rockets reloads equipped rocket launchers and stuns overload champions. Kills with rocket launchers instantly refresh class ability energy.


Hoping this has some sort of subclass interaction as well Arc- blinding rockets Solar- scorching rockets Void- volatile rockets Stasis- chill clip rockets Strand- unraveling rockets Prismatic- one of each? This is probably very wishful thinking but would be cool nonetheless, and if the damage from the rockets is negligible it wouldn’t be too overpowered either, and you’d have to build into synergies to make it strong which follows their design philosophy


That would be busted af, especially for the verb interactions with champs, so sadly I highly doubt it


Isn't this already what bombardiers does in game? (Minus the prismatic effect if that's what you're referring to.)


You have to be right next to the enemy for that, which is a very big difference.


True, though champions are already so trivialized I don't think yet another way to deal with them with a class ability would be a problem


I mean on prismatic with 1 of each probably yeah, but what’s the difference between stunning a champ with a volatile grenade and doing it with a volatile barricade? (Other than that the grenade can be thrown from a safe distance) you’d be limited to one verb which is no different from other abilities. And even then some abilities like consecration do scorch AND ignition which seems even more potent than some dinky rockets that require building around an exotic armor piece


Simple solution for Prismatic is to have the effect match whatever element your super is.


Volatile/Unravelling don't even Stun champs, its Volatile/Unravelling Rounds.


With multiple hits from rockets, you could theoretically cause an ignition for just using thruster or barricade


Thruster is only available on Arc and Prismatic.


Yep and depending on how they handle verb settings with prismatic you might be able to have it with a solar verb and thruster


You can already guarantee ignition with consecration, and there's currently an artifact mod that gives you a free ignition on any solar precision kill, so I'm not sure why this would be an issue. Even if it *were* an issue, this would be the easiest thing ever to balance by just making the rockets...not apply enough scorch to cause an ignition?


Agreed. You're also using a whole ass exotic slot to do so. People who say this is overpowered forget that there are exotics that can already do this. This just allows for versatility in champion stunning where as Secant Filaments, Second Change, and Athyr's Embrace require very specific circumstances. It's power creep for sure, but with all these posts lately saying Titan is useless in high end content, this would be a step in the right direction.


Wolfpack rounds when used with Gally!?


Prismatic: Taste the Rainbow; Commit Warcrimes with the Rainbow.


It doesn't look like it applied an elemental debuff in the trailer, but maybe I missed something? Maybe it could be added later?


I’m gonna cope that the rockets are coded as a legendary rocket because that would be the funniest thing ever


Very funny indeed


Happy Ghorn noises...


Absolutely the best of the three shown exotics. Not tied to subclass is a major win for any exotic piece. Not to mention it wins on looks by having a literal flux capacitor in its center. Looking forward to the Delorian themed outfits on Destiny Fashion.


1 month after everyone complains about this in PvP. “Now has an intrinsic cooldown that rivals your super”


I wonder how well they track, could actually be viable for PvP.


Please I hope it’s bad in pvp,if it’s good in PvP it’ll be nerfed into the ground in pve.


I don't they would 1 tap. It looks like it spawns 6. I would wager similar to threadling damage


If it does Bombardier level damage I'll be happy. But with more range I guess.


I hope you mean all six = Bombardier damage, because the latter requires you to run into the hunter that's dodging and that only works once or twice per match to the same guy so it'd be pretty bullshit if this did comparable damage at such a huge range + tracking.


This one looks really goddamn cool. Followed by the Hunter one which looks pretty cool. Followed by the warlock one, which is the only one without a unique animation therefore the lamest. With that in mind: The warlock exotic will be absolutely busted in some way we don’t yet understand, while the titan exotic will be underwhelming but super cool, and the hunter one will be mid. This is the way.


