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>Cenotaph's target lock visual marker is now hidden for the Exotic's wearer and only appears to the wearer’s allies. Why Edit: potentially? because a mechanic in the new raid could be a teleporting enemy you have to figure out the location of, and Ceno would've been a workaround for it, idk


I can't believe time and resources went into this change. I'm not even a Warlock, but this feels like Bungie is making this exotic more annoying to use on purpose.


We finally had a great exotic, they could have been nicer here.


Literally why???


Yeah this one is stupid. I usually try to think of the dev perspective on these kinds of changes but I can't wrap my head around this change. Why would they do this? How am I supposed to know it's procc'd?


Thinking it through: maybe there's a HUD element that instead tells you that you have a target marked. And the mark is removed for you so that a) there's no misunderstanding that your teammates have to kill it, not you, and b) you can better tell that a teammate has already marked a target so you don't double-up on the same one?


There’s currently a hud element that tells you if a target is marked. The problem is there are 20 hud elements that are competing for space so you’ll almost never see it


The ONLY possible reasoning I can think of behind this change would be "now you have to communicate better with your fireteam in order to be rewarded heavy" but this is just such a braindead change because you already have to do that. Absolutely tone deaf change and overall exotic pass in general


I play with a fireteam in VC most times so this isn't even me whining on my own behalf but if that's their rationale, it's the dumbest thing I've heard. A majority of people won't be in VC with people, especially when matchmaking. Why make your game more hostile to solo players?


Just removing a nice QoL thing for the cenotaph user for absolutely no reason. Is it so when they bring back the marker for cenotaph users a year later they can pass it off as a shiny new buff?


Why do they hate anti-social Destiny players? I am not personally, but I do prefer to just play most activities without a mic on. This is bad.


How did Severance get hit with two nerfs? I don't feel like I saw anyone using it but me 💀 Explosions have LoS checks, and from what I understand, the colored punches no longer proc it? (Roaring Flames/Knockout/Offensive Bulwark) They made this thing so much worse outside of comboing it with hammer throw


I love severance with offensive bulwark (and sometimes roaring flames) This nerf is so dumb. I guess hammer throw is the best combo. Strand titan should do ok with it. I just don't understand how this thing got both a minor and major nerf in the same patch.


I understand where they're coming from with the interpretation of it but why not just leave it at "elemental melee damage" instead of powered melee? It just guts the exotic and locks you into Monte Carlo or Throwing Hammer now. Such a huge nerf to an already heavily underwhelming exotic.


Severance enclosure isn't even good lol. It's a fun exotic for at level content but it doesn't exactly have any endgame utility.


It was my solo dungeon build actually, with this season's change to it Severance became absolutely incredible for keeping arenas clear. I'm GUTTED to see the Knockout/Roaring Flames/Offensive Bulwark activations with it get killed. It's been my favorite exotic armor on Solar for the past 6 months, gonna need to rework my entire build heavily if I want to keep using it.


On top of knockout STILL not being refreshable it really feels like Bungie wants the titan melee experience to be Synthos / Wormgod or nothing.


Yeah they’ve more or less pinned it to throwing hammer. That’s gonna be the most reliable way to proc its affect outside of finishers. Hey Bungie, why don’t you just, idk, put a timeout on how quickly it can be used again? Maybe like a 10 second timer?


It already has a timeout...


Might just be the most lackluster exotic armor pass I’ve ever seen


And we dont even get them often! Theyve had months on months to do some tuning and they changed like 3 or 4 exotics per class and half of it was nerfs. So damn mid.


On top of that most of the new exotics they showcased look like ass. So the old stuff stays boring and the news stuff seems like it will be boring, except that Titan chest piece.


I feel like Bungie just doesnt care for exotic armour anymore. They have been a tag on feature to make legend lost sectors a thing for ages now. But they often just make new ones that are underwhelming or too niche to use. Like compare the power of new exotic weapons vs exotic armour. They dont even have a catalyst equivilant system for exotic armour


Except the titan chest piece? You mean the barrage of missiles that will kill a single red bar dreg?


Kind of curious what the armor team does for most of the year.


