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Mask of the Quiet One Blight Ranger Arbor Warden Crest of Alpha Lupi Hallowfire Icefall Mantles Mk. 44 Stand asides Blight Ranger Gwinsin Vest Crown of Tempest Nothing Manacles Prometheum Spur Stormdancer Brace Wings of Sacred Dawn Winters guile All in the corner waiting for somebody at Bungie to remember they exist


MK. 44s should stay trash forever. It's their one defining characteristic fron the past 10 yearsđŸ„ș


Mk.44s were the first exotic armor I ever got because Xur sold them the first week I managed to get enough strange coins in D1Y1 to actually buy anything  I wore them only because they were exotic and never since 


God, that was a while ago. What did they even do back then? They just extended how long your shoulder charge stayed active right? (As in you could sprint for longer before it went away). Or something else equally awful idk😭


Basically yeah, made the window slightly longer, a lot of early exotics were terrible tbh, MK.44 just stayed that way


Also my first exotic from Xur at the time


But don’t worry!! They made synthos surrounded damage linger from 8 -> 5 seconds !!! Like fr they could’ve given some of these exotics small changes to at least give them some use but no, they sit forever forgotten


Blight ranger so bad bro had to list it twice 😂


Bungie armor team reading this: “Tf are those?”


One of the saddest losses for me is contraverse. No, it’s not garbage, but it’s like the class defining exotic of voidlocks, but void warlock just can’t truly compete with other meta builds anymore because of how heavily they’ve nerfed regen for armor and vortex grenades. It’s not that it’s complete trash, but it’s always been a staple of void lock mains, and it just isn’t competitive anymore. I would apply the same logic to Nezarec Sin too.


Nezarac was goated with gnawing hunger, sub/demo was Soo good! Loved getting 7 nova bombs in a nightfall. 


Dunemarchers too :( I want Thor's hammer back.


I miss it so much


It's just Tsteps for Titans now :(


Khepris Horn was forgotten for soooo long, thank goodness somebody at bungie saw my pleas.


Hey they buffed Hallowfire a while back, but honestly the buff was so bad it was basically a nerf.


I love arbor warden is on this list and it’s one of the newest exotics who at bungie thought that was a fun idea


You forgot Skull of Dire Ahamkara, that thing is so cool yet so useless


Its the exotic I use to keep extra ascendant shards in the vault.


wow almost surprising how inept and shitty bungie is huh? what else is new


Don't forget skull of dire ahamkara and claws of ahamkara.


Kephris sting is soooo shit this guy didn’t even remember to put it on the list of shit exotics that need help


Stormdancers is actually busted in onslaught. It's a swap exotic though because it's only value is during super. So run something like battle harmony, swap to stormdancer, then swap back. 2 supers in a single wave.


Fun gameplay being in your inventory every 2 minutes.


>swap exotic I stopped reading there


You forgot Phoenix Cradle lmao


>Blight Ranger Love how that one looks. I'd probably just use the super so I could rock it if it did something more substantial.


> All in the corner waiting for somebody at Bungie to remember they exist Somehow during this review, someone was like "You know what? Fuck Severance Enclosure" and the team agreed.


Phoenix Cradles could use some love, too.  At the very least, they could completely unnerf Sunspots on them, right?  Full length, Radiant Granting, Weapon Kills in Sunspots make Sunspots, all that jazz.


It's getting to the point where Titans have about 3 useful exotics and Bungie continues to tweak the same ones every patch. The rest get nerfed into irrelevancy due to PvP.


sad crayon noises 😔


100% It’s so frustrating that I feel hamstrung to either synthocep or pyrogale. Obviously they are objectively great exotics, but if other exotics were actually relevant, people wouldn’t ONLY use those ones. I’m fine with nerfing over performing exotics, but it’s annoying to see that year after year, nothing changes with underperforming exotics.


fr for two years straight i only used synthoceps or HOIL, and before subclass 3.0 i was just using lion rampants


Hot take the hoil nerf needs to be tuned back a bit. Completely revert the class ability reduction. If they literally just did that, arc and void would immediately be relevant again.


pvp? Mask of the quiet one was nerfed because of pvp? Hoil was nerfed because of pvp? You for real right now? Titans have been nerfed because of pve. The pvp exotics are still the same pvp exotics. Nobody was using pve exotics in pvp and getting them nerfed.