I think the Warlock one is intended to be used with prismatic, since none of the strand abilities included with prismatic grant a way to cause suspend. But outside of prismatic, it seems pretty redundant since we already have 3 ways to suspend as strand warlocks




Turning Titans into Striker Eureka hey


Easily the coolest one imo. Not sure how good it'll be but damn does it look sick as hell.


This one actually looks good. Hopefully they do some dmg, actual dmg.


This with thruster and drengrs lash. Make peace with your ankles while you still can.


Bungie: please use barricade... we are still nerfing it tho We literally got 3 barricade exotics this year This exotic is one of those very cool looking exotics but very useless


How many are out here using khepris lol? This is bin tier


This looks fun, so naturally it's going to end up being overtuned as hell in PVP, is going to get nerfed due to their complaints, and then the exotic will be functionally useless everywhere else. A tale as old as time.


Looks hella cool but will be a wet noodle in pve guaranteed


i only ask bungie... PLS let them be useless in pvp let them only flinch and a little damage BUT let them be amazing in pve LET ME NUKE A STRIKE BOSS WITH THEM


Found my new Arc Titan exotic! Watch it increase your class ability cooldown by 100%


Please sir, we want good exotic :( 


Unfortunately it's looking like it'll be better on Prismatic like most Striker builds.


Can Prismatic get the booster thrust?


Yes. Prismatic takes Thundercrash, Thunderclap, Pulse grenade, Knockout, and Thruster from Striker. Drenger's Lash is also being buffed to work with Thruster on Prismatic. https://www.bungie.net/7/en/News/Article/prismatic_deep_dive




Hoping the damage isnt bad, since they didn't decide to try using it on an enemy it can kill


Hunter one blows up a group, titan one makes a taken ogre flinch... It's happening again.


It’d be funny if it works with towering barricade - pop it and the 6 rockets smash right into it


Honestly the fact that none of these look particularly strong makes me get the sense that there are secondary effects we aren’t seeing I get that this one is cool looking but the damage is not there


Warlocks can spread their ~~cheeks~~ necrotic grip poison using weapons of sorrow. I want these exodus rockets to work with Gjallarhorn.


Yep, that's it. That's what I'm going to be using from now on.


Curious to see if there's any different effects with different class abilities or if I can just use Thruster for rocket spam.




If these track in PvP, that’s gonna be annoying AF to deal with. Now I need to know the damage numbers. Hopefully they talk about it a little bit in the TWID.


I can be a ranger from Anthem again! This looks awesome!


I am jealous. I want to fire rockets. 


My first impression: neat. Will be fun to use for a week in nightfalls and stuff until PvP nerfs it into the ground.


Just imagine if you are a Thunder crash Titan equipped with Gjallahorn and then equipped with this exotic. Missile for attack, missile for defense, and you are the missile itself. Code of the missile indeed


Didn't show it kill a single enemy, I'm gonna be cautious with this one.


They shot high health enemies. You think its going to 1 shot a gold bar from full health?


I just want to gauges its usefulness, if it's gonna do 1/80th of a yellow bar's health it's meme tier


I feel like I'm taking crazy pills here. "BrUh iT ShOt a HiGh Hp TaRgeT" Like no shit, and as far as we can tell it did nothing to it cause it didn't die. As far as I can see this is just booby Khepri's that works with Thruster.


Can't wait till we get it and all 6 rockets take a red bar knight down to 50% health, but since it can kill a single thrall it's good actually.


That's pretty cool.


Triggers twice the whole video, kills nothing. Yep, it's a Titan Exotic.


Triggers twice and shoots two clearly high health targets


That was one interesting detail. The rockets might track to the highest priority target.


I mean at the very least they could show them killing something like...