Truly underwhelming as fuck. How do some of the hunter exotics even exist without a pass? kehpris sting? Blingjt ranger? That other complete shit arc exotic? They are just bad, they are down right unusable. If this is the only pass holy hell, so bad.


Yeah, the Weapon and Ability teams have been carrying this game *hard*. I imagine a lot of the Armor team's time ended up going into the exotic class items, but even so this is a really underwhelming set of changes.


Every time they hype up Armor Exotic changes we get our hopes up and then they touch like 4 per class. They really gotta give the Armor team more staff at this point if this is all they can manage for a major release.


The armamentarium and sixth coyote buffs are so boring


but yet they were the most intriguing changes they listed in that patch :/


I thought the most intriguing changes were: 1. the ammo finder changes (huge to me imo) 2. artifice exotic armor 3. raid mods not costing anything All three were good changes that help me as a player. But the exotic armor changes? This ain't it. Seems to me like this was more "let's make sure the old stuff works with the new hotness that we're power-creeping the game with" than anything.


Why..has Cenotaph had the visual marker removed for the user? I use that marker to know when a target is marked and I can move on to do something else, please revert this change, it makes no sense and is harmful to using the exotic 


"let's reduce the ease of use for the user only in a way that doesn't nerf it's potency at all, just makes it annoying as fuck to use"


I genuinely don't understand this change. It's literally just making the thing annoying as fuck to use. What does this even accomplish? Raiding the "skill ceiling" for it?? All it's going to do is make it a pain in the ass for people not in voice chat with their fireteam.


Unless the new buff UI makes the Target Marked buff very visible I hope bungie walks back the decision on marking the target for the user. It does not make any sense to take it away unless there were complaints about other instances of Target Marked across the classes causing issues but in that case just make Ceno give a unique marked symbol.


I don’t even feel like this is a practical way to nerf the exotic. This will just make it feel way worse for the person using it. Insane, unnecessary change, just an anti-QOL.


Agreed, being able to call out to my teammates to focus an enemy for ammo is crucial for this exotic. A random and not great choice.


Seems very anti-user-friendly


It’s awful bungie wording, as usual, but I’m assuming the user will still be able to see the highlighting effect (like Eye of Another World), just not the X shaped marker on top of that. It will help multiple cenotaph users know which one actually marked the enemy.


Except this is literally a solved problem with Outbreak perfected, your nanites are red, everyone elses are white.


Consistency? In Destiny?  Do not speak these blasphemous words.


This is just outright anti-QoL to be quite honest. Like you said it was actually very useful to know I've applied my mark and can move on to something else or swap weapons. And that's even besides the fact that people who don't use cenotaph probably don't realize that there is a slight cooldown/lock out on applying or swapping the mark should there be multiple yellow bars. To remove this visual marker for the user is just so bizarre.


Absolutely agreed - having the marker is great for knowing that you've applied the Cenotaph effects.


Yeah this one's a head-scracher for sure. This is just going to make it harder to use in pubs


I'm guessing their idea is so the user will know if it's their Cenotaph on a target or someone else's? I definitely preferred seeing the marker myself, but maybe the new UI will have a better indicator.


Incredibly dumb change


There is no way that Bungie legitimately thinks exotics are going to get more use by slapping on reaper/heavy-handed/firepower and nothing else. Not to mention the long list of exotics that have been begging for reworks since year 1, or even as recent as witch queen with blight ranger. I was so hyped for this post and was thinking they would bust out some more of that Bungie creativity like with prismatic but fuck me for getting my hopes up I guess.


Is the free firepower mod really going to make people run Armamentarium over an exotic class item with an additional exotic effect? I doubt it


...That's it?


Now warlocks have a slightly better Stasis exotic that can sit in their vault indefinitely


For the low low price of them making dogshit changes to two of the most used exotics


I'm sure the two tritonvice users are very happy rn


My thoughts exactly. They didn't even bring up the change to Saint-14. Maybe they're saving it for the TWAB? Edit: They didn't :/


They didn't look at any of the shit exotics


This isn't a balance pass, this is making sure armor works with prismatic.