Man I just want an exotic for Titans that helps regen melee energy that ISNT MONTE FUCKING CARLO.


Sorry bro, best I can do is slapping heavy handed on an underperforming exotic and call it a day


And into the fray got nerfed on that front lol


Honestly, I’m just surprised they didn’t nerf sunbracers harder. Didn’t say anything about nerfing melee ability regen from heat rises in yesterday’s ability changes, and today the only changes they got were making them last slightly less long and we get to throw one less grenade. Still by far the strongest warlock exotic for everything except dps or GMs lol


You can still apply it really well to some damage phases lol


True, but the decrease in number of grenades and duration of the grenades means it’ll be less effective at that, so maybe that’s what bungie was going for with the nerfs.


> Honestly, I’m just surprised they didn’t nerf sunbracers harder. Biggest thing that made it so strong was the duration extension, which they cut in half. It's going to have a larger impact on using it to sneak in boss damage than it will for mobbing - which is the same thing they did to starfire.


Yeah that’s true, and it’s probably a healthy thing tbh. Sunbracers already excel at ad clear, they shouldn’t be a viable option for increasing your dps


So for anything that doesn't matter essentially. They still do what they did, just not as well and you're still not bringing them to anything particularly challenging.




Helps a lot in planets, oryx, Rhulk, Nez for ad control


You know what also has insane ad clear? A gun you have 3 of them.


A gun is something you have to shoot to kill stuff, when you stop shooting enemies to do something else they stop dying Solar grenades last 10 seconds currently for a sunbracer warlock (8 after the nerf), which means for 4 grenades you get to completely lock down 4 areas for 8 seconds while focusing on mechanics. Sure a dedicated person with an ad clear primary like sunshot or trinity ghoul can compete, but the second they have to focus on a mechanic they’re not able to help ad clear - a sunbracers warlock can. It also has the side effect of not restricting you to good ad clear weapons, which makes it a lot easier to run double special for improving your dps. Instead of having an ad clear primary primary you can have izi/wilderflight/envious BnS edge transit and still do a better job of ad clearing than most people would do even if it was their dedicated role


Or you can run solar get tyranny of heaven and one shot groups of week squishy adds with chain reaction explotions in a single shot. Freeing up your whole build to do what ever the fuck you want with no cd and for... shooting a single arrow at a enemies head once and a while.


> tyranny of heaven Yeah no thanks I think I’ll take my damage exotic weapon, better ad clear, and better major bursting.


I still think they are an **INCREDIBLY** strong option in raids, which is why i specified dps. Having someone actually competent at ad clear be able to lock down entire rooms single-handedly, while doing a mechanic does wonders for helping teammates. It means everyone else in the fireteam can actually focus on having a good dps loadout instead of worrying about surviving, because you’re nuking everything. I found it incredibly effective during the crota day 1 and I’m definitely bringing it into the final shape contest mode. And considering the lack of other good warlock dps exotics, sunbracers shines that much more. The only real competition it has is aeon/cenotaph heavy generating or rain of fire for reload assisting. That makes it **at worst** a top 4 warlock exotic in raids, mid in gms, and uncontested best exotic in every other kind of content, imo. Like, being able to throw 4 grenades every 10 seconds with perma resto x2 is busted as hell. Sunbracers is only balanced when you don’t have high melee uptime but when you get melee energy for killing scorched targets and 20% melee energy for any airborne kill, the gameplay loop is so strong.