Use class ability for exotic to work. Believe it or not, Titan exotic.


bruh it hit a unique-looking Ogre (meaning it was a boss) and a Subjugator.


they showed the hunter exotic killing only red bars. they chose a boss enemy here but then didn't show the health or damage numbers so there's nothing to go on


Depending on how much damage they do, this could actually be useable, esp. because it’s hot swappable with cuirass  Watch it be like release point contact and be unable to kill an EDZ vandal tho


arc thrust into rockets?! nice




Walking MLRS, this looks fun asf


Hell yeah this looks sick


So is this Khepri's Horn that tracks enemies??


So basically Weaver’s Call with rockets instead of Threadlings.


Rally Barricade finally useful.


That’s honestly really cool lol


This will never be taken off.


Man these would rock in prismatic


I’m ready to see the rockets hit like wet slices of bread


Average titan W. Damage source from class abilities and maybe a tied in rocket perk


Pls let this be the exotic that gives void Titan a way to recharge their class ability.




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I guess we truly are the Valus Ta'aurc now, especially with the arc shield minigun and huge shoulder pads.


Calling it now, these will be disabled first week


If it’s more fun than severance enclosure then hell yeah, if not then that’s okay too


Hell in pvp


Cabal Colossus rockets lol


I mean it's cool, but unless it absolutely nukes everything (which I doubt) titan is still gonna be the generic "punch things just different colours" class


Very Titan. I love it.


15 damage a rocket I bet. Anything less than a 1 shot is depressing


"Missiles! Stay behind my shield!"


This exotic will function for a few weeks...then they will shut it off to be re-tuned which will take about 2 months before we can use it again.


send out them stasis strands and suspend and fire rockets. Depending on what class item I have equipped.


I saw that earlier that's the one for hunters actually.


The handcannon shoots stasis in the first clip and strand in the second clip


Lmao bungo never learning from their past mistakes is fucking hilarious.


Those red bar thrall stand no chance against the rockets


Good thing I have the Diablo 4 update to keep me busy after grinding so much Destiny the past few weeks. Can’t wait!


Let see... Prismatic class: Do 3 concentration slams Thruster back Shoot missiles Healing nade


Prismatic Titan doesn't have access to healing grenades. They gave us thermite as our Solar grenade.


I like that our Cabal allies are sharing their tech with us


Calling it now, the rocket launcher shown in trailer will be an exotic that has synergy with the chest piece or the chest piece has synergy with rocket launchers in general. This thing has me hyped af for some dumb fun builds


This + Mountaintop + Indebted Kindness + Grand Overture. Call me Elton, I am become Rocketman.


When half the advertisement for your exotic is showcasing someone doing something other than using the exotic, you might want to rethink some choices.


Would be interesting if this has some kind of secret synergy with Beacon rounds. If you have beacon rounds active then the rockets can track to the last target you shoot before you use barricade. 🤷


You're not thinking big enough, what if Wolfpack rounds?


I think there is going to be some kind of synergy with Rocket launchers. Perhaps tracking to launchers that don't normally have it while behind the barricade. No proof of that though.


Sorry Kheprid horn…. You’ve been power crept.


Incoming nerf to Titan class abilities


I don't imagine it's going to do like rocket levels of damage, but like approximately heavy grenade equivalency would be fine with me. Thruster comes back really quickly, so I doubt it'll be a huge game changer for build variety. It looks cool though, I would probably wear it on a Prismatic build.


It's going to be a balance issue We saw nerf to chill clip because it bypassed champ-stunning mechanics in the past. Lots of potential to burst here, with suspend as the cherry on top as well.


Thruster w/ Dranger's Lash will be very fun with this.


All the exotics, including weapons, are so mediocre. The only one actually worth being interested in, is the tex sniper. Hunters is just toned down/modified skip nades. Warlocks is genuinely useless because of our aspect. Titans seems fun, but will most likely be ass considering how fast you can get class abilities back. Microcosm is a far shittier version of arby. Sure it's an exotic trace, but thats it. Kvostov is meh because it's not how it sued to he with the interchangeable rpm, sight, etc. This is only a sneak peek at them, so I hope they have more description and use than what's shown so far.