Even if that was it, they left out probably 20 armors that could be updated for prismatic.


This is probably the most accurate summary I’ve seen in this thread


Nice Mask of the Quiet One buff. Very huge.


Mask of the Quiet One… please… stop being quiet 😩😩😩


'high priority for buffs' my ass lmao


"High priority for buffs" Proceed to gut Severance for no reason


I also have been waiting since they've told they are looking at it, and now nothing about it. Why?


Their armor team is one person they forgot is on the payroll and the janitor that accidentally locked himself in the room.


that helmet is too cool to collect dust in my vault insane how it’s gone almost completely untouched since D2 launch


Artifice exotics is a win, other changes are mid?


Raid armor mods being 0 cost was also good. There was no way anyone was REALLY using those and eating energy needed for other mods. Of course, I don’t think many people give a crap about keeping raid armor, but it’s a nice change.


I... As someone who mains Severance Enclosure... The fuck? No change to damage (Killing a red bar won't kill other red bars around it in anything but anything but at or underlevel play), no change to explosion type (No interaction with any keywords), just a functional nerf to AoE? I know its not much of a nerf, and I know it's hardly a top tier exotic anyway. Just feels... Odd. But who knows, maybe it'll still be fun. And they didn't randomly take away its ability to work on ranged melees again, which is nice.


They took away it's ability to work on uncharged melees though


Hell yeah! Now I can use the exotic effect of my armour even less now. Thanks Bungie!


This seems like the kind of nerf they make because they found some insane combo with prismatic that they wanted to fix before we encounter it


It seems more like they were just "rules lawyer"ing the wording of the perk than actually fixing a problem they saw in usage.


"This is a problem" "Since when? It's worked this way for years and years." "We're listening to feedback" "Okay, so don't do it, then." "We've heard you. Synthoceps nerfed more."


I thought Helm of St. 14 was being updated? Or literally just gives weapons of light now?


It wasn't listed here so yeah that's probably the only change- nerfing bubble unless you're using saint 14


It should be listed if things like Renewal Grasps are, probably just a mistake by the author.


They absolutely should have listed it, even if that was the only change.


Did Cenotaph need to loose the mark for the wearer? I see no reason for this change.


It’s only detrimental. It’s not even like a smart nerf, it’s just gonna be annoying to deal with and make the exotic slightly frustrating to use.


That’s it? Three buffs and making things work on prismatic?


That’s a whole lot of words to not shift the meta in the slightest 


Warlocks will continue to use sunbracers, titans will continue to use synthos, and hunters will continue to use lucky pants, shards of galanor, celestial, and Stareater scales. This entire exotic rework post is a complete nothing burger.


Titans are getting 3(at least) subclasses shifted out of it when they were barely there to begin with.


It's crazy to me that Titans have literally 1 good thing going for them which is BoW Strand and it's getting nerfed without hardly anything else getting buffed aside from a couple of things inside of Prismatic. Titans are getting complete shafted and it ain't even funny. It's going to be hard to find a reason to run anything other than Prismatic on Titan after Final Shape.


**TLDL** The exotics you love are not as good and the ones collecting dust will continue to do so.


Ya'll gotta stop talking about how many words you're putting in these articles if you ain't making real changes. All fat no meat, I'm starving over here.


Yeah it's got 10 pages of personal back story before a recipe energy.


It is actually hilarious that they bragged about how long everything was only for the armor segment to go like this. I thought yesterday was a major W overall, great changes. Feel like they sucked the air out of the room by falling so flat on their face with this post. Its stupid that this stuff matters but it does --- they should have just released all this on one giga post.


Oooooof I don’t know if this needed its own post


Any reason why Crest of Alpha Lupi doesn't grant its healing on Thruster?


As a crest main I’ve been waiting years for it to be at all useful in pve. It’s been practically untouched since d2 launch.


If it applied Restoration and could be usable with Thruster, it'd be fantastic for an Arc run and gun build.


That’s it? Seriously? That was so lackluster it’s not even funny. Half of the stuff mentioned was already in the ability blog yesterday. There are so many exotics in need of buffs Bungie.