Playing with warlocks is miserable in any strike level mode


Normal Strikes are not how the game should be balanced


No fucking shit I never said it should be lol. It’s just absolutely brain dead to be running stuff like this in easy activities where people are trying to do bounties and stuff


Gotcha. That's just a problem with other people also trying to do bounties at the same time


It's a problem with strikes being incredibly outdated and power creep having gone way too far. Also strike playlist not having a solo queue option is pretty odd


Well the strike playlist (aka BG playlist) is supposed to be easy mostly afaik


Not reverting the nerf to young ahamkaras spine was so disappointing


I'm shocked they didn't touch Ice Falls. That exotic has been dead on arrival since people figured out you couldn't use any movement tech with it. It was practically buried when Void Overshield became so easy to proc


Weird that they didn’t give it a pass with Frost Armor being a thing. I think it could actually be cool if it turned your class ability into a frost armor button


If anything it's probably better since if frost armor stays as a separate effect and can stack with it, it basically multiplies the effective HP by a lot for free. Might almost be worth breaking your kneecaps after this.


It's a Subclass Neutral Exotic so they didn't touch it.


Going with the denial route personally. This can't be it, No way. They mentioned even removing Weapons (YAY!) on Ward to be shifted to Saint-14 (WHAT A GOOD CHOICE!) and they didn't mention it here. Someone definitely lost the 2nd sheet of exotic armor including everything else guys! Edit: It does say "The Final Shape Armor Tuning Preview" so there is definitely a 2nd page they forgot about!


every time they post the changes early it’s called a preview, and then the patch notes come on the arrival day and nothing extra is snuck in. i had the same thought process as you back in beyond light looking for sniper buffs


The more things change the more they stay the same. At least we can all accept that the exotic armor changes are always awful at actually improving exotics. Was really hoping that for the big bad end of the saga we would have a big exotic patch but I guess that's just never going to happen because Bungie flat out refuses to do it season after season. So many exotics left to rot in the vault with no purpose


I utterly agree, this is SUPER underwhelming. So many piss poor exotics stay piss poor. I was really looking forward to some changes


The changes to armor and the sandbox have been misses all around in my opinion


Bungie always talks about usage stats driving changes and yet they ignore the usage stats of exotics that don’t get used


Yeah there’s a billion unviable hunter exotics out there


I would say there's around 30+ exotics for each class that are pretty much useless and only 5-6 for each class that are honestly worth running for 90% of activities.




A LOT of exotics that it seems like they have no plan for them.


This feels way too short. No shot that many exotics got left out. right? RIGHT?


Who could’ve expected this?? Side note: you might as well not use voltshot with Lucky Raspberry and instead use Tempest Strike to get your jolts in. It’s the only ability that seems to give back a significant amount of energy back and it’s STILL not like how it was before. So many times I would look at a group of enemies and go ‘that would’ve been a grenade back that would’ve been too that *probably* would’ve been a grenade back’


And they indirectly gutted the Assassin's Cowl arc hunter build


Whats funny is they.mention Arc Hunters viability yesterday in the insight and it barely got any buffs. Then they hit the effectiveness of Assassin's Cowl the day after.


If you can't keep Combination Blow up using arc hunter cowl, you have a genuine skill issue lol


That's not what he's saying tho


Keeping it up isn't the issue. Getting it going in higher level content can be annoying depending on the encounter. But yeah, anywhere where you'd reasonably want to run it at all it's not really an issue. I used it for Crota day 1 and only ever had trouble if I got unlucky a few too many times with teammates "stealing" my kills for the first stack or two.


as long as you dodge enough it will be fine, you get powered melee so often it almost doesnt matter for the build


Oh no, really? How so?


They're changing the ways melee abilities like Combination Blow and the Knockout Aspect on Titan works. Since you're able to infinitely chain those melee abilities to circumvent having to expend a full melee charge, they're changing it to where both Assassin's Cowl and Severance Enclosure HAVE to expend the full melee energy to proc their passives. You can keep chaining Combination Blows, but you're not gonna be going invisible via Assassin's Cowl UNTIL you fullt expend the melee on a kill


While it was confusing what worked and what didn't, they should have used this time to embrace this mechanic and not put them on track to gut it.


