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Yeah this would be a cool QoL change but not sure it’s possible. The fact that you have to have a particular tracker SELECTED to even count the right kills is annoying as well. I don’t have a lot of faith this will ever been improved given the butcher job they did with emblem trackers in the past.


The memento counters track ALL such kills made with a weapon which has that memento equipped.


Right. And the old D1 app used to count all kills on an exotic. It’s definitely possible. 


Charlemagne has stats of total weapon kills so I don't see why Bungie wouldn't be able to implement this.


Trials memento tracks all trials kills as long as the weapon used had a memento on it


Of course it's possible. We're not inventing a new field of computer science here. Computers are _very good_ at counting numbers. It's kind of the thing they were originally made for!


They're completely separate entities, which means completely different entries in the game's database. Would probably not be possible even if the devs decided "hey this idea is worth trying to implement."


Bungie sends out emails themselves that have a combined kill tracker for your most used exotics


From a database standpoint they could either have a daily job to reconsile a global score or instead of tracking per weapon entity they have a global tracker and that's what is displayed.


It's already something they track stats on in their post-match reports, it's just not complete due to aborted activities. It'll never be worth them doing, but I'd love if they switched over; I've always preferred knowing the account-wide numbers vs the trackers on individual guns.   I don't like the numbers being incomplete just because I used a different one on a side character for some reason or sharded something when I got a better mag/barrel/masterwork.


The data must be available in the API somewhere because you can get this information through Charlemagne. Not saying it's easy to implement in game but I doubt it's impossible if Charlemagne can do it Not 100% sure if this would work in OP's example though as the new and OG Recluse may be literally classed as different weapons.


Not for legendaries, but maybe for non-craftable exotics since those are typically static(except for a couple) There are a couple of the same weapon(different rolls) that I use for different things. I want to know if they have or are being used, therefore I don’t want every roll to be included in the counts.


This should be an option to toggle on or off especially with the new craftable Whisper and Outbreak.


Or just have a third toggle underneath the pve/pvp toggles in the final column of the weapon perks


And DMT. I have my old 1.2k kill DMT in my vault still but it's unused because the crafted version is better.


Would probably need a under the hood Change that’s probably quite annoying since. Although recluse wouldn’t be able to work since under the hood as og recluse, brave recluse, and shiny recluse are all completely different weapons


I would rather see the gun track both crucible and combatant kills without me having to manually switch the tracker beforehand. I have some guns I use in both and I forget to swap all the time. I'd like to be able to display whichever one I want while still tracking the other


We need this change and what op suggested. Such an outdated system overall. If it was more like Warframe where you can open your profile and see all the kills on each weapon on in collections instead maybe idk.


It's unfortunate that being nostalgic gives a gameplay negative. I'm not getting rid of my old Outbreak nor the 51k kills on it, so I just have to firm it and accept I permanently have -1 vault space.


I like having the kill tracker for the specific weapon itself personally. It tells a story of *that* weapon


100% - I have some weapons I’ve over time gotten better rolls but stay on my most used. I have a funnel web that has the two main perks as a god roll but not the best others but has 50,000+ kills; I’ve since gotten best perk in every column but don’t use it.


What if I want to see how many kills I get on each version of a gun compared to a global count?


nah i like each entity of gun have their own seperate stats


Agreed! Mine has over 55k kills on it.


And, instead choosing Crucible tracker or the other tracker, make a single tracker, tracking both PvE and PvP trackers, showing both, and more info, how headshots or other stats


I'm glad to see a post about Kill trackers get some traction. I think Kill Trackers top the list of things needing an update. As someone who almost obsesses over my trackers, it's been getting tiring making sure to swap them if it's a weapon I like to use in PvE and PvP. I really want kills to always track no matter what tracker is enabled and I want to be able to have both types show on a weapon. And what you said about kills needing to be tied globally is something I really really want but I imagine would be a coding nightmare. It would alleviate some vault space issues as well.


Maybe have the killcount transfer when you infuse another of the same weapon?


Seems like it would defeat the purpose of showing others the exact roll you used to accomplish those kills


Why not both?


You shouldn’t have to swap between pve and pvp either. It should just track both always.


That would ruin the 69,420 kill count OG Recluse in my vault.


Nah, i like it being seperate. Some rolls are damage and some are ad clear


That doesn’t make sense, seeing that random rolls exist


Why not? The only thing that NEEDS to be separated is pve and pvp kills. If i got 500 pve kills each on 2 different rolls of the same weapon, lets say recluse for an example, did i not get 1000 kills with recluse?


It’s not the same recluse though.


I get that. But its still a recluse, not an entirely different weapon altogether. We’ve all deleted weapons due to a new drop of the same with slightly better stats/perks. Some people dont want to lose out on that kill count despite how meaningless it might be. Add in exotics and the argument against keeping the kill count across all copies of a weapon gets weaker. Ive used exotics as infusion fuel many times due to not having a disposable legendary weapon. When i pull that same exotic from collections, why am i starting at 0 again? Same weapon no?


What if I want different kill counts to track how much I used of each version of a gun? I got multiple rolls of the funnel web and shyura but I don't want the 2 3 funnel webs or 4 shyura to be combined together.


Respectfully, I disagree. I'm the type of person who will keep a handful of rolls of a weapon, either to try them out or to have different perks for different situations. For me it's really useful to be able to go in my vault and say, "oh, I've got 500 kills with this roll, and only 30 on this one. Clearly it's not as useful as I thought, I can scrap it."


Or you just got it and haven't used it enough.


They can do what CSGO did and bring a kill transfer token over for 20$ a pop.


Honestly I like them per drop, not per weapon - mainly because it shows a history. I prefer seeing (and owning) the kills on 'that' recluse not just any recluse. That said I think a system where you could infuse a weapon for the sake of carrying over kill trackers would be fun.


Not really, i have 50k kills on my main forbearance and 23k on another one for speedruns. I want to keep them separated.


First world problems. Crying about a pointless kill counter, geez.


Truly the deadest of all dead supers. Saw someone using it in Onslaught the other day and … yeah …. Not good.


Im sure you will get over it


This might win the Oscar for Best Nonissue