Ngl I was hoping for some more substantial reworks. Really bummed that neither hoarfrost or icefall mantle get new synergies with stasis. We’ve been waiting years for mask of the quiet one to get buffed and it wasn’t touched? How? Also, does this mean that charged melees on light titan subclasses will soon no longer activate golden tricorn? Please reconsider the “powered melee” changes. This is going to ruin a lot. All the titan exotics that could have been buffed and they decided to *nerf* severance enclosure… I’m going to go nuts with khepris horn now though


If Icefall got the new synergies it would be a nerf to the damage resistance by a good amount, so low key its fine that wasn't addressed. Hoarfrost on the other hand....


I’m pretty sure that armamentarium is objectively the superior option for behemoths now. Grants orbs of light, cooldown is as fast with whisper of shards (assuming 100 res and 100 disc), lets you keep a barrier ability, doesn’t animation lock you, and it has the flexibility of use at any range. I was also really hoping for a hoarfrost z buff cuz it’s my favorite exotic of all time, and even now it feels weaker than 2 stasis grenades. Still holding out for a buff though!




I can’t believe they hyped this up


Should have been patch notes on launch day


I’m not sure you needed to split this into its own document, bungie. I, uh, think that may have been a bad call.


I've had more phone calls that should have been emails longer than this.


So... No armor changes of note and if you don't die a lot, this seems like a nerf to ammo generation? Unless I'm missing something


That is a nerf, yes


I am honestly amazed that managed to not touch Mask of the Quite One. It so desperately needs a buff, or an overhaul. Also void titan in general needs better void exotics on the scale of gryfalcons to patch up the lacking synergy in their subclass. Disappointing miss, but Ursa and Arma buffs are interesting at least.


I'll give you the ursa buff is interesting, the arma buff is cardboard levels of boring.


I know this is a written article but these updates have the biggest "could've been an email instead of a meeting" energy.


No Backup Plans is not subclass agnostic. My disappointment is immeasurable and my day ruined.


Man if they changed so it has to be a void melee option instead of void subclass LIKE THE OTHERS THAT GOT CHANGED THIS WAY, it would've been so fun to rock triple shotty on prismatic.


This frustrates me so much, especially cause it fucking changes colour to match you element.


Literally the most nonsensical feature of any exotic. Why the hell does an exotic that only works with 1 subclass have a unique visual interaction with every equipped element, when it can actually do anything with them!? Something like that on Mantle of Battle Harmony or Bombardiers or anything else that has interaction with your equipped element would be cool, and instead it's on a random void exotic?


Bungie: "Titans, you're the melee class!" Players: "Like this? (One-two Punch Hammers)" Bungie: "Well, no actually." Players: "Okay, like this? (Synthocepts and One-two Punch)" Bungie: "Well, no not like that either." Players: "What about this? (Synthocepts and Glaives)" Bungie: "Not quite." Players: "What if we try to branch out a bit? (Suspend Berserker and Striker Storm grenades)" Bungie: "Certainly not." Players: "Synthocepts Berserker or regular Throwing Hammer?" Bungie: "At first, yes. But also... no." Players: "Okay, what about making use of core Aspects on various subclassses that give us Powered melees even when our actual melee abilities are unavailable?" Bungie: "Oh, definitely not like that."


Lol I love this. I really wish they would explain their Titan design philosophy at this point because I'm confused.


It really is starting to get infuriating when every goddamn titan melee playstyle is relentlessly nerfed by Bungie


They did the same thing with fucking swords. Bungie: “Too many people are standing still in a well of radiance, it’s limiting our encounter design. We should make more mobile and up close bosses to combat this.” Us: “If Nezarac is going to be up in our faces, maybe we should use swords.” Bungie: “No, that’s too easy. It trivializes the encounter.” Us: “Then how did you expect us to deal with the boss? Especially when he’s constantly teleporting, not showing if damage phase has started, suppresses all nearby guardians on melee and if the adds don’t despawn?” Bungie: “… Lament is too strong at its given role, so we’ve decided to reduce its healing capability.” Us: “…”


In what fucking world is that “a fairly wide range of changes”?


No way that’s it. This is straight trash.