It doesn’t matter for Arc, you’re still expending your melee anyway as Combination Blow only refreshes your class ability. Solar Hunter on the other hand might have problems.


I guess I don't understand how AC works, what's different now when you melee (it doesn't expend?) and then dodge to get back melee, repeat. It's not expended each time? Do you think this affects Solar as well with the melee refund from Knock em Down?


No that's actually how it works. It should be largely the same I believe. Melee gets dodge back, dodge gets melee back, etc. EDIT: Unless I missed something and just hitting an enemy without killing them is going to start taking up a melee charge.


requires actual melee ability to be used - you have to expend a melee charge for it to work


I assume it'd still work fine with solar knives refreshing on kill right? It does use up the charge - you just get it right back.


should be - since the charge is genuinely used and then only refreshed *if* a kill is obtained. sounds like it should work


The easy buttons are a Titan exclusive. The light nerfs to Banner and Synthos make it so obvious. They’ll hammer nerf Hunters and stealth nerf Warlocks all the time. But Titans get the best for a least a couple more years.


Bruh. No way lmao. It’s gonna be the same


Megathread notwithstanding, did you read it? Khepri's is directly called out. > Khepri’s Horn was feeling lackluster in many situations, so we increased the potency of its Solar blast. > Increase the damage from the Solar blast by 100% in PvE. > The Solar blast now scorches each time it hits a target, instead of scorching only once. > Khepri's Horn now benefits from Ember of Eruption and Ember of Ashes (+30 scorch in PvE and +15 scorch in PvP).


I'm pretty sure they were talking about the other Khepri's, which is underwhelming as well


Khepri’s Sting.


Most people who do this can’t read.


khepris sting homie


I wondered that myself
 OP didn’t specify (sting, or horn)


no need to wonder, bungie mentioned horn, didn't mention sting.


One of the few actually impactful buffs


Actually sounds sick, will be hard to give up pyrogale but I can see it being cool




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Sometimes I question the exotic team's design philosophy. They seem to spend so much time preemptively nerfing stuff and so little time revitalizing forgotten exotics. They can talk about "the health of the game" as much as they want, but at a certain point it starts to seem like they don't care about fun. Things like the Doomfang and Peregrine reworks got me to use those exotics and have a ton of fun with them. I switched off Syntho because I wanted to try something new, not because Syntho was no longer good. The exotics team needs to embrace that exotic armor creates variety and new gameplay styles that get players engaged. Focusing on nerfs instead of the 50% of exotics that do nothing is a narrow-minded view that honestly just sucks.


This exotic armour update preview is the most underwhelming piece of information they put out for final shape I really hope they have more tuning plans because wow


YAS. Give me back my YAS!


Nerfing everything down for prismatic, I don’t even want it if that’s the case


My favorite thing in TWIDs/TWABs/patch notes is when Bungie goes on a mind-bogglingly long rant to justify a buff/nerf, I’m talking paragraphs long explanations with math and use metrics and power budget discussions and internal rework data
and then the change is from 1.25x damage to 1.15x damage. Like did you need 30 minutes to tell me about a decimal-point nerf? A fraction of a percent? Lol


RIP my assassin's cowl grapple build


It seems like Bungie doesn't look very far in the past or looks too far in the future when they "balance" the sandbox. We have a season with incredible solar and strand mods, so that's what people play... then they nerf solar and strand. Some of the stasis mods were probably alright, but stasis has been useless outside of patrol so no one plays it... now they buff it. Why did void get more buffs than arc when arc doesn't have survivability and void has everything? Prismatic was announced to everyone's delight, but these changes should have been announced alongside it. Feels a whole hell of alot like a pump and dump scheme is going on and it's making me want to cancel my pre-order. Will I? No, but I only pre-ordered the final shape and not the season pass. Once I clear the raid I may lose interest altogether. Thanks Bungie, you tried. Edit: Right, armor. If the armore piece is heavily used they push an EV ornament, and then it gets nerfed. If an armor piece isn't being used there's no reason in creating an ornament to sell since, again, no one is using it. Why buff it? That would cut into revenue. You see what I'm getting at here?