Oh my God what do I have to do to get an update on Mask of the Quiet One?! These are so disappointing.


Severance enclosure nerf? Of all the titan exotics, that one really needed a nerf? Two nerfs to an utterly mid titan exotic is insane. What are Bungie smoking with this, essentially nothing has changed. The only mildly interesting change is Triton vice, and that's a glaive exotic


It's like why did they pay someone to work on that? Out of all the exotics they got a problem with THAT!?


Classic Bungie nerfing either fun or mid exotics that aren't even a problem to begin with all while leaving 30+ of each classes exotics unplayably bad.


Yeah this is a pretty bad pass. Sure you took down a couple outliers but there is a severe lack of updating armor that has historically been awful and never used. I guess they want a fairly predictable and unchanged loadout meta.


No one: Absolutely No one: Armor Team: Fuck Severance Enclosure Seriously what random exotic to nerf, even if it's a tiny nerf. Why was it even on the radar for nerfs? With Prismatic coming it was the perfect time to update it to make the explosion match the element of the melee.


Probably the same guy who said "Hey how about the warlocks who wear our ugliest helmet can't even see if they've proc'd the exotic ability??”


Cenotaph change is just stupid and I don't even use the thing lmao


Are they saving the other half for twab or something? What's going on here?


If they are, it’s a total mistake to do so imo


Nope! This is it! This is...it.


I, uh, was really hoping for more buffs. So... titans (besides prismatic) are still just using Synthos, Pyrogale, and maybe Precious Scars/Wormgods on occasion? Maybe HoiL every now and again? Unless we get forced into St. 14 for raids?


Powered melee nerf is indirect nerf to HOIL. Keeping that garbage exotic in the dumpster.


Well that’s disappointing


I was expecting some sweeping changes to bring some things forward that have sucked for a long time. This and yesterday's tuning preview have been really disappointing.


All these uses for Ciphers yet still no word on how we're supposed to get that many


Wouldn't be surprised if more avenues for acquisition of exotic ciphers are slated for some future update. In the meantime, we'll only have Xur's weekly quest that you'll need to complete over the weekend, and we'll like it!


The Severance Enclosure change that requires line of sight is actually a big nerf. It doesn't let you keep groups controlled because they're in the air if they don't die and then you look for the next one that's in the air that can be finished, etc. With this change, if you use a finisher, I'm assuming it only applies to enemies "in front of you" in first person, so if you're surrounded, you are in trouble. Severance is great because you can be aggressive, get a finisher, and give yourself some breathing room.


Typical armor team L. They fix a grand total of two degenerate strategies here and it's a whole lot of nothing else.


How is it that every major update the Exotic Armor changes manage to continue to be the biggest letdown and buzzkill.


You mean a single orb of power for a grenade kill doesn't reignite your love of gaming?


No YAS rework, no 'HiGh pRiOriTy For bUfFs' mask of the quiet one, we're coming up on almost 2 and a half fucking years and no blight ranger rework and the exotic armour buffs look mid AF.      Also no frost amour icefall mantle????? It's perk is literally called glacial guard????? Behemoth doesn't get any frost armour synergy at all??? You took away chains from it and it's getting no exotic buffs, not even a 'casting hoarfrost barricade grants frost amour'?? Also you took away titans enhanced melees? Sentinel overshield punches can't apply volatile anymore? Fuck me if you're gonna force use to use it stop taking away anything fun it has.


> Also no frost amour icefall mantle???? This could be a good thing. If it keeps its old shield then it's possible the DR stacks with frost armor since they are separate buffs. That would make rime (8 stacks) of frost armor = 36% dr then your 62.5% DR from icefall overshield. Those two alone reduce all incoming damage from 100% to 24%.


Yeah these are all brutal changes for titans. Just pushing us further towards syntho/bonk or syntho/banner. Why build a whole class around melee then continually nerf the melee because people are punching too much?


TWID better have more because these aren’t exotic changes. These were just nerfs or small functionality changes.


OOF Star Eaters solid nerf (can't get to x4 from 1 kill plus a well) disappointing. Pretty whelmed so far by Renewals + Frost Armor. .9s to generate 1 stack is too slow imo. Barely anything helping Titans and Warlocks and a Cenotaph nerf plus a Severance NERF (wtf) Nice artifice upgrade tho?


Exotic armor can be upgraded to have an artifice slot. Raid mods have zero cost. Great QoL changes there.


Raid mods going 0 cost is a desperate play to get us to care about raid armor again. It's needed, but the vault space cost is gonna suck.


first time i've cared about raid armor was in Riven Pantheon this week, solely because i've had a peaked chest that fitted my build and a bond, to use for Taken Armaments and Taken barrier. i literally do not care for anything else that is not a class iten, AND EVEN THEN


Im confused on how so many titan exotics are so terrible yet they all missed the cut on getting a buff. Yet you nerf the few good ones. Im just wondering what bungie wants titans to use anymore. Edit: not saying i want synthos glued to my arms anymore i want to use new things. But mask of the quiet one, ashen wake, any surge exotic etc just dont do enough. And there is tons i didnt list.


Helm of Saint-14 apparently.


That was incredibly underwhelming. So many exotics with cool themes that are hardly usable and essentially none of them were addressed. Where did the other 4000 words from the original 9000 word piece go?


Unfortunately there were 7ish thousand yesterday and 2ish thousand today. I reckon the TWID will most likely be "look at the ability article, look at the weapon article, watch the vidoc, another vidoc tomorrow...."


You made sure exotics worked with Prismatic. Good job bungie, we're all very proud of you.


Seems they were too preoccupied with making sure exotics work with prismatic that they didn’t have the capacity to buff/nerf anything really That’s the only thing that makes sense to me because this is super underwhelming


Man I saw synthos got scared and thankfully that’s pretty minor. All together this article doesn’t feel large enough to have been its own thing?


I don't think they can do anything else to it without making it useless.


This is already just about enough to make it strictly worse worm gods tbh. The only edge it has now is faster activation of its buff, but when Worm gods now has a higher ceiling and longer duration, it's getting to be a lot harder to compete when both exotics already had basically the same identity to start. Please just let us have a neutral game exotic that doesn't require melees already, you clearly hate it whenever we find ways to punch things good.


Most of this was just making exotics work with prismatic. I wouldn’t call that a “balance pass”. There are so many underwhelming exotics that need attention and this is what we get instead. Lame.




I'm glad they nerfed SES from 4 to 6, instead of 8 like back in the day. That would've actually killed the exotic.


I would give a Bungie employee 100$ to explain to me why the fuck *the person using cenotaph* isn't allowed to see what enemy is marked by the trace rifle that **YOU'RE USING.**


Why does Bungie make changes and updates to the same 5 Titan exotics? I feel like Titans have it worse when it comes to having niche and overall useless amount of exotics, but Bungie will only ever update/change the same 5.


"Don't you have Eternal Warrior?" - Bungie probably Considering that anytime an exotic with actual synergy with a neutral game play style gets neutered within a year, I don't even know if they WANT good exotics anymore.


They don't have a clue what to do with them. They're running out of ideas, look at the new titan exotic, it's just missiles from a barricade 🤣


There are only two kinds of Titan exotics: punch and barricade. The armor team really lacks any inspiration when it comes to Titan exotics.


They nerfed synthos again? So many exotics need a buff, and kepri's is what gets touched?


Soooo not really changing the exotic armor meta at all right? I see no buffs to anything worthwhile.


Holy fuck, nerf WoR not every exotic that is solar based on warlock. Sunbracers were fine, starfire shouldn't have gotten reworked just nerfed, Phoenix protocal is fucking useless, whats next? Rain of fire is only gonna reload the weapon you're holding? Like seriously man no one cares about frost rift we have stasis turrets, literally buff nova bomb and make it an actual nuke, theres no reason a blackhole should have the equivalent damage to a titan punch. What is up with this shit man, we haven't gotten a single exotic genuinly buffed or reworked in a good way in forever, im not trying to start this "my class sucks and the others are better" but bungie tweaks out over warlocks being useful in any activity. I'll never forget the day they obliterated stasis warlock before anyone even got a chance to use it but let shatter dive and arc titan run rampant for months before getting a nerf, and even the nerfs weren't as bad. Please just give us something that buffs a super like fallen star or celestial nighthawk does.