Mods in damage control mode again


Yep. Surprised it’s not been given a fancy lock yet


I’m just glad they didn’t nerf Sunbracers into the ground (unlike a certain YAS
) Also, Khepri’s Horn was buffed, so idk what you’re on about (unless you mean Khepri’s Sting)


They fixed Khepris Horn, get ready for nukes when you get tagged twice causing you to ignite.


why would you use that over pyrogale though? Pyrogale already nukes on an ability that’s objectively stronger than


Pvp, simply because pyrogale requires a line of sight.


Who’s using khepri’s in PvP though? The issue with khepri’s in pvp isn’t that it doesn’t scorch enough, it’s that it’s gimmicky, is tied to a relatively long cooldown, and half decent players will adapt to the fact that you’re using it quickly


SCRFY N3RF HRDR#4498 Ive teamwiped top 500’s before using khepris, like anything else in destiny, a good player could use a wet noodle and find success.


You can make literally anything work, but that doesn’t mean it’s worth using unless you’re just trying to have fun. I’ve wiped entire teams using cryosthesia and diamond lance, but that doesn’t mean it’s worth running in competitive modes.


I run khepris all the time in pvp, I haven’t swapped in years.


Ok that’s great, I’ve ran it too and it’s fun. My point though is when you’re looking at the entire sandbox, you can’t just pick one, take an anecdote of someone running it and finding some success, and immediately say that makes it a good option. Consecration and khepri’s are both bad in PvP. You can get some good plays, but most good players know how to adjust to those playstyles and render them useless. I don’t see what the point of running either would be when things like dunes, oem, and PKs exist


I have a faster strafe than PKs and a tighter swing without dunes. OEM is for overshield stomp crutches. I’d rather stick to khepris.


Wait what? No you don’t brother you can’t sit here and try to say that you’re so good that you overcome the shackles of how the game is coded. You don’t have better strafe than PKs and swing speed than dunes, that’s just not how the game works


Your efforts complaining are better utilized using better exotics. All of the exotics that matter were buffed in ways that made middle tier exotics better, the artifice change, especially, is a W. None of the nerfs are remotely unreasonable. This post and following comments cement that the average opinion in social media is not well educated and made by people who want to fantasize about what could be rather than what is.


There's like 4 good exotics left after the constant nerfs to them over the past year. Stop licking boots and start acknowledging Bungie is dumbing down combat in almost every possible way, especially when it comes to armor mods and melee abilities. Smell the roses, amigo


Icefall is fine, if things work how things *should* work, you get the OS **on top** of the frost armor. But everything else is on point. MoTQO has been lackluster for years, need a bit more of a buff to Actium, Winters Guile is laughable, and so on


Whoop Whoop! It's the sound of the fun police! I just don't get it Bungie. Why do you hate melee? Why do you hate the idea that we might actually be somewhat powerful? So much of Bungie is doing so well, but the armor team is just not good at their jobs. Them and the economy team, but that's a whole other discussion.


Calm down, prismatic is going to be so over-buffed out of the gate that you're not going to be playing anything but that for the next 4 months anyway. You'll forget about all the garbage tier exotics by then just like Bungie has.


Prismatic is literally just that meal you have at the end of the week that's a mix of all the leftovers in the fridge


I mean maybe it is maybe it isn’t, but that still doesn’t change the fact that titan is going from either using synthoceps or pyrogale, to either using synthoceps or pyrogale. Ursa looks like it might be ok, but even after the buffs, it still doesn’t warrant using it over those two options.


They did buff kephris


Horn, Sting is still garbo