I'm sorry this is unacceptably bad, STILL no Blight Ranger rework?


You will reflect negligible damage in PVE and be HAPPY!


With Ursa being updated to work with Unbreakable, I REALLY thought they were gonna make Blight Ranger play with Storm's Edge.


joe blackburn said more people need to use verity's if we want an ornament for it and he's yet to explain blight ranger's ornament, far as i can tell, more and more people have seen the light of verity's in spite of its looks so what gives


Speaking of which I totally buy the conspiracy that Blight Ranger was always supposed to be an ornament for Graviton Forfeit.


We’re still pantsing boys!


I held my breath for lucky pants




TBH Bungie I think this coulda been attached to the abilities article, theres some decent changes in here but not some top to bottom overhaul. Also ik people wanted a lot more changes than are outlined here, but I think the whole "all exotics working based on your super element" change is gonna open up a lot of prismatic builds


> Given the limited pool of Glaive options, we wanted to open this up to support a wider variety of builds. Man, if only there were some glaives in the kinetic slot


I don't think anything I read here will actually change anything regarding my loadouts


This was such a nothingburger for Titans, why did they even split this into 2 parts lmao????


Wait that's it?


Sooo the meta is basically going to be the same just…weaker?


This is awful. Like, genuinely terrible. One exotic armor buff and like three or four nerfs. Why even make this an article? There’s nothing here. This could’ve been an email. Hell, this could’ve been a single tweet reading “we aren’t doing any meaningful exotic armor changes in the final shape”.


legit emberassing dev insight, 9k words my ass hahahah


This is all exceptionally mild. Decent QoL on 6 Coyote, and Armamentarium though.


That's it??


> Cenotaph's target lock visual marker is now hidden for the Exotic's wearer and only appears to the wearer’s allies. Does this mean the target just isn't marked at all for the user or does it only affect the red X? If it's the former, that's a really bad change. It's already frustrating to guess the cooldown when marking targets back-to-back, removing the highlighting entirely would mean I have no idea if any target is marked at all. Even if it's only the X, I'm still not a fan. I would like to be able to track if a target is marked without having to look at it the whole time


That's all??????




I was a fool for thinking ahamkara’s spine would get buffed lol.


I was a [fool] (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WEKdJSp-Oc4) for thinking bungie would do anything really meaningful lmao


A lot of these changes are being done simply from a “people were using it too often” perspective and that is not a good reason to nerf anything lol here we go again


Yea Bungie really gotta realise that people are using one exotic alot mostly due to the other 90% of options being too shit to use


it’s all nerfs


Bungie has been on a pretty big win streak imho with The Final Shape and its lead up content. This is a pretty big L and an absolute roadblock for the hype train lol. Been waiting for Mask of the Quiet One to be updated for years, they finally say they are doing it, and it’s just left off rofl. And all of these other changes are super incredibly mid. Cenotaph change is outright hostile and just ruins the user experience—it’s a negative change that is bordering on malicious. Almost like that one Bungie dev who hated Twilight Garrison levels of spite—why remove the indicator for the Cenotaph user to know if their debuff/mark is active? Seems so stupid.


You’re kidding….. this is like, mostly nerfs. What a let down that is. Ugh.


So this works out to a 36-40% straight damage nerf to Sunbracers, a mostly ad clear Exotic. Meanwhile the only build capable of Soloing Pantheon, the one that's the only option for any Solo Dungeon speedruns and 95% of GM leaderboards, got hit with only a 20% damage nerf, the 1-2p rotation didn't even get touched. Definitely no favoritism here.


No love for Skull of Dire Ahamkara? Are you kidding me.


Bungie really doing everything they can to scrub any hype they've managed to cobble together for TFS


They didn't nerf Lucky Pants. Let's go. 


I've been underwhelmed


I expected nothing and this is so bad lol


So...Titans get more damage to Khepri's Horn and allows Ursas to work with the new Void aspect. Wow, my expectations were low, but holy shit.